>ITT: Scenes women will never understand
ITT: Scenes women will never understand
Other urls found in this thread:
Taxi Driver in its entirety
Whats this from? Looks bretty cool.
The Night Comes For Us
Once Upon a Time in America in its entirety
I feel like any movie where someone looks incredibly satisfied behind the wheel of a car is probably gonna lose a large chunk of the female audience.
what's this?
Last exit to Brooklyn
>women will never understand
You incels hace no idea what women understand or not. Plenty of men don't "get" movies either, but it so happens that movies marketed towards men might not not be all that appealing to women.
Bring Me the Head of Alfredo Garcia
The Deer Hunter
The Wild Bunch
Hard Boiled
The Killer
Bullet to the Head
To Live and Die in LA
Ms. 45
Bad Lieutenant
Everything by based autist Nicolas Winding Refn
Fuck off roastbeef.
I didn't like this movie. I don't care about retards.
Yeah, I get the feeling that he makes movies for himself and it just so happens that weird, obsessive, lonely men like his films. He also shoots in chronological order which is retarded.
It's fucking garbage.
"Damn lesbian weirdos" line is literally the only good part in the entire movie.
>Let me remind you cadets, this academy bears the name of the Roman general Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. Because he represents honor, valor, allegiance. General Corbulo was to take his own life in the name of the empire. Corbulo did not hesitate, nor question. He loyally obeyed screaming axios as he fell upon his own sword. Axios! I. Am. Worthy.
Does anyone else find it awkward to use expressions like "weirdo" or similar "word+o" combinations when referring to women?
Fair enough. I loved it, its like The Raid 2 with horror movie levels of gore.
No doubt.
>>ITT: Scenes women will never understand
All of them.
Yep, tried watching the 4 hour+ cut with my wife and she was already bored 30 minutes in. Same for the godfather.
>Yeah, I get the feeling that he makes movies for himself and it just so happens that weird, obsessive, lonely men like his films
This, Refn is big autism vibes so us autists love him. The normies just won't get it.
the only good choice is to spare him and give you a cool looking sword in bonus
Based FelinePoster and nice dubs
Based gook kino
13th Warrior
There are not any. You are biased.
the film is dogshit though and has barely any resemblance to the story of Perseus
I thought it was a meme but they really can't get this movie
One of the most wrong statements ever made on Yea Forums
I love these threads where... manchildren who have never had a job and still live with their parents, who are afraid to leave their room and piss in bottles, who panic at the though of having to speak to another person to order a pizza... huff about how women could never understand movies about muh bravery and honor
t. roastie
Have you watched any of these movies with women? 'Cause you're talking out of your ass, man.
It's a remake of the 81 version,not an adaptation of the story
I actually have a new house, a car, no debt and I make 85k after taxes.
All of Lord of the Rings
Jokes on you I talk to people to make money roastie.
And you are still a virgin
And just like clockwork, the deflection begins.
yes but a wealthy one, unlike you.
You will never be a real woman.
I served 8 years in the marines. No woman understands fury.
"Why are they so mean to him? He's so cute!"
"Why does the tank shoot lasers?"
"Why does brad Pitt want to stay with the tank? Its broken."
"Why do they decide to stay?"
"Why won't they just surrender?"
The entirety of the movie.
I haven't lived with my parents in years. I have a job and friends. Sounds like you just can't take banter.
>women driven by logic and reason
>men driven by muh feelings
>tank shoots lasers
>Surrender and be subjected to captured enemy conditions
>Go out swinging cause fuck em
Women throw themselves at conquerors.
Here's another
>women driven by logic and reason
>shouldn't be punished for getting people killed because he's cute
>Go out swinging
I thought you were referring to the emotion fury and was very confused
Onionsaddicts don't get it either
They understand the Queen in 300.
Me too lol
Is there a single scene with two women acting as good as this?
>cheat on husband
>fail to convince government to help husband
>murder elected official
Women are useless
Was it gay?
Also she only killed him because he exposed her infidelity
If only Muslims were all this based.
>Everyone is me and I am everyone
Gott mit uns
It's too bad Vigo is a turbo cuck now.
watched this with my internet gf recently and she loved it
followed it up with Pingu's The Thing
i do it purposefully
In Dante's Divine Comedy, Saladin is actually in limbo because he was a virtuous pagan (unbeliever) and personally I think he was a brilliant commander.
