Has Dave Chappelle solidified himself as the greatest comedian of all time?

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It was pretty good, I enjoyed it.

He's one of the best of his generation, but I still think Louis CK's stand up is superior.

Well he doesnt have much competition considering Louis CK is down and Patrice died and Chris Rock fell off

Chappelle will be regarded as Black Bill Hicks but funnier

Am I missing something? Sticks and Stones was fine, but it wasn't anything that right wingers werent already saying the last few years. It's like he scrolled through /pol/ and wrote down what made him laugh. "Lol tranny's are funny!" isnt exactly revolutionary.

It’s the most important stand up special of the decade. Everyone deservedly gets BTFO.

>films a netflix special with an unfinished set that he was only working on for a few months
>people watch it and paid him millions(in total not per tickey) to see it while he was on tour
It depends on what you define as greatest. His ability to make money whilst being a lazy fuck is second to none. But at least he writes his own jokes. Comedians at his level sometimes stop doing their own shit.

why can't i find a torrent for this? you loose buttholes have been posting aboot it for days but there's no cap out. very strange. annoying mostly.

Fuck no. Are people this desperate for a "redpilled comedian"?
>dude haha whitey be shooting
>dude haha people are sensitive (ignore my past though)
>dude haha why do they let me say nigger, THIS IS RACISM
>dude black people are victims
But hey he hates trannies I guess, BASED BLACK MAN. It's eye opening to see how many people overlook 99% of special being the same preachy bullshit as others all because he labels himself as anti-PC

He literally shitted on everybody. That’s how comedy is suppose to be. Taking shots at everybody and not caring who gets offended. Dave Chappelle has been the GOAT since Chappelle Show

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except black people, as usual

>Chappelle will be regarded as Black Bill Hicks but funny.

get off the internet and have sex

I liked all his other specials but this one was a bit off in stuff like kinda defending michael jackson and minimizing what louie did

he talks like his position (a straight male) is the same as the position of a woman or a 12 years old boy

Any links out yet?

Go jerk off to your Netcucks propaganda special faggot. LE BASED BLACK MAN BTFOS LIBTARDS HAHA

>Am I missing something?

A sense of humor and your dilator.


>dude if you don't like lectures from black muslims you have no sense of humor and are a tranny
You're a faggot that ballwashes black dudes

>dude haha i took every joke this seriously

Now we can't hate a preachy black comedian without being a tranny? lol

And here we see an agitated /pol/ack with its feathers ruffled. It appears when Yea Forums has something complimentary to say about a negro, rearing its head to scream BASED BLACK MAN and occasionally posting a wojak to accompany it.

dilate neovagina. breathe.

this reminds me of a nat geo episode.

It was his worst special yet. New jokes are just rehashes of old ones. If he's solidified himself, it wasn't with this.

why do people on this website get so triggered about trannies, either attacking or defending them? they are like the least relevant minority in the planet

also, his lgbt car bit was quite funny

>dude haha don't disagree with le hive mind BASED BLACK MAN

I thought the nigger joke was pretty funny with the censor.

It's always depressing when someone mentions Patrice. He's a much needed voice in today's political/social environment, especially coming from the black perspective.

I had zero interest in Chappelle, but I heard people saying Sticks and Stones was redpilled as fuck so I listened to it on my way home from work. It was stellar and I cracked up over and over again. Really enjoyed it.

Best part by far was the
>How come I can't say faggot, but I can say nigger with impunity?
>Well, Chappelle, because you aren't gay.
>Well, Renee, I'm not a nigger either
Loved it

seething tranny
>muh /pol/
black people hate fags like you

haha le epic! XD now I love black men! >Haha white people be so lame!
Dude lmao! Haha this is genius! I'm glad I ain't a /pol/tard who can't enjoy epic whitey jokes!

>still torrentcucking when http streaming piracy exists.

There are like a handful of trannies on Discord that shill on /pol/
/pol/acks think they own this site, so whenever they're on a different board doing their thing and get shat on they immediately think it's a discord tranny
It's very sad

Imagine believing this

>haha blacks are victims of a word
DUDE i loved that joke because it's like so deep. Black people are the real victims

imagine being this much of an insecure incel.


never heard of patrice. was she funny?

This website is beyond saving. You can't criticize a black comedian telling tranny tier jokes about whitey because he made fun of trannies?
Trannies are subhumans that chop off their dicks, Dave isn't funny though

>liking something that is popular is of 'le hivemind'
i swear some of you niggers need to unplug the keyboard for a few days.


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Haven't watched the special yet but if DC didn't rip on blacks then this would be his first time ever. He's always made fun of everything /everyone and just like every single person on this earth he can sometimes get over sensitive

Christ I'm not even sure what you're trying to false flag as anymore. You have gone full autism sir.

says the faggot that falls in line with the popular online opinion lol, I bet you think Chappelle is "saving comedy" too.

