Cakehole O'Brien edition
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Let the threads be organic.
Is Sheev trying to electrocute a bitch?
this isn't what this thread is about
>miiiiiles, why are you out playing the battle of britain in the holosuites with julian instead of coloring with your daughter
>miiiiiles, why are you drunkenly singing jerusalem with julian instead of making love to me?
Now young Star Trek... you will die.
I want the Nu Wars posters to leave.
You want everyone to leave. Your ideal thread is you samefagging in an echo chamber for 310 posts.
When all you do is bitch and moan eventually people stop caring.
Pretty sure you're talking about me (and I'm not that guy).
We're going to end up in the Vulcan science archive, lads. Not like this!
I believe that the ancient archive from Masks was most likely created by the same gods who encountered Vucub-Caquix. He was a Bird Demon who was slain by the Hero Twins of old Mayan folklore.
they were just really into capeshit
Keiko literally ruins every episode she's in.
The Assignment is a great episode featuring Keiko. Maybe because she's more evil.
The same is true for most characters' alternate versions. It's more apparent with Keiko because her base character is so fucking shit.
>called a "Horgon"
>makes a whore stay
god I need a risan gf bros
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Shh. Be quiet. Trekkies are sleeping.
I'm awake.
Any episodes to combat solitude?
what program?
Hard Time
That's a redemption episode. You're leading him on.
why was obrian never promoted?
Promoted to what exactly?
Don't start.
Promotion to citizen of the Federation, since he was technically IRA.
The IRA doesn't exist in trek.
>she's basically possessed by a demon
>she's basically the same as before
She underwent changes.
I miss BF
any eps about big war?
She's been alting as NTT.
Why? Bash is a bitchy barista.
There's always a big war going on somewhere in Star Trek. Can you be a bit more specific?
human vs aliens not romulans
BF is a goddess. Not only is she a witty and fiery poster but she's also a brilliant and compassionate human being, something extremely uncommon, hell, almost unique in these threads. I'm inspired to be a better person when she's around.
Pretty much all of DS9 is a big war.
we know you've been photoshopping counselor troi's head onto photod of dickgirl models again
defend this
It helped Worf to understand his place in Klingon culture.
oh good for worf
I'm glad he destroyed decades of peace and cohabitation between romulans and klingons because of his racism and autism.
What was the purpose of this shitty little secret cross-species commune though?
This guy speaks the truth
(((race mixing is good)))
you're ill
not all
Thoughts on Gul Dukat?
Fellated by delusional betas who think that "tricking a woman into believing that you're rescuing her from sexual assault" is an alpha seduction tactic.
Whether intended or not, Star Trek has served as one of the best examples of race mixing not being a good thing. Every time there is an exploration of a mixed human/alien character it turns out that they struggle profoundly with their identity. Alexander, B'Ellana, etc. Every time there is a mixed couple they have almost insurmountable issues as a result of it. You might say oh they usually turn out fine in the end, but on Trek these explorations only occur with at least somewhat redeeming characters who by the nature of their construction as a non-villain Trek character will tend to resolve their issues in some satisfying way for the audience. Imagine there being numerous examples like Tom and B'Ellana, but instead they're just average people who weren't constructed specifically as characters to root for, who will end up being shitty with each other without any resolution, pass on their frictions to the identity-confused children they raise. The average same-race couple usually has enough struggle without such a huge issue being piled on top. Not a pretty picture.
>women are so stupid they fall for it every time
Based Chad Dukat
Worf doesn't even understand klingon culture. He has a warped view of it, thinking klingons are supposed to be stoic professional warriors, when every single klingon we see is a jolly drunken mess. It makes his whole attempt to connect with his people stupid since he's not even trying to connect with them, he's trying to impose his idea of how his race should act on his fellow klingons.
Ridge headed uncle tom bitch.
