Is there actually a new generation of Star Wars fans?

Is there actually a new generation of Star Wars fans?

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no lol


>after TLJ
R-Remember sheev? Good times right? Please come back

actually yes, kids are dumb so thew will like anything , and there are a lot of dumb kids that dont know TFA is a bad reboot, so they will grew up fans of disney, this and all the girls that see rey as a cool and strong female, star wars is a pg-12 film for girls now, this is why anakin killing the young ones is the best thing george ever did cause shills still cry to this day.

My cousins aged between 5 - 13 have liked Star Wars for years. That's the original trilogy though. I don't think any of them have seen the sequels.

I'm sure some kids like it, when I was a kid I liked most movies

Yes the new generation is hungry for Kylo's cock

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I hope not. My small cousins which have always been star wars fans and super excited don't even want to see episode 9 anymore.

Whenever I see footage from Star Wars fan events I overwhelmingly see middle aged white men and their kids. I don't know where this "the force is female" stuff is coming from but it's definitely not reflected in the fanbase.

>I don't know where this "the force is female" stuff is coming from
the writers

Judging from toy store shelves and game releases; no.

I went to watch the Rise of Skywalker trailer last night and it wasn’t even in the top ten results for ‘rise of’.

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I miss them

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Marketing and Disneyworld will make sure of that.

Good luck.

zoomers don't give a shit about star wars

It's all about marvel

I don't hang around kids so I can't say for absolute certain, but I'm going to assume no because you don't hear about it second or third hand the way you hear about capeshit and fortnite. Also I don't see cheap chinese Star Wars merch at the post office whereas I see shitloads of Marvel and Frozen shit.

I get that. I'm just saying that it's clearly bullshit.

Did they literally reuse the Rogue One Star Destroyer model or why are they all Imperiall I's instead of II's?

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this, marvel and fortnite have a bigger cultural impact on their lives than some boomer spaceflick

Not really.
In my experience, most zoomers love the prequels and respect the OT but don't give a shit about Disney Wars.
And younger kids (presumably the ones Disney was aiming at) don't really care about movies at all, period. Video games, music and social media are far more popular pastimes.

How do they not constantly crash into each other? We've seen how unwieldy and prone to crashes these things are in Rogue One.

I’d rather him be gone as a good memory though, not reborn as some YASKWEEN woke tranny

why would you space fight all on the same z axis

Star Wars doesn't have the impact it once did. The special editions knocked them down and the prequels killed it while these new movies are the final nails in the coffin!!!FACT!!!

It only had an impact because people were CHILDREN


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I get a very twisted sense of joy from this

They're some super laser star destroyer.

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>same z axis
>ships are clearly on different axis
Unbased and retard pilled

Wait, why didn't they just use that against the Death Star? Holy fuck. Why didn't I think of that till just now? Such an obvious issues. How the fuck has no one realized that? How am I literally the first one?

each ship has its own cock

Sorry to break it to you, but my 15 year old nephew already realized it last week.

All my nephews (autist of the family here) started on the ST and then when I got them into the OT, they never went back. They even enjoy the PT more than the ST.

This is 8 kids.

So now they finally did it and put the Death Star on Star Destroyers, bravo J.J.

My mom waited in line for 3 hours to watch A New Hope when it came out. The original trilogy had a massive impact on both adults and children. A movie set in space with those kind of visual effects (and a less cerebral plot than say, 2001) was a big fucking deal in those days. Everybody was talking about it.

I wondered exactly this, but it could be a time-travel thing.

a few corvettes set on autopilot to hyperspace ram each of those would end the battle pretty quick

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Are toys even popular in general anymore? Someone pull out the quick gestalt.

And how old was she?

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Yes, any fandom that wants their hobby on the silver screen are suicidal cucks begging for punishment *glances towards Wheel of Time fanbase*

What, A new hope had lines? I didn't know it was already big before the first one hit the cinemas

Wouldn’t even gave to be corvettes just strap a hyperdrive to a tungsten rod and you’ve got a war winning weapon

You know, why don't they just use fucking missiles with nuclear warheads to blow shit up on the ground?

