Just got back from a 20th Anniversary screening of The Matrix at my local Kinoplex

Just got back from a 20th Anniversary screening of The Matrix at my local Kinoplex.
The Oracle tells Neo that being the One is like being in love, and that no one can tell you if you are or not. But then she tells him he's not the one?

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smell good don't they?

And it turns out he actually is. Are you retarded?

I had an autistic obsession with The Matrix in hs and your post made me really nostalgic for that time

it's a really really good movie tbf

>you’re not the one, maybe in another life
>neo dies
>becomes the one

I'm not the person saying he is or isn't, but the Oracle said it?

>then she tells him he's not the one
no she didn't, he said it himself

>god is le black woman

The Matrix has so many unbased and cringepilled things shoehorned into it but it is still love by the most based and redpilled people i.e. us

You are The Sisko.

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The oracle isn't God, idiot.

If you need to ask ...

The guy from DS9?

The oracle uses brain fuckery to motivate people to do what they didn't expect themselves to be doing.

>not a god

okayyyy... :')

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>proven not to be omniscient at all

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The point was whether or not he felt like The One, he was right. For example, you are a fag OP.

You need to go back

are you making a statement or asking a question

well baited, have a reply

he had to die and be reborn like Jesus or Gandalf

try not being a faggot user

>okayyyy... :')
reddit nigger

She told him what he needed to hear at that moment. Then again, it all started to unravel by part three; six times over and all that shit.

If he was the one in a different life, why doesn't he remember it like when Smith shoots him and he comes back?
Or, was the guy that originally freed the Zionites Neo himself?

The Oracle is a master manipulator. For All that happens happened because she engineered it to be so. She's a situational sorcerers; she takes pieces and puts them in positions that her choices find fruition. Unlike the previous ones of whom each of them did the 'right' thing but not what the Architect wanted. She then maneuvered a Prejudiced Machine and Trinity into the mix, gave them choices and viola, shit finally started going her way.

When she said of NEO, "you've made a believer out of me," The Oracle had already saw Smith Absorbing her and going on to take over the Machine's Matrix. She realized that Neo only needed a little nudge into matters that has nothing to do with himself.

No, it didn't and that's the irony of it all and as to why I don't get the hate that comes from nincompoops who hates the sequels in especially the third movie.

Everything Morpheus Knows was Told to him by the ORACLE. And yet people hates the sequels and basis their feelings on What Morpheus said which incidentally was told to him by the Oracle. A person who continually tells people what they need to hear to get them moving on the chess board. Yes, I said chess board.

Another thing I hate about Speed watchers who watches the Matrix and then says th sequels are trash, Morpheus says Most People Are Not Ready for the Real World and that Many would Willing Die to Protect the Matrix. He didn't say Agents would take them over and Sacrifice them, He said Most people don't want the Desert of the Real.
By Film's end Neo says to the source that he could now sense, I will show them a world without you, a world without rules or boarders. But don't forget, Morpheus said that Most People would Die to Protect the falseness of the Matrix.

Here's another point you speed watches neglected. At the beginning of the movie When Neo is freed, it took the entire Nebuchadnezzar's crew to restore Neo. He couldn't walk and he was filled with metals and pipes and wires throughout his body. He was as invalid as a new born baby. There are 6 billion people in the Matrix. Most of whom don't want to leave and Zion has at most 300 thousand people.
And yet everyone was pissed the One didn't topple the machine empire and free everyone from the Matrix.

Wow, speed watchers are crazy yo.

Neo wasn't the one.

Get outta here with that dumbshit. Neo was the one and died. Will he be back, sure, but he is most definitely the one.

What is a speed watcher? The way you describe it seems to be someone who sees a movie once and doesn't dive into and try to understand the lore of a movie.

The sequels are incoherent and not written well. The vast majority of people don't care to analyze every scene and find meaning in them.

This is your brain on sequels.

Cypher was the original 'one', but it turns out Neo was so cool and epic and morally good that he ended up turning into it

He isn't.
He dies.
Then resurrects.
THEN he is the one.

>God is le white man on a suit
The Matrix has so many unbased and cringepilled things shoehorned into it but it is still love by the most based and redpilled people i.e. us

It is mindboggling to see how many people simply do not understand these movies, especially reloaded and revolutions. They are the ultimate brainlet filter.
>I want action they're talking too much what's the articeht say hurrrr

The matrix was always meant for 1 movie. The open endedness of the 1st one's ending shows that. You are a retard to actually believe the was some big coherent plan. Had there been plans for a part 2 it would have ended differently. Probably some reference to Smith not dying but evolving.

>being the One is like being in lov
Such a shit line.

>old black woman is an oracle


>The sequels are incoherent and not written well. The vast majority of people don't care to analyze every scene and find meaning in them.
Your two points are not mutually exclusive. Even if it's written badly it can still contain meaning, and if it's written correctly it can still be misunderstood. Also, you answered your own question, Mr. Redditspacing.

