Wtf it was all a lie!
Even the purest girl in 2019 isn't a virgin after 18.

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Fuck off incel

Based and redpilled

t. leftist roastie

“Pure” gf is a broken ideal to begin with.

Amazon is still paying shills? Shut the FUCK up

Isn’t it time now for you to try having sex?

> wanting a virgin
> not dating bareback prostitutes and converting them to the Lord

Seriously bro? LMFAO

There's nothing more loyal than a whore who has been turned, and by reaching far into those who's souls have been devoured by hellfire, you do God a great service. You heal one of his children who was so lost.


Fuck a good amount of prositutes. Almost all women will suddenly look pure again after that.

Quite based, and certainly hookerpilled

You’re joking but this does work. People usually turn to drugs because there’s something fundamental missing (or broken) in their lives. If you can be that, you become their heroin.

I wasn't joking bro. I was being a bit over the top since it's Yea Forums and all, but my core point is sincere. The hookerpill is the true redpill.

Literally antibiblical

Life is antibiblical my son. That book draws an unrealistic picture.

pure gf? nah.
useful gf

This but unironically. THis is not unheard of, I know of several stories where a girl prostitute is only doing it because she has no other options in life and feels hopeless but then a good hearted guy comes along and helps her get clean and they end up together in the end. I’ve been trying to find a prostitution to save for over 9 months now. I’m confident I’ll find one. I browse nightly for local girls hoping a new one springs up because I’ve gone thru all the girls in my area. long story short, they didn’t like my advances offering to help them and preferred being escorts except for this one girl who was 19 and was fat and chunky and was hooked on vicaden. She was clearly holding in demons and looked distraught when I asked her if she would accompany me on a trip to Mexico for a week. She asked how she would get her drugs down there and if i knew anyone who sold drugs in Mexico. I told her no and she looked so pissed and never really treated me the same after so I gave up on her

tits or gtfo

>expecting to find a virgin gf in 2019
Maybe if your guy then yeah but a 18 year virgin GF is almost improbable nowadays. You have better chances of winning the lottery than finding a virgin GF OP, literally no point now. Just find yourself someone that hasn't road the cock carousel over 100 times or just wait until technology is advanced enough for you to have a designer cyborg GF with super intelligent AI

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asian guy here
my wife is a strawberry blonde catholic qt and i met her at church
you have to leave the house to make it work

You’re an idiot if you think that’s what I meant


>past 18
try 15


is she fat tho
i believe this one only because i go to church and this asian dude unironically has a qt white gf

Sure thing chink

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relifags go home

>wanting a “””pure””” gf
>wanting a timid vanilla virgin who doesn’t want her asshole eaten and fingered and doesnt want ur cum all over her face

Sorry virgins are lame and exhausting. I don’t have the energy to be patience and gentle and take things slow. I want an experience girl who’s ready to get down.

religion is pretty dope dude beats the heck out of humanism or atheism

The flip side is prostitutes also make fun of the people who want to save them.

You can work them user. That's part of a relationship

so you want girls who are trad and thus go to church
but you think you're alright without going to church, and want to pick up girls, plural
i should smash your skull with a claymore

You just eat there ass anyway you omega they get into it pretty soon

Yeah all women are whores. Just accept it and move on. You can't change reality so stop getting mad about it.

>super TradCath autist friend
>proper devout and into it
>sleeps with a new girl twice a week.
>dates ultra pure cute Baptist babe is really in love with her
>a pastor at her church does some Baptist voodoo shit and prophesizes that she is dating the wrong guy
>she splits up with him
>they still fuck every other day
It's all a myth. Everybody is fugging except me and you.

It’s being presented the choice between harsh truth and comforting lie, and going for comfort.

This isn't Pretty Woman guy

>current year
>thinking some hollywood slag is going to be pure

that's a really simple way of looking at it, don't you think?

this post reeks of female
reminder that every guy will want to fuck you but they'll never get into a committed relationship with anything but a pure, stoic maiden

she's not fat
a little taller than me


>saving women in 2019
user, don't waste your time

It’s a simple choice. People fear what they don’t understand, and religion puts a stern but loving face on a harsh and random (thus, incomprehensible) reality.

that's a grandiose claim without a single solid claim


lmao straight people are so fucking stupid

Based and stan smith pilled

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Real talk how'd you bag a cute gf taller than you? Sounds kinda surreal.

he's lying it's the new meme on 4channel

there are no pure girls and there is no love, it's all made up. the only thing there is, is dick and pussy, nothing more. it's all about that and anyone telling you otherwise is lying.

lol no don't go to church looking for love.

Have fun dying of STD before turning her. Whores are extreme biological weapons, I know from experience. It's like 50/50 gamble with your genitals or life.

>You pick up this working girl, who's hooked on smack, who hustles and scores.
>"That's all I do," she says.
>She says, "ten bucks for head, fifteen for half and half."
>She says, "three hits a day at thirty-five per."
>You say, "that's seven tricks a day at least."
>"But," she says, "sometimes I get lucky. Once this guy gives me a bill and a half just to eat me. Only time I ever came."

>You figure you can save her.

>You sell your color TV. That keeps her off the streets a whole day. You hock your typewriter for one jolt. Then your shotgun, your watch.
>A week later, you say, "listen, I'm a little short."
>But she says, "no scratch, no snatch."
>You say, "look, it is better to give."
>"But," she says, "beat off, creep."

>One night they spot you on the street in your skivvies, trying to sell your shoes. You tell them who you are, but they nail you.
>Then she happens by, and she says, "Christ, you look fucked." She says, "hang tough."

>But you don't say anything.
>You just think, what a bum rap for a nice, sensitive guy like me.

>It's all a myth. Everybody is fugging except me and you.
More or less. There's no purity in the world. There never was, really.

Even church "Texas-ish"girls are getting corrupted by modernism, churches and modern day christianism are modernizing themselves to look good and cater to contemporary days, that should not be a surprise to you OP

Your coming off a bit moorish....

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there are probably 10 virgin women in the united states

Worthless Cumbrain

between the 30 odd posters ITT we've apparently met every woman there is wow

Only if you fuck blacks

>Love's not real Morty
>It's j-j-just a bunch of chemicals *BURP*

You know, you can actually convert church girls into nationalism real easy. Most "Texas girls" are just playing up lipservice (this is something all women do), considering how point blank racist, and anti-lgbt they are IRL when all the social necessities fade away. Churches, as a whole, have always been about more traditional people meeting up to fuck and get married. Why else do you think the sermons are all literally the same? Fucking no one actually listens to them, there's only so much of the Bible that you can actually cover for wide audiences.