Post depression kino

post depression kino

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my inevitable biopic

Who would watch a movie about an obese neckbearded manchild spending every day on a star wars forum

im not obese I watch my weight very carefuly

>Who would watch a movie about an obese neckbearded manchild spending every day on a star wars forum

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>director killed himself after finishing the film
need to watch it

it has a kino trailer too

No one's gonna make a movie about your boring ass life.

Which encode should I grab? The TBF or SaL? Need to watch it before grabbing the remux

where can i watch this with subtitles

depression is a meme

It's not that good. 4 hours of asians standing still looking :(

The true meme is happiness. Only through apathy and renouncement you can achieve truthfulness.

That's fucked up.

Obese neckbeards can be interesting to watch, chances are that user is painfully average.

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You don't sound like you really know how to explain why you don't like something.

i would actually watch a movie about a fat guy having a sad day. the movie should have a tragic ending though



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Thanks for reminding me to see this.

If you want more Asian depressionkino, check out Bleak Night (파수꾼). It's pretty different from the Korean movies that are talked about here a lot.

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honestly women literally have no idea what depression is unless they are 1/10 and obese.

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all about lily chou chou
Tokyo sonata

>implying living in rural mainland china isn't a death sentence for anyone

Suck my butt.

The tragic ending would be that every day after would be the exact same until he died fused to his bed surrounded by pissjugs

You sound like a retard.

chungking gives me that depression kino feel. something about the way its filmed, with it all being mostly at nighttime & so closed off

shut the fuck up roastie

watch Fallen Angels if you haven't

Fuck off retard.


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The girl is so cute as well but also looks attainable enough that you believe it. If they made it with a slightly less cute girl or if they made it with someone who looks too unattainable like a supermodel, it wouldn't be so powerful but the actress they found is absolutely perfect for the part.

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the sun sets
another day shut inside the room
scrolling through threads trying to find something to kill the boredom
haven't showered in days
back hurts
I wonder what my high school buds are up to
god i hate them

No Misaki for us.

>tfw found my misaki, even became frens with the author of the welcome to the nhk book

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I'll believe you, user. I'll believe you. Hope you're doing good then.

I really, really, really wish I had a gf.

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would be played by Jesse Plemons

How can an ost perfectly capture the particular feeling of seeing the days go bye as you root alone...
Fucking perfect.

>that cringy amateurish drivel

Stop shilling your shitty short

kek in case you anons can play the guitar

Holy shit, slavs hang in there, what are you doing!

Someone post the penis size meme

My apartment used to look just like Satou's. Now I try to always keep it clean. Not like anyone ever comes to visit or anything but at least it makes me feel a little bit better. Going back to NHK, yeah, the OST is really fucking incredible. Maybe I should rewatch the show. Maybe read the novel.

Fuck off, incel.

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if anyone likes literature kino, rollo may's "man's search for himself" is great

I can't fall for random girls on the bus or train anymore. I used to alot back in my uni days. Nowadays if girl talks to me I fall so easily

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This was pretty cringe but near the end when it says she probably already has a bf hit close to home

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jesus that first girl is such a qt

Leviathan. Slavs are the kings of depression kino, spoiled Westerners complain 24/7 about meaningless gender and cultural problems and know no true suffering. Class war is the only war

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>Slavs are the kings of depression kino
chinks and slavs have so much potential but they can't be too critical in their films because the governments simply won't allow it, it's disappointing


and now she's definitely dead

Lmao what, Zvyagintsev is famous for shitting on the government and in his last film, Loveless, he even showed a woman in a "RUSSIA" jacket running nowhere. Go watch Bykov movies, basically every his movie is about Russian corruption.

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>late teen-early 20's in 1959
not necessarily. there's still time for ggilf kino

Danish depression kino.

It starts with tragedy and only gets worse from there.

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I'm Ukrainian and I already have heard that already. The Russian ministry of culture simply doesn't want to finance movies that shit on the country's government, it doesn't mean that they are going to jail you or ban your films. It's not
> the governments simply won't allow it,

>or ban your films

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I knoww this author, he writes that unbalance in power is the cause for society to be shit. I always quote him.

I propose to redistribute your asshole among my comrades and kill Trump, does it mean that it's going to happen? Zvyagintsev, Bykov as well as dozens of art-house directors keep making their anti-Russian movies and release them in Russia

if we are posting real kino

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what author? the doctor in the video?

Good post. I'd add Allan King's docs.