"warped" might even be generous. It's not organic whatsoever. Society and tradition forms around the people who create it, and it develops as an extension of the interactions of those people. Worf literally came at this backwards, kind of like if a human raised by aliens came and attempted to relate to us by learning table etiquette, religious texts, driving laws and how the government functions, and without ever interacting with another human just assumed that thanks to all of that they actually had a handle on "being" human. Worf was a larper, and so that's the only way any other klingon could relate to him.
Worf understands it, but more from the outside. Klingons are lost, their obsession with 'honor' has obscured their view. Worf was the one who showed them the error of their ways.
More like worfed lmaoooooo
>Oh, yes... They float, Harry... They float... and when you're down here with me... YOU FLOAT TOO!
He becomes the head professor of engineering for Starfleet Academy.
Only because his joints were fucked after years of hands-on engineering work. A job like that isn't a promotion.
Plus the endless slaughter of Cardies that would make even a warrior Klingon look pussy
The bloody Cardies can’t be trusted
Cast her as a Star Trek character.
The Whoreta
Molly O'Brien.
>who is she?
She's a big girl
Who are you quoting?
He’s been an officer since the start of TNG you mouthbreathing retard. Do you know how navy ranks work? An ensign is the first commissioned officer rank. Wesley was made an acting CO even though he was a literal child.
>doesn’t know the difference between enlisted and NCO
Brainlets, you missed the point. His warped understanding is part of the message of the episode.
Worf fell for Klingon memes. He bought into the unrealistic grandeur of Klingon legend and songs. It's like if you tried hold modern Greeks to the cultural standards of Ancient Greek stories.
Obviously you don’t either. A non commissioned officer is someone that rose through the enlisted ranks to become a warrant/petty officer. A CO is someone that has a 4 year bachelor’s degree and went to officer school, and is then commissioned as a starting CO rank, ie second lieutenant for the army, ensign for the navy, and ensign for starfleet, since it’s modeled after the navy.
no one? Literally asking who she is
Why'd you use greentext
tfw we will never see this uniform
forgot video
So is O’Brien enlisted or an NCO?
dead thread
she's too fat
It's good to know that no fat people exist in the future.
Illiterate braindead retard.
Good. It's gross.
Haha you don’t know do you
Some random Bolian
Except it isn't. That episode plays directly into Worf's cobbled-together understanding of what it is to be a Klingon, because the children were missing that performed cultural aspect of themselves that Worf is specifically autistic about. It's played completely straight, unlike any episode where he deals with the mockery from regular Klingons who aren't detached from their nature the way those kids were.
>being this much of a pleb
Post fat sexy star trek girls to prove me wrong.
>being this much of a pleb
Leave him alone. you bully!
>making light of eating disorders
how mature
you post them
Nobody in this thread has the balls to post fat sexy star trek girls. Y'all probably busy fapping to skinny Bajoran twigs.
You're being kinda mean. Remember to think before you post.
I'm calling out the fat poster. Only way to shut me up is to post fat sexy star trek girls and prove to me they deserve to exist in the future
None of the shows have fatties in them.
Well then build a case with cosplay. Do it, faggot. I dare you.
We're not your personal starfleet.
You can't bully us into doing what you want! /trek/ is stronger than that!
>won't even post one fat sexy star trek girl
gene would be laughing at your tiny dick and ball
>this thread
>Star Trek doesn't have fat people
Post the other nine.
Riker's a dude.
Is human waste and holodeck materials recycled into the food replicators?
no no I want to see sexy fat star trek *girls* /trek/
no names pls. it detracts from discussion
Not bad but I think I need more convincing
Don't give into his demands, guys.
She's not fat though.
fuck was his deal?
>7 kb
small pic for such a big girl
73 kb - kg
Fat and disgusting.
not cool
He's the every man, the one the audience is supposed to be able to relate to. That's why he has an accent, works with his hands, and has a basic bitch wife.
Please for the love of all that is holy, let this be from a lesbian porno that a video exists for.
Their plump asses are practically falling out of those uniforms. How shameful. Are all fat sexy star trek girls like this?
And is racist and is hurt for it.
The actress in red is Lindsey Mannon. She's on PH.