>Most People would Die to Protect the falseness of the Matrix.
Yes and no. The programs would die to protect the Matrix. Programs which, incidentally, can (and do) "possess" human "bodies" (bodies in the matrix, minds in the real world). After all, how can people die to protect a system they don't know exists? Immobilism and passiveness only go so far. Someone (or something) must intervene to push people towards a goal. And that is the machines (possessing bodies) and Neo (revealing the truth)

After the first movie, every scene outside the matrix was excruciating to watch. If they make a 4th one 95% of the scenes better be in the matrix

>The open endedness of the 1st one's ending shows that.
If that were the case it wouldn't have been as open ended as you say it is.
>You are a retard to actually believe the was some big coherent plan
One might argue that, perhaps, believing there wasn't a plan is what a retard would think. Everytime there is a thread about the matrix you come in here insulting anybody who either disagrees with you or likes the movies, or both. And the worst thing is that you can't read.
>Had there been plans for a part 2 it would have ended differently. Probably some reference to Smith not dying but evolving.
And this is what Marvel does to the perception of story telling.

Please, elaborate.

She never told Neo he wasn't the One. She said "But you already know what I'm going to tell you."

He responds "I'm not the One."

He believes he's not the One, and as she rather clearly points out, nobody can tell you some things about yourself, you either believe things about yourself or you don't.

But she never directly tells him he's not the One.

Same principle: It doesn't matter if you think you're right or you're wrong, either way you're still correct.

Later on he has some experiences that convince him because of how he handles them that maybe he is the One, and then even later he comes to believe it himself, hence becoming the One.

>And this is what Marvel does to the perception of story telling.
Have you seen how the second matrix ended you dishonest fuck?

But is he really???

No she isn't.
She's a wonky program.
He became a self fulfilling prophecy.

The Oracle just sat around making cakes & chain smoking in a shit apartment. Was this the peak human-like experience inside the Matrix as far as a Program was concerned? Strange.

So it is you. The name calling and the blatant and purposeful ignoring of the points made everywhere.
Matrix 2 and 3 were shot back to back, released 6 months apart with Animatrix in the middle. Detractors often say that when watched back to back the flaws perceived the first time are not as glaring. Those two movies are a single unit, and the entire plot of boths happens over the course of two, three days.
This does not make that all sequels follow the previous installment immediately. Some do, some don't. That they HAVE TO FINISH SO THAT IT'S CLEAR THERE IS ONE MORE is not required. Sequel baiting does not always work. Alita Battle Angel, for example, is clearly intended to be followed, but it is yet to be seen if it will be.
I am glad that you enjoy namecalling. I enjoy watching you seethe :D

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Also, I saw it 20 years ago when it came out.
Has it got that weird colour cast now, that looked so lo-fi on the 20 year anniversary trailers?

>And this is what Marvel does to the perception of story telling.

Matrix 1 ending:
>Neo is the one he thwarted Agent Smith and vowed to free the still imprisoned humans and stand up to the machines. Will he succeed, who knows.

Matrix 2 ending:
>Neo is not really the one it's a lie that has been going on over and over also holy shit Neo used Matrix powers IRL and holy shit Agent Smith is IRL too stay tuned for the next movie to find out what happens


I don't know what you are trying to say, nor how it relates to the points I made.
>Also dat KYS
Are you okay, user?

The fact that you think The Matrix series was above Marvel type cliffhanger endings

good shit

I never said that. At all. I was talking about narrative expectations based on an ending. If a creator says "we're shooting two movies to be released within six months of one another" it is to be expected that the first one is going to pave the way for the second, cliffhanger included.
Expecting ALL MOVIES to have sequels is something relatively new, and complaining about open-endedness in retrospect is ultimately pointless.
>They made a squel of blade runner
are both barren complaints.
Also, you didn't answer my question, so I'll ask again.
Are you okay, user?

She's somehow in touch with the Matrix on a deeper level than should be possible. She could be a program written by the machines a long time ago that decided to instead advise people who intended to escape from the Matrix, I feel like they said this in Revolutions but I can't remember. She's clearly able to not only survive the Matrix being reset but also can retain her memories like the Architect, so I'm not sure if she's just like him or ascended from the Matrix to become like him (perhaps she was a previous 'The One' idk I forget everything about the sequels).

>If a creator says "we're shooting two movies to be released within six months of one another" it is to be expected that the first one is going to pave the way for the second

Why? What is the justification or rule for this? You are completely pulling this out of your ass now.

Damn you reminded me I should have gone seeing it on big screen

We need a wordfilter for it desu to keep up the imageboard lingo

OP, you just said
>character does x?

Without really clarifying why you're asking. It's poor form.

Here let me throw it back at you and show you how unhelpful it is.

So in LOTR, the hobbits are living a happy life but leave the shire on this mission?

I could be asking about motivations, plot, the ring, the impending doom of shit. Jesus, OP.