What is the best street fight scene in a movie?

What is the best street fight scene in a movie?

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What's going on there

Anything in Blood and Bone.

brown people doing brown people things

They Live

is this the one where her titty flies out?

Women fighting are such a fucking joke

>brown people
>its a light skinned woman

Hello Ted Bundy, maybe Dahmer, gay

What did you expect, retard?

>tfw this dumb bitch tries to throw a milkshake at the behemoth advancing upon her but ends up dumping the entire thing on herself before getting folded in half by the gigantic troll


Let me guess you're a shitskinned American?

Nothing. I was just saying

based morbidly obese mcdonalds manager

>top says Neveda

White woman almost certainly did something stupid and antagonistic and forgot that this time, despite looking like a man, the person she was doing it to was in a fact a woman and therefore in this case there might be consequences for her actions. Out of 100 times a white woman gets beat the fuck up, there might be 1 time where she wasn't practically begging for it to happen.

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Fucking christ, that beast is massive. I'm telling you, in a couple of years rich folk will end up killing everything in Africa and they'll have to go to America to hunt down these specimens.

Based post from top to bottom.

Well no one fucking cares what you have to say you dumb shitlicking cunt. So keep your fucking mouth shut in future.

Jesus Christ, that lady's a tank.
Second fight makes me laugh, because you know someone someone twisted it into "Muh racist police."

Why the hell did she think she was invincible? Even cognitively impaired people have some sense of self preservation.

literally everyone in that video is either some sort of pig ching chong spic mutt or a nigger though

Based bloathog

lanky faggot at the end has some moves

me as the chair


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Be honest, guys. Would this unit have BTFO you?

Subhuman women and Subhuman kin are wired a little differently in how they respond to these situations. The white woman will start shit because generally she knows there won't be any consequences for her actions until there is. The subhuman and kin will start shit for a similar reason, but they'll assume their gang members will drop down from the rafters and come to their rescue. They know they'll take some damage, but they never assume it will be significant because any time they start shit there's always a melee. This subhuman found herself isolated with no one in her ghetto phalanx to support her. Very dangerous spot indeed especially against that behemoth.

If you've ever lived in the hood some of the women there fight like men. Closed fists, stomping on people's heads, I've seen some ill shit over the years. I wouldn't mess with them

It's still a woman, just knock her skull a few times

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Jesus Christ. If you actually watched the video you’d see: a. No one in that video is remotely close to white and b. You’d clearly see what the little spic did wrong (she threw a drink at Spiczilla)

Why are you so afraid of everything all the time? Your life must be a nightmare.

Just pull guard lol

lol. Ok nigger


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LMAO the two old boomers who cant beat up a drunk guy.

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Jesus I can practically smell the pussy juice leaking out of your pores through my computer screen lol...Go do some pushups.

>White woman
Well at least they was no shooting