It's okay to like black comics, user. They can't hurt you.

/pol/cels on suicide watch at the mere mention of black people.

>d-dude if you don't like listening to preachy negros you're insecure!
Dave Chappelle ran away to Africa because "muh white people" he is the epitome of insecure

>37 replies
>23 posters

Literally half this thread is an anally ravaged discord tranny trying to turn people against Chappelle.

Nigcels on suicide watch at the mere criticism of LE BASED BLACK MAN XD haha he tells it like it is! Libtards are fuming! Haha whitey is bad!

Why you got to bring sex into this user? You realize you're no better than the people over on /pol/ who scream about women having life on easy mode. Right? Judge people off their actions not their sex organs or skin color

you sound like you started liking chappelle just after he made fun of trannies, you are as pathetic as these "discord trannies" you say, my nigger

your existence is a joke that writes itself. SAD!

no but he is one of the greatest

I dunno man it's like how people like to buy the DVD. I guess downloading it is sort of the same idea. It's stupid but it's a habit. I should probably just stream it. I dunno. Change is bad.

you quoted the wrong post, right? I didn't say shit

his whole act is about making fun of blacks though, he is the joke

>this much autistic butthurt
Wow, so the memes about the fragile white male ego is true.

And here you come running into a Chappelle thread going "muh niggers"
Go lie down

Why do you dumb pol fags always get it wrong. Dave clarified that it was the network executives asking for too much control was what made him run away from it all.

You're a faggot lmao I don't care how unpopular this opinion is, FUCK chappelle and fuck blacks pretending they "tell it like it is" while they blame white people for all their goddamn problems

You're such a faggy redditor, go back

What does CK even stand for?


lol oh wow

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Richard Pryor is the goat

So do these dickless perverts have a Discord channel for every board and spew their subversive agenda globally? They've been really pissing me off on /biz/ lately. Goddamn fruitcups are moving hard against Chainlink.

His standup was him telling the truth. It's been a long time since I saw anybody tell the truth that aggressively. There was no agenda there. It felt like he went in to this expecting hate from people and was surprised at the cheers.

Yeah man, Dave spending his set whining isn't insecure though. Nor was running away to Africa.
>n-noo I like this comedian, you can't criticize him!
WTF lmao
Nope, he literally said it was when whitey laughed at him in costume he decided to run away. Sorry, he's a sensitive bitch

You forgot your wojak pic

No you're right it's super deep he doesn't consider himself a nigger I clapped too

he knew that saying fuck white people and fuck trannies plays well with most people or he wouldn't have said it

"ck" kinds sounds like his surname, which is hard to write

>calls others sensitive bitch when he flies off the handle over some "white people" jokes
This is some next level shit

No this special
Was really
Fucking bad, absolutely no funny bits, it’s obvious now why he quit comedy.

Cry about it reddit

>absolutely refused to listen to his critics


the autistic screeching in this thread is why i hate this board yet keep coming back

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Still making Michael jackson jokes? Rehashing the Jackson jokes he did on his tv show more than 10 years ago? Fucking cringe, this guy is a hack.

>haha the only people who could hate this are fricking trannies

The only one crying here is you, /pol/ack

THIS it was really bad.

I'm just shitting on Dave Chappelle, to you fags, if you don't suck his black dick you're an insecure white dude. I don't care. He's not funny no matter how many trannies he pisses off, sorry

If you interpreted anything he said as "fuck white people and fuck trannies" you have zero sense of humor and missed the entire point of his standup.

>autistic screeching
Yup anyone that doesn't like the new epic Netflix special is autistic. Just like Nanette!

How can one be so woke and redpilled at the same time? Legendary based

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>transphobic and homophobic shit
inb4 liberal, I voted Trump

If you can't see that his set was all about ebil whitey and ebil trannies oppressing le black man, you are a useful idiot

nah, not anyone. just you cupcake

He talks about it in the Bird relevation special, stop being dense headed.

>Yea Forums can't make a single criticism or comment without one party resorting to buzzwords or scapegoating /pol/ for no reason
really makes you think.
i just finished watching it. it was okay but his last 2 specials were better

He used to do so many black crack head jokes, the white heroin jokes are the same.

Chappelles right tranies like you are holding the Ls and Gs back

He said he doesn't care about white people doing heroin and the opioid epidemic. It doesn't offend me because I'd be lying if I said I cared about blacks shooting each other. It's just being honest, zoomers like you can't handle it because you're so fucking thin skinned and grew up in post 9/11 America.

