Okay Yea Forums, let's discuss the film industry

Okay Yea Forums, let's discuss the film industry.

We know that many, if not most, celebrities are pedophiles. We know that they've been to the Eyes Wide Shut mansion parties, except there aren't naked 20-somethings, but adolescent children that are sex slaves to the 'elites'.

Pictured is the Baron and Baroness de Rothschild in one of their Masked Balls circa 1972.

The rituals they show us on the silver screen are things they actually do in real life. Except, in real life, it's way, way worse. And it involves children.

These young stars some of you fawn over? They've probably been getting ritually abused for a very long time. I remember some of you used to post Bella Thorne a lot, for instance. Even she recently admitted that she was getting sexually abused since she was a kid. These child stars.. what do you think happens to them?

Look at Dan Schneider for fuck's sake, it doesn't get more blatant. The Pickle Guy from All That was a massive confirmed pedophile.

Watch Corey Feldman admitting that the industry is full of pedophiles and that both he and his friend Corey Haim were massively abused - and how Barbara Walters replies that he's "damaging an entire industry" by doing so.


What do you guys think, and what should be done about the pedophile problem in Hollywood?

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I'd rather not end up like Jeffrey Epstein

i think it's not only hollywood but honestly i dont give a flying fuck about their personal lives

Show proof.

>The Pickle Guy from All That

Well Hollywood is dying/dead so what should be done is you need to see what other industry they have moved on to.

Don't worry, user. They can't get to the collective rising up as we are doing. Best thing to do is to spread awareness on these issues, with discernment and intuition.

Absolutely agreed that it isn't just Hollywood, it's a worldwide elite pedophile ring, for one thing, and its blueprint is very old.

I don't care what Brad Pitt or Leo had for dinner last night either, or what they think about the climate, but when the system as a whole is pushing an agenda, and uses its puppets such as celebrities to push said agenda, is when I start to become interested in what the 'elites' are trying to quietly do to this world, to myself and the people I care about. Do you really want mandatory microchips and a social credit score like in China and that fucking Black Mirror episode? Because that's what they're trying to roll out and get people to consent to, with the help of celebrity idol worship for example.

Have you ever questioned the nature of your reality, user?

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is this a thread for mentally ill?

no, this is a thread about the mentally ill, unless you think this is normal, user?


>Im Britans biggest pedo and they gave me my own TV show.

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>Do you really want mandatory microchips
Yes. Reasons for that:
- no robbery, since there is no physical money
- no bums/homeless people asking for money
- no issues with identify - immigrants tend to loose their documens to hide their identify
- microship could contain all data about your blood type, alergies and so on, very helpful for doctors and rescue teams
- no need to have driving licence, ID cards and other shit, because everything is in your database
Indivilation is present everywhere, if you like it or not, so why not make things easier for yourself if you cant avoid it anyway?

Yeah just look at Brad Pitts tattoos and weird creepy bee ring and the weird way he’s telegraphing his movements at 8:27 in youtu.be/h_W12HmsIMY
He’s either trying to recruit people with coded messaging or just self concious of what he’s so blatantly broadcasting
Now I’m usually skeptical about this type of stuff but it just struck me as odd
Also read this
>Brad Pitt is a very secretive person and thus, keeps mum most of the time about his ink and as to what it means. Brad is kind of very mystical with the meaning of his tattoos
My guess is it’s literally all woman and sort of having control over the most attractive class of women. It’s literally all about women and they’re either in contact with demonic entities or they’re just broadcasting false power in the vein and tradition of John Dee

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>What do you guys think
It’s fucked.

>and what should be done about the pedophile problem in Hollywood?

Nothing. We might get some token suspects outted here and there. But if Weinstein showed us anything, it’s that people in Hollywood are way too cowardly to say anything. In the year 2150 we might get some real pedowood stories coming out.

>Nothing. We might get some token suspects outted here and there.

pirate movies and TV

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In what form user, convictions? There are plenty of those. I can definitely help point you in a direction but it'll be up to you to read the article, watch the video, do the research, and so on. Remember what Morpheus said user: "I can only show you the door. You're the one who has to walk through it."

Here's a video for starters.


He's not 'elite' by any means, but when you're buds with obvious pedophile Dan Schneider, and you got kids watching this at the most impressionable ages (like you and I perhaps), it's more affecting than you might think.