>xhamster link
dis gon b gud
Post more fat Riker art
>so bitch-mad angry she starts emitting lightning
Shit, Miles is screwed when he gets home after his 12 hour shift cleaning out the sanitation system. Poor guy.
Just another instagram to whore around.
Holodeck cleanup
>all those spy pics in her ghostbusters uniform
spooky but also pretty rad...
hi VF. Some here like you.
Where did her friend go?
shh no drama while perfect star trek gfs are being posted please
What's PH?
So does Miles O Brien. Theyre both terrible and deserve each other.
O'Brien would be fine if he wasn't such a fucking arsey cunt. Don't know why he thinks he's so much better than everyone else.
say it
blue board, champ
Give it up, Neel...
Sorry, I don't masturbate so I don't know what the kids call their smut site these days
>I don't masturbate
the romulan empire
>no emperor
Thank god.
HELL yeah!
>Ejactualtion by mental stimulation.
Disco got ses 3 & 4
I'm addicted to star trek girls
Fuck why am I so gross
ever see a girl so perfect and beautiful it physically hurt? well that's literally me every time I see a star trek girl
becaus you don't shower
That's my reaction every time I see Troi. I can't watch TNG properly any more.
Acceptance is the first step.
Is she having a Piegasm?
I'm a filthy retard just put me out of my misery
don't talk like that. im sure youre nice
All I do is fap and watch Star Trek
I'm too perverted to be allowed to live
was it?
don't you have frens?
They just want to fuck too
But they don't watch Star Trek so it's fake love
You're full of shit.
My best friend thinks we're dating and gets angry if I don't immediately reply to texts even though I've told them I'm not interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with them again
None of my friends watch Star Trek and I'm afraid to tell them I love it
I feel like I'm living a double life when I post here
1. Why would you lead your best friend on?
2. Do you count /trek/ as friends?
I don't lead them on, we've just been through life and death together so there's a bond that gets a little confusing sometimes
No not really but it's my favorite place to talk about Trek and you're all weirdos too
Started my rewatch of VOY after finishing DS9 and TNG. VOY is actually not half bad.
post best Q's
It was never that bad, it just wasn't TNG or DS9.
>been through life and death together
I don't know if watching the series intermingled in airing order highlihgts the contrast or helps even things out.
Alternating TNG and DS9 didn't matter much to me because I didn't need late TNG to 'balance out' the early DS9 stuff, but man the Dominion War certainly helps make VOY stuff seem more refreshing than sub-par.
It's less moralistic and weirdly more action oriented. The acting isn't also as stiff as in TNG for instance.
TNG was already pretty bad at times though. Voyager being TGN but worse is not exactly a ringing endorsement.
The actual quote is "been through death and life together."
god I need a female q gf bros
>Fucking a Q.
That sounds like a poor idea.
Vash left Picard to be with a Q so it can't be too awful
Haha yeah imagine if she forced your dick to remain erect for hours and hours as she milked an endless stream of cum with her infinitly tight pusy haha that would be horrible
She ended up dropping Q pretty quickly though.
That would be way too mundane. Their fetishes would be on a level undescribable to normal human minds. Like something Lovecraft would come up with if he was writing erotica.
Is Q sex more Lovecraftian or Lynchian?
>We’ve all fucked the scarecrow!
Not him, but NCO is enlisted. Basically is right about you.
damn fine post
Lorca dies...
Damn, BTFO'd lad!
>fucking up a timeloop episode by making it too edgy
they had one(1) job
Worf is a Klingaboo.
>Gul Duchad
Pakled queen
What about that fat nerd on STD?
I haven't watched that shit, thanks for giving me yet another reason not to.
I thought it was more funny than edgy. Frankly, the thing I found more bothersome was that Mudd was willing to a entire ship of innocent passengers, if not the federation as a whole, to enslavement or extermination at the hands of the genocidal klingons just to spite one guy seems rather excessive.
Cause he is.
Too edgy, plus the feeble attempt to tie-in to TOS continuity with Stella (even though STD Mudd might as well be a completely different character), plus the dumb anachronistic 21st century party scene.
