Star Wars Land is cursed!

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They look like Christmas ornaments

TSA are a bunch of dicks.

I'm sure Disney will make a donation to change their minds.

>Demand bigger government
>Get assblasted when it inevitably and eventually turns on you

Why are leftists so retarded

>Demand bigger government


>someone actually makes a bomb out of one
not a chance Disney really blew it but hey they'll probably cut the price by half or more

the cap is literally glued on to a normal coke bottle cap.

Thats cause they also used this design for chritsmas coke

Oh no how dreadful. Brb have to go on Ebay for a second.

Attached: thumb_low-quality-bait-fuck-you-cuck-mods-4224189.png (200x202, 15K)

dark forces for pc is the only part of the star wars universe that matters. thermal detonators are in the game, but lightsabers aren't.

thermal detonators are more canon than lightsabers.

Did you just literally deny that Leftists want more government?

Eesh, indeed.


thats also a fingering and detention

>Make spherical drink container
>Make it a bomb instead of BB8
I swear Disney is run by brain dead retards


OK boomer

The left openly wants more government. The right says it wants less, but seldom means it.

did you deny that nazis don't want daddy government to take care of them?


BB8 is fucking gay and nobody wants this. I didn't even think they were meant to be thermal detonators, just weird canon drinking bottles.

>that layout
Fake as fuck

They're supposed to be believable in the universe, Galaxy's Edge is a LARPing experience essentially


fuck TSA agents, I merely smiled at one once and then...

Daily reminder that there is no such thing as a "libertarian left", libertarian ideologies are inherently right wing. A ever growing big government is a requirement for the every day new "social correction" the left asks for. Read Guy Sorman.

Everyone in the left side of the compass is a boot licker, but not everyone on the right is.

nice a boomer lefty

You mean national socialists aka leftists?

>scan shows a shadow on your inner thigh. before i pat you down, are there any sensitive areas you might have?
yeah, slightly larger than average area.

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To be fair, on an x-ray they probably would look a lot like a grenade.

Disney probably give up on him, you don't see him on any of the new scenes shown in the trailer

there is literally no political party of any significance in the states that actually wants less government power. Republicans will say they are the party of small government then pour billions of dollars into surveillance agencies and military budgets.

It's their fault he isn't more popular. He needed more characters to play off him, and a more defined personality. R2 is a giant asshole, and he had Luke and C-3PO to play off his potty mouth.

BB8, is just there. Things happen to him, but you never get a sense of his personality. The lighter scene is the closest he ever got to a personality, and the only scene people remember when they think about him.

Small government = military and law enforcement. Just kys fucking brainlet. Less laws = less law enforcement. Less politcial control/gov = less laws to enforce.
Republicans are a mix of conservative and liberals, classic liberals, not some US bullshit unddrstanding of liberalism.
Man fuck all the retards arguing over politics with zero understanding, its the reason the world is shit.

itd probably look like plastic

They're more than 3oz. aren't they? Of course they would be banned. Or are the empty bottles themselves banned because they look suspicious?

You can't bring liquids aboard a plane anyway, unless they're in teeny tiny containers, and even then there's a limit (really low). What the fuck is newsworthy about this

>a LARPing experience
>no actual LARPing allowed, only corporate approved "bounding"
I don't know why they thought this would work

Daily reminder you're a retard who needs to read Rothbard and Hess

>Throws thermal detonator at you

Attached: jedi outcast - gran.jpg (256x256, 34K)

Please be my gf

You’re a leftist commie subhuman who needs to be thrown out of a helicopter

>TSA was created under a republican president

Holy shit you people are retarded! No wonder the jews trick you so much lol.

It was only created thanks to (((Democrats))) pushing for it. It was made more mild than the Democrats wanted it, which would have stripped us of all our rights if it passed in its original form

They look like they contain about a quarter of a normal can of coke.

It’s the empty bottles that are banned now.

Disney put them onto it. Disney does not like any park exclusive stuff getting out.

>still believing corporations have any interest in lefty polices outside gay rights, feminism and cheap immigrant labor
>still believing that the rich are marxists who want to throw away their money

Attached: 1528769656531.jpg (682x600, 100K)

>politically relevent in 2019
pick one bootlicker

My first game mod was making a COGscript to add Force Push into vanilla JK, it was cash pushing detonators back at them.

To live life as a woman is to live life on the defense. #BelieveWomen

ITT: 4chans shows their lack of political knowledge, and only knows about what Facebook tells them

What'd you expect from a Television themed board? Socrates reincarnated?

Not only does that have nothing to do with what user said, but it isn’t 2004 user more user.
Corporations are either filled with liberal college students or they are entirely afraid of getting negative PR from them.

>go to airport
>facial recognition cameras activate
>ties your face to picture of your naked body when you go through the PornoScanner
>pervert pats you down, taking extra care to cup the balls
>get interrogated for having a thermos with water in it
>But oh, it's okay, the government deletes all of the pictures within 48 hours, we promise :^)
What are some kinos about taking trains instead?

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles

Train to Bosun

No they're not. We only give a shit if the liquid is more than 100 ml. Even then they can dump the coke and keep the bottle. Checked baggage might take a closer look but it'll fly.

Wanting more humanitarian regulations and libertarian practices does not mean "wanting more government".

That's a right ideology.

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>tfw lefty
>tfw have a Beard which rivals Marx in length

Libertarianism was born from rightist ideas fucktard, lefties were the ones in the French Revolution that wanted the government "of the people by the people for the people" to regulate everyday's life. Ask Robespierre head how that went.

they're souvenirs you dumb fuck, no one will buy them if they can't take them home.

people are hocking everything that isn't nailed down on ebay

*blocks your path*

Yes and? Anarchism is a whole other animal.

They can't even design a Thermal Detonator properly

>Wanting more humanitarian regulations and liberal practices does not mean "wanting more government"

But it equals to. Whenever you say "I want the government to do X", you are opening a new area where it can interfere and regulate, thus increasing the state power. Hate speech laws for example, you are now giving the government the power to punish people in regards of opinion, and "punishment for using wrong pronouns" you are giving the government the power to actively dictate how you fucking talk.

A grave mistake people who increase the government power do, is to delude themselves into thinking their political side will always be in power. Have it ever passed through your minds that the absurdly invasive law you defended today, might be used against you in the future? No, you didn't. You only think on the present, you see politics as a "good vs evil" thing, and every step you do is based in contempt for the other side. That's why boot lickers from both sides are fucking stupid.

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based agorist