Contrapoints is kino, right?
Contrapoints is kino, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
No, BeigeFrequency’s doc on him is
Is this kino?
No, fuck off. Alt Hyde destroyed this pseduo intellectual man.
c'mooooon jillian
No one who watches this faggot is heterosexual
>I hate this thread
>I will post this epic roll image to keep it bumped and get it loads of replies thatll show em
why do retards do this?
Third Positionism is the only correct ideology so her economic stance is there but she fails at social ideals
>complain about "her" social ideals
>call a man "her"
His inevitable suicide will be
S*ge and roll
Pro tip: always do the opposite of what quinton reviews says
It all depends on the ending
True but also
reminder for everyone to sage
Picture me rollin
>Contrapoints is kino, right?
His suicide will be.
>CorporatePoints™ is kino
Lolfuckno. Reminder that a shirtless dude in leather jacket who reads news and talks about horoscopes got banned in several countries and got on Silicon Valley's shitlist, while this fucking white male is pushed by Google.
When is he just gonna fuck Theryn Meyer on camera? THAT would be Euphoria-tier trannykino.
*blocks your path*
Looks like you also fail at social ideals.
Based flibba tribbla
gimme a good one
Ugly filter tranny is ugly.
Adhere to the statistics.
Transition from tranny to statty.
Are forensic sciences the final enemy boss of leftism?
here we go here we go here we go again
it ensures that little to no discussion about the actual topic occurs
I hope he is able to get the mental healthcare he clearly needs before he mutilates his body beyond repair.
>Transition from tranny to statty.
t. Trannypoints mad that people would rather risk The Prophet instead of waifuing him
His face is kind of fucked up from the feminization surgery or whatever. People more autistic than I have compared his smile and other facial movements from before the surgery and after.
based contrapoints managing to look better than the specimen beside “her”
Xir needs to be dragged behind a truck
To show the correct amount of respect for the topic
>implying yall wouldn't
Gib qt
What's that condition called when dudes watch too much porn and start to fantasize about them being the women they watch?
>Reply twice so I can get two jailfus in the same cell as me
Victoria and Alex
It's called gender dysphoria
Is it already time to call out the alita pedo?
this literally just looks like a drag queen
Blaire White is a huge AGP fetishist, she just hides it by being republican
Why is Yea Forums filled with transphobic incels, we all know half the dudes here wish they were a woman.
it is a drag queen
Stop projecting your sickness onto others.
>today i will pose myself and angle the camera in an attempt to hide my male skeletal structure and fat distribution, and if there are enough upvotes then i will not kill myself just yet
gibe me dat evil gussy
drag queens are just gay dudes that don't even take hormones or get surgeries. it's part of a stage act and I'm fine with homos doing w/e they want in their bars/clubs as long as they're not reading books to kids.
transgenders are the ones that take hormones and make you call them she
gimmie 69. she looks like jack from me2
Having your bones shaved is gonna fuck up your nerves, hontrapoints won't be happy until there's a hollowed out wound where her cock used to be and has to devote the rest of her life to the dilate meme
could you save your prisonfu?
Agp. This bit was pretty gross for a myriad of reasosns
it takes 1 to 2 years for the nerves to repair and for a patient to get full facial movement again. sometimes patients are forever numb in areas of their face though. AFAIK, Contra got the surgery only 3 months ago.
t. medical student trying to become plastic surgeon.
that guy sucks he's like metokur but stupider
Axed yet OP is still up
REMEMBER TO REPORT THIS MOD/JANITOR TO HIRO ON TWITTER AND NOT /qa/ OR /feedback/ where they can censor it
Contrapoints is good. Proof that you don't need a lot of money to make good youtube videos. Also proof that the left can meme.
That makes sense, got any other fun facts?
>someone left a giant shit on my doorstep
>I now fear it
>Also proof that the left can meme
If you can only desperately reach for a single example then that's what's called "the exception that proves the rule"
Nice bait.
>Contra Contra Points on Race
>Contra Points: Still Stupid
contrapoints is literally soros funded lmfao
>nick shilling himself on here
We know it's you dude
nah hbomberguy and philosophy tube can meme too.
