Can you guess what it is?

Attached: SmartSelectImage_2019-08-28-23-36-27.png (1274x2155, 1.61M)

It looks like it’s made for a low budget CGI children’s cartoon?


Brapppp posters got an inside man and have made braaap posting mainstream

kylo isn't left handed

they talkin about toy palpatine there?

is it the veiny robo cock? I thought star wars fans loved cock?

Attached: rise-of-skywalker-offical-poster-dckd23.jpg (1350x2000, 521K)

Kylo is like 10 feet closer to the foreground and theyre both looking past each other?

Kylo has the high ground.

So what is it, OP?
I don't have all day.

Attached: 1564848357306.jpg (1062x1062, 107K)

when will they learn

Attached: small-johnson.webm (1280x544, 2.15M)

No Boyega

No karaboga

Nor the fat Korean chick.

They used a bad CGI render of Palpatine that came from a toy line and its not an actual picture of actor.
Kylo looks huge because of his positioning.

Attached: 7c2.jpg (608x608, 41K)

That's an official poster? I assumed it was a fake leak, I mean that Palpy looks like very "fanedit"

Let me guess: the author isn't talking about how Sheev looks and instead goes on about some other nonsense?

Kylo has the high ground?

To be fair, you would be saying that no matter how he looked

Palpatine is a toy.

Mind if I save it?

may your dick shoot laserbeams, user


Congrats, OP. Someone wrote an article about you!

Jesus Christ, is that real?

look how fucking weird that mesh of the cape over palpatine looks, its so obvious its a small figurine

>To be fair, you would be saying that no matter how he looked
What kind of mental illness is this?

The man has the high ground

Fucking kek