Nah, you just have thin skin. Exactly the kind of person he was talking about, hungry for moral outrage, always looking for the next thing to be offended by. You somehow in your life got to the point where you can't stand to listen to anybody joke about trannies or white people, because you're that sensitive.

the one thing he should have mentioned was black on black murders though. you cant make fun of school shootings by white kids while you ignore all the black people also shooting people

I unironically believe Dave Chappelle can singlehandedly end racism in America

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Carlin-tier soapboxing isnt stand up. This isn’t funny despite BASED AND REDPILLED.

>you cant make fun of school shootings by white kids while you ignore all the black people also shooting people
Actually you can. Cause it's comedy, it's not the fucking news or a political debate. All he did was talk about hot button news items than gave his personal take on it. You expect him to pull out a checklist and make sure he's being fair and balanced about everything? The fuck do you think is the point of comedy?

>Louis mocks whites
>NOO FUCKING cuck FUCK YOU haha Louis Cuck!!
>Dave mocks whites
Please explain the difference to me

It was quite funny, I laughed out loud several times. He's still got a strong sense of comedic timing and ability to use irony in his jokes.

>comedy is dead. you can't say anything anymore without half the audience getting offended for hurting their feelings
>haha yeah, sjws amirite?
>what's an sjw? I was talking about right wingers

>he should have talked about this
>he should tailor his special to appeal to my sensibilities
It's like talking to a fucking zoomer bot. Self-entitled 90's born queers.

I don't give a fuck I'm not trying to "cancel" Chappelle, he can say he wants to rape white women on stage, it's a free country. I don't understand why people are in love with this set is all. Louis CK got torn to shreds on here for much less harsh stuff, I don't get it

Why don't you just dye your hair blue?

Why don't you dye your skin brown?

I love it because it put the left trannies on suicide watch by shitting on their outrage culture, but equally shat on the right incels by being black. I swear, Yea Forums are constantly seething about blacks and bring them up in every single thread. Amazing.

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haha I agree! I wish Dave would fuck my wife, that would totally show the incels haha

Wtf are you stupid? Check the usual places.

>Whitey bad
>Blackie good

Since you're apparently incapable of understanding comedy

Louis CK
>lmao whites fucking suck, we just do, we suck so bad and deserve to die
>god just look at all the evil shit we did, we have it coming people

Dave Chapelle
>white people do some crazy shit, let me tell you this funny story about this one white guy I met
>look at this thing white people freak out about, isn't that just precious? us black folks couldn't care less, am I rite?

Basically Louis CK preaches white guilt while Dave tells funny stories that hit on real truths about his experience as a black man in America, and what white America looks like to him from his vantage point. His experience feels far more genuine, built off real interactions he's had with people, and isn't coming from an ideological place. Its observational. He tells it like it is. Louis CK talks about the future, about how it's going to be, about what people deserve. Dave doesn't seem to give a shit what people "deserve".

No he's good but he hasn't done anything worth shit since season 2 of the chappelle show. The netflix specials have been alright but at the end of the day it feels like a rich guy yelling at poor people, he's kinda like the worst qualities of cosbey carlin and pryor rolled into one. Still great and talented by every measure but hasn't lived up to the talent

here's one of them now

I like Dave Chappelle. He's one of the greatest comedians of all time. But seriously though, fuck his new special. And no, I don't think he should be "cancelled." I think he should stop attacking disenfranchised people that are in less fortunate circumstances than himself just because he thinks they're different. He knows better. But hey, controversy sells, so fuck me, right? People like me, the "triggered SJW baby safezone snowflakes" blah blahs or whatever they're calling "people who try not to act like dicks," we're the butt of the joke, right? So laugh at me all you want.

But forget words for a second and let's talk numbers.

When it comes to discrimination, transgendered people have it the absolute worst, especially black transgender people (numbers provided by UCLA and the Williams Institute):

Family chose not to speak/spend time with them: 57%

Harassed or bullied at school (any level): 50-54%

Experienced discrimination or harassment at work: 50-59%

Doctor or health care provider refused to treat them: 60%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: — At work: 64-65% — At school (any level): 63-78%

Disrespected or harassed by law enforcement officers: 57-61%

Suffered physical or sexual violence: By law enforcement officers: 60-70%

Experienced homelessness: 69%

Suicide attempts among trans men (46%) and trans women (42%) were slightly higher than the full sample (41%)

These numbers are not an accident. They are a direct result of our culture of intolerance towards the trans community.

I have seen, first hand, how this prejudice leads to trans children killing themselves. A trans girl in my high school killed herself a week before her 17th birthday, and you're lying if you don't think jokes about her being trans aren't what pushed her over the edge. This shit isn't funny. It isn't a joke. It isn't a game.