>plus the dumb anachronistic 21st century party scene.
I honestly didn't mind that because it was one of the few times in Star Trek when the parties didn't seem horribly boring.
Just watched the Voyager episode 'Riddles'. Adds weight to the theory thay the actors are better when they are playing other characters.
Parties in Star Trek were SUPPOSED to be boring. The enlightened humans of the 23rd/24th century outgrew silly concepts like "fun" and "enjoyment".
I think it was more that the writer's idea of enlightened people partying was incredibly boring. It is supposed to be fun in universe, somehow.
Who's the Ween of Star Trek?
I'm honestly pissed how they wasted Anson Mount. He could've been a genuinely great Trek captain, but now he's forever tainted by his association with STD.
What does NCO stand for?
Non-commissioned officer. Don't ask me what that means, I don't understand military ranks and I also don't care.
ncos are enlisted men who have raised to command positions like sergeants, or chief petty officers in the navy
commissioned officers attend an academy and their authority comes from a commission, which is an apointment of the head of state
all ranks starting at second lieutenant or ensign in the navy
So its agreed, O’Brien is an officer without a commission
Why did he take orders from Michael Burnham if he's the captain?
He's an enlisted specialist
Oh man, this guy needs some of the Doctor's "special brew" if you know what I mean. Do you follow?
Either way, as Ralph Offenhaus put it, a military career isn't upwardly mobile.
He’s an enlisted officer
>Cuckball Media
I bet he’s the piss&shit poster
>imaginary ranks in a tv show
O'Brien rank never made any sense
he should have been a lieutenant commander on DS9 but the writers wanted to make him an enlisted man for whatever character purposes.
not to mention he wore full lieutenant rank on the enterprise.
>dick and ball
Gene calls them the rod and berries.
Friendly reminder that William Thomas Riker is a confirmed sexual predator.
position > rank
Absolute sack of bum chunder.
It's all imaginary bullshit
Commbadge is on the wrong udder
>greentext to prove a point
can't rape the willing
Any of you guys feel that just now?
I swear we dropped outta' warp.
>war hero
>secret agent
>literally the best shot with a phaser in the whole Trek universe
>did time in space prison
>didn’t even go to space college
Cuz he is better than everyone
WTF we DID drop outta' warp!
why was generations such a clusterfuck of uniforms?
Tom ate Chakotay
How was it a clusterfuck?
was Generations the one where Frakes was wearing Avery Brooks' uniform or some shit like that?
Petty embarasing if you ask me.
As much as a I like the episode, a species of aliens that live out their lives asleep just sounds basically 'tarded to me.
He's also surrounded by similarly exceptional people on both the Enterprise and DS9. It really is no excuse.
I'm pretty sure he was already enlisted on the Enterprise. Maybe not in every episode, but once they made him a more important character with more screentime.
Didn't he bond with Worf's father because he was also enlisted?
Everybody always talks about Neelix being the sexual predator but What About Tom™?
Paris was up front about it and was good looking so it was considered acceptable. Neelix is an ugly alien freak and is much more insidious in his nature.
Are you seriously considering underage, interspecies, forced/coerced sex an acceptable practice if you have good looks?!
>ship gets lost in space
>everyone becomes a sexual predator
gg voyager
the one where Miles is completely dead inside while his 8 year old wife tries to fuck him is pretty good
yes that was the episode where he officially became enlisted
but it was dumb considering he already was a conn officer wearing ensign pip, later wearing full lieutenant pip as transporter chief, and previously being captain maxwell's tactical officer on the rutledge. Also his position on DS9 meant he was in charge of all operations and engineering which would include officers
It’s a retcon. Old man Roddenberry said that everyone in Starfleet is an officer. The moment he died RDM changed it.
>KIM: Have you mentioned to anyone else that this guy's a Cardassian?
>EMH: What difference does it make?
>KIM: Maybe you haven't heard. They're not the friendliest folks in the galaxy.
>EMH: I don't care if he's the nastiest man who ever lived, as long as he can help us save B'Elanna.
wtf I thought racism didn't exist in the future?