They could easily make 500 megaton warheads about the size of a van and put them on your standard high tech engines they have; and with how big the warships are, they could have thousands of them.

Of course, hyperspace ramming nullifies everything now.


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Parents bring kids to the the movies, any kid that was introduced to the original trilogy, had parents who were fans, Disney pissed off the fans so much, they aren't going to bring their kids to see future starwars movies, the toys aren't selling, the movies are bombing, Star Wars is dead.

Yes, the Marvel toys make absolute killing.

a funny IX would be every time the first order brings a new dreadnought shit the resistance fires off another and blows it up

like have it happen over 20 times during the movie

We don't have any indication in universe of an sort of nuclear physics. Star Wars is basically magic in space anyway, who fucking knows, maybe they don't even know about atoms.

>It only had an impact because people were CHILDREN

No user. You'll NEVER understand what I'm talking about. Star Wars had more impact on pop culture than any other movie in history. Back inn the 90's, before the special editions, the OT was beloved and when people spoke of it there was a reverence to their voices, almost as if they were talking about a sacred thing while their eyes would light up!!!FACT!!!

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They are all empty, mothballed reserve ships. Bankrupt of ideas they stole the Katana fleet.

Just drop a progressive writer on each Imperial ship and they will disband within a week.

Always preferred the idea of closing the book on a good note and leaving it at that, instead of letting it continue till it becomes unrecognisable or just complete shit and you hate it

Can confirm. The hype for TPM was INSANE, and that was before the internet was a thing. TFA had a similar feel for being the first movie in many years, but now it's fucking dead.

calm down basement freak

>I didn't know it was already big before the first one hit the cinemas
It wasn't. It had a limited initial release (in something 30 cinemas IIRC) and Fox expected it to be a flop. Nobody expected it to get anywhere as big as it did.

Back then you actually needed to make a good movie in order to be successful, rather than completely relying on marketing to do the job.

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I sorta remember something in the old lore regarding nukes being banned by a some convention due to their long lasting effects, like we do with gas weapons.

I doubt there are actual fans. There is a hype marketing machine and there are families that want a cheap day out.

people rewatched it 7 times in theaters

Oh my god you are fucking right, I knew it tingled something in the back of my memory - It is a Katana fleet.
Now if only they would name those big weapons the 'Mazer cannons' I would still find a tiny bit of forgotten hatred towards Disney in my heart.

>radiation is too long lasting of an effect
>blowing up an entire planet is not

Yes, they're known as kids too young to know any better.

Did Rebels ever do him justice?

It's like how torture is banned but just killing people isn't.

Torture is objectively worse than just killing your enemy.

I've wondered this for a bit and i feel with the ubiquity of star wars / marvel shit everywhere it must have a cultivating effect. Star wars yogurt, Marvel book covers. Shit is everywhere and these kids probably don't know what they're absorbing. I doubt the movies themselves are popular.

How many parents you think forced it on their kids?

>How do we raise the stakes?
>You know [dangerous/scary thing from the last film]? How about we have a BILLION giant ones of them!
Every damn time. Fucking JJ Abrams.

Of course. Even if not, then eventually.

>implying all the fans hate it
>implying you have to be and outright fan and not just a normie who'll end up showing your kids them because they're on Disney+
Ahahaha what. You anons seem to forget that it's only been 6 years since the buyout and 4 years since the new trilogy. If you expect these new films to find their audience right off the bat like the first film in 1977 then you're not being realistic. The Prequels went through the same shit.

