FC Barcelona - inCelta Virgo thread

Barcelona XI: pic related

Attached: FSaqNkaXEAAKvem.jpg (1080x1080, 249.03K)

inb4 the Torres-hating autist

fuck anime and fuck weebs

soon, it starts in 10 minutes

>Awful finishing
>Bad 1v1

how does he start every single game?

Attached: 3741.jpg (930x558, 26.06K)

Torres and Garcia are so fucking bad
No wonder City sold them as soon as someone showed interest

Because Xavi probably knows more about football than (you).

in that pic jordi alba looks like the white umtiti

I checked the chiringuito stream and jota jordi is already seething that barça is playing bad
should I watch the match?
what are the chances of another choke?