Is she the sexiest presidential candidate?

is she the sexiest presidential candidate?

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Yes and it's not even close.

haha imagine if you were sitting in Tulsi's lap and she slowly milked your cock while whispering in your ear "You're going to be a good boy and vote for mommy Tulsi right user?"

Without the acne scars she'd be a lot hotter, i think that palm reading candidate is more beautiful too despite being older.


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>she the people
Christ, when will this bullshit end?

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oh god

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This is one mutt I can get behind, if you know what I mean

Democratic Party are legit retards she is there only chance, she actually appeals to Republicans

i can see panty line !!!

I like that batshit crazy bitch AOC my self
why can't republicunts produce qties

i like her the most. too bad the dnc already has their candidate picked.

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I thought it was Jennifer Hewitt for a moment
actually still do

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I've heard this too, what's their reasoning?

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Tulsi is an ugly twat, Harris is the real beauty and actually a decent candidate

t. DNC

I remember her team going full damage control when her old nudes leaked, and now they're almost impossible to find anywhere lol. still glad I snagged them when I could

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you're just fucking with us right


Are you blind kek

tulsi repulse me

pic related: a female that's actually attractive

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why are these such high resolution, I can see into her pores

>almost all exercises that work out your butt
Please anyone got any bikini shots or lingerie?

Reminder that Tulsifags are /ptg/ redditors trying to distract you from voting for Yang


dont want to be banned tho so dont ask


dead meme

Attached: 190810192925-andrew-yang-gun-sense-forum-large-169.jpg (460x259, 14K)

so you like acne?

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higher resolution images are better for printing out

Attached: tulsi.jpg (3000x1688, 384K)

MIGA jujucum yummy in my tummy wummy !

why do they bother running? dont they know from last time that the DNC already knows who they'll let have a chance and who they wont? you'd think the small fry like gabbard and yang and even bernie would be whining about corruption like trump

>need 4 "DNC certified" polls above 2% to participate in debates
>criteria for being DNC certified is unknown
>Gabbard has gotten 2% in 27 national and early state polls but only 2 of those are DNC certified polls
>Some of the excluded polls have higher quality methodolgy and sample sizes then the certified polls
>14 polls were released after the 1st debate but only 4 have been released in the month since the 2nd debate

She's getting Ron Pauled hard.

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>acne scars

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I like cute girls

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you motherfuckers are turned on by anything

If she goes after silicon valley she can look like Danny Devito and still make me hard.

then stop posting photos of pakistani men wearing women's clothing

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Yang is a fag that choked and lied blaming it on a mic.

thats a horse with make up on

Post photos of random thots instead?

Attached: TulsiGabbard_DSM_03.jpg (3000x1688, 634K)

Well at the very least she took that cunt Harris down with her.

Harris isn't presidential material, but shes perfect VP material
black, woman, well trained house negro. watch biden pick her

yes i even fap to her each week

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better than past middle aged leather faces you third world cuck

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will she smoke the peace pipe to make wampum?

>i like dumb, obnoxious whores
okie dokie

Considering the competition, she only wins by default.
Why is she doing it on her porch? It's almost as if she wants her neighbours to see.

leftypol is a rabbithole, you can't understand them

>I remember her team going full damage control when her old nudes leaked,
all lies

sorry about your homosexuality, jane

Attached: Kristen-Bell.jpg (320x320, 20K)

imagine orbiting sluts

I asked for photos of thots, not middle-aged women.

just like irl, no one responds to your needs

imagine you the hamplanet orbiting the sun

>there are "waifus" in politics now
fuck waifufags

kek that was kind of funny

This isn't how people communicate autismo dork, leave the basement sometime fatso

Harris looks like she would give nice blowjobs

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