Also proof that the left sucks corporate cock so hard it counts as anal.
get this fucking garbage off my board
uh...not cool sweetie
Why are porn trannies so much more attractive than activist trannies?
A meme can only be funny if it’s offensive or absurdist, any others suck.
dank meme
Based derailer. Let's roll
>i built a set and put on a costume
>look everybody i'm memeing
relentless faggotry
Why do Americans like to pretend to be something they are not?
>American men pretend to be female
>Americans pretend to be from countries they never even visited
>Americans pretending to be first worlders
>americans pretending they are safe at school
>americans pretending they have healthcare
>americans pretend to be free
I'm going to put this one on a frame
>americans pretending they have healthcare
The stupid ones don't have healthcare
she actually has a video about this "theory"
it's filled with facts and logic so you probably wouldn't be interested.
>if i want to fuck them they're honorary cis
>Why do Americans like to pretend to be something they are not?
Sorry sweaty, but ideological motivated "research" from sex experts and sociologists aren't facts.
>taking seriously a guy who chopped his dick
yeah i figured you'd be afraid of nuance and the truth. pretty typical.
>That makes sense, got any other fun facts?
facial plastic surgery for trans women is getting more popular and my professors have all said that it's likely to be covered under w/e version of a public health care option that we get in the future. So they're desperately training new surgeons that know how to do all these surgeries.
The consequences are that most plastic surgeons suck, so even though more trannies can get the surgery, the average quality of the surgery will be markedly worse.
Yes, that means all of our tax dollars will be paying for trannies to get their faces cut open.
>americans pretending they have healthcare
>yuropoors pretending they have tax rates below 70%
Obvious bait
>So they're desperately training new surgeons that know how to do all these surgeries.
>The consequences are that most plastic surgeons suck
Worth leaving neetdom to become a plastic surgeon then?
Only bitter incels yate Contra, she's based.
XY chromosome would like a word with you and ''''her''''
america is just wage slaves for walmart, you have nothing
I live in Belgium, notoriously the worst EU nation for taxes, and I only pay 40%
He's monotone as fuck, but on the other hand it means he has no choice but to do a good job of putting together a documentary
all the political/social commentary youtubers are utter fucking faggots. Only 1791L is tolerable
at least im not affraid of my dick lol
>Worth leaving neetdom to become a plastic surgeon then?
You have to get into medical school first. You're better off getting a comp sci degree if you're just looking for money.
you should watch her videos, they're really interesting and entertaining and they aren't just SJW screeching.
>version of a public health care option that we get in the future
>when a trained surgeon is more delusional than a dude who wants him to slice open and turn his dick inside out
The dude is profoundly mentally ill and believes in magic. No thanks.
>admitting you're afraid of facts and logic
Still waiting for her Grooby debut
Contra point fans take note of this post:
from the first couple of seconds of that first vid, he focuses in on that pic of the irish compared to whites and blacks and says that it comes from harper's weekly.
I did 10 minutes of googling and found this
The summary says that while the pic was used in harper's weekly, it was originally drawn by H. Strickland Constable, who did not mean the drawing as a parody at all. From all the other sites I could find they also list him as the source, and also mention that the book it's from is unironic.
If this guy has that big of a flaw in the first fucking few seconds, I am not gonna sit through the entirety of it or the other vid.
Sorry, I was Beigepilled and can’t ever take this person seriously, anymore.
Everyone in US medical sciences is treating it as an inevitability at this point. Even if Trump wins in 2020 (which he probably will) the next president is definitely going to make it a policy point.
Go back to /pol/
Hahahahahahahhahaha do you listen to Ben Shapiro and Jordan Peterson too? Fucking incel
Who fucking cares. That doesn't invalidate anything else in the video. That you'd assume such just goes to show that you have a ridiculous, unscientific view on race.
Sure why not
Agreed. His ability to naturally find a narrative during the creative process makes his videos entertaining and not contrived.
>tranny cultist calling others "incel"
half the incels eventually troon out anyhow because of AGP
alt hype is a retard who believes in 19th century race science
Just another white guy that watched too much porn and realized this wasn't enough so he started women's clothes 24/7
Fucking crackers. White ppl culture ladies and gentlemen.
