Fuck, how is he so fucking good. I don't think anyone in South America is on this dude's level. FUCK

Fuck, how is he so fucking good. I don't think anyone in South America is on this dude's level. FUCK

Attached: Luis-Diaz-Liverpool.jpg (1200x630, 100.61K)

Colombia is going to be really scary this world cup with players like him. I definatly wouldn't want to play them

Damn, that hurts

he's about as good as neymar when he was 18

>as good as peak nerman


Well fuck

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Love watching this player. Love watching players that make you something can happen when they get on the ball.

I have been telling you lads these for a long time he absolutely destroyed south american teams in the world cup qualifiers

>how is he so fucking good
Asthma truly is a gamechanger

Liverpool has some really fucking ugly players

It's the perfect strategy, nobody wants to look at them so they have it easier shooting/dribbling.

>he absolutely destroyed south american teams in the world cup qualifiers

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That's how they get such good deals

He’s a bag of pure energy, he doesn’t look like he can stop either. Cant finish but he has enough about him to cause problems for defences. I genuinely can’t see him being at Liverpool that long

Neymar and Antony

Altidore's worst season in the Dutch league still outscored Antony's best so far

They truly are a hideous team.

Where do you see him going?

kys seriously

>muh liverpool asthma doping boogeyman
He had the same energy in Porto, he was already goating for >us. We told you. You didn’t listen. You won’t listen again and Pepê and Evanilson won’t make it to the World Cup. They would bring the HEXA

lmao I’m crying tears of cum right now

He was so powerful he destroyed his own team as well

now show the list of goleadores Luis Diaz is surely at least top 3 best goalscorers in conmebol, it is a 3 horse race after all, all he needs to do is to score against Peru, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Paraguay

Top scorer played for Wuhan

well show then the assists list, he is a much better assister than he is a goalscorer, he is so electric and fast, surely he is at least top 3 there

Pepe and Evanilson are bad

He's got Suarez tier energy and commitment but Andy Caroll tier skills. He'll be nice for Everton in a couple years

gained respect for him when he contested a ball with a keeper running full pace at him and he lunged in head first lmao

Let's hope he's not another James Rodriguez type that wastes his potential by being an absolute coomer

Imagine caring about player's appearence instead of their levels of SOVL

not his fault culombia is shit

watch it on tv lmaooo

He’s like an even better version of Jota. Which makes me think, what’s even the point of keeping Jota now? He’s gonna be the new Shaqiri.

To a team that has more money to throw on salary than Liverpool do. A club like Madrid or Barca would throw retard money just to have that sort of energy in the team (though with Madrid he’d be difficult to place with Vini or Rodrygo)

barca and madrid have been spending their money buying overpriced bundesliga, ligue 1, and flamengo players, when they could have bought brazilian players that are not from flamengo for cents

Liverpool tried handsome before, it didn't work

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He's been one of the hardest working players on the pitch whenever I've watched Liverpool so I'd be fairly confident he won't end up like that

his general play is very very good but I worry his confidence will drop and he will start playing badly if he doesn't start next season well in terms of goal scoring. He isn't lethal at the moment and it is noticable, he shoots straight at the keeper every time usually. Jota is lethal but not that great in his general play while Salah & Mane when they aren't out of form are a good mix of great general play while being lethal. need jota to improve his general play but I don't think he will and need Diaz to become lethal


Liverpool have a fuck ton of bonuses in their wage contracts, it's why players like mane and robertson are only on 100k base salary per week and havent fucked off somewhere else.

He looks like a goblin chimp but he's pretty good.

Yes of course, hope they stay here forever kek are you the dutchie that seethes at Porto for no reason? The one who said that Porto wouldn’t win the league at the hen house?

These are the non frauds right? I've lurked tugão long enough to realize that porcofags hype their shitters like zaidu but stay silent on their non frauds

No. Zaidu is very good actually, he scored the title winning goal last Saturday. The big clubs should be all over him.

He looks like a favela nigger who stole a Liverpool shirt. Fucking good though, not his fault his mum smashed his face with a mallet.

i liked him when he wasnt playing in the prem
now he's being overhyped and overrated ad infinitvm so i dont rate him anymore

more like tears of coke

none of these are handsome

>multikultpool is ugly

lallana was at least somewhat handsome in his mid 20s, even if it was in a slightly boring way

Based, we can afford to cash in on either Mane or Salah as they decline now

Attached: luis diaz.jpg (615x1025, 128.93K)


Is that Nuri Sahin or some other random Turk?

Emre Can

he looks like he would pull a knife on you just to take the Havaianas off your feet

Ah it is too. Must be early as his face got wider.

Don't forget McManaman, Redknapp and the 90s spice boys. Hilarious how Redknapp of all people has the audacity to accuse modern players as divas

Fuck, you have been paying attention. Taremi is very good as well, I’d splash 20M for him immediately if I were, say, West Ham. He’s turning 30, but Uribe is older.

Fábio Vieira is another gem. And the goalkeeper Diogo Costa can unironically be top3 for the next 10 years.

Best finished products
>Taremi, Uribe and Marchesín

Potential to be world class
>Diogo Costa

Evanilson’s ceiling is probably just Immobile tier

Marchesín needs to go asap, it hurts me to see such a good gk in the bench. And for me Evanilson has a height ceiling than Pepê.

>l by being an absolute coomer

why he look low iq. His eyes tells me he dont got all the sandwitches for a picnic

>they don't even know about Luis Sinisterra