Attached: 1566988406732.jpg (680x453, 132K)

Other urls found in this thread:

forced meme

and cringe

Attached: FIBONACHIRU.jpg (2700x1800, 622K)

>forsh remu pree stop

Attached: 1566031084180.jpg (810x810, 83K)

>keep believing you got the upper hand white boi

bing bong ching chung kong ling dingaling

Attached: NO BICYCURU.jpg (635x909, 172K)

0 effort lousy meme. No wonder china will surpass you

I don't get how this triggers people, or people think it's based on reality.
It's like posting a screen shot of the Jews mowing down Hitler in Inglorious Bastards, and thinking that is how it went down in history.
It's all fantasy head canon you dumb retards.

Tarantino movies seem to be good at throwing Yea Forums posters into full autism-mode for some reason.

*gong sounds*

4.2 inches, Naruto

Attached: 4E7ED1CC-DAC6-4CD3-80D7-2D4CB8DBB196.jpg (770x1148, 115K)

Next time make it with stereotypical texan accent


Attached: 1566764676517.png (644x800, 174K)

The chinese are a hivemind thats why they get offended so easily

Small dick chinks get very angry when anything threatens their ‘masculinity’. And by small dick, I mean the average Asian penis size is 4.2 inches. Erect.

Come suck it then whiteboi since you are so obsessed with our dicks

Theyre all super insecure about being interchangeable insect-people

mfw china surpasses usa to become THE dominant global superpower meanwhile whitoids are obsessing over forced memes

Attached: 1521149324535.jpg (276x267, 29K)


How butthurt do you have to be to edit this image lmao

>the average Asian penis size is 4.2 inches. Erect.

Can confirm.

t. Asian

China is Americas bitch

Attached: 1567007345349.png (1620x1080, 1.22M)

How do you not kill yourself. No wonder your women won’t even date you. Lmao


Attached: 1554067286841.png (1236x824, 611K)

oh shit thats hollibre
i thought every woman wanted a gaping roast beef mess of a hole after sex

Attached: 1543716569483.jpg (640x800, 130K)

>with no future
he has outlived Lee by 22 years so far

You'll get replaced by non-whiteq in a single generation (already 55% of the newborns) because of your jewish-lover Trump whore while the han masterace will rule the world

and you can do NOTHING about thatb

T. american mutt losers

Attached: 8f8.jpg (678x674, 76K)

I get dates though. Not sure about you incels thinking that existing is enough for Asians to fall on your lap lmao.

>thinking that existing is enough for Asians to fall on your lap
are you implying this isn't the case?

Attached: 1553683623281.webm (1500x990, 2.12M)

Attached: japanese with chinese womens.jpg (701x480, 68K)

You posted video of your latest Asian gf conquest user?

Or is that a richer man than you with a whore?

China is Americas bitch

do you have a huge collection of these?
lol incel

Keep buying our shitty affordable electronic devices from ebay and aliexpress whiteys and we will see whose economy will collapse first

Attached: raughs-37531297.png (500x522, 173K)

now THIS is cope

Attached: 1546236707155.jpg (460x1051, 204K)

KEK wasn't expecting this one

Thank you prease honorabre chink-san

Attached: 1566763286170.png (600x563, 264K)

>incel loves Asians so much he fantasizes about fucking the males too


>not understanding devaluation of the yuan is actually a good thing

Your economy will be so shit having you make those devices will be equivalent to legalized slavery.


>All this new OC
Kek you niggas always take shit too far

Huh. I don't see companies rushing to Venezuela with their devalued currency lmao.

Don't worry whites, your grandsons will get that big cock that you always fantasize about.

Attached: maxresdefault (1).jpg (1280x720, 118K)

OMG the chinkcel butthurt is off the charts!!!

>yuan devaluation is a good thing

So why is China desperate to make a new deal with Donald Trump then?


>even asian men can't tell them apart from their women
>wonder why women don't want them

Attached: 1545106866640.webm (480x272, 1.71M)

>th-they're butthurt n-not us

Attached: 1566784249131.png (1080x720, 665K)

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

was it kino?

