How come this guy causes so much /pol/ asshurt?

How come this guy causes so much /pol/ asshurt?

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Why is this guy still doing this shit? You think he would have learned by now

I think it's the giant, open sore on his face.

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His wife is a lot cuter than you'd expect, she's no beauty queen but for a hideous faggot nerd with a weeping sore on his face she might as well be a 10/10.

he's /ourguy/ but Yea Forums won't admit it

assjoy you mean

fashwave is fucking cringe

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>muh western civilization
>muh masculinity

Hey leftypol

his star was videos are the only ones that get more than a few hundred views

no one on /pol/ has actually watched the videos so no one knows hes very blatantly faking it

Nonsense, he's a treasure.

link me his video, dunno his name

he's a reflection of themselves. weak, effeminate men obsessed over nostalgia and pop culture, and so ugly no women would fuck them.

he probably only does it anymore because he knows that people will watch it just to see how awful it is
he probably plays up the basedface on purpose

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Who doesn't cause em pain in there'ir behinds

his yellow teeth are pretty gross

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Not everything is about /pol/, reddit.

The video where he had the soiboy reaction got shit tons of views thanks to /pol/ relentlessly making fun of him and Reddit then swooping in to support him to btfo /pol/.

>He doesn't understand people are ok with looking like a fag online for money
It's a shame you do it for free.


>His wife is a lot cuter than you'd expect
she looks like him, lol homo

>to btfo /pol/.
wat? everyone knows leftists and redditcucks love to praise ugly and/or retard people

>fat woman?
omg so powerful and feminine
omg stunning and brave
>eric butts
ehmm at least hes passionate! every girl would love to date a passionate man *contains laugh

The thing is, i teared up in the beginning montage too i dunno why, i got sad when i saw luke

>Why is this guy still doing this shit?

Because /pol/ attacked him so much that it backfired and made him famous.

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He even admits to playing it up in the videos and people still get triggered by it.
In the very same video OP is talking about he says that he spent hours listening to star wars music and watching old trailers to get himself into the mood and hyped up for this new trailer. How much more obvious could it be that reacting like he does is his fucking schtick and his meal ticket.

lmao /pol/ here, I've never seen this guys videos once. I've seen these images being spammed for a while but had zero inclination to find out what they were referencing. I don't come to Yea Forums either, I saw this thread on the Yea Forums home page and decided to click on it.

Get fucked, retards. I've got bigger fish to fry. This isn't a distraction and nothing you do matters.

>How come this guy causes so much /pol/ asshurt?

I don't know, maybe because like the rest of the soibois, he makes their entire "white race" look fucking pathetic?

All those white men. Crying over star wars trailer

The "superior race". Imagine actually saying that after watching this.


Reminder that this fucking loser has shilled every single one of his videos in Yea Forums because he can't accept that his 5 minutes of fame are over.
Everytime he uploads a new video, he always makes a thread saying "ITS UP" to shill it, and it has to be him considering he barely gets any views.

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More like he makes America look pathetic.
This phenomenon is not tied to race, but to a nation.
Only America is the country where they have replaced religion with corporate worship, only America is the country that praises ugliness, only America is the country that insists that bad things are good.

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No one is butthurt, stop defending this cuck. People here are just making fun of him because he’s an over the top reactor

Grown man crying over a kids movie trailer. Imagine this excuse for a human trying to fight for your country.

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Where is Butts' Patreon? I'd like to donate.

I mean do you like him?

Told him to come check /tv out, maybe he's here lurking.



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Because he’s ugly, creepy, emasculated, has arrested development and therefore reminds me of leftists like you. He’s a symbol of everything that’s gone wrong with the West.

laughing at someone doesnt mean you're mad
i guarantee you were bullied at school

Hits too close to home

To subhumans, yeah it’s very triggering.

Feel free to fuck off out of here and go live in beautiful feminist Somalia or Pakistan.