But never mind them, let's try Jimmy Saville if you want an elite procurer of children and massive pedophile, buds with the entire Royal Family along with the rest of the aristocracy and elite social scene of the UK. How about Ted Heath, former British Prime Minister, another massive pedo. Gary Glitter. Marc Dutroux. List goes on and on and that's UK alone.

Good point, user. What other industry have they moved on to?

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>no physical money
Stopped reading there

>personal lives
what about the lives of the little children they rape and kill? fucking retard

>no robbery, since there is no physical money
Okay user. Let's say we're in the cashless society. That means the credit scores are also in place in the US. If you, who I'm guessing would have a much lower credit score than others (because how it works is, the more so-called asocial you are, the lower your score will be. That's just one of many criteria that impact your credit score, and trust me, none of the criteria are friendly to neets or near-neets.) What will stop them from shutting down your ability to pay for anything? If you don't believe there's a precedent for this, think again. Well over 3 million Chinese people were forbidden from flying out of the country, and many hundreds of thousands were forbidden from riding the TRAIN locally, because their scores were too low. And that was just from THIS YEAR.

>no bums/homeless people asking for money
>no issues with identify - immigrants tend to loose their documens to hide their identify
>microship could contain all data about your blood type, alergies and so on, very helpful for doctors and rescue teams
>no need to have driving licence, ID cards and other shit, because everything is in your database
>Indivilation is present everywhere, if you like it or not, so why not make things easier for yourself if you cant avoid it anyway?

I'm just gonna respond to this all at once.
user, do you really want the government to have total control over you? Because that's, y'know, what would happen. With RFID implants, microchips, they are able to make it "behave" in any way they want to - including killing you. This is serious 1984 shit and beyond, my friend. They've already talked about all of this, as I said it's in plain sight. Do you really want a radiation-emitting device implanted inside your body, that can affect you so tremendously? I can go into this, but please user, do research on Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030. Here's an informative video.


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>no physical money
So you don't understand anything about an economy. Good to know!

Enjoy your Nephilim DNA, dumbass.

Poor child. This article sums it up quite well.


Saville raped upwards of 300 children, which is just what's on record. He provided children for other elites, and not just for sexual purposes, but also for ritual sacrifice and bloodletting. These people are truly psychopathic on every level. It is covered up because, you guessed it, there are so many pedophiles in every level of government and media, etc, and they have so much dirt on each other (as designed), that the control system uses them like puppets very efficiently.

Remember: the compartmentalization of information, having no one know any more than they need to do their job, is how it is all kept secret at every rung of the hierarchal pyramid. The left hand never knows what the right hand is doing.

Thankfully user, there are people speaking out against abusers every day, and I do see a light at the end of the tunnel. There are people who speak out against the things their former friends are doing. Look at Isaac Kappy. Do you guys know who he is at all?

Pic: Stephen Hawking on convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein's private sex slave island, where he would traffic adolescent girls to be used by fellow 'elites' like Kevin Spacey and Chris Tucker (also flew to the island, exposed by flight logs.)

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>Chris Tucker at an Illuminati sex ritual event

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You're right that they're basically in contact with demonic entities, i.e. interdimensional negative entities, and also use what's basically black magic to get people to feed their attention (their energy) to whatever symbol or thoughtform they desire. Usually something that symbolizes Saturn. We don't know what John Dee's real agenda was, why he was working with Edward Kelley and laid out the Enochian alphabet, but we can surmise it wasn't quite as malicious as these celebrity puppets and their supporting of their masters' agenda.

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>Do you really want a radiation-emitting device implanted inside your body,
Not so different from your usual smartphone you have just few inches above said microchip.

True, but it still would be much more harmful than a chip outside your body. The fact that it is inside your body is truly something much more harmful than even the radiation from a smartphone or apple watch.

Again, guys, this agenda is not just confined to Hollywood. Think of Elsagate, I was here when we started digging this shit up and now it's become much more well known - but do most really understand the reasons for this trash?

It's not just about creepy pedos posting videos to satisfy themselves and their pedo friends, but actually about grooming children, subtly and imperceptibly mind controlling them to accept the behavior they see in Elsagate videos, normalize it and replicate it (subconsciously), but to also come to expect that kind of insane behavior from the videos. If anyone reading this isn't familiar with Elsagate, or if you are but wish to know more, check out this video touching on it.


Pic related: it's from the 1972 Rothschild Ball.