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They want more women audiences. People think this stuff is a crazy conspiracy but they just want to keep selling these old properties to new audiences to see how much money they can make

This desu desu. In fact let me break this down with an example. Star-Lord from Guardians of the Galaxy.
In the pre-movie comics Star-Lord was a former pulp sci-fi hero who used sarcastic humor as a coping mechanism to deal with the fact he had accidentally assisted an alien invasion, and even though he had driven said aliens out still had a *colossal* amount of survivor's guilt.
When Marvel Studios decided to make a movie based on this obscure but well-regarded property, they brought in James Gunn to direct. Now Gunn was a fan of a minor Guardian character named Bug (who was a bumbling quipping manchild) and wanted him in the film. The trouble was that the movie rights to Bug are tied up with the Micronauts series, which is owned by Hasbro.
So James Gunn decided to merge the characters of Bug and Peter Quill into a new character called Peter Quill, a man who pretends to be a pulp sci-fi hero but is really a bumbling quipping manchild. And now everyone knows Star-Lord as a bumbling quipping manchild.
And even better, you now have comic writers (by which I mean Bendis) who never read the original comics but *did* see the film so they write comic Star-Lord as a bumbling quipping manchild.
You should NEVER want to see your property "adapted" to the big or small screen, they will inevitably ruin something about it.

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I'd like to hear an opinion of someone who was killed on this.

How will they explain Y-wings coming back?

wasn't Igor the one rattling on about star wars fatigue, it's not because the movies are shit, it's fatigue, funny marvel had 20 movies, if fatigue is setting in anywhere it's there, but that's after 20 movies.

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Aaaaah, that is why the movie Guardians felt somehow out of place. Thanks for info, makes a lot of sense.

nobody gave a shit about guardians pre MCU

Bob Iger is a very weird fellow. Word has it that originally, Galaxy's Edge (the Star Wars land at Disney parks) was suppose to be all based on locations from OT like Mos Eisley and Endor. Bob Iger watched the dailies from TFA and told them to stop and reskin it for the ST because he honestly thought TFA was better than any previous Star Wars.

Star Wars was never like Marvel, though. There was never a period pre-2015 where there was a Star Wars film every year. It was supposed to be a special occasion.

So yeah, fatigue is real.

Not enough to replace the people they turned off

Yeah, and turning Peter Quill into le epic zinger-throwing man who gets kneed in the balls was utterly necessary to that success.

They don't call it the 'Force' for nothing!

people like chris pratt, his fun personality definitely led to the success

This. If he looked the part he would have been perfect for young Han Solo

sure thing Kathleen. fatigue of Disney shitting out terrible movies.

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>implying the MCU films aren't terrible
What kind of argument is this. I'm Lucas dished out feature films during the 3 years that the prequals were separated in.

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>I'm Lucas
i'm sure Lucas*

Okay George.

who could ever trust a corporation that talks like this
>"the motivation was to refocus expenditure and limit Star Wars exposure to reset the franchise and allow fans to heal"

what the FUCK does that even mean? cunts should have their eyelids nailed shut

It stems from the same cancerous fucking marxist shit that radical feminism grows from.
They think that all people are the same and there are no inborn differences of any kind, be they racial or sexual.

With this logic in mind there's no reason why you can't create a property that appeals to both men and women and scoop up the entire market. But there's a problem, and it's called reality. In reality men and women ARE different, they DO like different things and if you take a property which appeals to one and try to wrench it around to face the other way, not only do you alienate the original audience but your end product is a bastardised, ill-born thing which doesn't truly appeal to the other audience either.
You end up with no audience, which is how a Han Solo movie bombs just that badly.

>Having a beloved lead didn't help the movie become a huge success


What an idiotic statement. If you are killed you are fucking dead. It's obviously the worst outcome possible.

what the hell are you talking about?

there are no generation of Star Wars fans who love the prequels. Kids born in that generation actually hate the prequels and love the OT.

Why will these new films be any different? They're EVEN WORSE than the prequels and the zeitgeist has well and firmly turned around. You're an idiot.

fatuige isn't what killed starwars, nor racism or sexism, well not on the part of the fans in anyway, bad writers, directors and producers ruined star wars, and it's dead, Disney isn't getting the hardcore fans back, you know the fans who carried the brand form the 70's for 20 years even when there wasn't a hint of a prequel trilogy, the fans who introduced their children and kept it going, I never liked star wars so I don't give a shit, but I'm glad the mouse is bleeding.

