I'll always be thankful to Paul Walker...

I'll always be thankful to Paul Walker. He showed an entire generation of white guys how to appropriately interact with nonwhite people in 2000's America when we actually had to begin giving a shit about their opinions and desires. Whenever I have to meet a black or Latino person, I always just start acting like Paul Walker and everything's fine and I feel much more calm and confident about being a white male and for a brief minute when we bump fists, it's like slavery and colonization and smallpox never even happened and I can just enjoy a nice Corona with friends.

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I know those feels. Paul was such a cool dude. His death was a painful loss for many people touched by his movies.

William Luther Pierce says otherwise, faggot.

He was so nice and handsome and charming, F&F just isn't the same without him

Paul was a surfer clown frat boy chad with a bloated ego and marginal acting skills. The only people who care about his death are ricer onions boys with go-fast Japanese cars and a hip-hop dialect.

lol fuck off he was used as the token white guy. The killed himself showing everyone how not to drive.

>being this bitter and contrarian
Have sex.

>when we actually had to begin giving a shit about their opinions and desires.
>Whenever I have to meet a black or Latino person

Paul wasn't driving.

the h*man cuck fear the PORSCHE BVLL

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Wonder why they're bringing his in film wife back for Furious 9

what about those of us who don't have any black friend to hold us back when we get the urge to rape? what about us huh?

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Too bad no one here took that lesson to heart.
Paul Walker would never waste his time making Bruce Ree threads.

What's this ad even about? I'm not looking it up.

Gillette advert about being a soicunt

What's the black guy stopping him from doing?

getting a job

hitting on a woman

Based. That shit belongs to the medieval century. Men shouldn't approach and freak women out. Just be friends with her and she will let you know if she wants more.

This but unironically

Why did he drive around in a sports car? He should have gotten a Rolls Royce, those things are built like tanks.

he was into jailbait so a good match for Yea Forums

This board gets more cringe every week.

"woke" gillette add selling razors to men by exposing toxic masculinity

if you weren't a reddit newfag you'd know that the OP is ancient pasta

>Such a Chad driver he drifted into the afterlife
When you think about it logically, the most famous drift of all time will always belong Paul Walker and Rodger Rodas
Literally the drift heard around the world

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