Why is this allowed?
Dave defends Louis CK
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Dave Chappelle really wants to get #cancelled?
He practically dares them every special to do it. He knows they can't; He's black, Muslim, in an inter-racial relationship and funny to boot.
He'll say whatever he wants and we'll laugh because it'll be genuinely funny and they cannot touch him. When they try, that's just more material for him.
>It's not your fault you were raped. But it isn't mine either. Ta ta bitch!
>Louis makes jokes about white people among jokes about everyone
>cuck! Fuck you degenerate asshole
>Dave makes jokes about white people among jokes about everyone
>BASED he tells it like it is!
Were people too harsh on Louis?
All real comics think it’s bullshit Louie is cancelled, only faggots with Nanette Syndrome (it’s a stretch calling what these fags do comedy) are the ones who think he should never work again. Unfortunately they’re the ones holding the megaphone and running things for the most part so until woke train finally derails it’ll be a while before we get any great Louie kino again sadly
>why is free speech allowed
Even Joe Rogan defends Louis.
Sounds made up. Which would be ok if it didn't sound made up.
He gives zero fucks and will just go chill in Africa again if people get cunty with him. He's so bitter that he turned down tons of money before he left the first time.
Self-hating white people are worse than niggers. Not hard to understand.
the fact that this post isn't satire, but represents the reality of what's happening, is terrifying
we're in an open media censorship phase right now
Didnt norm mcdonald do this and had to go around appoligizing?
I guess I can see the logic
How rich did Chappelle’s Show make him that he can afford to not give a single fuck?
He probably could've gotten away with it but he caved.
He's a comedian, its his job to make fun of everything.
Fucking dipshits.
I can't imagine that since his main thing these days is edgy shit
The Left Hates Him, Here's Why
Did Chappelle ever make fun of jews?
Netflix had him by the balls. Dave could go anywhere and get a special. He could probably get a special on Fox News if push came to shove. Norm is a nobody compared to Chappelle, and I love Norm.
You know who else defends Louis? Funny people.
You know who actively tries to cut him down? The other kind of "comedians".
Chapelle is based, he knows he attracts white audience but doesn't go full token house nigger you see blacks on Yea Forums do. He really doesn't like any side of politics
Except he's not a self-hating white person. He's jewish.
how the harpies do it, would make for a better comedy special next
Why would you bite the hand that ferde you ?
Fucking hell
His family is from Juarez, and Spanish is his first language. He's Mexican.
But user, comedy is not about laughs anymore.
My bad I didn't know there were no Jews in Mexico
Because despite the efforts of the liberals and the media in general we don't yet live in communist China.
kek this
>comic says
>People watch to see what all the fuss is about
>Netflix and Dave laugh themselves all the way to the bank
Why can’t anyone see this
It's an old trick. Howard Stern and South Park did it too.
dave does it to be funny, louis does that shit just to even out the more controversial bits and get some brownie points. plus he's jewish and mexican so that "us white people"-shtick is extra disingenuous
Louis does it to be funny too though. He only went full cringe sometimes in his TV show and with his politics
>Hillary is a mom and that's so damn epic!
it's funny but in a self-deprecating way, he's painting the picture of himself as a cuck/pussy. like when he talks about having jizz crusted on his shirt or beating it to magic mike because he's prison gay from loneliness
yeah that's true. I understand
>Anti-Chappelle shills out in full force.
Louis CucK aint event funny, the guy is a male amy schumer
>magic negro helping whitefolks learn da troof
fuck this meme is so played out
Come back to Africa, Dave. The wh*te woke mafia in the US will kill you. Come back home, brother.
>He knows they can't; He's black, Muslim, in an inter-racial relationship and funny to boot.
Don't underestimate trannies. They are perhaps above nigger muslims in the pecking order of victims now.
Chappelle made plenty of these jokes too
>lol white "people" amirite??
That's what confuses me
>Chad Chappelle vs Virgin Norm
He's American you dumb African, nothing to do with you and your shit country.
Look how America is treating him. Shit, just look at the state of America in general. Sure, you have the basics but no soul.
American education ladies and gentlemen.
America loves him, literally only tranny journalists and the most deranged /pol/ schizos hate him
To be fair all the countries look the same
Those are literally the only two sides in Anerica who have the power to change anything though. You should show more respect towards your overlords or they might take away your neetbux ijs.
Tranny journalists have power but Dave Chappelle is more powerful. And most right wingers like Dave anyway because he doesn't beat around the bush or pander.
racial draft.
Also talks about the media deciding to take you out like with Mel Gibson.