I did, I was super into the mid-2000s cosmic marvel, nova and all of that. Then I went back and read the original Thanos stuff...let's just say I didn't find Endgame particularly satisfying.

No, they are not objectively terrible. In fact they are well-composed, have great set/costume design and cinematography, generally have a decent lead actor attached, and the end product is always average at the very least. They are consistently enjoyable by a wide audience

Nu Star Wars can't even muster that, just being consistently entertaining

>Defending the MCU's shitty office comedy-tier writing with "but people like Chris Pratt tho" as if he's not capable of a deeper, more meaningful performance if given better material.
Fuck off.

>the force is female
Wasn't that just a nike thing?

>Then I went back and read the original Thanos stuff...let's just say I didn't find Endgame particularly satisfying.
Loved the arc Starlin wrote for him. And then afterwards going on space adventures with his buddy Adam.

They already did a similar crap visual when they showed a star destroyer in some kind of storm in Solo?

No one cares.

Owners of old IPs all seem to believe their existing fanbase is permanent and will happily gobble up any shit they put out so they only have to focus on appealing to new fans.

It was, as the cool kids would say, Big in Japan. Even more so than in the West cuz they understood the references.

Thanos is one of the most interesting characters with one of the strangest and eventful life journeys in the Marvel universe, but none of that was shown in the movies. Josh Brolin CARRIED Thanos so hard, because everything from his backstory to his motivations were written to be as bland as a Christ cracker.

And let's just forget the non-character he was in Endgame. Pretty much just a big boss fight.

This is the key. The manchild fathers forcing it to their kids. This is what Disney had in mind all the time.

Star Wars became YUGE with the OT because it was a movie set in space with special effects never seen before. Today you get shitton of movies every year with the same special effects of Star Wars, its not a big deal anymore except for those who grew up with it. Star Wars is literally a Marvel flick now but doesn't have the same success because the only character people give some fuck about is Kylo Ren.

They’re not wrong. The Stones are still pulling out new albums and somebody must be buying that shit.

>Thanos is one of the most interesting characters with one of the strangest and eventful life journeys in the Marvel universe, but none of that was shown in the movies. Josh Brolin CARRIED Thanos so hard, because everything from his backstory to his motivations were written to be as bland as a Christ cracker.

Exactly, I wasn't expecting much out of the idea, but I was happy to see Thanos finally get realized in a big blockbuster movie; Brolin did a good job too. I didn't even bother with Endgame, to me it all ended with Infinity War.

What's worse is that ever since he was destined to be the top antag in MCU, Marvel has been shitting out a lot of books with him in it, reverting him back to a generic villain so he can job to the groups of earth heroes. It grates me a little but that's comics.

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Absolutely false. In my country even the most normie political newpapers were quoting Episode 1 merely a year after it came out and using words like "padawan".
By comparison absolutely nobody is talking about the sequels except for quietly lamenting how boring and unimaginative they are.

this is it, check out the link below

I'm going to hazard a guess that the Rolling Stones didn't start putting out pitch shifted rap albums and call anyone who doesn't like them racist sexist nazis.

How do you figure? You have to endure torture. Death doesn't hurt. Death doesn't feel like anything because you no longer have the brain power to feel anything. When you're dead it's over. Nothing to worry about.



no. there are no true star wars fans except us, op, a bunch of guys in our 20s 30s and even 40s

yeah and they are just as gay as the others.

>AHAHAHA the first order is trying to intimidate us with their ships again
>prepare the laura dern maneuver

My cousins 6 and 9 only talk about the Original Trilogy and the 6 year old wears a Darth Vader T-Shirt

These kids don't give a fuck about this new trilogy.

