>tfw just turned 23
Post some movies that help with this feel
Tfw just turned 23
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23 is the last enjoyable year. Life starts sucking afterwards. You may have a reprieve around 27. Don't get your hopes up though. Don't waste your 23rd year watching movies and certainly don't waste it here on Yea Forums.
23 here too. What happens afterwards?
How did you get this picture of me
>had friends in highschool
normie fag
Actual depression.
Grown up life is inevitable. If you fight it and stay young and free at heart the world will pass you by. Enjoy those final months of salad days.
I’m gonna share this on reddit OP
this, dont be that faggot scrambling to get a career job at 28 while little joey at 23 is snowballing his way to the top literally and figuratively
>see's old high school friends
Why are there so many illiterate retards who think that apostrophes are used to pluralize words? I see it all the damn time lately.
It only gets worse
t. 25
Punch grammar Nazi's
no its See's as in See's candy bars you retard. he loves sharing toffee nougat chocolate bars with his friends.
>28 and i still havent done it
>tfw got first career job with ease at 27
Feels good man.
that picture is close except I'm almost 30 and go for the lazy as fuck buzz cut (never liked messing with my hair)
Well, finally wojak that is actually me
Man oh man it wouldn't suck as much if aging wasn't a thing. Good thing the existence of this universe doesn't make any sense so maybe all that feelgood afterlife garbage is right as well.
>tfw 24 and still trying to roll my snowball
I just need my fucking foot in the door FUCK
Im teetering on the edge of becoming this
Im 22, still live with my parents, only went to community college for 2 years before transfering out. Just got a job in my degree field. Jury's out on whether or not I'll hate it.
Don't listen to this faggot. 23 sucks for a lot of guys. Puberty lasts until about 25 because the brain, skeleton and muscles are still changing a lot.
One of the weird paradoxes of life is that older people are happier, richer and fuck more than the very young even though they're uglier and less healthy. Go monk mode and work on bettering yourself so that you can enjoy the older years even more.
try to be patient for yourself, its embarrassing to do school at 23 but believe me a LOT of people took 6 years, think about how you can use college to make a career right turn, spend 1 hour you would be masturbating a week just looking at career advice and then execute a plan next semester
i swear theres movies with people living at home at 23 but i can't think of any
I would instead watch road trip movies to perhaps perk up your wanderlust, maybe instead of buying an XBOX just travel the country in a van and hit on girls
best of luck OP
>insert motivating selfbullshit quote
Just wait until you're on the wrong side of 25.
32 year old boomer here. buck up, your late 20s are far better than your early 20s. you make more money, hit your sexual marketplace peak, and are treated with more respect in general. if you're 23 right now, spend as much time as you can expanding your social circle, applying for new jobs, and working out (this is good advice to anyone, but it'll absolutely pay off in your early 20s).
Am I the oldest one here?
t. 30
40 year old jobless boomer here
Have been shitposting here since 2004
lol literally me except I didn't even graduate, I don't even look sideways when I cross the street anymore
Noted, thanks boomer
so what should I do of my 23rd year? I'm too dumb to get a degree or a better job, I'm too hideous and socially retarded to have any relationships, friends or dates. I have no money beside what my parents saved for me when they still thought I wouldn't be such a disappointment.
>Turned 26 last month
>Right after completely blowing a career opportunity that would've effectively set me up comfortably for the next 30 years with a job I actually want and would be passionate about, in a decent area
>Now scrambling to pick up the pieces after having an absolute shit summer
>Thinking about taking a chance on a completely different type of work, though it might mean giving up my current career aspirations (which I spent 4 years of college preparing for)
Don't know what to do, bros. Also thinking about taking the meager amount of money I have saved up and traveling to Ireland in a couple of months just to get away from everything to try to have a meaningful experience for once in my life. Sorry for blogging
You turn 24
>people born into wealth talking about how to rise up
27yo started an IT career almost 2 years ago at 25 i wish i started around 20 like most people with high paying jobs, dont waste time mate the sooner you start a career the sooner you can up the salary dont be like me, I'm almost 30 and still no 6 figures job because 2 years experience isnt enough to be an IT manager
>6 figures job
lmao I'm not even making 20,000 per year
You have limited experience in these matters. Stop telling people to blow off their formative years acting like a wanna be monk lifting weights and getting redpilled. Its horrible advice. It won't work out well. It never does.