Trans lives matter.

Cuk King

my nearly 60 year old mom was watching it I watched a couple of minutes and didn't laugh then I left

Jesus christ what an embarrassing post
Is this taken directly from plebbit?

>Find out where Kanye West was last night
I fucking lost it

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I laughed violently when he said the Chinese guy born in a black man joke, holy shit. The concept of being born in the wrong body is really fucking stupid and funny

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its been posted in ever chappelle thread

>immediately starts talking about cuckold shit
Like poetry. What is wrong with you people?

It really is. I didn't really think about it like that before, but the entire concept is just absolutely ridiculous and such a fertile field for humor.

>It's like he scrolled through /pol/ and wrote down what made him laugh. "Lol tranny's are funny!" isnt exactly revolutionary.

...b-but you're totally disregarding the setup and delivery!!



The best part about this is it instantly exposes who the obsessive ideologues with no sense of humor are. He fucking did it. He found the perfect formulate to upset literally every single humorless piece of shit that is ruining fun for people in America.

Good special. First act was kind of meh but it really picked up after FAGGOT

I basically didn't stop laughing during his whole story about the heroine burglar.

Whatever bro, enjoy your woke black comedians

It was the only funny bit, but really
Fuck stupid, Chinese is a nationality, black is a race. It’s funny because I’m laughing at chappelle, not because the bit is funny.

Exactly, he knew he couldn’t either.

>if you don't like this comedian you have no sense of humor
You sound like faggots defending Colbert or Crowder. I don't like being lectured by black muslims, fucking sue me. If he was white you would call him a cuck

Carlin is one of the worst comedians of all time along with Eddie Murphy.

Cry moar you overly sensitive puke.
Inoffensive humor is weak and stale.
Now go fuck yourself quietly in a corner you simpering piece of dogshit, you're a poor excuse for the humanity that was salvaged from the snot that slid from your whore mother's twat. Cunt.

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>haha I love offensive humor
lol he's the same as every wokefag except he hates trannies

>Dave mocks whites
He mocked whites who shoot schools not every white person.

kill everyone who complains about it being too political to be funny and you'd solve a lot of the problems

This is your brain on ideology. Literally incapable of understanding humor. It's like you live slightly shifted out of reality.

Yeah haha this is funny, but Dave is still just another black comedian with a victim complex while he gets paid millions to say whatever he wants

Nope he mocked more than that, but again, he blatantly lied to push his agenda. Just like how in his last specials he lied about Omar Mateen being a faggot to defend his muslim brothers. Whatever, Louis CK is funnier

>ends with school shooting bit
what did he mean by this?

he says faggot really funny

There was nothing "lecturing" in this. It was a guy telling stories and giving his opinion, expressed as a personal opinion, about some news items. And he made it funny. You're so overly sensitive that you immediately get offended any time he dares to bring up your tribe. Your brain just shuts down, you don't even try to comprehend what he's saying, you just interpret it in whatever way allows you to be outraged and act like a victim. You're the exact kind of humorless idiot he is mocking when he says he hates his audience. A terminally serious, permanently offended pussy.

Dave lives in a weird reality where black people don't ever shoot anyone and are still being oppressed by whitey, but also faggots and trannies are oppressing him because they get offended by his comedy (because of course, blacks are the only group that is allowed to be offended)

Nah it's a lecture, and now you're trying to lecture me about it too. You sound exactly like faggots defending Nanette

>guy just tells some stories and gives opinions

See, nothing you said has any bearing on reality. You are legitimately mentally ill. I don't think you have any friends.

>woman gives opinions

>if you don't like Dave Chappelle's comedy special, you don't have friends
Jesus Christ dude lmao
Louis and Gadsby were just giving their opinions too, but for some reason only le based black man is allowed to do it nowadays

Explain to me how anything Dave said oppressed you. How is joking about heroin addicts and trannies being ridiculous shutting down discourse and making things off limits?

Seething /pol/tard

Child Kinographer

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Cause you're literally too stupid to understand comedy. You just boil everything down to "opinions on race" and can't parse it further than that. You look at a guy telling authentic stories about his life and actually drawing connections between himself and white school shooters in his own standup, and you come away thinking he's just attacking you because you're an oversensitive baby with no sense of humor. And me saying you have no friends is more an observation about what you say here, not that you don't like chapelle's standup. Plenty of people can not like it, that's not what I'm basing that off of. It's the reductive way you look at things and your simplistic mindset of "everything is part of my personal culture war" that tells me you have zero friends and are an unpleasant person to know.

