Snooowaay youre on the line

Snooowaay youre on the line.

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Other urls found in this thread:"Ron and Fez"

very good. so I watched my fuckin islanders lose again last night, fuuuuuuck

Is there a new sub? I just post in Cum Town now. O&A shit got boring after the millionth Bro Joe post.

Yes. You have to find it on your own tho. Too many fawkin haters around gotta keep your head on a swivel lambchop

Ant just got uglier and uglier and uglier....

Nick Mullen
The Skanks

Rank them.

Patrice > all

>Is there a new sub? I just post in Cum Town now
the absolute state of tv.

>no Colin Quinn or Dennis Falcone
Nice list, stupid

Head on a swivel

tfw vos is the best now

Not with that cunt wife of his leading him around like a dot.
>"Rich, they said the 'R-Word!'" We're leaving!

>not liking bonnie


she's a weirdo now

I love The Big Lebowski

>something gets Patrice good enough for him to do that big screeching laugh

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Is it named some variation of "Opie and Anthony" or is it something more obscure? I kinda miss the hang over there brotherman.


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Brotherman, you must search for the North Star...a bovine Star if you will. That’s how you’ll always find the hang

kek he's balding

Lesbian substitute art teacher

>bovine star
you better not be talking about me. Me, Jax, and the boys will take you to the people's court.

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This Big Apple Ranch cowboy saga is so fucking good. Bovine Joe is just mind bogglingly stupid, and so, so bad at the internet.

Fuck Tits. He always wanted everyone to each his pussy, even though he could never take a joke or hang with the comedians without interrupting with callers or making them wait outside for an hour.

The sub got lost when they stuck with that AWFUL pro-Tits bit a year ago (despite the spinning Rogan callout video and his awful podcast with his pay-pals), which shut off the main target of hatred for the past five years, leading them down the road to Fatrick and Bovine Joe, who pushed their shit in and have them wandering Reddit sub after sub like jews.

Ant was the greatest, but Obama and Trayvon destroyed him and made him obsessed with politics and race. Be more funny, Ant.

He phones in his show now, the Manhattan studio is a failure as the guests are usually awful and he devolves all responsibility to a dumb ex-cop who should have been replaced with a real producer within the first year. Jim barely shows up five times a year, while never fighting Ant's re-banning from SiruisXM and using the hell out of him for that Ship shitfest.

Ant should be doing Rogan twice a year at least to promote his show, but the lazy fuck cannot be bothered anymore.

That’s James Hefner

The FatPat stuff is dumb but Samcro Joe is a fucking moron who can't LEAVE IT ALONE! If he just goes away the sub will lose interest but he can't and everything he does is so monumentally retarded that it has to mocked. They're right about the brotherman though, brotherman. Opie may have been radio cancer but he's the only decent human being in the whole lot.

Remember when he thought the "internet police" were gonna come after people who were making fun of him and his pedo brother? Great times.

Mike David > Them

I'm AMAZED at BEWILDERMENT that James Hefner hasn't killed himself in some tragicomic Darwin Award esque incident. Everything he does is just so wrong.


>Dennis Falcone
He's a goddamn legend is beyond any of the faggots on that list.

tits should have been shot, no argument here, but neither ant nor jim can do radio worth a shit. Tacs and the jim and Sam show are both horrible.

The Brotherman was the captain of those lunatics. He steered the ship. Without his expert hand guiding the way they're all lost

Nah, they just need somebody like Luis J Gomez on third mic and Sam back behind the scenes.

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The problem is all the gen x comedians you all loved 10-15 years ago all hit male menopause hard at roughly the same time and became obsessed whiny boomers or boring fat lesbians.

patrice was proto-sjw

Fuck sam and Luis isn't funny enough.

I agree that TACS and J&S are awful, but if Ant and Jim did a show together, it would have been much worth listening to. It would have kept Ant off politics and kept Jim off of trannies. Well, maybe a little bit.

There was a lot of hope between 2014-16 that an Ant and Jim show could have been a thing. That's why it was such a pisser than they banned Ant again and Worm didn't do shit about it in his last contract negotiation. Jim hardly ever does TACS and Chip is awful.

It's depressing that the two greatest parts of that show will never do a daily show again. Fuck Tits. He should have quit the show when he got married and turned into a woman. At least then we could have had at least a few years with Ant and Jim on SiriusXM with the Cellar Crowd and much better guests than TACS could ever get. Instead, J&S is a wrestlers and porn whores show. FFS.

Don't blame brotherman for AntHs failures as a human being.