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Then include chip in some artifical devices like respirators or heart stimulators, implants or whatever. Nobody will even know.
Also radiation from something like this is marginal, it wouldnt change you into glowing mutant.

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What gods do the elites worship?

You post on 4channel, you really think they wont see you as "problematic" and remove your ability to use the chip? They have already closed bank accounts of people that have said mildly racist things

>Then include chip in some artifical devices like respirators or heart stimulators, implants or whatever. Nobody will even know.

That's their plan. They've already admitted it.

>Also radiation from something like this is marginal, it wouldnt change you into glowing mutant.

That's where I strongly disagree. May not change you into a glowing mutant, but it will actually attack your body and DNA. Not trying to convince you of anything, but I do suggest more research - radiation from smartphones alone are far from marginal. It's microwave radiation. Please watch this video and tell me what you think.


Saturn mostly, and other lesser, but still high-ranking "gods". I wouldn't call them gods, personally, but they used to be called that. They're interdimensional beings. Think "They Live" plus "The Matrix" and you have our reality to a T.

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tragically hung himself with a seperated shoulder in his prison cell while on suicide watch

I for one would like to pledge my allegiance to our jewish overlords and think that free masonry is totally not a zionist organization.
also we need more immigration and less borders for this one world government.
also fuck iran.
also we need to rebuild the temple of solomon.
also global economy>family>nation>race>religion

why should I care?

go back to sleep

i don't know mate isn't California the cult, retreat, meditation hub of the US? And pedophilia's everywhere. Like 1 in 4 girls were molested before 18. Lets not forget how hollywood started, which was one massive casting couch town, where teen starlets were lined up and fucked by the producers by the hour, still waiting on the sopranos creator's take on it

answer me.

They’re not pagans, they’re just into spooky occult dark stuff because they think it’s intellectual. Some people take it over the line, for others it’s really just about banging incredibly attractive women all the time, and the thrill and high of having people under you, socially speaking. This is all wrapped in the esoteric symbology, it’s like inverted religion. They have ‘faith’ and most likely experience ‘visions’ but they don’t have concrete hard evidence or direct contact. It’s just emotionally evocative display. But keep in mind that Jesus is real and the son of God

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Because they're literally coming after your basic freedom and sovereignty.

They want:
Mandatory social credit score (if you're spending more than a certain amount of hours on the internet, bam you take a hit. If the facial recognition camera reads your lips and registers that you said something bad about the government (this is already happening), then you take a hit and beyond, i.e. possible vanning at a certain point.)

Mandatory microchips (total surveillance and perpetual DNA scrambling)

Total Internet Censorship (you only see what THEY WANT or you get v&)

Mandatory vaccinations (don't want to get vaccines full of heavy metals and many other neurotoxins? off to prison)

They want a 1984 society, where if you say ANYTHING that isn't orthodox, you are immediately black bagged and either killed or "reformed". George Orwell wasn't a prophet, he was literally told what the agenda was by Aldous Huxley and his buddies in the Fabian Society which Orwell was brought into for a short time. Orwell left the secret society, wrote his book, and died less than a year later in a hospital where he was left alone for three hours to choke and die.

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Epstein isn’t dead the body was swapped.

back to /x/

These elites were born into it, for the most part.

When you're born into a generational Satanic family who practices Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA), then it's gonna be pretty difficult to get out of that and live a good life. They aren't "pagans", but they do believe Satanic (Saturnic) energies are very real, not just "intellectual".

These 'elites' are following an agenda that they were either born into, or brought into from an early age.

It is a very ancient agenda that has merely taken different forms over history. The real pagans, however, the Gnostics, they were onto some real shit, which of course was why they were totally wiped out and all of their texts burned (they ran the Library of Alexandria) by Constantine and basically the same "elite" bloodlines.

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Why is pedophilia so big in the elite circles and below? Why is it institutional?

Thank you user, for speaking the hard truth.

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Definitely a possibility my dear user. I'm open ended on the matter.

I understand user, I was like you once. It's not easy to admit that most of this crazy shit is actually real and happening under our noses. But trust me, it's like a breath of fresh air once you accept it for what it is.

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remember when the guys in tucson found child smuggling sites and then the mayor that was a rothchild shut the whole investigation down then there was a fire and they just let it burn down all the evidence without fighting the fire at all?
strange. me neither.

What does beekeeping mean? I'm assuming that means something else?