/pol/ is full of people who love to hate, and people who are extremely sensitive to bullshit, like pc culture. This guy is easy to hate, and they think he's full of shit. Honestly, the guy probably spends so much time actively absorbing star wars, star wars fandom, and engaging with it and thinking about engaging with it and idea of loving star wars/marvel/etc as an identity, in the course of doing all that every day he probably has actually brainwashed himself into experiencing some kind facsimile of euphoric joy from this stupid shit. I don't know if I should feel sad or happy for him.

WTF no one wants to watch a fat loser watch trailers?

>to subhumans yeah its very triggering
how fucking cringe can you be,fashwave or tradwave is so tryhard and autistic. The values are great yeah but the "aesthetic" of it is so fucking gay.

>everywhere not US is 3rd world shithole
I bet you probably don't even own a passport, you inbred moron

what's wrong with his face, why does he have that permanent open sore?
also, as much as everyone laughs at the s*ybeard look, his face is the perfect example of one that should have a beard and never show up in society clean shaven jfc

maybe because your subhuman brain cannot appreciate the aesthetics of it?

He's a grown creature with baby fat, a weeping sore on his face and snivels when watching disney trailers

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I guarantee you're a 87 IQ half-breed

Crying faggot pussies used to get bogged in ancient times, why did we stop

>who do you think started the thread?

not once have I seen this webm without it making me laugh

Yeah because they mean Classical Greek. Fuck off with this disingenuous argument and go dilate.

But greek statues are fashwave??

>he is just passionate about a hobby
>stop making fun of someone enjoying themselves

the only reason his video has more likes then dislikes is cause soiboys from reddit brigated it like virtue signalling faggots that they are

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why does Yea Forums have such a deep hatred for people enjoying things they don't like? I've seen stuff to the extent of this on every single board I've been on. It's very strange.

I think people are just making fun of him

What is that mark on his face?

He makes me livid because he's a man in his mid 30's crying over star wars trailers. I don't like the fact that the West is full of men like this now and they're they have the right to vote. It's men like this crying over star wars being seen as real and virtuous that fucks me off, while my understandable hatred and disgust is seen as backwards. why? Men like this don't build anything for anyone.

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Why do leftists project so hard when they get triggered?

I'm not effeminate or pop culture obsessed. I don't even follow or consume pop culture anymore. I only notice what gets shoved into the political channels/producers I follow. I only browse Yea Forums for feet threads.

nice try sóiboi, there are thousands of SW youtubers, so why are we talking about eric? because hes acting like a mental patient, having a breakdown for a fucking movie trailer
isnt about different tastes its about being a retard

if you act like a retard people will laugh at you

pseudo-intellectual cringe

>pseudo-intellectual cringe

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He is either dishonest or retarded

Because it's cringe to see a reflection of yourself. He's pol.

Wow, you totally convinced me that the biggest Gigachads on /pol/ are Somalians in Europe. Stunning revelation!

as others have said, he was a nobody until some loser on here stumbled onto his videos by accident and shared it so every one could make mock him

Because they really want to be different than him but they know they are extremely similar

No, just white Europeans.
Burgerclaps are faggots.

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Is that post spiderman 3 Tobey Maguire?

Based boomer

How can a grown ass man be so triggered to do a video about that söy boy.

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Because everyone on /pol/ looks exactly like him. When pol sees a happy Chad they rationalize that he is happy because his looks get him everything in life and that one day he wil lose all of that when his looks eventually fade away. Yet, this freak of a man is happy, married, and financially independent. It triggers and enhances their inner bitterness.

hes laughing at him, thats not being triggered
lol at these redditors using memewords incorrectly

some things never change

>empathetic, socially developed alpha: hahaha what a faggot
>you: *sniff sniff* dammit why can't they just leave me alone? I was raised to believe that filming myself crying made me a good boy, I don't get it
>your option: reflect on yourself and make improvements OR continue being a pathetic manhhild your whole life
>you: "How come this guy causes so much /pol/ asshurt?"

>this freak of a man

Projection. The people who you think are /pol/ are just normal people using this anonymous format to say what they really think. This shit is objectively retarded and you defending it is equally retarded.