Kill urself my man

Fuck Tits. He was always the cockblocker.

Ant's flaws, including his Twitter addiction and endless 1970s references are pretty aggravating. Bennington was the only one who would call him out and now even he won't go back on TACS.

I agree with what you're saying. When colin is talking about how vile chip is, (he would have killed on order) that clip is always funny. Pretty much any other chip is terrible. Ant lost his mind and the A&A show was horrific.

He's better than most of those people but he's still gay.

AntHs alcoholism and inabilty to shut up about niggers killed the show. The Brotherman did nothing wrong, FUCK FACE. He was too good for them, he coulda been a model.

He's like Elaine's boyfriend on that one episode of Seinfeld where he doesn't know he's balding because he shaves his head, then when he grows it out for her he looks like George.

Are there actually people who defend opie? People who aren't named Greg?

the new sub is /r/opie_anthony


The name is Gregg. Brothermen don't die, we multiply. He had to carry his lunch in an old concrete bag when he was a kid. That built the kind of character he needed to stand working with two absolute degenerates like AntH and Jirn Nordon. The Brotherman knew what they were doing and it disgusted him but he held it together for years for the sake of everyone the show employed.

theyre getting banned faster than ever

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there's also /r/raqio

Dude. You're right. Remember when he realized that sex would interfere with his radio career so he climbed an apple tree and hid there for hours?

>Wins in the end

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This bit really gels with me. I'm always doing this kind of daydreaming.

Yes. Even as a 12 year old the brotherman had a great mind for raqio. He knew he could use that as a gem of story when he became a jock. He also heroically prevented a homeless man from eating an old rotten cake by stomping on it just in time. Brotherman was willing to throw his public image to the wind in order to save a vagrants life. No one else was willing to do it so brotherman had to act and act fast he did.

>complains about bullies
>bullies anybody who isn't Ron for any reason

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He's doing that awful pro-Tits bit that started the slow death of the sub.

Yes, I'm giving up on posting there. I'm tired of starting again and again. I waited three months to start again and then they were banned after a few weeks. There's no point if it's all going to be nuked.

Logan Lynn

It went from ironic Opie love to pretending that Opie never did anything wrong in his entire life. Of course, that never meant that people would listen to Opie's podcast and bring content to the sub, but O&A fans were never known for understanding how far a bit should go.

YKWD can still put out a great show occasionally with a few of them on I think, like the one with Vos/Colin/Keith after Keith had his stroke a year or two ago, and that live Jim and Sam with Bobby, Colin, Bennington and whoever wasn't that bad. But on their own they aren't compelling guests anymore. If Ant was actually still hilarious and with a good cohost he could probably drag some of them out of it on the air at least but that shit isn't happening any time soon.
Luis Gomez is the savior

I only just started getting in to Ron and Fez a month ago. Things less obvious not in the Best Of playlist to seek out?

Billy Staples and Al Dukes stuff from WNEW is great

The ESD vs Earl playlist is pretty great

DMCA this you fat faggot

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>theyre both not ugly old dudes

Colin was the best when he was with patrice/jim/bobby, the roasts he did on them were insane.
His cardboard cutout story is the funniest thing I've ever heard to this day.

Mean fat Colin

No body is pointing out all this literal Reddit? I guess at this point i can't surprised, the internet is drying up. Getting smaller and smaller.

Start with this"Ron and Fez"


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remember when anthony talked on the radio about how he thought 13 was a decent age girl to fuck?


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The show where fez brings in his talking cat, only for him to struggle and fail for three and a half hours trying to get the cat to talk on air and then the next show where he pretty much admits he abandoned the thing in the woods somewhere

I'm amazed he hasn't gotten his ass kicked yet

nobody wants to burst a piss balloon

>Okay Fez, that's enough. Let's get the fucking cat to say cookie.

>rise above hate
It's fun because hate and height are similar sounding words.

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I hate that wannabe frat bro unfunny faggot. So funny when the comedians on the show would shit on him and he’d get triggered and bitch

Matt and Shane > all

Don’t say I never did anything for you faggot.

After the site was nuked from orbit they moved to a couple other subs. They got shut down in short order. They then moved here

I don’t know how much activity there is and they had an actual website up but it doesn’t seem to exist anymore. Party’s over I think.

cringe, Opie is kino

>liking a full blown sjw because they have a pussy

The only thing more autistic and douche chilling than Opie(what a gay nickname) is his retard fans. Kys

It’s true. Everyone saying they wish he was still here would be very disappointed. Guaranteed he would have jump on the bandwagon.

Have you cried in any documenries recently, Bonnie?