Attached: chinese-man-being-beheaded.jpg (600x815, 50K)

Yeah women definitly want someone who autistically spams the same webm over and over on 4chn


Attached: A038E962-6CE1-4FE0-87CA-AC0F374342C3.jpg (1200x1009, 258K)

so you search these out and collect them?

it's not the 60's anymore, user
America is now China's bitch


Im sorry fellow Chinese moviegoers, I was disrespectful with my latest movie towards your great culture, so I will delete that racist scene. Please go see my movie, its flopping hard in the western box office, I need your money plz

Attached: shutterstock_10343954ah.jpg (780x520, 180K)

theres a big difference between Venezuela and China white monkey not that your pea brained brain can comprehend it. a devalued yuan offsets any damage the tariffs would otherwise have done meaning any negative impact of the tariffs are literally neutralized

we've all heard this shit before, we've heard since the trade "war" began, xi wont make any deals that would damage china economy wise or respect wise meanwhile the us president lies everytime he takes a breath

I don't think anyone would want azn masculinity blacked spammers too

u mad?

Attached: 1566825963172 (1).png (500x733, 345K)

China, oh no! No, no no!

Attached: 1551476321697.png (800x1672, 209K)

>brazil 6.3
>mfw I'm 5.11 while 6 foot tall, so it looks even smaller by comparison
Maybe being a permavirgin is good thing. I couldn't handle the look of disappointment a girl would give me over my dick.

Attached: 1466815570388.jpg (600x800, 74K)

surplus of qts for asian dudes, what with all the incels spending all day crafting their wonderous memes and taking themselves completely out of the game, lol

Attached: 1566436577423.jpg (3000x2250, 722K)

3 billion more where that came from

literally american asian which is in the same standing as a dog in asia. you wont find this kind of degeneracy anywhere in asia


Attached: 1566914962333.png (736x626, 47K)

what's more pathetic, saving racebait images or saving images of other couples to try and deny racebait?
Honest question.

Attached: 1550503612208.gif (300x300, 3.45M)

Except you have no evidence that I spam BLACKED porn meanwhile we have all the evidence that you have some sort of asian fetish

What kind of fucking alpha gets this kind of chick? Makes me fucking mad.

>no evidence
so not denying it, eh chinky?
everyone noticed as soon as these threads got into gear that blackedposting ceased.

im so glad asian guys only read statistics
then go out and find a qt to keep him company

Attached: 1561900469249.jpg (1080x652, 216K)

Spend less time on this shitty site shitposting with 16 year olds

It's flopping hard because Sony is a shitty distributor, the actual fucking worst. That's why all Sony movies flop, it is not because of the quality.

It only aired outside of USA in august 15, and even them It was hard as shit to find a theater who was airing it. No wonder it is flopping. How do you want people to watch your movie if not only you just give it almost a month late, you just put it in a few cinemas? Same shit happened with BladeRunner, I had to go into the other side of the city to watch it.

Attached: 1531226056200.jpg (550x397, 104K)

Me watching all those chinese everyday life webms

Attached: 15666170.jpg (260x304, 22K)

>white women are all whores
>having a white gf is an accomplishment

Attached: 20190828_072131.gif (272x352, 2.76M)

>Except you have no evidence that I spam BLACKED porn meanwhile we have all the evidence that you have some sort of asian fetish

Attached: 1566849274447.jpg (960x720, 87K)

>a devalued yuan offsets any damage the tariffs would otherwise have done
The tariffs aren't in yuan but in dollar lol. The whole point of tariffs is to discourage companies from going to China for cheap labor.

Cute kid. Black genes will make him strong and prevent balding and no chin that whites have

I'm talking about all the lowlife gooks that got assblasted over this meme while spamming blacked for months, wasn't referring to you if it didn't apply and I'm not the guy that posted the webm either
Chink masculinity shills are the most pathetic posters here, you can't deny this

>stats don't matter!
>here is my folder of complete strangers I've collected to nurture my fragile psyche

Attached: 1550020822422.gif (300x198, 575K)

that webm along with alot of stats is misleading, indians are also considered "asian" so they eschew the findings negatively

i feel bad for asian guys sitting alone posting ironic memes all day while chad alphas get the girl

Attached: 09802902.jpg (959x959, 88K)

dis isu no fony, yu neanderatalu

Attached: Capture.png (400x395, 149K)

Why are chinks so bad at war? Japan practically raped them with little effort, a country that would fit inside china almost ten times.

I don't really care if you think I spam BLACKED, you can continue spamming your shitty racebait images like the loser you are.


Wait, what happened to her? Your GIF, I don't get it.

Indians do better with oriental women than oriental men though

Is that his adoptive mother?

>white women are whores
mmm... tell me mores

Attached: 8987979.jpg (1080x1080, 112K)

>like the loser you are.
the chinky is getting stinky!