Jesus wtf is wrong with me
asians don't coun't for interracial relationships anymore
If you think any of those were genuine apologies then norm flew right over your head.
He sat down with those flappy old cunts on the view or whatever and basically took the piss without them even understanding he was ridiculing them and the silliness of the whole situation.
you can't virtue signal with an asian interracial relationship. it's a leftist thing. asians don't really fit their narrative too well.
so they won't allow him that.
he still has the black muslim thing though.
This. He's the only comedian working right now that can get away with it and still have an act that's genuinely funny. Plus it's not like the far left doesn't try to attack him either but they're severely limited in their arsenal of usual tools.
The thing about money is, once you get enough of it you can multiply it. Get a million dollars, pay an investment company half to invest the other half, then at the end you have like 10 million. Rinse and repeat.
He didn't go and blow it like most dumbasses do. He settled down somewhere in Ohio and lived within his means.
He got $20million for his first Netflix special alone he's fucking loaded
Dave Chappelle is the only nog comedian I like
he's a master story teller and his racial comedy is like South Park in many ways
funny as hell
>Not liking Chris Rock
>Not liking Richard Pryor
>Not liking Paul Mooney
It's like you just like what's popular
Those guys are all pretty popular, user.
The difference is that Chappelle is funny.
In /pol/ as fuck and I love Chapelle his fuck white people shtick doesn't feel as malicious as when Louis or Paul Mooney or DL Hughley do it
yeah sure..
Dave hasn’t been funny in about 12+ years.
Chris Rock is overrated. Paul Mooney is hilarious but he's a weird fag racist. Pryor is Pryor
he actually does it in a form of criticism instead of self-loathing
He's also realistic to how shitty blacks can be which is what makes it work
Louis literallly gets off to being humiliated so it’s not really surprising
>thinking that Ngubu who is a harsh warlord dictator is country A is any different than Ubugnu who is a hard warlord dictator is country B
dave is a fucking genius by the very definition. at least 2 or 3 times during his show, I expected his joke to end a certain way. completely threw me off and ended it different.
i'm legit gonna be sad when this dude dies. no one on this planet makes me laugh as hard as he does.
>I'm not a nigger either
Let's be reasonable here.
>Every single region and culture on earth is the same! Because idk memes, I guess haha. Am I based now my fellow /pol/ brothers?
I bet you have pictures of trannies on your phone, faggot.
Chris Rock is not funny (he's okay in movies)
Richard Pryor was influential, but not funny anymore
Paul Mooney... who?
I'm not a mutt
I don't know these nogs you worship on stage
Dave Chappelle used to be on MTV when I was a teenager
american™ post
He's barely Jewish! And my blood is barely contaminated with the deadly HIV.
You mean your dopamine receptors haven't fired off in 12+ years. I know your type
Nanette got a lot of praise, but it's the same praise a kid would get when they make a drawing and the parent sticks it up on the fridge. At the end of the day, no one is choosing that over something real like Chappelle.
Cosby was funny. Not on stage though.
luv da Norf
luv me pints
luv me Ngubu
simple as
Norm was out promoting his Netflix show and Rogan said Netflix basically forced him on an apology tour then barred him from doing press for the rest of the year.
>literary any excuse to post this meme
I can't blame you desu
yes but he still had to go on a little spanking tour before he was allowed to have his toys back. Chappelle didn't have to do that before Netflix gave him another special. Can you tell what's different between Norm and Dave?
Oh sweet now I gotta watch this.
The who blacks needs to take up arms and get ready to save America from white people didn't sound much like a joke. He's the kind of person that smiles at his own jokes. He was serious and the crowd cheered.
>Paul Mooney... who?
Apologizing is gay.
*sees it without giving money to Netflix*
>He'll say whatever he wants and we'll laugh because it'll be genuinely funny and they cannot touch him.
is this what passes as funny for amerimutts ?
Exactly. It's literally the OH SO BRAVE meme in action. Nobody is going to watch Nanette in the future and say, "Wow, so fucking good". It's a TED talk, not stand-up.
>Paul Mooney... who?
the closet fag that sabotaged Dave because he was jealous
Nah, lefties just shit on white guys that have yellow fever. Probably still counts for Dave.
His wife is Filipino aka Mexican
He lives in bumfuck Ohio where houses and cost of living are cheap as hell. Plus he's a Muslim so probably lives pretty frugally anyway.
Rich muslims flaunt that shit. He does talk about his kids being spoiled. But as long he isn't buying a new house, cars or boats all the time, it should be pretty easy for him to hang onto enough money.
Rich Muslims are the hardest flexers though
What did Louis CK do that was so bad and not hilarious in a laugh at him way?
