Leave the chinese incels to me
Leave the chinese incels to me
Why did I feel hot when I saw this picture?
I’m not even a faggot but this shit has me hot and bothered for some reason
all chinese naturally feel submissive to Mongolians.
Then how come they all got them chinky eyes?
>I’m not even a faggot
Got some bad news for you...
Mongolians are honorary whites
I’m Not Chinese though
I don’t find men sexually interesting except in this one instance with this Mongolian dude
They were conquered and ruled by Mongolians hence historical classics like Mulan.
fuck off faggot
>user wants to BTFO china
>likens everything to niggers, mutts and wannabe master races
these LARPers are so tedious
china got BTFO every time because the chinese are weak shit and the "barbarians" were not
Conans go eat your hearts out, turkic horse archers are the biggest chads in history
You genes are crying out to be conquered by a Mongol Bvll.
I’m not a faggot. I don’t think this once instance is enough for me to be considered a faggot
How does my 80% Polish genes (and 15% French, with 5% Vietnamese) genes have anything to do with Mongolia though?
Dem titties
>5% Vietnamese
There it is! That’s what makes you a bottom bitch for the Mongolian
mongols btfo china
not turkics, dumb retard
The Mongols weren't the only ones to BTFO China. There were like a dozen other ethnic groups who raped the Chinese. China was invaded so much that their gene pool is a mess.
Chinese history is fucking brutal. No wonder chinks are so soulless.
>implying Mongols and modern Chinese aren't allies and won't squash the united states of white incel pussies with together
Your days are numbered cracker.
did you read that in a fortune cookie rice dick?
Maybe if the mongols kill all the chinese men and breed all the chinese women yet again, they might become temporarily alpha.
You have no idea what you're talking about. Modern Mongolians hate the Chinese.
The majority of modern mongolians live in the PRC and submit to Han superiority
No, the fortune cookie contained actual numbers dipshit.
There are already a significant number of Chinese that are literal descendants of Genghis Khan. You stand no chance.
Another sport dominated by whites
Your small bruce lee cock when viewing the superior mongolian man
Those Mongolians are posers and traitors. Real Mongolians view the Chinese as slaves.
>another sport dominated by fags
All US has to do it convince Finland to fight with them. Finland, even though they are 100% white, have mongolian spirit in them. That mongolian spirit will help defeat the yellow menace.
I was in Mongolia this summer, they fucking hate the Chinese.
Fucking cringe, no one cares about this ethnic shit in China.
Are you mad about having Neanderthal DNA? No?
Spoken like a mongrelized Chinese rape baby.
Nobody likes the Chinese, not even their central asian neighbours. Why do you think they speak Russian instead of ching chong ping pong. The chinese live, act and behave like insects, it's frightening to think they might take over the world sith their inhuman mentality.
Pretending he wasn't juiced to the gills
Wouldn't most Chinese men be actual incels on account of the backfired One Child program?
The Mongols have to be the greatest one hit wonders. After Genghis Khan they never came close and now even inner Mongolia belongs to China and all the Mongols got bred out.
Imagine how disproportionate his 3" Chinese dick would look on that roided body lmao
Based and saved.