
Dawg, I'm telling you, I'm going to take a good hard look at the line when I go in for this and if it looks fucked up, I'm leaving.

Attached: Joker-Official-Images-Final-Poster-03.jpg (339x505, 27K)


Bunch of Mexicans wearing tap out shirts I'll be fine.

This says a lot about our society.

Just watched the final trailer. Absolutely fucking ruined, they pussied out.

how did they pussy out?

Haha yeah but the memes are funny tho

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The Joker is a character that doesn't benefit from an origin story at all. The less humanised he is, the better he works. Seeing an iconic villain as some frustrated loser is only gonna demystify him. Shame too, Phoenix could have made for a great Joker.

>one eyed symbolism in the poster
>embracing and promoting the archetype of the jester
>666 hand sign purposley revealed in the latest trailer
>promoting civil unrest and dysfunction

This movie is a premeditated and intentful production, it isnt just for youre entertainment, thats all i can say

the movie isnt made for our entertainment, hollywood in general actually

You're giving it way too much credit.

I mean, the Aurora shooter wasn't in line, he came through a backdoor or something

Its not even about any comic book Joker character

So it's basically just a random script they slapped the title on to sell more tickets. I assumed as much.

if you under stood the matrix that governs our society, you wouldnt assumeless. Even the culture here is largely manufactured and artificial. The kekistani cult is the product of intelligence agencies, the veneration and idol worship of a pagan frog god isnt an arbitrary occurence. Neither is the clown motif that its associated with, that strangely appeared a few weeks before the initial trailer of this very film dropped.

Such is life in the Matrix.

wow, this says a lot about oru society

Attached: joker(2).jpg (1920x1080, 427K)

They could make it work by focusing on how one bad day can break anyone but it seems more like some revolution rise up shit so I don't know



It's sad that Gotham is still the best production about super crime.

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I'm waiting for the clown makeup screenings because we live in a society

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>heather dies after award winning performance as joker
>clown massacres a theater in the movies sequel