>implying a single female has seen LoGH
>Watching with gf
>been on her phone for parts of the film already
>get to the tanker sinking scene
>asks “why do they look upset, this is just them winning isn’t it? Shouldn’t they kill more of the sailors?”
>too tired to answer anymore
more witcherkino
Peak women-wont-understand kino
>Mom! Can you give me an advance on my allowance so I can go to the movie theater and see this KINO?! I promise I'll dump out my piss bottles! Please, MOM, PLEASE!
>It's about men in combat during the war... you wouldn't understand it!
have sex with men
Unironically this. Fuck off fatfuck incels.
What about movies that men don't understand? Do they trigger you as well?
You just outed yourself as an incel, you lost
A raging hipster like Zoe Quinn would probably pretend to like it. That bitch is on every bandwagon.
I have a 9" penis...
and no one to fuck with it.
Why the fuck do women always shit around on their phones when watching a movie? This has nothing to do with zoomer or boomer culture because my 12 year old brother can sit through an entire movie and so can my dad, but anytime I walk in the living room when my sister or mom are watching a movie (one that they put on for themselves I might add) they're almost always on their phones. The only time they don't is when they're actually not supposed to be on their phones like in a movie theater or something.
t. guy whose gf loved TOTDY
t. woman who lacks empathy
This shit literally has ne seething.
>want to show my mother a trailer
>for 90 percent of the trailer her eyes are glued to her ipad
>nice trailer user
I swear to god, she does this while watching shows and movies aswell.
not all of us are fagbags like you I'm afraid. I call women weirdos all the time and they end up sucking my dick eventually anyway.
Based mom dabbing on her millennial shitstain “son”
Imagine still consuming Jewish propaganda in 2019
>>want to show my mother a trailer
>>for 90 percent of the trailer her eyes are glued to her ipad
Except that she puts on netflix 24/7 and watches every kike infested propaganda show on there while simultaniously tapping away on her ipad playing kikeville 230387 on facebook or whatever.
I have a gf of 4 years, after the first year i stopped watching movies with her. Always stupid questions and didnt get shit, she is pretty intelligent so i guess women dont understand certain things
With the song playing and everything. The whole scene.
>4 year gf
Patrician taste
the whole movie actually
>The final boss gives you the choice to just walk away
I don't care what anyone else thinks, I fucking love this trope.
haha based
>Rewatch The Wire for the third time with new gf
>She instantly picks up on things it took me forever to
>Notices details the first time around I haven't on the first 2 viewings
>Generally understands subtext and themes I don't pick up on in films until after I google what the fuck I just watched
Maybe don't date a roastie?
All of these may be true except for the piss bottles part, but at least I can understand bravery and honor
math is hard
I also work at wendies and have a 12 inch dick
Best movie of 2019
dumb a24 shit
IIRC the other problem he solves is a bit more trickier.
This movie was shit. I dont know why people shill it so bad.
>There's a job to be done
>I'm scared of dying
Again, proving you'll never understand.
I know, right? Men are always like "lol women think with their pussy, men built civilization through logic and rational thought" then they pull shit like this.
What's this from?
>they dont call me butcher of blaviken for nothing, sometimes heads roll
Geralt became known as the butcher of blaviken™ when he slaughtered a band of bandits who intended to kill innocents before they even had time to react, the shocked bystanders thought Geralt had started a massacre for no reason and drove him out of the city. He left peacefully as the villagers pelted stones at him for saving their lives. You can't compare it to Gaetan who massacred an entire village of innocents when three peasants tried to kill him. He was a mad dog and when Geralt rightfully kills him, it's implied that he's done this before in a letter at his hideout.
>tall man with military training and without the weight of two big limbs can do a one armed pull-up
not that impressive, desu. i think the problem the women have is that they cant reach the edge, they are too short and have weak legs to jump with, although its probable that some of them are not even strong enough to do a single pull-up.
>muh bravery and honor
half of these scenes are just random shit
fury is garbage so there isn't much to understand
great movie
Actually enjoyed this and Laskey in H4, too bad he's hardly seen in H5
My only real gripe with that movie was how it portrayed the Templars as Christian ISIS, in reality they provided most of the knights for defending the walls of Jerusalem at the end of the movie (because their vows meant they wouldn't leave the Temple undefended) and had better relationships with the neighbouring Muslim rulers than most of the secular Christian leaders did.