>Beethoven's moonlight starts palying

Not in my experiences. Kids don't give a fuck about Star Wars. Would have helped if at least kids could have gotten some good video games out of this new trilogy but EA sit right on the IP and didn't do anything of real note with it. At least back when the Prequels were coming out as a teenager I could enjoy some games. I don't blame kids for not giving a fuck about it at all. Disney don't know what they're doing at all. If it weren't for Marvel having some autonomy and doing well with what they have I don't think Disney would be doing anywhere near as well financially as they're currently doing. They owe Feige big time.

Torture usually results in lasting physical damages and PTSD, which you have to live with for decades afterwards. Try reading up a bit on torture throughout the ages, shit is chilling to the bone.

>My cousins.
>My cousins.
>My cousins.
>My cousins.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH we are all the same shit here.

The only people left are the idiots that are too consumed by the sunk cost of their time investment


it's lights out for the rebellion

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Only Reylo faggots.

the thing I liked least about that game was the micro, too many clickable "abilities" that without using them combat takes forever. still fun though

>lightning in a vacuum
What the niglet is their problem?

Why are people this retarded? "MUH generation of fans"

There was a generation of fucking morons that enjoyed the shitty old Star Wars films because they were young and now they're old they prefer the old ones and shill the new ones while acknowledging they're not as good.

Now, there is a new generation who enjoy the current shitty Star Wars films and will probably shill the next trilogy.

Spoken like a true Marvel fan.


>still fun though

oh my yes!

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Happy 12th birthday, buddy!

no, they like Marvel and Fortnite, not Star Wars

Try reading up a bit about not existing before you whine about bad memories.

Which mod is that? Homeworld or SoSE?

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kek what a retarded response

SoSE, it's Interregnum

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Which mod for sins is this? I'm still playing dawn of the reapers and sins of the prophets, haven't checked any sw mods yet.

ok but they're only like 1 ships height away
shouldn't they be more spread out so they dont get deleted by one of those hyperspace rams like last time

>nothing to worry about

You have very little respect for the concept of life, and don't strike me as the fighting type.

Those aren't active ships. They're a bunch of empty ships that the emperor parked there 30 years ago.

JJ is making them literal destroyers of stars. Screencap this.

I would argue that the ability to feel pain is infinitely preferable to non-existence.

>OT star destroyers in a desperate attempt to pander

Awww but the Resurgent class star destroyer was one of the few cool thing I liked from the new movies

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All the young kids I know just aren't into Star Wars.

Kids like anything. But nu-wars don't have anything memorable like all this capeshit movie where kids forget plot and only like the heroes. Old star wars had such an impact on me. I bought lego stuff because everything was memorable. Kamino was insanely cool. Nu wars is bland ans unispired.


they prefer marvel, they failed to capture the next gen.


2000-2005 babies are still rabid fans, raised on Clone Wars.
The problem is the gap that came later and the fact that new movies aren't getting any new fans.

Such subtlety could only be reached thanks to JJ Abram's involvement.

seems to be a running theme in this movie

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If the emperor had a fleet of super weapons completed, why even bother with the second deathstar in rotj?
Star Wars is so dumb.

Kids are watching Marvel movies.

This. Kids nowadays are nuts for Marvel. My coworkers tell me half the time, their kids fall asleep watching nuwars.


How mad would you be if we got another hyperspace ramming scene in Episode 9?

i would even be madder if they ignored it

I think that part where thanos is just sitting waiting for the Cap, Thor and Iron Man was very fitting for him

They fucking established it's now a thing, they better do as LF does and double down on it.

Nobody talks about these movies and people rarely watch them. Here in Europe, not one women I know still don't know what happened in the previous ones. Only most American women are stupid enough to swallow thos huge amounts of feminism.

just wait until an A-wing jumping to light speed at a star destroyer will cause it to blow up. The rebels will defeat the lost fleet with 50 unmanned A-wings in episode 9....

Parents may force things on them, but not childish and retarded things like this.

technology is your friend goy.

Wait... are you a woman?

Not really. But apparently he survived the ending and Disney has something planned for him.

yes, they're in double digits

Of course. Get your head out of your ass.

