
I just watched this kino.
Can we have a thread about it?
I think it was pretty good.

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it was ok until they started crawling in the ceiling


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I loved it, and while I'm not a horror fan (Alien is about as far as I got) it was very effective and engaging.
Could have done without the roaring effect and the bombastic drums when possessed Annie chases Peter up to the attic and of course it's a possession movie so there just has to be someone yelling GET OUT at some point, so I could have ignored that if it hadn't been so obvious. Also, when Annie is rummaging through her late mother's belongings, there's a conveniently highlighted book of demons etc
Way to spell it out, but I still love it. It stayed with me a long time after, and getting to know the family before the horror stuff inevitably comes around was great. A lot of people seem to hate the family drama part of it, but that's what I liked most. It makes the more clichéd horror stuff far more effective when you care about the characters.

People who hate the family drama part were themselves a part of a family like that. I know a lot of people who watched it and were more uncomfortable by the dinner table scene than anything else. I don’t see women as human anymore so I didn’t have as profound an effect on me as say, Charlie’s head on the mannequin or the mantras carved into the wall. I think those are what helped demonically charge the atmosphere


what was the best scene for you op? for me was the emotionally draining scene of when the boy returns from the party and just lays there, waiting for the mother to find the dead daughter. truly soul-shaking and blood-curdling.

It was an alright movie, but it was terribly unfocused and extremely derivative.

I agree about the family stuff helping the movie a lot. Exorcist is effective for the same reason (among others). Main difference is that that family was happy where as the Hereditary family was fucked up from the beginning.

An enjoyable film if the plot hasn't been spoiled for you.
The film certainly lingers with you afterward, especially if your parents kept family secrets from you that you only found out when you were an adult. I think that's a common thing in family dynamics; family secrets and problems we inherit from our parents that come back to haunt us.

My mother had extremely abusive and insane parents, who I have not seen in almost 20 years. Growing up and finding that out shook me and made me realise how tonnes of stuff from my childhood made sense. Still, worry about what I've inherited from my grandparents. This film brought it all back and helped me reflect on the experience in a new light with the cold sobriety of fear.


Not op but that part starting at the party was great. I felt so bad for him.
I find your review to be shallow and pedantic.

>the Hereditary family was fucked up from the beginning.
True, they did come off that way with poor Steve just trying to keep everyone together. When Annie makes the minature scene of the Charlie accident, all he has to say is "Jesus Christ, Annie." He's just as powerless as the rest of the family. They're all kinda isolated from each other and doomed from the start really, completely helpless.

it was okay for a recent horror movie. all recent horror movies have been complete shit. the autopsy of jane doe is still better imo.

>I find your review to be shallow and pedantic.
It was pretty boring and everything it tried to do, a different movie has already done better. Some of the acting was alright, and there were a few good laughs, but other than that it was boring. I wasn't on the edge of my seat at the end because I didn't give two shits about any of the characters, so their fates meant nothing to me

>horror movie
>only the last 10 minutes are scary
yea it was pretty trash

>highlighted book of demons

I remember noticing this while watching but i think was ok, its plausible she highlighted some things she was supposed to do in the ritual, maybe she was showing it to someone else

but user the movie is suppose to be slow burning, bone-chilling, jumpscare lacking and thought provoking.

the beheading and the mother screaming are more chilling than any 80s horror

You're that one guy who watches a horror movie and has to talk about how not scared he was every time as if anybody fucking cares, aren't you?

haha okay this is based... this is deep

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Yeah it would have been fine, but for me it was a little too on-the-nose and obvious, as if all the other cues weren't enough. It cheapened the atmosphere a bit, took me out for a little while.
"Oh okay, that's a catch-up for the people looking at their phones."
I guess it's not that bad, but it really did take me out and the obvious is not all that scary to me.

>I don’t see women as human anymore
based and, dare I say it, redpilled

>for me was the emotionally draining scene of when the boy returns from the party and just lays there, waiting for the mother to find the dead daughter.

fucking this.