Just so needlessly ahistorical, Reynald of Chatillon would have provided a Christian villian character by himself, there was no need to link him to the Templars.
>not that impressive
t. fat boi who can't do a push up
i can almost do a one-armed push-up, i can do if i grab my bicep with my other arm. i just have to raise the grip a bit more over a month in order to do it. if i didnt have the weight of my arm and leg, i would be able to do it right now.
What's the point of this scene?
Absolutely based. Women will never even know about this.
this movie sucks, first year film school tier script
I forgot about this, I heard it was good at the time
He's burnt out and going crazy from his bender/ptsd waiting for a mission in isolation. It's supposed to show you that's he's fucked up from everything he's gone through.. enough to go on a suicide mission.
Night Comes for Us, Asian nonsense
Sounds like you're just plain stupid.
I do that at least once a month when I stay in on a saturday night and remember how I have no friends or gf.
Ya but you're not a special forces assassin in a shitty hotel in saigon.
contrarian fags
anything where the hero realized he's in the wrong? Something like I am legend, the book;
>ryan gosling plays Stoic Doomer who wishes he was Stoic Boomer for the xth time in a row
why cant you find a lot of it on youtube anymore?
Is it? The only letter I found is about the Cat School being wiped out except for a couple of guys.
spoonfeed me. I like autism rivalries
you don't know that
What even was there to understand? As far as DB goes, what you see is literally all there is to it because Toriyama is lazy as fuck.
sorry I didn't like your gay little movie
I'm not gonna kill another fucking witcher. There's like 10 of these motehrfuckers left. A monster will get him if he truly deserves to die.
>Plenty of men don't "get" movies either
Of course, tthe low T ones, whomst least resemble men.
>but it so happens that movies marketed towards men might not not be all that appealing to women
yeah, that's what the thread is about, why you so upset?
Holy fuck, this board is flooded with low IQ retarded mouthbreathing pleb reddifugees.
this guys whole fucking life desu.
you are gay and little and also low IQ. Good Time is kino
and everybody who likes it seems to be deeply insecure
pretty sure she understand
Not even in the slightest. She wanted to kill Johan, Tenma wanted to save him. She understood Johan, but even that was from being his twin.
based but bluepilled
>"Picard and Dathon at El-Adrel... forever."
Glad i am Gay and i don't have to deal with NPC's aka women.
My cute bf understands all these things because he is a man, i am sorry for all the cute guys who chase after NPC's for their pussy.
>all this why doesnt my gf understand this movie baww
Female here.
Women and men are wired differently, hence why women will understand/misunderstand certain themes while men will/will not as well.
Themes like honor, pride and duty are not primarily directed at a female audience for a reason, just as themes such as family, romance and motherhood arent primarily directed at a male audience.
Equality is a myth, but it's not bad that it is. female and male are supposed to be drawn to these respective certain aspects in life and media.
It's okay. Maybe one day I'll come out of the closet.
Well you don't have to fully do it (family), but you can have a bf in secret.
It's so much easier with a dude, same interests and funny and super horny all the time.
>honor, pride and duty are not primarily directed at a female
yep you can say that again
Guy on top is bigdaddy notail (BDN), the one below him is Fly (jew). They played together since 2009 on DotA 1 and then on HoN, on various semiprofessional/professional teams. They formed a team together, OG. The team started off pretty great, winning various importance tournaments, but they stagnated. The jew thought that this was due to the rest of players in the rooster being bad, so he left team (remind you, he was one of the creators with BDN). BDN was left with 2 free spots on his team (another dude also left the team) that he had to fill in with his coach and some pubstar (some who is really good at playing rankeds individually) with almost no pro experience. They won TI8 last year (biggest dota 2 annual tournament with the highgts prizepool on esports) and won it again this year. First ever two tea eye wieners.
The pic is from the end of the first the game they played facing eachother at TI8.
The first link goes deep into the drama between them.
my gf cannot for the life of her watch serious, often times challenging movies, but she can watch for the 67th time episode 56 of the Office while on her phone
Word, I’m surprised there’s not more brotherhood between witchers from different schools. You all get lumped in as freaks and mutants and treated like you’ve got the plague. I’d think you have some sort of connection. Cat guys are supposed to be glorified assassins, but who gives a shit. I’d probably do it too if the coin was right. How different is it really from killing a monster?
shut up faggot
That's because it's not a woman's job to comprehend and carry those themes in order to suffice their role as mothers.