He Metood someone
He jerked off and came on himself
And that's what got him in trouble?
Better than what you consider to be """comedy""".
>he's my friend so its ok if he sexually assaults someone
This is probably the most real post I've read here in a while.
>>he's my friend so its ok if he sexually assaults someone
Did he?
>a white male's mere existence is now sexual assault
>masturbating in front of you like a hobo in transit
>not sexual assault
He invited two women up to his own hotel room, were they all probably got coked up and louise said "I'mma going to pull my dick out" which he did and rubbed one out on the hotel bed.
All the while the two women, who where free to leave at any time, probably were giggling in the corner doing mutliple lines of coke.
They gave consent
It wasn't sexual assault. Garfunkel and Oates had it coming.
what are you some fag? whats wrong with having sex?
lefties in the states don't view them that way
If I had one bullet and were faced with an enemy and a traitor. I'd let the traitor have it.
Who did Louis assault?
On the phone? Hang up.
In the room? Walk away.
Louis literally, LITERALLY, didn't force anyone to do anything and only touched himself. He even asked permission. When they said no, he didn't do it.
Well, that's exactly how it happened, reading the oh so brave accounts of these poor "victims".
Ding ding ding ding. Can’t wait for Chappelle to start hating the business again and hopefully call out the Jews on live tv.
He left Hollywood at his peak. He legit doesn't give a fuck and pretty much dares them to try. Dude lives in fucking Ohio and owns a bunch of property. He doesn't give a shit about Hollywood.
I'm a mutt Spaniard and I was laughing my ass off.
Did you even listen to the joke? He was saying blacks should get guns because then whites will change the gun laws. Not because blacks need to fight whites.
based retard
What was his tour? He went on Stern and said you'd have to have down's syndrome to misinterpret what he said, then he went on The View and said he's never had consensual sex and that he's in favor of the U2 movement.
You want him to get brought up on sexual assault charges? Because that's how he's going to get brought up on sexual assault charges.
Genuinely not been a better time for comedians to embrace the counter culture.
Hopefully we enter a golden age of stand up.
>right wingers like Dave
You think he's right wing because he made gay jokes?
Dave is once again going against the grain and challenging the status quo
Right wingers don't care that he's a liberal because he's not a faggot.
Jesus christ.
it’s incredibly based and inspiring.
I wish I had the kind of money where I could do that too.
yes, here’s your (You)
savor it while you starve to death in your mud hut
It's funny because it has some truth to it. California banned open carry of long arms back in the 70's because of the Black Panther movement. Minnesota has a law that bans handguns with a frame made of metals under a certain melting point in order to ban the sale of what used to be called "Saturday Night Niggertown Specials."
words are literally violence!!
that does it you are CANCELLED REEEEEEEEEE
You'd need a certain skin color too
The Nanette shit won’t last cause it’s not funny. Chapelle isn’t PC, but he’s also not some weird unfunny schizo like Owen Benjamin or something. He’s a legitimately funny guy whose appeal extends beyond that of a nanette or your typical right wing grifter cashing in on the anti-PC stuff. His crowds are more diverse than Nanette’s ironically. It’s not full of Brooklyn DSA freaks, it’s full of everyday people, of all races, of all political stances. That’s why he can’t get cancelled, because ultimately the average everyday person who doesn’t spend all day posting likes him cause he’s funny and will continue to pay to go see him.
who cares about African geography?
why would you bother wasting your time learning something that no one cares about?
Dave is funnier?
are you just making up names?
lol good one
So a Mexican man is walking down the street when he comes across a Mayan Indian beating the shit out of a Hassidic Jew. The Mexican man says "hey, stop that! What are you doing?"
The Mayan replies "don't you know? These people killed Jesus!"
The Mexican replies "that was 2000 years ago!"
The Mayan says "Yeah, but I just found out yesterday!"
joyless cunt alert!!
is this "story" really under their "Breaking News" section? lmao
that and the “hurr durr I’m you” impression were the two best jokes
fair point. but would being a jew help or hurt in this scenario?
check’d and based
>hurr nobody care XD!
>cares enough to reply to a post from hours ago
>Thinks he's cool and aloof Immediately after posting
>was actually a faggot the whole time
Is it school holidays in the States or something?
Maintaining clout while he's continuously pissing off hollywood executives while raking in tons of money. Can't knock the hustle desu.
shut up aids patient zero
your entire continent is irrelevant
>Resorts to broad strokes insults because he feels pinned down.
Your people are supposed to be high IQ so why such a brainlet reply? Does anyone else want to give it a shot?
ooga booga muh dik
how’s that for memes?