Villains that did nothing wrong

Villains that did nothing wrong.

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I envy him for plowing that MILF pussy.

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>nothing wrong
oh look! another incel thread
As long as it stops you going on a gun spree, user.

Why was that guy so shocked to discover the rapist was Italian? Like it somehow disproved his whole campaign to end ethnic stereotyping of Italians as thugs in film and media. So they were saying that character actually believed no Italian ever comitted a crime in the history of the world?

It always amuses me when I hear retards like them switch from
>have sex incel!
It's like watching a man beating a dog getting his face torn off by it.

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Why does getting called an incel trigger you so hard?

Why do mass shootings trigger you?

Nah man, it's like when Nazis proclaim themselves the master race and that might makes right, and then get the shit kicked out of them by Slav "subhumans".
It's hilarious.
Maybe it's because I'm so dissociated from whatever Americans+Europeans think about it that's the "problem".

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>That is so misdirected.
>I registered surprise. You're the one who told the police he was a Puerto Rican.

So which shithole are you from friend

>name is jesus
>rapes a women

A place moot fucking despises.

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Yea Forums?

Here's a hint cunt.

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milfy was hot af in the first few seasons.

New Zealand


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Damn, this place was bad before, but all the shooterchan refugees are the last nail.

>goes into seething rage at being called an incel
ruh roh

she fucking loved that BBC you wh*toid cuck

>>goes into seething rage

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south korea or china?