Mate I live in Czechia and I have 60% progressive tax on my heavy manual labor income. There is a point beyond which it isnconteaproductive for mento work more hours legally and that treshold is fucking low.
Good thing I have Free™ healthcare! Oh wait, I am also paying for private healthcare because I am not insane.
No he doesn't. He addresses that accusation the video I provided.
so you admit that you've been brainwashed into being unable to engage with new ideas? Damn you sound like a fucking boomer only self-aware.
Trannys are unironically autistic incels.
well do you actually see your tax dollars put to good use? As in infrastructure and developmental projects, not just mindless gibs to the poorfags.
>illegal twerk
Charles Murray is a retard who believes in 18th century race science
>Who fucking cares. That doesn't invalidate anything else in the video.
It shows that he made a serious research error and presented it as his opening argument, which isn't exactly something someone with "fact based" opinions would do. Also the irony that he himself made a research error while trying to pounce on another person's supposed research error is, well, troubling and for the most part just a sign of how much he's gonna try to cherrypick for the rest of the vid.
>That you'd assume such just goes to show that you have a ridiculous, unscientific view on race.
Cool projection, I just said I'm not gonna trust this guy.
So um...CP is short then? Interesting. She just went up a few points in my book
damn if only you lived in a civilized country like USA. kretén
Wrong again.
Contra is based af, you'd have to be a no friends loser with little self-awareness. The strain of white guys that make attack helicopter jokes lmao
>ever being the real EU
fuck off Sovietfag
>new ideas = retarded ideas only mentally ill can agree with
ok tard
those trannies on the right are pretty hot desu
>"Wow fellow straight men, doesn't this porn actually just make you want to do things like suck cock or take a dick in your ass? Wouldn't you rather be the girl, based straight fellow American men?"
Nope. Also go fuck your kids, Ivan.
Contrapoints is 6'1" btw
Everyone who talks about Free healthcare in US is only talking about sending carte blanche check to healthcare corporations, because apparently doing the same for Lockheed&Martin is just not enough.
*Czech Republic
give me someone not white or black
He'll never be a woman. It's not possible to change one's sex. Stop reinforcing the delusions of the mentally ill.
It's some what funny that you'd think I was enforcing this concept.
Clearly this individual is very sane and rational and should be taken very seriously
Oh, I'm sorry. Are you a biologist now?
Quintein is like 6'5"
love how that nigga lost half his fanbase from making a thinly veiled "I want to fuck this tranny" video
What the fuck did he do to himself?
Yuropoors dont have healthcare either lmao... ameriburgers are responsible for most medical innovation and research.
Does one need to be a biologist in order to understand that taking hormones and getting plastic surgery doesn't change one's sex?
Used to be better when she was explaining and analyzing rightist rhetoric. The "How to recognize a fascist" video was her best one and the one on Incels was fine. But I don't really care for the gender stuff. I get why it's a topic important to her but it's just not relatable to me. I never had any hangups about my masculinity.
Nothing wrong with fucking trannies man. Just don't marry one
Gender Dysphia is real and your transphobic incelc ass can't change that.
*promoting, not enforcing
wtf is this monster
the chromosomes will reveal the truth
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
bitch-made ass tranny
You mean "Dysphoria". And how does the existence of this metal condition invalidate anything I previously said?
Oh God no, pretty much every encounter with state apparatus ended up in the fiasco, and as for infrastructure, you can actually feel when you drive over the borders.
Imagine being a retard that thinks anyone that waffles about Free™ healthcare has anything but Soviet tier system in mind for you.
>anons itt calling this thing she
There's a reason why it is a mental illness
Contrapoints doesn't believe that she's changed her sex. In fact, she calls her surgeries "sex change operations" purely ironically.
(sex and gender aren't the same thing btw)
people on /fit/ would be jealous of those broad ass fucking shoulders
>posting the shopped version
you really are pathetic.
good on you, every country with free health care has niggas waiting like 10 days to get a cast on their foot and shit
cope and dilate
ugly motherfucker
>How to recognize fascists
As I said mentally ill deluded corporate dicksucker.