I didn't say he was oppressing me you fucking faggot, I just think it's shitty agenda driven bullshit. The same as Nanette but because you agree with him on trannies you don't care

I'm not reading your essay defending a Netflix special, shill. You do the same thing whenever it's any other comedian, don't hate me for applying your rules to your fave comic

Yeah can't risk taking in any info that contradicts your basic programming, huh? Can't even imagine what your life must be like, utterly robotic.

No, I just don't want to read your diary lol.

She was the best

Yeah so agenda driven, telling personal stories about his life and his takes on hot button news items that completely contradict the woke narrative. What's his agenda? Making people laugh at school shooting drills? Make people aware of how awkward trans people are? Point out how ridiculous the Michael Jackson posthumous stuff is? I'm kinda confused what you think the big conspiracy is behind Chapelle. What's his angle besides sheer apathy in the face of woke culture?

Good show but I haven't watched stand up in years, how much time was cut from the performance? The Macaulay Culkin and Lebron James in the WNBA jokes were great though. What was with the audience, seemed like they were barely laughing at the jokes Dave thought were the funniest.

nanette(from what i know because i haven't watched it) is prescriptive. it's about saying all men are guilty for anything bad that one man does because of innocuous things like jokes contributing to some larger culture that some take as justification for their actions. chapelle doesn't do any of that, its just classic observational comedy, the closest he got to any kind of sincere agenda was saying men shouldn't have to pay child support, if women could get abortions

>the closest he got to any kind of sincere agenda was saying men shouldn't have to pay child support, if women could get abortions
And that was honestly the most middle of the road non-controversial thing he said.

Nanette is the same exact shit and everyone saw through that for what it was.
>white people are violent, haha ignore gang violence tho
>blacks are not only oppressed by whites but also fags
>also fags are too sensitive because they think they are oppressed
I'm not gonna change your mind and you're not gonna change mine

So basically
>incels like chappelle because he shits on women and trannies
On the incel totem pole, blacks are on top. I get it now

When Eddie comes back, you niggers won't be able to control yourselves.

Bunch of Johnny come lately's, all of you.

Because you're insane and literally nothing you said is present in his comedy. It's like you read a description of his jokes in abstract then decided it must've had a political motivation, so you invented one that fit your preconceived notions. How do you even listen to his jokes about heroin burglars and school shooting drills, or his extended metaphor about the "alphabet people" in the car, and get this nonsense about oppression or whatever?

Anyone think this special ended abruptly? The last bit about shooting school is anticlimactic. I thought their was something else after that but nah

>What was with the audience, seemed like they were barely laughing at the jokes Dave thought were the funniest.
it was in atlanta. chapelle's humor is too nuanced for general black audiences, least of all those from the south.

People don't like to be around those who are sick, neither mentally or physically. Anyone who has been to public school has been forced to interact with retards, and knows the disgusting reversion which is felt.

That same feeling is felt by just about every normie toward trannies but worse since it's public knowledge the mutilate their genitals and take it in the ass. No amount of propaganda will change that. They are also repositories of deadly diseases and best tossed in the bog.

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Felt like he was just running through his sets and stopped when he hit the time limit.

pretty sure the bit about all blacks registering legal firearms being the catalyst for widespread gun control was sincere.

So how is Reddit taking the special? I went on Twitter earlier and to my surprise, nobody was offended except Vice (and people were calling them out on being pussies). Even the gays/trannies on Twitter said it was great. Is Dave Chappelle the man that will bring America together?

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Calm down, Freud. I don't like Chappelle's special. I would NEVER try and get him shitcanned for it but I don't think his schtick is funny. Sorry. The disconnect between the reaction to this special and every other comedy special particularly irked me, because it makes no sense. But whatever. Like what you like

>unfinished set
It really felt like some of the jokes didnt get a conclusion especially at the end, it was very abrupt, still laughed a lot though.

> Is Dave Chappelle the man that will bring America together?
To be honest it's possible. If I was a race baiting Hollywood Jew I would have him killed. He made fun of LGBTQ, #me too and women's equality all in one hour. What if other people follow his lead, or he starts talking about internet censorship next?

>nobody is talking about how at the end of the show he sent a message that he understand why poor white boys are shooting up schools thanks to frustation
>not a single motherfucker is saying how he called the retardation of "just say no to drugs" and that the white people getting fucked by drugs should be helped
he also subtly said that black people should get off their asses and start helping to fix this current shitshow
good show
the glow niggers and thin skin faggots should just off themselves
>inb4 muh politics propaganda

That zinger doesnt make sense though. Youre "allowed" to say a demeaning word deacribing a group because youre part of a group as in fag if youre a homosexual and nigger if youre black. Going by his logic whites or asians should be able to drop n bombs, I somehow doubt he feels like that.

Bill Burr is probably the best comedian of our generation.

Chappelle is great, but not as good as Burr in my opinion.

