Any other movies with this feel?

any other movies with this feel?

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you mean zero atmosphere or style?

World of Warcraft (2015)

Slowly realizing something is wrong

Just read Kafka lazy faggot

>zero atmosphere

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Attached: truman.jpg (853x1280, 114K)

'Moon' is kino.


This movie was directed by David Bowie's son. Nothing remarkable about that just a fun fact.

jacobs ladder

Solaris obviously


Was he really a clone or did he just have "Space Madness"?

Attached: moon_sam_rockwell_trio.jpg (660x260, 42K)

david bowie was a hack musician so it follows that his son is a hack director. got it

New Sam smashing up old Sam's stuff and being shitty with him makes me feel really bad every time I watch this movie

And how many movies have you directed?

just a clone matpat

It was way too sudden, the movie blows its load in like 10 minutes

>Clearly gets into a fatal accident
>Wakes up fine
It was obvious he was a clone here but the movie spends fucking AGES dancing around it as if there's a chance anyone hasn't worked it out by then

Triangle was really good despite being a "cheap" movie.

Pandorum perhaps?

I at first assumed that it was a dream or a vision of the future. The movie doesn't make it obvious that he's a clone until his actual clone appears on screen.


Oblivion and


The feeling of watching your first "indie" movie because you mostly watch capeshit?