What is Paul Verhoeven trying to imply here?

what is Paul Verhoeven trying to imply here?

Attached: file.png (700x525, 643K)

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shitty movie

Paul is based. He cucked the jews into giving him money to make anti-American movies.

Anal penetration.


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cheeky Verhoeven, magically getting rid of the chin guard

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Look at this faggot

What was wolverine trying to imply here?

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in 10 years this will replace USB drives

he's not worth it

Every person who knows directors has shit taste in movies. The only exception to this is the biggest names like Spielberg and cancer like Jar Jar Abrams and Michael Bay.

zoomers need the rope


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Leave dumbass!

Robocop is awesome. I miss the days of robocop and amadeus threads. fuck zoomers, fuck reddit, fuck niggers, fuck trannies and fuck jannies.

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Dont touch me man

How fucking dare you. If you were in my presence, I'd punch you.

best movie

He's implying that Robocop would buy that for a dollar.

Yeah I'm sure the jews were really upset about something being anti-american

Why does he raise his other hand every times he shoot his gun?

Attached: robocop-30th-anniversay-promo.jpg (1200x630, 136K)

This was more interesting than I expected

data spike

based schizoretard


RoboCop is anti-American on its surface but reaffirms the gunslinger whitehat cowboy archetype by the end. Verhoven called him the American Jesus.

I know, right? after watching the movie again and again I never thought about it. although you never see the entire helmet in full display by itself, only half, but once someone tells you, it's really obvious

0/10 bait

Why did you respond to it?

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The shell casings fly back into his free hand and he puts them in his pocket. One of his directives is not to litter.


Back then Rich Jews supported America because of the Communist threat

Did you like the newest Robocop? I though it sucked.

I'll buy that for a dollar.

Murphy never looks anyone in the eyes except when he shows his usb schlong

He does the chad pose when he fires his gun to flex on virgin criminals.

it's literally mimicking fencing

An obvious design choice
he probably can't take the gun with both hands nor help one hand with the other while shooting (like the proper way) because of the vest, so they had to come up with a way of him to shoot kind of dynamically while having to deal with his movement constraints
somebody came up with this sword-esche technique

He didn't even have enough respect to call him a dumbass.

I despised that piece of shit.

>usb schlong
faggot leave

Despise is a good word for it. I was extremely disappointed.

He's telling Cecil to fuck off.

Attached: RoboCop Hell.jpg (965x1374, 139K)

Leaches, beave!

Because it looks cool

Attached: Tarts Abscond.jpg (1600x1056, 129K)

One of my prime directives

nobody liked it
also it had joel kinnamen in the lead so it couldn't be good by default

youtube.com/watch?v=Jmqa99Ar1Hs Relevant.

See, I got this problem. Mods don't like me. So I don't like mods. Nenenennenenenenenenenene.

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That's fucking atrocious you faggot fuck.