Thanks, I'll look into those.
That's actually on the playlist and was what cemented that I can probably listen to just about anything they've done.
>Why'd you kill the cat?
Coming up in several later clips/shows is great.

Jesus Christ he doesn't care. Nobody is listening to you insult some slob with no fans.

It's very strange how after Ant's firing that Tits wanted a beer and dinner with him before going on TACS, even crying ostensibly for their lost friendship after the Greggshells episode; then when Ant finally offered that beer and dinner during their 2016 phoner reunion, it never happened. Tits even asked him to keep a slot open for him at Compound Media, but Tits ultimately refused when he was fired from SiriusXM, hence Ant will no longer play nice. Tits is just as evasive as Ant.

Tits cannot face anyone from the old days without the power of being 'the boss', so the little cunt will walk the streets of Manhattan doing absolutely cringeworthy shit for livestreams and use his pay-pal Fag Pack of Carl, Vic and Sherrod for the heavy lifting of 'entertainment'. He wants people to need him, the fucking psychopath.

Artie > Anthony > The Skanks > Howard > Nick > Vos >>>>> Gavin > Jim > Chip > Opie > Sam
Haven’t listened to enough of Ron and Fez to rank them

Bonnie is a thundercunt. Wasted dubs

When Tits even burned bridges with Vos, then you know that Tits is impossible to deal with and gets off on having power over other people.

Does Sherrod still talk to him after the bathroom incident?

how'd he burn bridges with vos?

Patrice > Intern David > Norton when he was funny > Ant > Bobo > Sam Roberts > Opie = current day Norton

Surprisingly, yes. As it was his big lips that let loose on the Roland incident that got Tits fired. Given how Tits bombed out Paul Mecurio for the Sex for Sam fiasco, it was pretty surprising. Then again, Tits was desperate to keep his Fag Pack together, as he cannot do a solo show without other people there to do the heavy lifting for a fraction of the salary.

Although I hear that Carl has opened a new restaurant in Manhattan and Vic resents doing anything for free, I can't see Tits' failing podcast getting anywhere, especially as they let the Westwood One contract expire this summer.

This shit came out back in December:

Tits is fucking AWFUL.

Morton (sic) is a disgrace. Middle of the road on everything, the ass-fucking queer. Fat, non-PC Jimmy was where it's at.

East Side Dave > those mutts

Vos had little to do with him after Tits was fired. At one of his gigs, he had a gentle barb at him livestreaming somewhere, along with a barb at Ant and at Colin Quinn's heart attack and Tits unsurprisingly flew off the handle, the little cunt. Tits loved shitting on Vob and Blobby, but could never handle the softest of barbs, while everyone else in the room was destroying each other. Makes me wish that Tits quit in 2008 and did his housewife shit and 'muh kids' on another show and let the funny guys talk.

Reminder that Opie started trying to pay the frequent comic guests money if they would be exclusive to his show and not do Jim and Sam.

I know. What a bitch.


Will there ever be anything as good as 2001-2013 O&A ever again?

i liked her until that whole documentary ordeal and crying plus she was never even that funny, just funny for a woman which obviously isnt saying much


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it's a bunch of disillusioned progressives (stevenknight types) who are still reeling from obama's irrelevance/hillary's loss and truly, sincerely believe anthony is some secret "leader" of the so-called "alt-right" or some shit
only progressive derangement could sustain such a pointless and relentless campaign against a literal fucking nobody who might have had an hour of show time in the entire history of the show

I didn't know Dice was in A Star is Born so I lost my shit when he showed up.

I doubt it

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I just relistened to the whole Downfall saga this week and it still feels like Ant kind of flipped out too much after that reunion call over not hearing back from Opie. They seemed so civil and everything, then Ant started acting like that spiteful broken-hearted girl he was ragging on Opie for being before the phone call happened. Opie should have gone out for it after the call, but I don't think Ant did shit to follow though with it either. Then it just became "I've had it" Ant and Jim just letting loose on him consistently for months.
I still don't get why Ant just couldn't accept Opie's original offer to meet up before going on his show, though. Not hanging out with people or going over to friends houses is one thing but why the hell was that so hard of a thing to do in the first place?
They were both pissy little cunts throughout the whole thing. God damn I fucking hate them both.

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Opie, Ant and Jim all came out of it looking terrible. Fortunately things are still rosy for our guy CQ.

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>Louie Beans

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Don't even fucking remind me of Jimmy.
Spends the whole time yelling, Opie raises his voice once like an hour in to it and "aww don't get mad babyboy" shit.
I regret my past Opie hate ever making it so I could tolerate the cunt.

