Any kinos about redemption?

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Y do all these creeps have the same shit eating grin?

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>cancels Jontron
>gets canceled
>"umm cancel culture is wrong"
Fuck toucan sam

cause they know they are getting away with it

Literally no one cares if he's a kidfucker or not, dude was a degenerate in an open marriage, that's enough.

Except JonTron was actually racist
Jared wasn't a pedo


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t. a child lover

Jontron wasn't racist. And Projared did get underaged nudes.

>was actually racist
Saying the truth about rich black guys and poor white guys isn't racism.

saying cope means nothing you fucking bitch
you gonna fucking mic drop with a cope?

fucking bitch

how about i fucking rape your mom huh bitch


No matter what you prove wrong. If your dick got posted with some weird "O" face all around online, you are irredeemable.

what's wrong with that image? consensual, kinky sex between consenting adults is bad because why?

Technically it is because you think that a certain race is inferior. He's still right though

>Saying the truth
dude didn't know what he was saying lol

And dude didn't know he was soliciting nude pics from minors, people make mistakes. Jared was happy to push others down for his own benefit, getting a taste of his own medicine is so so sweet.

>statistics lie

The fact that all you faggots know who that guy is, shows how fucking reddit this place has become.

There is no fbi statistics in crime by race and income. You can look it up on their site because I tried, and no that image he used from /pol/ means nothing, anyone could make up a bullshit statistc and slap on "this study was conducted by the FBI"


did you forget how he was spammed all the time on several boards months ago? kinda hard to avoid knowing who he is

based jew

>chose this to be his mistress

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His wife wasn't very hot either.

we know about him because he was humiliated on the internet. that's the one thing that unites all boards on this website

She was 17 then

wasn't it just some narrow high school statistic off pol or some shit

Not racist snowflake.

More like 15-16, and he sodomized her, and at the same time Sam never had the intention of marrying her and making babies or anything, despite being a single dude in his 30's. So much for being anti-kike when he literally revels in all the shit the kikes push on us.

most civilized places have 16 as the aoc, including several states. I really don't see a problem with the image

his wife demanded an open relationship and I assume wouldn't sleep with him.

Most women are "not hot" without make-up according to you incels so I don't see the issue here.

ur a degenerate kike puppet then if you don't see what's wrong

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what statistic did jon post? I remember trump being a massive retard and posted a fake one with ridiculous numbers

he was already separeted by then so not his mistress

I was tried as an adult at 17 because legally I was one. So is she.

Shouldn't really listen to America on laws, you can get a RPG licence at 12 over there but if you pee near a park you get 50 years in prison.

>JonTron was actually racist
He's not white, how can he be racist?

>>cancels Jontron
Didn't he get more subs after all that shit?nice eyes

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>dude 17 year old, that's pedo!
you're so fucking pathetic
I live in Norway, the aoc here is 16

If you didn't know who he is why did you bother clicking on a thread about him and engaging in the conversation. Fucking loser.

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What does the Bible say about age of consent?

What's the issue?


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show me the study

Fucking young girls isn't sodomy. Get fucked burger

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i've seen like 3 interviews with sam where he said he doesn't really believes in all the redpill shit and tries to not associate with it but of course you wouldn't know because you've been brainwashed by buzzfeed

>Wife wants an open relationship

cope senpai


>More like 15-16, and he sodomized her, and at the same time Sam never had the intention of marrying her and making babies or anything,
Sam has never advocated for tradlifestyle shit you moron. you're such a pathetic loser you know nothing about the person you have an obsessed seethe over.

She deserved everything she got then

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17 is legal retard

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but unironically this is a god tier wife. She was faithful to him and wanted open relationship for him to fuck other women so he could please her better not for her to fuck black dudes

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thank you based scatposter

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She wanted to fuck around as well dumbass. She just said she was hoping he would "explore" so she doesn't seem like as much of a whore.

>hey son why are there pictures of a scat porn on your laptop?

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Lmaoing at you m8, acting like 17 yo girls aren't attractive just because its not legal where you live.

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Whore regret kino

Based for trying but if an easy lie is funnier than the basic truth then it won't get spread as much.

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Is it even redemption if he did nothing wrong in the first place?

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Jared's a sick fuck who sent his dick to people, Jon just stated FBI statistics on a stream.

People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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