It was the 90s, so yes.
>I don't care if he's the nastiest man who ever lived
>murders him later
I notice often on Voyager the crew displays prejudices against other races and jokes about/stereotypes them, particularly Klingons.
Liberalism and open morality is for weak dying cultures like the United States. Harry Kim wasn't about to cowtow to the hippies of the 24th century.
Even B'elanna doesn't like her Klingon half. Proof that racemixing is for literal faggots and weak lily-livered cowards.
Spock digs 'em, too.
Forgot the song.
holy shit STD has some cringey dialogue
it's even worse than ENT whenever trip talks
it's like fucking capeshit
My main gripe with Voyager is the shitty generic action music. And overall, the space battles sort of blow.
Like even the dialogue during these scenes is formulaic and predictable once you've seen about 2-3 seasons of the show.
A majority of the other claims against the show are based upon post hoc fallacies and exaggeration.
trek is capeshit
My gripe is that they even have to have battles at all. It seems every episode the consoles explode and the bridge lighting goes to dramatic red alert levels.
The problem isn't that they have battles, they're stranded in uncharted space, it should be expected that they'll have battles. The problem is that almost every battle is fucking meaningless because it never presents a serious problem for them, never gives them anything to reflect on, they just win then carry on like it never happened.
>The problem is that almost every battle is fucking meaningless because it never presents a serious problem for them, never gives them anything to reflect on, they just win then carry on like it never happened.
That's not true. In the first three seasons they encounter plenty of seemingly make or break situations (just like in TNG). It's episodic television so they have to build the drama for multiple episodes with a full 26 one hour installments per season. That is mind blowing and shows just how far television in general has fallen. They were cranking out tons of classic episodes every week like it was nothing.
I wish I was smart enough to need help understanding tv shows
>it's even worse than ENT whenever trip talks
Hang yourself on a real tall tree
I nearly died after eating a Vulcan girls ass
I was bed ridden for a week constantly spewing and had a fever I didn't think I was going to make it
>more evil
Nicely worded
Isn't the assignment that episode where Michelle Rodriguez becomes an mtf tranny and we see her dick in a full frontal shot when she's a guy?
what was their problem?
was it all Quark's master plan
It's always one of Quark's plans. That guy is a trouble.
they flaked all over the place, their men were as smart as cave men
62 6C 6F 77 20 69 74 20 6F 75 74 20 79 6F 75 72 20 61 73 73
Why are zoomers so obsessed with sucking shit orifices?
Eating ass is amazing, like you're dominating someone but also being a sub at the same time plus you get to squeeze and spank their ass, and getting your ass eaten feels amazing
Really you could ask the same question about why boomers love sucking piss orifices
Female Jeffrey Combs
>thinking sex is about making the other person cum
>wasting your time making holograms cum instead of just using them for the fucktoys they were designed to be
>actor from B5 shows up on Voyager
>his name is Valen
Can't tell if this is homage or parody.
Don't try to sugarcoat. You eat shit. That's disgusting and I wish you would have some standards.
Had a Klingon girl tell me none of the warriors she's been with ever made her cum
Fingered her for three hours til my hands started getting sore and got her to cum four times. They say a warrior's honor is forged on the battlefield, but I found mine knuckle deep in Klingon pussy
>They say a warrior's honor is forged on the battlefield, but I found mine knuckle deep in Klingon pussy
now DIS nigga knows wassup!
They were making fun of DS9
It's not about eating shit if your partner is hygienic? Why would anyone eat a dirty asshole?
I've never had a bad experience with assplay but maybe I just don't fuck gross people
They don't call it S[O]Yager for nothin'.
Of all the Romuloids, she was my fave.
cum trek
>that episode of TNG where they brought in David Lynch as the director and it's just Picard walking around in the Q continuum for an hour
We look for threads.
Threads that make us go.
The asshole is where shit comes from. You put your mouth to it and suck. Disgusting.
It's clean when you kiss it. The shitty asshole meme is a lie.