Is that Oscar?

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Is it a blessing that neither jimmy or ant will pass their rotten genes to a new generation?

>PEE SEE, amirite?!?!?
>oh, sup amy schumer and lena dunham! you're so great!
like him, but fuck him too

As shit as Opie was on the radio, most accounts of people who worked for the show say he was actually way nicer with the staff than OCD Anthony and diva Jimmy


he was anti-SJW

These guys were so great. Not Opie. But I remember back in the edgy 2000s. Everyone was laughing at problematic shit and everyone was cool.

Whatever happened to these characters?


I don't think Ant really took the gloves off until after the fiasco with Artie imploded in 2018. That was nearly two years since Ant acceded to the beer and dinner in the phoner reunion of October 2016. There was an offer from Compound Media for Tits to do a show there after he was fired from SiriusXM in the summer of '17, which Tits refused. They wanted him to buy into the company and become a full partner. While the incompetent Keith the Cunt still makes the occasional overture to Tits, it seems that the ship has sailed. Unless mainstream radio or Sirius re-hires them both as a package, it's clear they will never be in the same room again. It's all but impossible now.

As for Ant not being interested in an off-air friendship after 1999, you can thank his divorce and relationship with Lobster Girl for that. Sure, Tits had a point about having her in studio and sitting on Ant's lap while they were on the air, but it's clear that Tits is extremely high maintenance, which Ant was no longer interested in dealing with for a second he was not being paid for. By the time they were making big money at WNEW and had the two years off, it was clear that their 90s friendship was done and they had separate lives.

The real tragedy was Ant wasting his chance to make TACS big and destroying his bond with the fans over bombing at Fat Jay Oinkerson's roast in 2015 and the Sue Lightning business of 2016. The Artie thing was a total disaster. Now Ant just tells the same stories and goes over the same subjects over and over again, with guests who are usually nobodies; which is not helped by that stupid timeslot, when it's known that mornings tend to have better guests. He should have tried to get a simulcast deal on radio and knocked off the politics and race shit. Be more funny, Ant.

They all brutalized the staff and interns to fill time. It was disgusting.

Is Cumtown based or is it pozzed?

>Anthony gets fired during the best time in history to start a podcast
>Has a massive and rabid fan base, connected to every single funny comedian in the country who would all kill their mothers to be your next co-host
>Hates doing any work or putting effort in to anything
Naturally you start a simple podcast with merch, donations and maybe ads. Proven business model which prints money. So glad that he did that and still remains relevant in the world of comedy and podcasting.

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100% pozzed

first for fat thieving junkies

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everyone in this thread is a pathetic incel virgin who can't handle a REAL woman

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He probably should have kept TACS in his basement and had guests Skype in, like DiPaolo does on his show. Instead, he has to pay for a Manhattan studio and still cannot get many guests above the level of an open-micer.

And he (via Keith the Cunt) lost Gavin and the Skanks, while filling up the schedule with more shows that no-one watches, to the point that Ant doesn't even do pre-tapes anymore for the eight weeks he seems to be off every year.

Ant's endless political and racial rants blacklisted him. I hear that celebrities who used to give him the time of day talk about him like he is dead.

He got lost, indeed.

I'd accept a blowjob and would play with her tits, but she'd want Chad instead.


I need something to listen to

Fuck that faggot for closing the sub and turning the community into the eternal wandering jews of Plebbit.

was ant in the wrong for banging this?

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Opie didn't need to be funny or be able to take a joke, but Luis can do both of those things better.

Andrew Dice-Gay.

Im the Dice-man, lover

it didnt look like that when it happened
so no
he was def in the wrong

Fuck a femmy boy if you want but don’t pretend it’s not gay.



I never got into them, but from what I hear people keep saying their peak is the mid-2000s. So they're just basically fucking zoomercore Howard Stern?

Cum Town is based, although Stav can be a complete faggot with his lukewarm liberal takes. His mental breakdown because his weight was criticized is always worth a listen:

it's 97% unlistenable hackery, if they were a band they would be greatest hits only

I still remember when the Cumia shit was going down with the pictures, people on here were adamantly with him. Saying they were going to "The Compound" with him.
Fast forward till now.. fucking kek

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Nick Mullen is funny. Adam is a good punching bag. Stav is a detriment to the podcast at this point. His gimmicks got old like 2 years ago and he still spikes the audio with his cackling every episode..