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Chappelle has only had one great stand up special, which was brilliant. But he's been washed for a long time. This special was his best since coming back, had a few really funny moments but not nearly enough to fill an entire hour

>my wife is stupid
>aren't women stupid guys?
>so that thing annoyed me the other day...

If you say so. He's incredibly one dimensional.

>retardation of "just say no to drugs
Unless Im missing something I dont understand this criticism, the phrase is used in the context of being offered drugs for the first time like at a party or something, not in the context of people with a heavy drug addiction.

he fell for the yellow fever meme

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This. Dave is woke but he is also /pol/ too. I seriously think he is the ONLY person who can pull this off. How does he do it?

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The abortion joke was funny too.

When Eddie Murphy drops his comeback special, he will be the GOAT.
Screencap this, check 'em.

Its called comedy, you dont pick sides in comedy, if you have something you thinks isnt allowed to be made fun of then you arent a comedian.

I just don't get where Chappelle gets his generalizations of white people. That whites don't want blacks to have legal guns. That whites never cared about blacks struggling with the crack epidemic.

But then he really goes off the deep end when he starts talking about whites and heroin and goes off on some bizarre and long-winded fantasy involving him shooting a white guy with a shotgun. Kinda disturbing how much thought went into that when there was very little funny about it.

But honestly Chappelle's always been like that. He throws in a reminder that he has a couple white friends, tells one joke to make you think he likes them, and then he goes the fuck off for an hour.

Fuck no. And this is coming from a black man who remembers enjoying the hell out of his show back in the day. At this point, he's falling into all the typical edgelord comedian tropes:
> "You can't talk about _____ people!", then proceeds to talk about _____ people as part of his million-dollar comedy special deal
>Passing off opinions of the common masses as if they're unique and special ("MJ accusers were lyin'!")
etc... I know I'm forgetting some. I rolled my eyes at the part about abortion - it's so obvious that after the LGBT stuff he wants to get himself back on the "right" side, so he stops the show to talk about how pro-choice he is. Oh, and if you're man you can't have an opinion on it. But I can have an opinion on LGBTs because they're just jokes mang!

you're weird for posting pics of his family ngl

A lot of his jokes weren't jokes though and is rehashing shit that even catlady soeiboy SJW writers have come up with, like his "joke" that if only blacks committed more mass shootings white people would line up to ban all guns in a second because "lol white people rayciss". Epic zing, even Bojack Horsememe made that "joke" 3 years ago

This, the butthurt in every thread is evidence of how good it was at pissing off everyone.

The Jussie smollet bit was funny as fuck

dilatio patronus

Sad. Truly.

I'd sooner spend my time with a funny nigger than some overly sensitive dickless faggot. I'd love to see you even dare to approach his level of success. After all, he's just another 'woke' comedian amirite? I hope you get stranded in the ghetto you lily piece of shit. Sniveling worm. You'd do the world better as grease on the pavement.

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If you don't have a dick you are literally lesser than a man. It's fucking biblical and scientific you ignorant nonce. Now go back to nursing your axe wound you subhuman trash.

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Freedom of Masturbation 6th amendment

I think you misunderstood the joke. It isn't that whites don't want blacks to have legal guns, but rather a sudden wave of registered weapons to the black populace would be jarring on two fronts: the sudden spike in black registered weapons would be construed as a impending race war, and also illuminate just how many unregistered weapons are floating about the black community (IE fukken lots and lots)

I don't understand what your have up is with the heroin addict bit. Those people are fucking zombies, until they're jonesin', and then they become 28 Days Later zombies instead. Maybe it's funnier if you're familiar with people like that. Also, I think whites were by and large indifferent too the crack epidemic. It wasn't racially motivated, but more just general indifference towards something that largely didn't effect their community. Regardless, I thought that shit was hilarious, but mostly because I know heroin addict are fucking insufferable, and will sell out their own mothers for a fix.

You forgot the punchline of that abortion but: if you ladies can kill your babies, men should at least be allowed to abandon them.

Nice try, FBI

my money my choice

Eddie Murphy is a Down low nigger that got caught with a tranny hooker a few years ago.

His standup was never that great. He did have some original points of view. I imagine hes just as full of shit as anyone really.

Cuck Kike.


His real name is Louis Székely. Before he was famous no one knew how to pronounce his name so he’d write his name phonetically as C.K. so the MC would say it the right way and it stuck.

He did that before any of his Netflix specials. It's only/pol/tards seething because this is the ONE TIME he isn't racially self deprecating like back in his older stuff/Chappelle's Show. The Trannies are also mad as fuck of course.

