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Nice television program

>tfw no game where you actually join them instead of killing
maybe it's the time

wrong board friend

>layering a compelling narrative
They failed that one something fierce.

wolfestein movie when?

if we’re gonna talk about it though the reason the new wolfenstein games suck isn’t because of stormfront /pol/ people it’s because the level design is significantly worse in the second one and both of them have horribly hamfisted stories and a good 40% of those games is watching cutscenes

The game would be okay after some balancing.
The main heroines are insufferable.

Because it turned out anybody who isn't a far-left extremist is a nazi so we didn't want to be fighting ourselves

Looter shooter with out balance. It sucks.

I remember when games were about fun, not politics, maybe developers should consider their priorities.

>inb4 shut up boomer

Games are pretty much movies these days

have you seen the newest one that just released? it's terrible and really highlights the disconnect between designers and consumers

Killing Nazis isn't really politics. They are like robots or zombies.

>turning a fun shooter into a movie game
Because you fucking alienated the established audience, and failed to create a new one. Also the protagonists are shit.

>label any white male as a nazi
>complains about those white males not buying the game

Why what's so bad about it?

Why can't we kill bugmen chinks instead of dudes who have been dead for nearly a 100 years

Don't the nuwolf games have as part of the backstory that jews possess secret jew magic and there actually is a jewish conspiracy and they plan to kill or poison civilians or something even though nazis are still supposed to be the bad guys?

>make a game significantly worse than the new order

you'd think that would be the case but these games arent just shooting nazis, gotta check all the progressive boxes

If only there was a board for video games

If you dont play co-op you are handicapped because the partner AI is really bad and is essentially one long escort mission where they cant die. Also the dialogue is really cringy, and the overplay the "remember the 80s" card.

They have no fucking balls. If they had they would have added a multiplayer option to fight as nazis.
insurgency lets you fight as terrorists...

But the marketing for Wolfenstein "2" was very much politically charged

1st Game:
>Genuinely unsettling, cool sci-fi
>good shooting mechanics
>kind of repetitive but neat set pieces/areas
>nearly absent of any politics what so ever. still killing nazis
>interesting characters
>Good expansion calling back to routes with Old Blood
>lots of easter eggs and references to older Wolfenstein games for long time fans of the series

2nd game
>bunch of recycled areas from the 1st game
>comcily over-the-top based guys, even for nazis
>too much fucking politics, not enough innovation in game design
>characters are static and dull
>literal caricature of an 80's afro-blacksploitation woman and her swedish white friend who want to stage a communist revolution to 'fight the nazis'
>absolutely terrible advertising campaign catering to people who have never played any Wolfenstein game ever

I wonder why it didn't sell well

When the left went insane, and declared anyone who's not an extreme leftist a "Nazi", and then used that as justification for irl violence, it stopped being fun.

Why don't they just make a new one where Nazis are the good guys?

>milks the wolfenstein franchise more than a cow
>why do they hate it

>it's 2019 and these fags STILL think killing nazis is unique, edgy, or cool.
what are some kinos about refusing to evolve and then being completely delusional about your rapidly fading relevance?

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/pol/ we all still hate nazis we just didn't care to play the game don't get a hard on.



This is an American website sorry to burst your bubble there retard.


>dude, killing nazis in video games is so epic! haha. i'm just like the soldiers who fought in WW2
>yea, i wear a t shirt that says "punch a nazi in the face today!" haha yea it's epic.
>i'm encouraging violence, but it's against nazis so i'm actually the good guy, but still edgy and cool :^)

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>fighting nazis is now problematic
No. Making your protagonists commie faggots and hamfisting a modern political narrative is