The original dinner/beer Opie wanted to have after Ant's firing didn't really seem like it was trying to rekindle an old friendship, though. More like just seeing where they were at personally, if that'd come out on air, or to how discuss the firing, the "old" show or if they would want to announce or allude to anything.
So I don't think Ant avoided it at that time because their friendship ended, or at least didn't see that it made sense that Opie would want to talk some shit out before going on his independent show because he wasn't sure if he'd come under fire or suddenly be expected to shit on his then current employer over it.
I know after his firing I'd be afraid about Ant going crazy and taking my appearance on the show in a direction that could make things difficult, too, if I was Opie and wasn't really friends with the guy anymore.

I did forget that they wanted Opie to buy in to the company. Ant always said that Opie saved his money wisely and was set for life no matter what happened, so I wonder how much they asked that he said no to it.

Disappointing Ron must feel like the shittiest god damn thing.

leave it alone

Pay wall is a deal breaker. Niggas charging the fee of a subscription service.

He had a choice between giving the show out for free and staying relevant or charge and live off the last few fanfags he had left. He would not be doing a show exclusively on racism and 70s references if had to hold on to a real audience.


It's so satisfying to see Bro Joe basically winning in the end though. They got too cocky

>Pay wall is a deal breaker.

This. Retard had pretty good fanbase when he got canned. He could have been something like Joe Rogan but decided to not get viewers

Done it all. Need something new.

Who were the 3 best regulars?patrice not included

Louis was the best or at least second best

>Pulitzer pat and war hero joe actually won

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1.Louie CK
2.Colin Quinn
3.Jim Jefferies


Vos and Bobby needed to be in with others and Jimmy.
Burr was kind of always weak I thought and him and Ant just doing the same dance all the time was a drag.

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It took five years and Kevin Brennan to tell them to use their YouTube channel more to put out content and promote the shows and the brand.

While it made some sense to have some subscriber shit due to Ant's tirades, he did have some reasonable sponsors until the fanbase turned on him in 2015-16 and got them all to pull the plug, barring the awful Deep Discount.

He should have done a DiPaolo and did a couple of free shows a week (although even he went further behind the paywall). Rogan told Ant about the dangers of the paywall and Ant didn't listen. Now he's stuck in an echo chamber with fucking idiots like Geno Bisconte.

'Stand with Ant' indeed.

You can make a pretty good living off of a tiny fan base. Like Kevin Smith or RLM.

It’s why he’s so nice to the callers now. He use to shit on the callers all the time but now every retards dollar counts.

>Jim Jefferies

Man he was fun. I use to think he turned into an SJW but apparently he’s always been. He’s just one of those wormy types that appeases whatever group he’s trying to ingratiate himself in. His drunken interaction with the porn whore was classic.

I think he still makes a lot of money though just from a smaller percentage of the old fans. look at the amount of shows he's got on the platform.

Dave Smith
Nick Mullen
The other two Skanks

I'd put Chris Stanley above all of them

Burr was great and a perfect fit for the show.

Well both had said there was a five minute phone call after Ant's firing and there was no discussion of their continuing together. While Ant smartly wanted to get back on the air immediately with TACS and wanted to put one over on SiriusXM for firing him, Tits used this as a reason for why there was no chance of a reunion, seeing as he had already signed a new contract with Sirius while they were on break after Ant's firing. Tits, who usually waited until the last day to re-new. Tits, who bitched about management for years was suddenly sucking their cock and saying that management loves the new direction of the show - Tits, Jim and rotating third-mic comic.

It seems that Tits was understandably worried about facing Ant who had a legitimate beef with his employer. I think Ant would have played nice, seeing as he hates confrontation and it was not public that there was no off-air relationship. Perhaps they should have done a phoner two years earlier than they eventually did, just to break the ice and maybe an off-air meeting and a studio appearance after that. Ant didn't want an off-air discussion and Tits did. After Greggshells in 2015, it muddied the waters until the truce of 2016-17. The phone reunion came at a time when Tits desperately needed a shot in the arm and even Ant did as well, given that he was no longer the apple of the fans eye.

You think that was bad? Check out Ronnie's final appearance with Ant.

It seems that the faggots have gone to r/LoganLynn and started up all that tedious Fatrick shit again. It's over, boyos.


yeah that one was even worse. it's unreal how awkward ant gets around this shit.
didn't that other guy there die recently, too?
>I guess i forgot to laugh
what a tool

Colin had cancer, but survived. I'm surprised that Ant hasn't had him back since, as it's clear that Ant hated having to boot him.