It’s all astroturf. Every time we see real reactions from fans they’re slandered as Nazis or Russian bots. The films are shitty and uncreative. I never thought I’d end up hating Star Wars but here I am. Thanks, Jews.

The youngest generation of Star Wars fans are those who were born between 2000 and 2005 and grew up watching the prequels as well as the original trilogy. As far as I can tell there is no new generation of Star Wars fans being raised on Nu-Wars.

The difference is that the prequels are actually good. It’s a giant normalfag meme that they are awful.

We felt a more proven and reliable bomber and payload delivery system is higher quality than the big Ts


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Yes, however the problem is that star wars makes most of its money from merchandise and those new audience don't buy that crap.

The problem is they alienated the sad pathetic neckbeards that spend $300 on a millennium falcon blowup doll.

The money they make from merch is more than double what they make from blue-ray and movie ticket sales combined.

zoomer here, me and my friends dont give a shit about star wars

My 7 year old daughter couldn't give a shit less about Star Wars. To her it's some ancient thing Daddy liked when he was her age. I showed her what's left of my action figures from the 80's. To her they are just ancient artifacts and antiques. There is no fascination at all. She is more into watching the old Sabrina the teen aged witch cartoon from the 00's free on Roku channel lol.

>Did they literally reuse the Rogue One Star Destroyer model or why are they all Imperiall I's instead of II's?
It's that giant fleet from the Empire that they hid for some reason. There was a mention of it in RotJ or something

They should probably accept it wont happen. Women just hate space for some reason. Probably too alien a concept for their simple minds.
>durrrrr why is it always night time?

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They should just put the original trilogy back in theaters, if they want a new generation of fans. Worked for me in the 90's.

How'd they keep the ships running all those years in unknown space?

>Exterminatus Star Destroyer

I'll never understand why people collect all these toys. Like yeah as kids it obviously made sense because we played with them, but as adults I don't get it. Each to their own and all that.

guessing thats the total for all star wars eras, i wonder what portion new movies make up

My five year old nephew's favorite things are Star Wars and Pirates of the Caribbean. My cousin's kids, older than him, boy and girl, love Star Wars too.

people seem to have a need to collect things, just look at stamp collectors.

Which ones did they see first?

It’s because their brains are friend by advertising and marketing techniques. They literally hire psychologists for this stuff

if kids like marvel and not star wars good because they are fucking plebs who like shit even worse than star wars

sure but i'm saying theres something about humans that we want to collect things, marketing just plays into that trait. you see people collecting bottle caps and belly button fluff

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Again, no story, just visuals.

nice landfill

>decades worth of EU books, comics, and games they could’ve just adapted for the sequels
>instead they just rip bits and pieces off the EU and hope their Frankenstein’s Monster of a trilogy will be loved by all
Well, as long as the brand rakes in money, I guess its contents don’t need to be good.

Gotta have a shiny lure to catch the neighborhood kids with

>this level of coping

>70mm RotJ release.
>Seeing it for the first time
It was a better time.

No, the new Star Wars films are like the equivalent of a bunch of lame old feminists visiting an elementary school and putting on a play, then freaking out when the kids lose interest and start talking over it.

yeah but it's progressively more niche. soon star wars fans will be like fans of ghostbusters, still active but people will cross the street to avoid them.

They thought a soft remake of the OT with added diversity would be a sure win. They misread Star Wars fans, didn't think people would care about things like consistent world building, and would just eat up another Death Star, regardless of if it made any sense.
And then they let a retarded art school hipster write and direct the sequel for some reason.

Lazer Moon, but this time spread across multiple ships.

>somehow the emperor managed to construct literally hundreds of kilometer-long space ships with a secret design that nobody knew about
>not one person who assisted in the construction of these ships leaked their existence, nor did any of the literal thousands of crew members involved in moving the ships to the secret location
>not one crew member was noticed missing when they were part of the team to fly these hundreds of kilometer-long ships into fuck knows where
Based hack sci-fi writers