Yeah until its revealed he had sex with an underage girl and we all go "ohhh that's what was on that tape he jacked off to"

>it's 5 minutes of jokes and 55 minutes of "old man yelling at clouds"
Why isn't Nanette a comedy again?

he's certainly made some observations that resonate with overreactive male women like you, which in its reductive way amounts to the same thing

I love Chappelle and he's easily my favorite comedian (Louis Cuck and Bill Burr are up there for me as well), but let's be real, this was probably his weakest special since his comeback. I laughed and I thought it was funny, but it wasn't anywhere near as good as the other 2-3 specials he did before this to be honest. It honestly felt like he was just phoning it in for the Netflix $$$.

I'd also can't wait for his next special so he can talk about Paul Mooney pounding out Richard Prior's son. That's certainly gonna be some funny ass shit.

>cute wife
>cute daughter
>son on the left looks like he'll pull pussy
>that ugly fuck on the right
Possible school shooter spotted.

"so you're saying that the jewish people are plotting to take over the world by casting black men in superhero films? son..I..."

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Louis spiCK


No because that new gig was barely funny except for the opening 15 mins or so. The rest was just rambling about politics. I agreed with everyone he said but I wasn't laughing, it wasn't funny, there were very few jokes, It was barely comedy.

I think he's #2 after Murphy at this point

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The faces on the women when he said there is no such thing as good 30 year old pussy. Fucking priceless.

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>keep insulting an entire race of people
>lol why they be seething like that, such retards lol

He has a funny delivery but he's kinda a cuck

lmao, his real name is Louis Shekels?

maybe your torrent buddies are the ones who torrent. no like no torrent. food for thought

Shit was hilarious. Breath of fresh air, coming from a mainstream comic. Watch the epilogue, he even cracks a rape joke at the start. And has a pic of Norm in the credits. Dont believe the shills over here, you fags can cry foul over at reddit. The guy opened with a prince song, he was definitely going for that old-school street-black vibe. Louis CK is a basic-cuck. Dave shits all over him.

literally google it idiot. found a stream of it.

its on public trackers dude

you sound like that bitch who got raped

if only you hadn't cancelled Netflix because 'Internet told me to'

"greatest' " is subjective his bits are too related to mutt culture stuff like bilm burr is more universal

The point he's making is it is a slur (in the sense he's stating)

Of all his Netflix specials, this one is my favorite and to me the closest one that felt like his first two standup specials. It really flows together and there isn't a single awkward moment in it. The joke deliveries are funnier too compared to The Age of Spin.

And the atlanta cop masturbating on the phone bit made me lose my shit.

It's the modern "JUST BECAUSE I DRESS THIS WAY" joke

Yeah, I thought it keeps going. The punchline is great tho.

Heroin addicts aren't people. You have to remember that he lives in Ohio.

Funny how that happens. It's almost like mentally deranged people are not very accepted in society. It's like they don't contribute anything productive to said societies.

>"I even have insight into how the white community must have felt watching the black community go through the scourge of the crack because I don't care either. Hang in there, whites. Just say no what's hard about that"

Yea Forums is full of contrarians and larpers from /pol/. I laughed quite a bit and the MJ stuff was funny as fuck because it triggers /pol/acks.

The hard left has no sense of humor. He nailed it.

If you can't laugh at a black man you are a racist.

was funnier before getting married. He unironically embraced everything he used to make fun of

So many pissed off radicals ITT.

Far right
>It's only funny if we are killing Jews and Niggers
Far left
>It's only funny when attacking white male privilege

He nailed it. Now fuck off back to your safe space.

cant you not be so obvious

He has a winning hand.
>From the hood
>Wife is Asian
>Has more than enough money to keep himself cozy

>Faggot cant get the joke.
Trevor Noah is more your thing, pal.

should be able to find it on youtube dot com :)

anyone got like to the extra 20 min? my legally questionable streaming site of choice doesn't have it

This.He literary spell it out this point with the faggot vs nigger joke.
>Chappelle show makes jokes about ALL bad black stereotypes in existence
>Chappelle stand up makes inocuos jokes about a very small group of white people

it's just a Q&A you can download it on rarbg


Burr just does retarded boomer comedy, not funny at all unless you're a 40+ yo who laughs at "wife bad amirite" jokes.

is it comfy funny like the bird revelation?

Watching the older Netflix specials now. I thought the Emmet Till retelling was a bit much for a comedy show. Went on a bit long. And everyone who went to high school learned the story.

speaking of Bill does anyone got the vibe that Dave watched Bill's materials? there's a couple bit that's similar to Bill's, the part about getting a gun especially.

His last special was garbage

Hell no. No one can top the OG George Carlin.

The point he’s actually making is not all blacks are niggers but all gays are faggots.