>not even up to date on the current sub and sites

He takes the shape of any container you pour him into. The pandering faggot

>Television & Film
Nuke all Opie & Anthony threads an sight. These are literal Reddit rejects that can't get over a radio show that ended a decade ago.

Joyless infidel

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You're forgetting the fact that Keith booked him on a REAL white nationalist radio show when TACS was just getting started and he pulled another Mancow and gave them a completely unironic straight interview.

Getting booked on FOX a decade ago was the worst thing to happen to Ant. He forgot he was supposed to be funny and thinks people care about his boring Boomer political opinions and I AGREE with most of them. Ant just doesn't bring anything interesting when it comes to politics.


OnA were on the XFL, which was broadcast on television

Going on a nazi podcast 5 years ago, maybe beating up vinnie brans daughter, fucking a tranny, hanging out with convicted pedophiles ....

It would all be forgiven if he was still funny and had any measure of self-awareness.

Those fags royally fucked up going after that fat author. Now they’re running from sub to sub like illegal immigrants, it went from pretty much the only sub to the most pathetic ordeal overnight

Ron is a massive cuck who can't even follow his own moralizing rules. I've followed that guy since the 90's and he's slowly morphed from a man's man into old Jewish woman. Used to guard his private life viciously and now he's doing a show with his fag hag daughter and laying it all bare and it turns out it's pretty cringy and lame. His wife is a fucking Wiccan of all things (and we know that largely thanks to his dumb daughter not being able to keep her mouth shut on air). Meanwhile, i spent years listening to him relentlessly mock out other people for less.

Once the media started no-platforming people, Ron's balls got sucked up into his abdomen like no one I've ever seen. I had to stop listening to Bennington about six months ago because it's just non-stop cringe day after day. Last episode was some bit where Ron and Chris were unironically pretending to be cool with being gay.

Is there a radio forum on here, faggot?

I for one am glad I can speak openly about O&A without being downvoted because of an awful pro-Tits bit that never died.

So we’re a lot of people.... ten years ago.

Indeed. I agree with himk on the violent savages, but getting angry and political all the time ruined Anthony. He even guest hosted for fucking Alex Jones until he was (((de-platformed))).

>implying brojoe would be on the receiving end

user I...

>he cares about reddit points

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Brotherman prophecised the great upheaval in his people's community should the show ever cease to be. With amazing foresight and clarity, Brotherman realized that one day the army of autistics he created would turn on their master. He's like a better looking, more talented, modern day Nostradamus.

True. He does seem a tad over-rated. While his bluntness to Ant about getting lost is too much for Ant to deal with, people cannot always handle the brutal truth.

Bennington is one of those friends who always tells you where you went wrong; after a while, you stop hanging out with them. Especially if you're like Ant, who always doubles down on his mistakes.

It's a shame too, as he was the only one who ever had the balls to tell Ant that he should 'get back to the way he used to be' - funny. It's a shame that Keith the Cunt fucked up the negotiations so badly to get Bennington on board in 2015 - and then going public on them, it might have 'fixed' Ant and stopped him being angry and political all the fucking time.

Ichise8 tried to fight the good fight against that awful bit and look what happened to him.

We got that chemistry, brother

The irony is that if the sub kept all their vitriol on him, as they should have done, and not Fatrick/Joe, they'd still be on the old sub.

Just a lil taste,brotherman, just a lil taste.

It's so strange that half the talk was about Fez's personal life, but Ron was so secretive with his.

Wasn't it the fat junkie vape thief mod who nuked the sub after being doxxed because he told the sub not to target Pattywatty?

We need to go to break then take some calls

Yes, but he had a point. Broken clock and all that. Fatrick had nothing to do with the O&A-verse and he was threatening the existence of the sub. Only after that did Joe realize he could take all the new subs down with constant copyright claims.

The fat junkie should now open up the original sub and the community should now go after different targets who will not fuck things up, as Fatrick and Joe have. The community had a good run of always winning against their opponents, but those two got the better of them and it's stupidity to keep attacking them.

>Jimmy that high up
nigger you should kill yourself if you have the time.

Oh. Well I know all twelve of you left must be very disappointed I’m not there.

Ron is a wiseguy. He was just playing his cards close but got stuck with a fag hag daughter with no talent who he tried to buy a career for. He can't retire because she'll have no career and if he stays, she's gonna slowly continue to embarrass him. When I got off the ride, she was forcing them to unironically nod respectfully at how normal and acceptable dudes fucking other dudes is. I could hear the uncomfortability.