>(sex and gender aren't the same thing btw)
words have no meaning anymore. Nazis weren't even white supremacists, they were German supremacists, and fascists have been co-opted to mean vaguely populistic authoritarian
wait he called sar "trannies &coke" gon a fascist?
Looks like someone needs a friendly and helpful reminder
rven furfags hate trannies kek
fags are starting to turn on them and dykes have been at war with trannies for years now since they know first hand how many of these freaks are doing it as a roundabout, mentally deranged way to get pussy
this makes me wanna die
the chad fags vs the virgin trannies
You are a retard who unknowingly has a partial belief in discredited 19th century Lemarckian inheritance as a result of its revival in soviet russia and then its residual propagation through the modern social sciences. But go ahead and tell us about science.
>Requires a 4 year undergrad with good GPA (3.5+), with a year minimum of bio, chem, o-chem, physics and math
>Take MCAT, score in 75th or higher percentile (best schools usually take 90th or better only)
>4 years of med school for MD (DOs typically don't place well for surgical residencies)
>3 years of general surgery residency, 2-3 years of plastic surgery residency (80+ hrs/wk for $50-70k depending on market)
>1-2 years fellowship for specializing
>Volunteer work and research reportedly highly valued in undergrad and during med school
>Meanwhile, pass all 3 stages of USMLE along the way to ensure you actually are able to practice
>Pursue board certification if you want to have a shot at a real practice
That's a lot of school and debt to shave tranny's faces.
You're a better person than me. I'm going to be applying to three DO schools next year and already decided I just want to do family med in the countryside.
time to 41% eh sweaty?
Now you're getting it
>starts talking about politics out of nowhere
What was his endgame?
Normally wouldn't be in my sphere of interest but I've watched some of her videos, they seem pretty intelligent and measured, no screeching or extremism.
That’s disgusting why would YouTube allow that shit?
>vernacular definition and academic definition have to be the same
I watched one once after that faggot quinton tried to deep suck it's non existent dick
its well shot and edited, but a minute or so into whatever one i watched, it just started rambling about the evil white male. like i need to hear this shit for the billionth time. cleeeeek
Why has contrapoints been posted here so frequently? Is because she had a new video and Yea Forums is secretly in love?
for me, it's renee (hopefully)
Wtf I love furries now!
fag here. you're a liar.
>tfw no older sister gf
What exactly do you think the Ngram Viewer searches?
he wasnt to suck the tranny's cock.
is shilling himself
>t. ContraPoints
Because you demented perverts won’t stay on discord larping as Japanese schoolgirls
in the time it took you complain about Yea Forums incels, yet another black dude with a mixtape and 4 kids stomped a tranny to death in public
omg dude Murray isn't peer reviewed and is completely gfull of shit. The heritability of IQ (besides being a retarded concept to begin with but no time to get in to it) has not been established with data, and the gap between american blacks and american whites keeps having new things to control for that shrink it (plus it's shrinking over time). Belief that any unexplained descrepincy must be genetic is not rational. The only rational conclusion is to be agnostic about IQ inheritance. This is the consensus among sociologists and biologists. Charles Murray has connections to a racist group. All of his bullshit has been debunked and you avoid the truth because of your FEELINGS.
you're a future tranny if you're posting here and like dick, not a fag
you avatar with anime girls and go to /pol/ ironically
you probably already own a dress
you don't get to call yourself a fag, you're lesser than them
Im a simple man 1-3 please
DOs are based. I wish you luck doctor.
I did it because I got inspired by photos of WWI and WWII soldiers that had plastic surgery to give them a normal life. No I'm a full doomer and don't even care, just going to cut up trans women the rest of my life.
trannylust and getting peer pressured leftwards by a bunch of SJWs at some disgusting e-celeb convention
There's nothing secret about my desire for girlcock.
Stop larping tranny
I'm a faggot and hate trannies and most other faggots feel the same way - if not because they're repulsive then at least for this meme of good-looking twinks mutilating themselves
lmao that there are people who watch a dude dressed up in female costumes to validate their political ideology kill yourselves for real you worthless faggots
no such thing
you're afraid you'll be persuaded.
>The heritability of IQ (besides being a retarded concept to begin with but no time to get in to it) has not been established with data,
Yes it has.