Every scene in pic related.
but why?
Thousand years old are you?
Also he actually cut his thumb open
>Lo there do I see my father; Lo there do I see my mother and my sisters and my brothers; Lo there do I see the line of my people, back to the beginning. Lo, they do call to me, they bid me take my place among them, in the halls of Valhalla, where the brave may live forever.
I fiddle around on my phone during the trailers. There's like 20 minutes of them before any film at Regal Cinemas now.
When people fuck around on their phone during a film it says to me that they view film in a completely detached way. It's a timewaster activity that either holds their attention or doesn't. They don't analyze it or feel moved by it
quite literally yes
>t. seething roastoid
I dated a film major who loved his stuff, even only god forgives. Too bad she put nolan on the same pedestal tho
these 2 scenes are beyond female comprehension - they get agitated and upset merely watching them
Same reason why they take 50 selfies, just for the one in the right angle and lighting. Or why they go to historical sites to take 50 selfies in the first place. Oversocialization. You catch a woman doing that shit, call her out on it. Pause the movie, and berate them for it.
>No one, no one in this world can you trust..Not men, not women, not beasts...This you can trust
Theres several parts of the movie actually
Aw shit I saw this recently, where was it from? That was fucking awesome.
Not highlighting Puppey vs Navi
>women can't understand 'he's fucked up from everything he's gone through'
damn bro, deeeep
No one understands this sequence unless you had the love of a Father, passing the torch to the next generation.
have sex
this unironically
Halo: Forward Unto Dawn
It's a series on YT, I wouldn't recommend it unless you're into Halo though. Acting is passable at the best of times and the cgi is pretty bad.
Worked, have sex.
most women have daddy issues so it stands
Aye, I am looking forward to the day I pass the torch to my sons; a worthy sacrifice, for them to break down the world to their cause.
little sailor boy was going to leave his slut girlfriend so she invites an entire bar full of sailors to gangbang her and the screenshot is the boyfriend finding her on the docks still getting railed by a whole line of dudes still waiting their turn
What a dummy
>I suppose if I allow myself to be sentimental, despite all that has occurred, there is one thing I wonder back to...
>We dug coal together.
>...That's right.
pilots got all butthurt cause no one could fly a plane drunk except the thousands of pilots before the nineties
Very overrated, but not bad and pretty comfy at points
Women only like movies that focus on social stuff
Penguins don't really have anything to defend themselves, do they? I mean, the inside of their beaks is terrifying but it's a small beak.
Go take a walk outside right now. You need some sun rays on your greasy face.
it's night though
Do girls like First Man? Movie kind of drags.
So many kino moments in this film
I didn't kill him.
These posts are hilarious because of the sheer amount of projection.
my moms favorite movie surprisingly
They're too good for this world
The entirety of The Outsiders
The scene in Patton where he beats the kid.
Actually most of the film
just like the director of this movie then
this guy is such a shitty actor
>gosling slurpers are all faggots
what a fucking surprise
>Ocean's Eleven - The House Always Wins
Pardon the tumblr image, its the closest I wanted to convey for the image of the scene, besides the video.
fuck me checked mate
End it with an a instead of an o to make it the feminine form.
A history professor showed this to me in college and it was pretty kino.
If i was a big shot director i would unironically browse Yea Forums and make films about a female Drive, BR2049, Gladiator, Master and Commander. Except they would all be super hot, and good actresses so they'd have to love them. The scripts would be solid too, i'd hire the best writers, cinematographers and basically only the best people behind and in front of the camera. Then i'd come back here and brag...haha i wish i could do that
>posting goose while having a gf
>Befriend jew
>jew abandons you for a slightly better chance at winning before the tournament start
>Get washed up coach and unexperienced rookie on board
>Deafeat the traitors
>win TI when it's traditionally "chinese year" against the top bugman's
This was absolutely fucking Kino, the fact that they became the first to win two TIs, consecutively even, is just the cherry on top.
They absolutely dabbed on everyone this year.
Bro don't say that you'll wake up the otome-stacies.
Pretty much every Stannis scene
Finally a sensible answer
Not all movies, but my ex and my female friends never understood some very important themes in certain movies. It was impossible for me to make them understand why the ‘not human’ twist in br2049 was smart