NEVER EVER EVER EVER go into business with family and friends. How a guy so wise could be so stupid, I'll never know. He went from a weird co-dependent relationship with a friend/associate to an even weirder on-air relationship with his daughter where she still calls him "Ron" despite being promoted as the "first father daughter radio show" and they sit around and talk about jizz and fucking and cunnilingus.

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Sam is unironically the worst out of all of them even little Jimmy/

>admitting defeat against fatty because he was snitching on people posting his dopey glamour shot
They should just move to kiwifarms or something that has admins that wont puss out every time someone threatens fraudulent legal action


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>The community had a good run of always winning against their opponents, but those two got the better of them and it's stupidity to keep attacking them.
>O&A fans
>knowing when to drop a bit

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>shun and avoid anonymous image boards for years
>come running from your namefag Message Boards and Subreddits when it all goes to shit
What did "The Pests" mean by this?

Pepper is the most underrated member of the entire O&A universe. He's quietly been doing a better show than anybody else, High Society Radio. Also he brought out the best in East Side Dave when they did the Davey Mac Sports Program. I still love ESD but the East Side Dave Show just isn't quite as good as the Davey Mac Sports Program was.

I feel like Pepper deserves to take center stage when Ron retires, but he's such a low-key radio personality that I fear it wouldn't make financial sense doing his show as his main gig instead of as a side project.

My big fear is that, if not for Bennington, Pepper wouldn't be doing radio at all. But if Sam Roberts gets to be the full time host of a radio show, then there's no reason Pepper couldn't be the continuation of the Ron & Fez legacy.

There's no radio/podcast board, so a dedicated sub made sense.

Like I said, Ron is a wiseguy and like all wiseguys, while he's charming you with comedy and plying you with his infinite insight and wisdom, he's also flying a big red flag that says "I'm a piece of shit and you can't trust me." There will be no "Ron & Fez legacy" nor will there be a "O&A legacy". All these guys are pieces of shit and they've been telling us loudly and often for years.

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(cont.) And that includes all the producers. The "smart" ones got off the train early and used Lazlow as an "in" with Rockstar Games (even though i'm pretty sure they all ended up as testers). The stupid ones, like Dave, married Jews, got fucked, moved back in with their parents and will be riding a sinking ship down while Ant waves goodbye from his lifeboat. Pepper will be associate Centaur producer on some who-gives-a-shit radio show. Sam will "fail upward" to some other media, probably as a producer. None of these minor named on-air guys have bright futures.

heres what the opie and anthony sub being closed has taught me: the most active posters that do the brigading are all leftist sjws/niggers/spics/cucks. they arent even hiding it anymore. the things they bring up the most are anthony and joe being racist, and anthony liking underage women.

I just want you all to know, i dont actually like the opie and anthony show, and never did.i dont think anthony was ever funny, ive explained why before, and i dont need to do it here. the reason why i credit opie the most with the shows success is because i understand how talk radio works, and in that regard opie is the best out of the that show.

Was this the only good content that came out of the O&Averse after the breakup?

yeah that's probably true. and it's a shame because I'm a fan of Chris Stanley, Dave Smith, Michael Malice, and East Side Dave, all of whom I know from their proximity to O&A. None of them will find as much success as the previous generation of radio hosts had.

That's a shame. I always thought we were more of a 'woke' right wing fanbase and basically agreed with Ant on most things, but hated how he always got political after Obama's election.

Getting commie 'antifa' to picket Ant's failed book-signing was pretty pathetic.

>Dave Smith
Hi, Dave!

Artie still had a nose

From what I have heard of East Side Dave, it's a shame that he basically carried R&F (with silent Fez) for years, but barely got paid anything and was turned down for a raise.

He is still trying to make it in broadcasting even though no-one will pay him a decent salary (no, Compound Media barely pays their other shows anything) and he's commuting in from south Jersey. Poor bastard.

For a jew, he's pretty woke. Still...

Malice is a super-Jew. He'll be fine. The rest of those guys will be ruined on general principle for the crime of having anything to do with Opie & Anthony.

Is there a megafolder or something that has all their best stuff? I wouldn't mind relistening to the old shit now that I'm getting sick of my current podcasts.

have you been following the sub's activity since getting shut down. i've been checking in every new one and they're broadcasting that they're jsut asshurt liberals that are brigading anth and joe because they're racist pedos.

makes me mad that anthony and joe cumia technically win in the end with reddit taking it down

>gay heroin junkie sjws brigading brother joe

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Joe Rogan > all

JRE is better than any of their other projects, but Joe is not funny at all. And he helps silence detractors (e.g., Schaub situation).

