ITT: pleb filters

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I thought this was supposed to be shit, I haven't seen it mind you but if you think it's worth the watch I'll whack it on tonight.

It's overlooked because everyone loves the original


Why did they add that? There was no reason for him to be molesting both his kids.
I only watched this crap for the hammer scene and even that was shite.

It was pretty much the same fight

The original wasn't made by a deranged nigger who keeps screaming about reparations and muh whiteys

That's nowhere to be seen in Oldboy though. Only Blackkklansman was shit

The Godfather Part III
Hellraiser III
Full Metal Jacket

It's overlooked and frowned upon because it wasn't needed and it's subpar in every aspect when compared to the original. Its only reason for being is to make Oldboy for Amerifats that don't want to read the subtitles.

nah, it was a cheap copy without the soul and the tension.
Which could be said about the whole movie.

>Yea Forums defending Old Boy remake, The Last Jedi and Son of the Mask
Yeah, this board has gone full contrarian yet again. I guess that (you) drug is strong.

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I always liked Oldboy remake but TLJ defenders are just shills or crackheads

i want to see the spike lee joint version

I've also seen people shitting on Apocalypse Now and The Godfather, so yeah, contrarianism sure is during its highest around summer.

>yet again

its always this shit you brainlets

Everyone likes FMJ.

Contrarianism is a common phenomena here, sure, but it's really avid ever since summer hit. And I'm not thinking of the "muh summerfags" meme that moot himself said was false.

A lot of people here will tell you the first half is the only good part of it, which is one of the reasons its considered to be among the best of pleb filters.

>if they're opinion goes against the norm they're contrarian
Neck yourselves you turbo plebs. Learn to make your own opinions instead of parroting others.

If you think Nolan isn't that special, and sure as hell not one of the greatest ever, you're a contrarian but you're not wrong, but when you talk shit on films like Apocalypse Now and The Godfather, it's a different matter. You can take your sheeple drivel and go fuck yourself with it.

Film is subjective. You can like and dislike whatever the fuck you want. Just because you're mad someone criticized your favourite movie doesn't make them contrarian.

no different than you complaining about complaining niggers every time you see the opportunity. stfu or talk about the film you dumbfuck

Pic related is the biggest pleb filter of all time.
True Patrician core

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Subjectivity is definitely a thing, but there's more to films than that and boiling it down to "everything is subjective, thus no opinion is wrong" isn't the best rhetoric to have. There are certainly a lot of objective aspects you can judge a film by, say how well it's written, the directing, how well it gets its theme across etc. But when people complain about contrarianism, it's usually the case of people shitting on well regarded movies with subpar arguments to support their cases and so on and so forth, not because they're sheep that can't think for themselves.

I've actually got to agree with this. I can tell if someone' got a low IQ if they turn this off or hated it. Even lower IQ if they call it pretentious but can't critique it further.

>Even lower IQ if they call it pretentious but can't critique it further.
Haven't seen it and won't comment on it, but people that use pretentious without backing it up are fucking retards.

thats the problem with this site you can't ever know if a person is being contrarian or genuine
however considering the anti-culture aspect of Yea Forums you can safely assume that most people are being contrarian - certainly very few people on here can be open minded about a film genre they don't particularly like

>thats the problem with this site you can't ever know if a person is being contrarian or genuine
Spot on, but more and more it appears people are serious about their views on a given movie, just that they won't voice it outside of Yea Forums.