>there are people who watch "serious" youtube videos
>posting a months-old pre-surgery photo
Repression doesn't work, take your skittles Alice.
>30 minutes of mostly incoherent rambling
not gonns convince anyone except quinton tier brainlets and closet homos
rollin for trashy
this is supposed to look good?
nigger he's ugly as fuck
Watch this and tell me this SANE individual is mentally well for transitioning.
He lied about having Gender Dysphoria btw.
give me one of those dirty whores
too bad he couldn't get the apple removed
hell yeah, she's the one I wanted :)
If you can't tell the difference between top and bottom you're blind
How anyone can see photos like this and not feel sick is beyond me.
>admitting your politics is based on your FEELINGS of disgust instead of on facts
more generous lighting and even more makeup
My politics arent in any way shaped by my disgust for men who take hormones and multiate themselves so they can LARP as women.
You're the one who seems worked up, Lysenkoist genetics denier. Keep appealing to institution. That worked in 1950s Russia too, while their crops failed and their country fell back decades in the study of biology.
that's not what he said at all
lol egg detected
It got a nose job or something? I don't fucking know or care. The man looks ugly. He looked decent as an actual dude and then destroyed his life forever by doing this shit to himself. I've seen videos shitting on him where he basically alludes to just being a normal fag deep down, but it's too late for that.
This nigga will be dead by his own hand within five years. Unless a non-white male decides to kick his head in sooner, because that's the second leading cause of trannycide.
>comparing multiple modern scientific fields to lyshenkoism
omg let me guess you're a climate denier too.
Reminder that if you click on contrapoints threads, there's a 90% chance you're a repressing trans girl. Actual cis guys aren't this obsessed.
shut the fuck up tranny retard, not everyone that thinks you're a walking abomination is secretly as mentally inept and sexually fucked up as you are
I seriously watched some of his vids and I tried hard to get into it, seemed reasonable, entire time I felt sick to my fucking stomach. Never went back.
We wouldn't care about this shit if it weren't being promoted by all MSM, all corporations, being taught to children, etc.
lol hit a nerve.
look we all know far right wing ideology is mostly based on the disgust response. It's okay. I get it. A black person was mean to me one time too. But luckily I'm not a brainlet.
it's because you shill your shit here
>Still looks like a man pretending to be a woman
The fact you need to deluded yourself to think otherwise is very concerning.
>projecting this hard
>he's ugly
>wtf youre a republican because you think he's ugly
>hurr durr gotcha hurr
was it, dare i say it... autism?
>a black person was mean to me
you don't need to remind us you're some little cuck pussy
defending trannies was enough
Hey retard, go to a mental institute.
It's never too late, just two tablets a day and you could become the girl you've always wanted to be
always hilarious when a honest to god retarded socialist tries to convince other people his entire ideology isn't just a self destructive cascade of emotional knee jerk responses
the DNC debates were hilarious
For me it’s Strasserist trannies
Thanks for proving his point, jesus christ what a fugly dude
>Dude pretending to be a girl
>Swim in patreon money while riling people up about muh inequalities
>Pushed by the media everywhere they can so he can complain aobut being marginalized
Who wrote this script
Implying that Yiutube didn't start to shill him and the Hbomber as a way to counter muh alt-right based on the alternative influences report for Google from last May.
Checked Redublic
Why are tranny chasers so easily fooled by filters and myspace angles
room temperature IQ
Do you even realize how cliquey you come across as being. It's obvious your only concern is agreeableness. Hardly a scientific mindset.
Sorry meant for
Pretty sure trans girls would hate me, because I jerk off to them and really like girlcock.
When you finally get the jaw surgery but it only makes your head look longer like a mans
Actually I came to my political conclusions very reluctantly, as I grew up rich and white and raised by racist Ayn Rand loving boomers.
Then I actually experienced the world, took part in capitalism both in the proletariat and as a business owner, and I realized actually it was all a crock of shit and Marx was right.
Don't be mean to Jenny
>Implying I want to be a monster like yourself.
Go get a psychologist.
>the vast majority of men are secretly trannies
Interesting theory, faggot.
