>don't EVER be late with my chinese food again, stupid chink
this scene was uncomfortable to watch. What's with tarantino and all these racial slurs?
Don't EVER be late with my chinese food again, stupid chink
How much you wanna bet that the people bitching about this one scene didn't even watch the movie?
i legit have not seen a single movie in 3 years and i post on Yea Forums everyday. I only watch short clips of movies on youtube
are american cars really made from tinfoil?
no wonder no one buys them outside the US.
t. never been to Europe
I live in Europe, obviously.
the only american cars you see are with the autists who think having an old muscle car with boat steering is good
This forced meme will never be funny.
Chinklet cope
>not pictured
>Bruce Lee
All I see you buying are Vauxhalls, Peugeots, and Audis
This is funny stuff lol
>This is funny stuff lol
all far better than any american manufacturer
>inb4 GMC owns Vauxhall
wow so profits going to america means its american made? lol no.
>Inadvertently proved my point
So butthurt lmao
it was brad pitt throwing bruce lee, surprise the car didn't blow up.
memes aside, it was a fun fight and was hoping they would fight again later in the film
It is ricedick
said the loser who cant argue :^)
>chinklet cope
i think most people just assume the car throw and the arm lock was the end of the fight when really it was just a best two out 3 contest to see who can knock the other person down the most
>Non law enforcement agency
the last hit was cliff punching bruce in the chest
This kills the Bruceposter.
Bruce wasn't even fazed lol.
This kills Bruce
So? That's not what the rules were.
>buying the top 1%'s racist divide and conquer tactics instead of standing in solidarity with your fellow proletarian incels
Meanwhile, in reality...
cliff was dominating 3rd round
they punch each other but it resulted in both blocking and shoving.
Actually on reach watch Bruce goes for a low punch while Cliff goes for an elbow, from the looks of it the punch didn't do much to cliff put it does connect and he slightly reacts but not as much as the elbow Bruce takes to his chest which makes sense considering the size and strength difference.
Not even who you replied to
I am not saying he wouldn't have won, but he didn't fucking win. He blocked Lee's punches and got one decent hit in. He didn't win. There were no compubox numbers or tell of the tape.
hi Chang.
I'm banging your sister as I type this.
cliff was going to fuck him up bruce got saved by a woman
fuck even the woman said bruce got his ass kicked
i wouldn't call it dominating but he was on the offensive and bruce only manages to counter once at the very end of the fight which results in a trade. The fight would've been over for Bruce at the begining of the thrid round when he gets caught in an arm lock but Cliff missed his chance to knock him down. Ultimately it's clear Cliff was winning but in the end it was still 1 to 1 and it wasn't a one sided fight.
That being said fuck yellow people
Pretty sure the ghosts of Bruce Lee an Brandon Lee are both laughing at
Watch Glengarry Glen Ross faggot.
why do white people hate bruce lee? he clearly loved them
Some shitposter should put the picture of him and brad pit on the grave
Cliff wasn't going to do shit, his car slam on Bruce Lee barely fazed Bruce. Bruce was up immediately.
>I live in Europe, obviously.
Obviously, I can tell from the faggy tone of your posts
>white people
only americans hate him though, he's a legend everywhere else
>top 1%
>not the ones advocating open borders
Useful idiots like you are the reason the west is going to shit.
that was the most unrealistic thing about the fight
If Brad half-dead can make a comeback in Snatch, what more Bruce Lee, who looked barely winded by Brad's sissy punch and car throw?
Americans love Bruce Lee generally. It's all just memes, people shouldn't take it seriously.
The most unrealistic thing about the fight is a 5-week boxer keeping up with Bruce Lee, who was obviously carrying the rigged match by slowing down his strikes so that Brad can keep up.
why are you americans so fucking embarrassing
Do you actually think that the wannabe tryhard tone of your posts makes you look cool or something
>ree youre a fag
spotted the american in the closet
>Being a European means you sound faggy
americans made him a legend, no one really hates him unironically, they just hate that he is treated like a sacred cow. Had there been no outrage this meme wouldn't exist which is why unfortunately it won't last.
cringe fag
modern cars are made of tinfoil, retard
old cars (both american and european) wouldn't bend like that
you can hear cliff "oof" at the end
Keep on being a bootlicker, little boy.
You have to be 18 to post here.
brad pitt is apparently a bruce lee fan and wanted the fight to end in a draw unlike tarantino who wanted the fight to end with cliff unphased at all
cars are supposed to crymble so they absorb the shock in an accident
most men born in the late sixties and seventies are bruce lee fans
when are the americans going to bed?
why cant they HANDLE having shitty cars?
from a narrative stance it makes no sense for bruce to lose easily to cliff if the whole point was to show how much of a badass Cliff is. Ending in an official draw but pretty much a win makes the most sense
Too far, this is a disgrace
Tarantino is a zoomer piece of shit.
>people REEEEEEing at dark humor
>on Yea Forums
Grow a spine, faggots.
commies today are a farce lobbying for pro-corporate ultra capitalist politics
fucking "revolutionaries" fighting for corporations to import unskilled workers that will be exploited by corporations and the upper classes while the proletariat suffer from a housing crisis and unemployment because of outsourcing
fuck you and die fuck you and die fuck you and die
Yeah, never thought I'd see "commies" siding with Disney.
you're confusing commies with neoliberals posing as socialists
JMM had to endure 5 knockdowns in the course of 4 fights to get those two.
fumy since tarantino was clearly inspired by bruce lee fans, he was just having a bit of fun at bruce's expense. His legacy will survive it so whats the big deal.
Though what does pisses me off is that Tarantino says in an interview Bruce claimed he could beat Ali based of a quote from Linda Lee, but he failed to realize that Linda in the book was quoting critic of Lee. Lazy on QT's part. Bruce was cocky to people on the street and people around him but had great respect for professional fighters and sparring partners, he even said that Ali would destroy him and that "his hands" wouldn't be able to hurt Ali.
holy shit im drinking too much
>mfw when you are commie and want to protect working class in todays world you are called "far-right"
In the era where Pac was Roiding without worrying about failing a drug test
Yea Forums?
What is that.
I only know 4channel, good sir
Bruce, like Ali, bragged about things he knew he could back up or thought he could back up.
I'm flattered you think that Pacquiao was roiding in order to accomplish what he has accomplished.
I genuinely think this is litmus test to gauge whether the person you are talking to is retarded or not.
If they in any way suggest this scene is inappropriate or offensive they are retarded.
>Bruce gets a title and picture on his headstone
>Brandon’s is literally just his name
Holy kek, imagine being mogged from the afterlife this hard
Shannon Lee is retarded?
It's different I think if it's family or friends that knew him.
So you're telling me that Pac just happened to hit harder punches than cartel cholo tank Antonio Margarito despite both fighters landing roughly the same amount of power punches?
If people agree with Bruce's friends and family over this being offensive they're retarded?
She was 4 when Bruce Lee died, she knows nothing about her father
You don't have to go far back to see drm-socs like Bernie advocate for tariffs and border protection in the name of protecting the middle/working classes, but all that is gone now.
You're raycuss