If youre doing a technical job for 20k youre underpaid change company asap
Then 25.
I'm 23 and have barely done any college. Am a fast food manager. Did I fuck my life up or am I still young enough to fix it
>lifting weighs and getting redpilled is horrible advice
Whats up my israeli friend
Sort yourself out, make money, be social irl and get most importantly get laid. Try your best to have fun while doing it.
Do you have a sleep schedule or do you just stay up until your body says "fuck you user, I need rest" and you pass out?
Then 26
>feels loneliness with buying garbage
>it's another virgin white guy wastes his time creating yet another X oomer image that means essentially nothing
you people are so fucking pathetic. christ.
If you still get I.D'd you're good.
23 yo here, and I do this, even when employed.
Weights is a waste of time just do some light cardio and stretching a few times a week and watch your diet
>white people are so pathetic, we niggers are so great thats why every country in africa is a superporwer
I've known that feel. I think it's more of a 19-21 year old thing because you become a jew at 22. Atleast I did
Metabolism goes to shit. Prostate problems from sedentary lifestyle. You get the urge to get a real job and join society but then get depressed it's nothing like you imagined. You try doing the right thing but then realize no one gives a shit. Girls stop liking you because you go from a relatively decent position in college society to bottom of the barrel wagie. Mid to late twenties are quite possible the worst time in any young man's life. Gets better at 30.
also this
>I'm almost 30 and still no 6 figures job
lol you think a six figure job is something most people have? the average millennial makes like 35k a year
Yeah but you're 23, you're robust like rubber, you can easily bounce back from treating your body like shit. A 40 year old not so much.
>tfw 23
Nah I think 23 is the start of being a boomer. You're supposed to be done with college and if not then be a grad student. You're years away from being a teen and FIVE whole years from being 18.
What's more is I can't believe how fast the time has raced by. Feels like I was just graduating hs 6 months ago. And I've basically wasted all the time in between and have no idea what even happened to everyone from hs. Everything just vanished into thin air and now I'm alone and not really young anymore.
why are you guys so eager to apply arbitrary number cutoffs to your life. if you just want to give up is that way
I work in a warehouse carrying shit around
how? It's lik you haven't read anything I wrote. I appreciate you trying to give me advice but don't say empty shit like that
I'm 33 and it feels like yesterday I was 25. It just starts going so fast
lmfao it's nothing like this faggot claims
hopefully it will fast forward to my death
then 28 (27 got cancelled because of technical difficulties)
The Jew meme has rotted your brain user. No one is saying be a lazy dim witted black pilled slob. The advice is to not become a social outcast with a brain rotted by (((red pills))) during important formative years.
oh really faggot what's it like then
Here you are posting with us though. Really activates the almond.
Thread Theme:
Honestly being redpilled is good if you have a place to vent all of it. Helps you live life normally and not get jewed.
if you start believing in most red pill stuff it's because something went wrong during your formative years anyway.
You need to be 18 to post here.
gl brah (Ireland sounds nice)
God I wish I could be 18 again.
>tfw came here at 14 and time has just flown by since
is this you? wretched foul smelling subhuman
I just turned 34. 29 minutes ago. I've been coming here almost every single day since late 2003 and basically wasted my youth. What kino for this feel?
Its not empty advice. Its advice that can lead you to a happy career, house, wife, kids, ect. Blow that off at this point in your life and you may never see that success. If you don't want that fine. Be a low paid worker and spend your time alone getting fat, drinking heavily, playing vidya, jerking off and watching tv.
>almost 29
>which puts me one away from 30
>not married
>no house
>only have an apartment and brief flings with chicks
its over
>bought a condo
>neighbors next door are also owners
>they're also ex-convicts
>one of them is also a drummer
You have it better than me, man.
