I am bread

i am bread

Attached: 1566790640938.jpg (640x328, 45K)

shut the fuck up


Get off our board. You don't belong here.

>Why yes, i am bread. How could you tell?

Attached: Bread.png (1024x719, 526K)

hello bread. how are you today?


seething tranny sneed kys have sex rent free

there's a cat in the flour(floor)




Attached: cat.jpg (1024x719, 155K)

become bread

bread I become

formerly grain


name of the qt furry? also source of the doujin?

Attached: MakingBiscuits.gif (397x397, 1.71M)

she's being bred lol


artist is akitokit

There is a fascinating story for this. When the Romans took control of ancient Egypt they knew they had to make the Egyptians bow to themm and used cats to do it. Cats were revereed as deities, so the Romans enslaved the cats and forced them to make bread, thus robbing them of their divinity. So when cats do this know, they are remembering the dough kneading of their ancestors to honor them.

Attached: cat-bread-illustrations-mikiko-5a1ed226eadb0.jpg (800x475, 185K)

A cute girl walked into lecture late and the only seat left surprise surprise next to me. She sat there for a minute and then whispered something to chad and they switched seats. FUCK FUCK FUCK WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH ME AAAHHHHH! I DID NOTHING WRONG IN LIFE I DID NOTHING WRONG. I DONT DESERVE TO BE SHUNNED. I WANT TO BE LOVED! IS THAT TO MUCH TO FUCKING ASK. FUCK FUCK FUCK AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

chad wants ur bussy

Chad gave me a dirty look after they switched. I literally did nothing to them. I dont even know them

Eats u*


You smell like sour cream. Don't ask me how I know, I just know.


Are you unsightly or smelly? If not then ignore, if so then take the hint and wash yoself


have bread

Were you streaming prisma Illya in lecture again?