>some lady talking about Hunter S Thompson putting on a snuff video at his house and she was really creeped out and he told her about the whole night and how the ritual elites sexually abused two teenage blondes then set them on fire and watched them burn

Stephen was probably taken there against his will

the PARTIES look great with good taste and very expensive...Op is crazy to draw stupid correlation bewteen the two or three things...

>oh wow rich people use their crazy amounts of money to throw lavish outlandish parties and invite the other super wealthy elite

>Enjoy your Nephilim DNA, dumbass.

>>some lady talking about Hunter S Thompson putting on a snuff video at his house and she was really creeped out and he told her about the whole night and how the ritual elites sexually abused two teenage blondes then set them on fire and watched them burn
Sauce on this?

Where is she now? Why doesn’t she spill the beans?

just google it
Hunter used to brag to chicks about the fucked up things the secret elites did all the time

also it was some girl at a party and she asked who one of the masked guys was who was filming and he said Hunter S Thompson but I dont think it was really him

>We know that many, if not most, celebrities are pedophiles.
even he wannabe's

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t.schlomo shekelberg

>there is no physical money
>you piss off the wrong person one day,or end up in a Tuttle/Buttle situation like in Brazil
>your chip gets turned off so you can't participate in commerce
>"if you don't like it, make your own payment processor"
>starve, or start stealing shit to survive and your chip rats your position out to the authorities
All done in the name of convenience, goy.


Tell us more, user

Yup. She said a lot about him and there's even more evidence that Thompson was not only involved in Satanic sex slave rings, but he has personally murdered people, which he admitted to on at least one occasion. Also, remember that part in Fear and Loathing where he takes Adrenochrome? Yeah, it's harvested from a person that is experiencing an extreme amount of fear, and is taken from their brains after their death.

You think that people like him, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Lawrence Krauss (pictured with massive pedophile billionaire Jeffrey Epstein), and Bill Nye aren't part of this sick, demonic agenda too?

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>STILL defending Sam Hyde
You know the people that complain about him now are former fans, right? You guys who are still sticking up for him have become like the sycophants that still give The Spoony One money on his patreon.

Just out of interest OP, are you aware of the Dutroux Affairs?

I'm guessing you wouldn't be saying that if you also witnessed the ritual rape and murder of infants that also occurs during these giant rituals, that Eyes Wide Shut was only a tiny glimpse of.

Sorry OP, it's back to Plebbit for you.

This is more of an /x/ topic since it has to do with conspiracy theories. I highly recommend you go there and talk about it. Nobody on Yea Forums is going to want to discuss this.

post body

Symbology: the study of symbols
Symbolism: the use of symbols

This is a PSA for everyone on this site.

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A hundred years after the oxygen runs out? Good luck with that.

Epstein and more mundane abuse like that exists because hey it's reality and some people are going to be shitty, just as some poor people abuse people too.

But the image you're using OP is from a party that had a Surrealist art theme. You see, I know when you're uneducated you know jack shit about art but not everything that looks weird is automatically a "satanic ritual".

Some men fuck teens because they find them hot, it's as mundane as that. And before you get all scandalized, I bet you probably fantasize about teens too. Just as guys all over the internet, including this site, do. Are they engaging in "satanic ritual" with masks? No, they're just exercising their libido. Epstein etc are just unethical enough to use and exploit lives. Not every rich person engages in such prostitution, but some do, because again, that's reality, it takes all kinds.

This is nothing compared to the extent of child beauty pageants. The far right just screams about this more because the kid is gay.

Elsagate could just be motivated by profit.

There was that documentary a Conspiracy of Silence about those orphans from Boys Town that were involved in a child sex ring with high-profile politicians. The main kid from it claimed in a book that he was taken to Bohemian Grove where had sex with a boy on video and the kid was shot in the head after, and that the cameraman was Hunter S Thompson

How do we separate the schizophrenics from the people with real claims?

>The real pagans, however, the Gnostics, they were onto some real shit
What did they do?

Wouldn't it be really awful if someone suggestible was driven by all this to go, oh I don't know, murdering random movie stars?


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just awful

I really hope no-one here goes on a rampage.

Matrix quote and a generic "What xxx doesn't want you to know about zzz..." youtube garbo.

Very convincing.

that belgian sex ring that had kids talking about snakes being used on them by rich and powerful people
>cops investigate bullshit claims
>pictures of rich and powerful people in masks with snakes around them at a party that confirms the kids story
and everyone involved in the investigation died in a series of car wrecks