>be virgin in Marines till 21 because hapacel
>come home and live with parents and get laid maybe twice because hapacel and no one cares about the military in LA
>spend five years getting AS and four useless side-degrees while barely living off disability
>be 26, finally get opportunity to move out to an affordable place, can't drive so can't work with degree yet
>spend first half of 27 feeling like killing myself for being a loser
>hang on tite until I get Prozac and anxiety therapy
>still a social mess but kept working out and buying nicer adult clothes whenever I could afford it
>finally turn 28 and have fucked five women this year alone, the women climax more often than I do because of Prozac
>still get panic attacks in public and when talking to people sober
like pottery
what options do I have? Like I said I'm too dumb to get a degree (I tried for 4 years and never went past the third semester), I have no skills so I can't get a better paying job, I'm hideous and have no confidence so people laugh at me, mock me or are kind enough to just ignore me whenever I try to be social.
Exactly this. Please help.
Join the space marines
If youre not renting Having an apartment of your own is more than what the average 29yo has
What the fuck are we meant to do with our lifes? I don't feel like working to buy what?
Is prozac really that good?
I wonder where have all the originalfags went? This is such a zoomerville nowadays.
We we're meant to die at 35, we spent to much getting old and only 25 years getting stronger
>we're meant
Unironically the answer is to stop giving a shit and go monkey mode with working out/eating/healthy and not giving a single fuck as to how much you embarass yourself. Being unapologetic to what you like,who are you are while being healthy and excersising will naturally make people want to be around you.
I admire autistics because of how shameless they are,awareness is a curse and has robbed me of countless relationships/experiences that could have changed my life drastically.
Been here since 2008 sometimes i make zoomer threads to feel young
To find something worth living for, or at least that's what I believe. There's no real way anyone can know what the meaning of life is and I doubt anyone ever will.
>Been on Yea Forums since I was 16
>A full decade
What are some kinos for this feel
wow fuck this, it's so accurate
I don't feel like doing anything. It's hard to explain. Nothing is worth pursuing to me.
Based and godpilled
Any 24 year old coomers here? All I do is coom, drink and work.
Remember to do nofap and noporn and life will get easier.
I don't either, but the fact is I might find it one day and usually that's enough for me to keep going.
You are weak.
>tfw 27 and I would own every single one of you mentally and physically
You're an american. Stop spamming your shit meme.
Australian. Guess "his" meme is growing
But you don't.
I hate this dooom, gloom, boom meme. Nothing personnel.
Because you need to ask me why. Needing of me, you are weak.
That means you’re an NPC
What a passive reply. Didn't even punctuate correctly.
How much do you bench? What type of combat sports do you practice?
I feel myself constantly cycling between these dumb wojacks like every 2 weeks (one day I'll be le epic doomer, next I'll be bloomer, then bloomer, then jewmer, etc)
cool. reddit is down the hall and to the left.
Heh, you got me but I'm actually curious.
Are you one of those guys who are against nofap and self improvement or what?
It's weird and I mostly lurk nowadays. I remember being ridiculously bitter when we made the switch from image macros to whatever memes are nowadays. I imagine some managed to pull a moot and move on with their lives.
You said would, not do. You have been bested.
>one of those guys
Assumption and continued need. I did not "get you". You got yourself. You are weak and needy, like a child.
So I was suicidal in the Marines, stopped caring about living when I got out, then just before talking to the VA I was constantly fantasizing about hanging myself because I felt like a failure. Once I finally got the right meds months later, I felt fuckin' fantastic the afternoon after starting my 20 mg dose. That feeling died down over the course of a month, but the thought of hurting myself basically outright vanished or at the very least seemed not worth it. My psychiatrist just recently decided to up my dosage to keep things feelin' fine regardless.
Protip: as logical as suicide seems when living day to day hurts more than the occasional pleasure and there's no consequence to dying, there's a lot of dope shit to see and do if you give yourself the time to wait for the opportunity. Also, work out and take a trip with someone to a nice outdoors area so you can get a shirtless selfie for dating apps
I would own you in any type of mental or physical competition. DO isnt the right grammar since we are not competing but I WOULD if we were to compete.
Just owned you
Older people have old tired dicks who will never fuck 20year Olds.
>meaningful experience
You stupid mutts crack me up
Would you own me in bed?
>we are not competing
>just owned you
An apt response.