Attached: 1557264750913.gif (270x271, 877K)

>white cucks are to pussy to go after the blacks so they blame blacked on asians and target asians
Lmao. Black dudes slay white pussy and white guy ego on the reg while whites make shitty meems

I feel bad for asian "men"

Attached: facts.jpg (700x467, 84K)

Balding affect niggers too genius

as if your shitty screencap will save your collapsing country lmao

thats the biggest lie I've heard yet, no one likes indians and chinese asians hate them most

please take care of my fragile ego, haha

Attached: 1555852799298.jpg (689x793, 214K)

he is a performance artist

>same IP
maximum damage control

How much money does that guy have?

Ive never seen a balding nigger tho. They all have nasty undying fros. Same with spics ive never seen a balding spic

Funny that in these couple of AMWF you people post, every time you look into it you discover the asian dude is rich as hell.

Post me a broke chink with a white gf, and them I will believe you.

I always thought Asians and white people were tight. What happened guys?


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it doesn't even look convincing. Like I ain't even mad or threatened at all.

blame brad pitt

Its already been destroyed

>Ive never seen a balding nigger
What fucking rock do you live under?

Tarantino showed that Asians aren't honorary white after all.

Not sure. His wife sure is pretty tho.


Attached: 1566821045029.jpg (640x712, 107K)

blame Tarantula

I have no issues with whites IRL, it's just shitposters with nothing better to do than racebait, these threads aren't even allowed on /pol/.

mfw white fucks get btfo when it concerns blacks so they take it out thier frustrations on asians

Attached: 1566971414979.jpg (601x601, 19K)

Actually, all women are whores. And that doesn't exclude that the prettier ones are trophies, those are not exclusive things.

Jews. Pol cucks are the biggest jew pawns ironically
>jews wanna divide america and its people to make it weaker
>polfags are retards who hate everyone including themselves
Jews already won. Whites as it turns out, are even more retarded than niggers

Literally some of the most famous baldos are niggers and spics the fuck are you talking about?

and now its just you and Yea Forums for the rest of your life haha

How much did he pay in yuan for the hooker?

im still cool with it
fuck niggers though like the hanging from trees type

it's worse. These are all westernized mutt asian incels who have no national identity and are rightly considered a bunch of weak treasonous faggots at their home countries. They wil loudly deny that they like China or communism and larp as civil libertarians but go to their computers and post about muh superior azn race like the cockroaches they are

Spics, niggers and chinks are going to team up against whitey in the upcoming race wars

stay in your room to avoid judgment

>chinkoids post blacked to get back at whitey
>works for awhile
>Bradposting starts
>blackedposting dies down because chinkoids are too busy doing damage control
>everyone notices
this is too good

Attached: 1538536175864.jpg (1859x1672, 293K)

>these threads aren't even allowed on /pol/.
You can't be serious

Asian women REALLY like white men

Attached: 1566915785576.png (608x3840, 1.36M)

Look at White women are the most racially aware race of women.

They are self-reported for the most part, they add at least an inch every time. So it's around 5" like everywhere else. So you can too into bigu dicku.

All according to the jewish plan because whites became retarded loud idiots. Like i said, gg jews win.

I can't, I have gym today. Skipping it is a sin.

Like? Theres far more white balding men than any other race.

spics and chinks are bigger racists when it concerns the nigger

Where is that image sourced from anyway? I see it all over the place on Yea Forums.


Spics hate niggers more than white people do.

>british teeth
>gross Asian looks

lmao she must really like anime

Attached: 1558384377284s.jpg (250x248, 6K)

Burden of proof is you. Where are all those famous balding nogs and spics you mentioned? That was the initial argument dont change the subject now

Its made up by white incels

She looks like Brianne Benson a performer in the arts of getting fucked on camera.

there's more to life than badly managed testosterone

I havent been talking to you reatard
give stats or fuck off little guy

chinks have no testosterone


>pretends to be someone else when the argument doesnt swing his way
Yeah nigger. Get your source or eat a dick badly.

Can I ask all the asian guys a serious question.
What do you do exactly when a girl tells you she has a "no asians policy"?
How do you play that off?
Being exclusionary to asians seems to be the only socially acceptable way to be currently.
It's even more acceptable than saying you don't date fat people.

Attached: 1559642177452.png (5000x5000, 363K)

>How much money does that guy have?
more than you have cutie pie

ching chong

Attached: 1566900348298.jpg (1886x958, 375K)

Why can't you all just be happy that both your races women are attractive and desirable? How about we discuss some movies, fellas?

>shilling this unsourced meme image
Do you have an obsession with being BLACKED or something?

Attached: dd5db5971ddad62b92fd1f32c81cc9af_crop_north.png (316x211, 80K)