>y-y-you dont like mutilated men? your IQ must be low
dont h8 just dil8
science didn't discover SHIT before peer review. It was basically garbage. Like Charles Murray.
honestly, your shit reading comprehension makes me look bad
>trannies hate the only people that actually like them (chasers)
He's a retarded mentally ill tranny
Is this a joke?
>Rich white boy with an internet access turn leftie and come here to spout back the DNC talking points
Wow what an incredibly uncommon story mark
You have to be a good-looking man to make a good-looking woman. Look at any hot tranners before and after transition photos and they were always good-looking guys beforehand.
Hontra wasn't buttugly or anything before but he was average, not a hot twink like Natalie was.
You're the one who brought Murray into this conversation. See:
>I don't mind when people call me a delusional man. Many great books have been written by delusional men.
~Natalie Wynn
Such an inspiring quote, I hope they carve it in his tomb.
you like mutilated men
you will always look bad
I dont you fucking idiot
>having new things to control for
Translation: new bulshit leftshit academics have to made up that would never be applied in the reverse scenario
The amount of projection in this thread is thread should tell you something about these people. All SJWs all have some sort of regret of their past and turn it into this insane behavior you see nowadays.
what a shitty forced thread
in awe of the size of this lad
I swear that she's smart enough to be consumed with doubts about the whole thing and it's fascination. It keeps coming out in awkward jokes and strawman alteregos but it's all things she has been thinking.
Such an adorable girl.
marilyn manson was a more convincing woman
he does seem to regret it at times
See, I at least respect that she owns that shit rather than going nuclear at the very notion of previously being different like most of them do
The only good trannies are the racist ones
>evolution ends at the neck
Based fundamentalist zealot.
yes girlcock
Jesus fucking christ, no amount of alcohol fixes that
The dead ones, you mean.
The ones with foreskin are good.
He just has a extremely male skeleton, it's downright chad worthy
they call guys who are specifically into the girlcock and the tranniness 'chasers'
Why can't trannies accept that they will never, EVER be cute girls?
You will never be adorable cuddle bait, you will never make someone fall in love with you with just a smile, you are disgusting abominations, spawns of Lucifer.
this is what /pol/ does to your brain. Look everyone and laugh.
Are you a fucking child. There's not a single working scientist would relentlessly appeal to the strength of peer review this hard, especially after recent decades when its problems have become more pronounced. The amount of frequently cited shitty papers that have gone unfalsified for decades, the outright hoaxes. It's not just limited to that Sokal paper goofing on some postmodern journal. Grow the fuck up.
we're all too busy laughing at trannies
a little late to finally be posting these
a tranny can never be as effortly soft and beautiful as a woman
Yo incel, cool it, alright? Posting mentally ill girls won't solve your problems. Close Yea Forums and start fixing your home.
why do u like mutilated men?
dont escape
i wanna puke
Monerposting is the chemo curing trannycancer
As opposed to posting mentally ill men who mutilate themselves?
>saving tranny shit on your machine
And you call other mentally ill? Lmao
Show me a single tranny as effortlessly hot and beautiful and soft as this.
Just shows how delusional you are. You will never get your fantasy girl from the pictures.
funnily enough
there are two discord trannies that absolutely hate isabella, they ALWAYS talk shit about her, they ALWAYS repeat the same lines,
Yeah, he'd be perfectly normal if he was saving heavily photoshopped pics of trannies with 5 inches of makeup, right?
you completely misinterpreted a series of responses you fucking shit for brains ESL favela monkey
i assume you never saved a gore gif?
lol newfag
how will mentally ill men ever compete
>You will never get your fantasy girl from the pictures.
That seems like some awful projection tranny, as in the fact that you will never BE the fantasy girl from those pictures.
It's why pictures of cute girls trigger tranny so much, you will never be that.
so you preffer trannies with dicks
got it
With what?
That people save pics of the true facade of trannies, who's entire existence relies on lying?
That picture is just the truth.
Nigger are you literally retarded
funny enough i already have my fantasy girl. she's soft and cute and has ovaries
Kek really? That's hilarious.
every discord group is at least 1 tranny constantly seething about something
>n-no, these mentally ill men are real girls
What went wrong with these lads?
tik tok trannies
man with a girl pic = delusional
mutilated man = normal
You are projecting my little incel.
but i dont like trannies
you do
Well no, Cooney is lesbian, but she's still a qt, and that should always be appreciated.