Literally me except I'm 22 and went to a 4 year college but am unemployed.
You go bald, your body starts to feel weaker, you have less energy, you lose interests you once had
Then death
>You got yourself. You are weak and needy, like a child.
Kek, you sound like you wear a fedora with cargo shorts. How's the basement, fatass.
Go on, your assumptions are many and imaginative.
We are on Yea Forums so of course whites in here are losers but so are blacks.
Enjoy being a NEET. It'll all end soon enough and you'll miss the free time.
Nah, I'm thinking they are pretty accurate this time. I can almost visualize the layers of fat that are behind your posts.
23 years old here. Got back on 2nd year, of university. I don't like it, and I don't like what is around.
I want just to get rich in minimum time and risk, move from parents into my own house (and preferably buying it, or at least having enough money to have lavish style and Not eating shit just to pay rent). And to realizing my dream projects. And also to actually start some relationships, because I just can't imagine amount of cringe if I will do it under my parent's eyes, and I don't have money to go to hotel or something.
I just wonder how people that became rich did and doing it. Where did they learn.
What are kinos with answers of those existential questions.
I might use reddit but it's better than /tv.
How did you blow it
Thinking is not knowing. Once again you fail yourself.
Yeah, and hopefully that afterlife won't have oblivion thing when you just forget everything, but instead NewGame+ thing
I know it
Eventually you come to deal with it. Finding faith helps if you're open to religion/spirituality. Accepting how life is and how you are is the first step to happiness, as is realizing in this life no one is ever truly happy.
t. 25
a newgame+ where you live again remembering everything that's useful would be pretty cool
Then, better yourself.
Isn't a new game+ usually harder?
Anyone used a temp agency before?
24 unironically hit me hard
Ive been working for a temp agency for one year, will start a normal job next week though
A Scanner Darkly
Only if there's very strong level scaling. Even then just having knowledge always helps to avoid bad situations and traps.
What kind of work did they give you?
>there's a lot of dope shit to see
no there isn't
>I just wonder how people that became rich did and doing it. Where did they learn.
they're smart and you're not, you're just smart enough to know you're not smart
>feel like I've had a very short life
>only one more period like this and I'll be an old man like my dad
>except the second 25 year span will feel much shorter than the first one
>then it's only suffering until death
>my months are vanishing as we speak
anything, depends on the agency. Lots of warehourse work.
Mostly I've been sorting mail
It was ok because I didn't have to talk to anyone and I could listen to music while I worked.
Strained my neck a lot though so I couldn't see myself doing this for more than a year
I'm not fat
I was thinking of giving a temp agency a chance just to get experience because the only experience I already have is warehouse work, which is probably useless for corporate work.
Can you avoid talking your life to the psychiatrist and straight jump to the meds?
But you are weak.
no, and if you're anything like me you'll never get the meds because I'd rather kill myself than talk to anyone about my issues, much less a stranger
You don't like looking at vast landscapes, cityscapes, monuments and shit in person? You don't have favorite bands you want to see live? Are all your favorite content creators dead? Has every franchise you like been ruined beyond redemption? Have you fucked your fill of attractive women? Have you tried everything (foods/activities) people have recommended?
They'll want as much info as they can glean from you to determine if it's actually what you need, but what helps expedite the process is the urgency/severity of your suicidal nature.
You're only 22. You have 40-60 more years, except now you're brain will be developed and you wont have to go through learning the basics. You've gotten your experiences, now it's time to direct yourself and move. Now.
Try to fight against your fears. It was the same for me with 23. Had my degree and now I do a second degree. I now have a big group of people I hang out with and feel very good. Try something new. New hobbies, instrument, drawing, sports. Do something, don't think about it that much. You just have to start changing your daily routine. We are all gonna make it.
great advice
They just know what I don't know.
21. About to start community collage. Going there for a year, get a job I never worked before, and save up to go to Japan for the olympics. Afterwards, I'll either then go to a real college either there or here. While I do rarely meet up with my high school friends, we often have movie night and watch over discord. After having my sights on this film school across the country for 3 years but not motivated to apply and looking at the area for the first time and being dissappointed by it, as well as most of my friends graduating real soon and going off to get real jobs, I'm really hoping that this next year will turn things around for me. I can't stand to think if this image ends up being a reality.
