How did Frasier afford that expensive apartment on a radio jockey salary?

How did Frasier afford that expensive apartment on a radio jockey salary?

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Frasier, like Cheers and Wings, is set in an alternate timeline where the 1965 immigration reform legislation didn't pass, thus housing prices, like crime and taxes, were less and upper-middle class whites, like those hosting radio call-in programs in secondary markets like Seattle, could afford to live like multi-millionaires could in our timeline. Also explains the demographics displayed in the shows named.

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people used to listen to radio

He had a lot of left over wealth from is private practice in Bostson

And Bebe is the literal devil and makes deals mere mortals can only imagine

Back in the 90s radio was still paying decent money especially in a large market like Seattle.

was frasier still a practicing physician or was radio his only income?

90’s, big market like Seattle, honestly, taking in probably 3-400k a year by the second contract, excluding incentives. Add the dad’s pension to cover Daphne’s costs

he dabbled in practicing in the later seasons


Did we ever see where the Bulldog lived?

because radio still payed decently at the time and seattle was still emerging

Kek, these people and their fantastical explanations

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local radio hosts still make $250k in a largest coastal city like Seattle. in the 90s it was probably even more

>obnoxious local rock station morning DJ gets fired for saying something bad about trannies
>find out he was making like 300k a year before being fired

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what do you mean by this?

Lol I was making 6 figures (low end) by just being an EP in the early 10’s, so, yeah, I know what I’m talking about.

There's no way he would have afforded an apartment like that in downtown Seattle along with his lavish lifestyle on a radio host salary alone. Even in the 90s.

According to the show's creators, Frasier made the equivalent of around $216,300 per year today.

Viewers must assume that he has money saved up from his years in practice, got some money in the divorce, and has investments. I know a few times in the show his personal accountant said something about Frasier living beyond his means with some of his luxuries.

Although in my quest to find more information about 1990s Seattle apartment prices, I found this gem of a comment

>The neighborhoods have changed. Back in the day I saw prostitutes getting arrested at the 7-11 on the corner of 40th and Stone in Wallingford. Now you have to go north of 85th to see that.

Where does Daphne sleep?

Niles' lap

He ended up super poor, but I don't think we ever saw his old place, might have seen his "new" place when he was near homeless

Bedroom by the piano.

on the right side bedroom's bed. naked

Everyone realizes Niles is also a doctor, right? Plus there's Martin's retirement (back then retirees got pensions). Not to mention that when the show started (1993) it was before the 90's housing market boom, so it's unlikely the apartment would be more than $1M. Even then, a $1M loan at 5% interest would end up being ~$5300/mo, more than achievable on just Frasier's salary

>so it's unlikely the apartment would be more than $1M

I don't think he ever bought the apt. He was just renting iirc.

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Niles was living with Maris while Frasier was in the Seattle apartment, he wasn't paying rent to Frasier. I think he stayed with Frasier briefly before getting his own place again after they split but not enough to make a difference.

IIRC Frasier rented, he didn't buy it outright.

that's not how money works

Also, Nile’s inherited his house from his wife’s parents. Literally had no expenses outside of coffee and suits

How does it work?

>right side bedroom has its own bathroom
>and a bathroom immediately outside in the hallway

what do you mean?

you realize before the internet local am radio stations were much more in demand and paid their hosts more?

Come to me Niles

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dude you should post this on pol! that'd fudking kick ass man hell yes B)

Advertising pays well. Look at all the YouTube celebs. Even people with < 100k views are still raking in 6 figures

Arent him and niles heavily invested in property? I remember in one episode they were both part of an investment group that was going to bulldoze Marty's favorite bar to build a mall


There wasn’t really a great way to track ratings, not like TV. There were these diaries where Nielsen paid people to keep track of what they were listening. They’d write down, “Frazier, 2-6pm” it wasn’t reliable. So, many stations, particularly AM talk, had inflated numbers. They’d sell the shit out of advertising. Talk radio formatted clock is 30 minutes program, 30 minutes ads for an hour. Even today, the top morning guy in my market makes north of a million a year.

>Talk radio formatted clock is 30 minutes program, 30 minutes ads for an hour.
damn that's a lot. in my area top of the hour and at the half hour there is a 7 minute newscast interspersed with ads. then 15 minutes of talk. then 8 minutes of ads

Maybe 5 years ago but Youtube is no longer a valid money spinner for most "e-celebs" unless you're in the area of Pewdiepie. The Adpocalypse killed it.

Not adsense itself, but look at all the shit people shill in videos, even if you don't notice it at first, some are more sneaky.

I suppose that is true, as well as Patreon. But I think the amount of people making a liveable income off of Youtube has gone way down.


7 minutes? Must be an Entercom station.


He was a star host on the radio station

in the earlier seasons he was considered new to the scene and almost lost his job.

Just google Chris Evans net worth to see how much radio hosts are paid even today.

He was eating out Maris for money on the reg

frasier is white male fantasy

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