The one I'm in was posting dreams about having boobs and then waking up crying afterwards. They're all fucked in the head.
Post photos of the girls you dated.
You are the one getting mad at people for posting pics of cute girls.
There is no way you were a business owner when you think that mr. Idle Bourgeois Marx was right.
No, I don't
I never did
bro, you've gotta be the stupidest motherfucker, I've been laughing my ass off for like 10 minutes
Trannies are disgusting
Reminder that the 'Black anality' science paper is peer reviewed by three different people.
Again you are projecting, nobody got mad. It's just an infantile behaviour to save, post, glorify and put them on a pedestal like previous anons. Next thing you want to say is that white girls with red hair are the best looking. It's just pleb thinking.
What, so you dox me, you tranny fucker psychopaths?
Nah, not even an inch to you.
sheen is seriously this slutty now?
are u a tranny? read this
you mean like what trannies do when they get so borked in the head they start idealizing femininity to the point that they literally start wearing a fucking dress?
he has a dick
you dont
you lost bro
What a surprise, the tranny fucker is also the kind that whines about
>muh european beauty standards
No pity for America and their subversion of everything good.
And here's one of those redheads you like.
>white girls with red hair are the best looking
Correct, specially the ones with blue eyes.
Nobody is going to care for enough to dox you. It just shows that there is a big disparity in the girls you put on a pedestal and the ones you date. If you dated anyone at all.
Posting emo kids from twenty years ago either shows that you are a wizard, stuck in infantile thinking or someone in his teens approaching the wizard path.
I think asian girls are best, obviously you'd be offended by that too
lmao so many triggered incels
No, it's just I lost my virginity with one and i've been attracted to that look ever since.
Sadly, i'm incapable of attracting girls that will last me more than a month, but i'm working on it.
after conferring with the tranny discord council, that's the best you got?
not doing anything for you fag
this is an undeniable truth
holy shit this tranny is trying to analyze you
you cant make this shit up, what a sad creature
This is one of the most used and yet most filled bullshit answer people give, just admit that you don't like transsexuals and let them live their lives
but trannies are dogs
Emos are qts, and qt girls trigger trannies because trannies are VERY ugly.
dont insult animals like that
Even finding and dating a run of the mill average american college aged girl, of which there are plenty, would be preferable by miles than dating a freakshow abomination MTF. That's the end of it.
>just admit you don't like rats and roaches and let them be
>white girls with red hair
Objectively the most beautiful. Especially if they have blue or heavens, green eyes.
That is why leftshits in entertainment hate them with burning passion and retcon them wherever they find them.
You will never be effortlessly cute
You will always have to draw attention away from your hands and feet
You will always have the wrong proportions
You will always have to dress strategically
You will never be able to cut your hair short and skimp on makeup
You will never really pass
I fucking love women
>This post kills the tranny
>each of her thighs almost as thick as her torso
Did you ever stop to consider it might be a common sentiment because it's fucking true?
they can make 12hs essays about beauty standards, they can make conferences about white privilege and western civ.
but at the end of the day the fact remains, they are ugly , they will always be ugly, and they know it, we know it, sure some leftists love to pretend
"damn caitlyn jenner is hot, brave and stunning"
one more
>nearly 400 posts on a contra thread
I think the janitor finally hung himself
roll roll roll roll
Why would you even worry if they can be as cute as a women?
good. off topic threads are what Yea Forums is about. fuck hiro and fuck gamergate/fappening/election newfags
the best part about them praising bruce is that they're holding up this dude who went public as a tranny to distract from the vehicular manslaughter he committed literally like months before he started showing up on magazine covers in a dress
that's their tranny icon
they can't be
Off topic threads are what Yea Forums and reddit is for.
So, emos trigger trannies even more than usual girls?
Time to make a folder.
>thought Yea Forums had a 500+ thread about a tranny youtuber
>it's actually crime wifu thread
you guys are okay somethime
we don't, but they do, and then they complain that no dude wants to date them, or more hilariously, that no lesbian does