What have you done since graduating HS and now?
Other than get my license a year after, nothing. I haven't even fully cleaned my room yet, which has been a mess for years. I would have gotten a job, but every 4 months I was like "OK, this is the time I finally apply" and thought they wouldn't want to hire someone who would only be there for not even half a year.
yeah no offense but you're fucked pal
>I haven't even fully cleaned my room yet
>I didn't have a social network a 24 and missed out on internship oppurtunities thus every man's late twenties must be hell
>You may have a reprieve around 27
It's fucking impossible, especially if you didn't have a career job before that. Basically if you fucked your life in your early 20s and didn't get a good degree, you might as well kill yourself because it will only get worse.
>Gets better at 30.
only if you are successful, if you failed like me 30 is basically a death sentence
When did """""men"""""" become such whiny bitches?
I'm almost 25 and my life just keeps getting better
>he literally came from a 1% multimil familly
Actual boomer are the worst generation.
I'm 24 y/o neet. is it too late bros
When women were allowed to vote and have a say
You are still only 21 so MAYBE you will get a job if your degree is worth anything. Otherwise you are FUBAR. Your entire life is dictated between 17 and 22 really.
Lack of wars
>cleaned my room
>did a couple training courses for jobs
>applied everywhere
>had a bunch of driving lessons
>went full motivation
Still haven't had a job and dont have my liscence. I completed one semester of uni which is the only thing keeping me going...
>can't believe in country anymore
>no male rituals aside from sportsball
>have to compete with women in every field
>women now more selective in partners and a world that rarely rewards success
>strong male role models disapearing aside from some roid pushers in the (((media)))
>church banned from schools (i used to talk to my school chaplin about all my problems when I was little and some faggots gave him the sack because of PC culture)
it gets even worse bros. get outside and stop watching porn. you dont want to end up like me
doesn't get better
t. 27 in two weeks
>nofap meme
you can fap its porn which rewires your brain
25, 2nd year of college, CIT degree, just bought a set of weights with bench and curl bar. Gonna hit 2021 with muscles and try to get an ez pz network admin job or glorified IT. Wish me luck boys, I hope it's only uppers from here.
then 29...and we are almost there
Have as much sex as you can
>tfw 30 yo boomer
>have qt gf
>stable job
>inherited a 200sqm apartment and a summer house at a lake
>weekly board game session with friends
>still not enough
It’s never enough
The fuck do you mean it's not enough? Write a book. From here until death it's hobby time. Leave your mark.
>metabolism goeing to shit even before 30
No, you're lazy.
My sleep schedule is all sorts of fucked, so whenever I get an occasional gig I need to unfuck it.
This wojak hits too close to home, except for the highschool part. I never had friends to begin with...
>yes go kill and die for some rich fucker so he can make more money
fuck off kike
me except not dumb enough to take a meme degree I'd be too sperg to lose
think I'll just use the abandoned farmland that came with the old house and live off of ranching and autismbux
Life will get harder but you'll get on the level.
It's better to be a young man than an old boy
most people switch careers, companies, states, spouses
you sound like you never really thought about what you wanted
unfortunately that’s what most men have been bred and born to do throughout history. we need a war even if it’s to kill off some men to make life better for the others.
Y'all so cute
t. 28
and life is actually good, you just suck
>tfw you live in a shit country and make 10k a year in a relatively good job
28 and 29 was literally the best times of my life. It was all downhill after that. Lots of friends who are still figuring out life, lots of 20 something girls who you know who are down to fuck. Then when you get older, your friends turn into perma-wagecucks who only want to talk and complain about some bullshit that happened at their job, and all the chicks in your social circles are married hags
t. 40 year old shitposter
26-year-old NEET. Recently gained some hope after realising even with a shit wagie job I could save for a few years and buy a cheap house up norf and maybe live my dream of having a comfy home of my own to watch kino and play vidya in.
What's the point?
why do people share tidbits about some span of years as if it's meaningful to anyone else's life? do you just want to be acknowledged?
That's why we're all here