Don't even bother going there, I'm going to have it shut down by the end of the week. Funny thing is, The morons on that sub will self destruct if they don't have a successful person to hate on. Quite sad, Actually.

dont bother going to any new subs, ill tell you all thats even happening at this point.

joe cumia has adopted the stage name "james hefner" to avoid reddit brigading. but they found out. the new subs are getting shut down almost instantly now.

I can't keep up with this BroJoe faggotry. I miss when the board just called everybody "Faggot."

truly the standalone fruit

the rule of thumb is:

2011-2014 = good
2010 or earlier = bad

here you go, brotherman

11-14 had some great stuff. Sure, the comedian regulars got too big and couldn't do the show every other month, but that era was still better than anything we get today.

In hindsight, the show was going to end anyway, regardless of what happened in Times Square.

I gotta give him credit for shedding his autism. in 2016 he started the transition from lolbertarian. he was yelling about how awful Gary Johnson and Bill Weld were. he took Trump's win as the impetus to understand why Americans hate open borders. he's not content to cry "muh principles" and keep losing, but instead try to understand Trump supporters and how libertarians can reach people and start to win.

Its all on
There's a Mega on the classicafro blog that has some Ron & Fez content that isn't on archive if you're interested (a handful of Ron & Ron shows, some R&F from 2000, the WNEW episodes have commercials edited out, they aren't in the archive sets.)

He also got the Roganwatch channel banned a while back. Rogan is a real bitch, hes apparently been bitching at detractors since the early 2000s. I need to look more into it. He's no better than any other eceleb.

What was on there?

Are they still trying to sue Joe because he keeps getting their subreddit banned?

eh another hack woman comedienne whose primary moments of relevancy were in her youth during the 90s.
oh look a jew comedian with a white wife.
yankees baka

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say this on the subreddit and you get downvoted. fucking gay cunts

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colin who

East Side Dave is a fucking madman and he deserved his own show far more than that faggot Sam

ron is a super cuck, and has been for about 3 years. have no idea how you stuck it in that long. I remember him going at that innocent 13+52 man colin f...holy fuck ron, you cringe lord.

gen xers really turned into a bunch of bitches after 2010 or so, like they went from cool older dudes to these trainwrecks who couldn't come to terms with aging and being left behind by pop culture and a new generation to get advertised to.
At this point most of that generation's steam has run out and they've accepted it but they do love their antimillenial material.

I really hope some bum stabs Opie to death on the street when he’s doing one of his lame videos.

I love Ron so much but I have to admit that you're right. I just listen to old R&F stuff, I can't stand Bennington. I can't stand Gail. I can't stand that fucking show and pretending that this fucking fat cunt daughter of his has any talent whatsoever.
I miss Fez

james hefner is a delight

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You do realize that a "Mega" is just a link, right? You can literally just paste it here and save everyone the trouble.

fez dabbing on opie was kino

one of the great Fez highlights of all time. I love that everyone took shots at Fez and Fez knew he just had to take it, but when Opie kept taking shots he fired back at that talentless fuck

Yeah it's pretty obvious that starting out as total bitches is far superior. You spare yourself and everyone else the disappointment, ya know?

Greggshells was a mediocre DJ who had exactly 2 gimmicks - shitting on other DJs and ruining bits.
Sure, he kept a retarded working class guido and his fat, bald boytoy on a leash but without those two he'd have languished in obscurity. Give him credit for polishing a couple turds but he's still a turd polisher.

shut up you dumb cummy oatmeal eating retard

>Greggshells was a mediocre DJ who had exactly 2 gimmicks - shitting on other DJs and ruining bits.
You forgot "attacking people who are of lesser status than he is".

Not that user but iirc it had a lot of videos where Joe would say something stupid as fuck or incorrect and it would highlight this. Also had videos proving Joe's Alpha Brain was pure bullshit and Joe is a snake oil salesman. But what got the dude 404'd was when he made a several min comp video of all the gay shit Joe says or did, pretty much showcasing how big of a bisexual douche Joe is at the least and more than likely flat out gay.

Are there any mirrors to their videos? I remember the funny edit videos of JRE. Is that the same guy?

Reminder that thin Jimmy stinks.

We have no effect on his life. That's why he shows up at every new subreddit and makes hundreds of posts. You fucking idiot

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I don't think so. This guy has a few videos regarding what happened but as you can see from the screenshot in the video there were a ton of Rogan Watch videos he had removed.
>Is that the same guy?
I'm not sure, user.

cute lil beevs

I missed this one. Will have to give it a listen. Fez could be a real bastard when he wanted to.

pat dixon is the best thing about compound media