Yeah, he tells the story about a trans named Daphne who laugh at his jokes the hardest and the time when he met Obama

chapelle show is goat but his standup isnt all that funny for me

That's what Renee thought, all gays are faggots therefore only gays can say that. Dave's logic was if Dave, self proclaimed not a nigger, could say the word Nigger on TV, then he should be able to say the word FAGGOT

>xDDD George Carlin, am i rite peeps??!?!?! FUCK GOD WOOO!!!! Atheism RoCks!
So Edgy

>from the hood
>Dave Chappelle's father, William David Chappelle III, worked as a statistician before becoming a professor atAntioch CollegeinYellow Springs, Ohio.[8]His mother, Yvonne K. Chappelle Seon (néeReed),[9]was a professor atHoward University,Prince George's Community College, and theUniversity of Maryland. Seon also worked forCongoPrime MinisterPatrice Lumumba.[10][11]She is also aUnitarian Universalistminister.[12]Chappelle has a stepmother and a stepbrother.[2]His great-grandfather, BishopWilliam D. Chappelle, served as a president ofAllen University.[13]

Yes we already know that Dave was never from the hood and grew up on a white suburb

Ok? That isn't a reason to start talking about cuckold stuff. Unless you like that shit lmfao

>chapelle show is goat but his standup isnt all that funny for me
Both the Killin' Them Softly and For What It's Worth specials are incredible and still hilarious, they're at the same tier as the show. He's a great story teller with impeccable timing and the bits are great. However, his time off did have an effect on him and he's not as razor sharp as he used to be, so I'd argue that the rest of his specials only seem poorer because he was on top of the world ( and deservedly so ) at one point. Also he seems a bit more complacent as of late because of the almost exclusive celebrity focus, but I still enjoyed Sticks and Stones.

Victim shaming, a hard working black family?

His stand ups are great but key and peele> Chappelle show

Imagine being this wrong and gay

Dave is still an amazing comedian but I hope he stays away the preachy stuff.

Why are people bringing up black on black crime again now that shit is irrelevant people kill people they know.

He built his entire career off of making fun of black on black violence.

Just say no was useless cause it didnt teach anybody anything or stop anything.
But since it was black peope they didn't care they just continued dumping reasources into just say no.

Now 2019 heroine epidemic and where is "just say no" completely gone cause its useless and drug addiction is treated like sickness and the people are actually trying to be helped. Also at the same time drugs are affecting the white community the most.

I wish people had the balls to ignore fucking psychos and not bend the knee and apologise whenever they do something so insignificant. Comedy builds bridges, not burns them.

Norm McDonald
Dave Chappelle
Louis CK

could be, but actually székely is the name of a Hungarian ethnic group who live in Transylvania

Chad Chapelle vs Virgin Norm and Louis CucK

remember, these are the type of people trannies and kikes most likely who absolutely SEETHE whenever there is a thread about Sam Hyde

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black people cannot be GOAT because none of them have the mental strength to face the absolute truth about their fucked up race

however funny is when he jokes about trannies, fags, white or women, he probably thinks BLM is right
that alone makes him a hypocrite faggot and a retard

>le white people

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So let me get this straight.
Simply commenting on social issues is now considered stand-up?

>Going by his logic whites or asians should be able to drop n bombs
Didn't he have a bit where he tells people they should all just relax and let the racist shit fly in his old specials? Dave is pro-free speech.

Not only that, he was insightful.

>minimizing what louis did

He jerked off in front of a girl who he asked, and she gave explicit consent.
That is the actual think that happened, and it's literally nothing.

cope and dilate

>mentally ill people got shitty lives

what a surprise.

So let me get this straight.
You've never watched a stand-up comedian in your entire life, have you?


this, thought it was too preachy and not as funny.
Still better than 99% of other specials on netflix desu

Christ Rock was never S tier

hes alright but kinda of a cuck. he tries too hard at times.

he meant that the only time he wanted to shoot up the school as a kid is when he felt the most socially inequal. He felt that way as a black kid because of poverty, white kids do it because of feminism.

The public is seething.

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This is a reactionary board meant to drive passions against anything they see as remotely observant of ideas that include any group of people who aren't straight, white men. All opinions expressed here have to be in support of straight white men and anything remotely different from those ideas have to be posted and scrutinized; doesn't matter its overall significance to anything. The smaller it is, the least relevant, the more opposing the idea seems to be in conforming to straight white male short of worshiping them outright will be disseminated here and strongly rebuked.

These people harbor the most deranged form of snowflake-ism since their minds cannot contain the existence of different people living in harmony without one trying to destroy the other somehow.

>that guy replying with the wuncler gif
Fucking kek

you shouldn't be such a queer

High quality copypasta bait

You just want a black man to validate how you feel and what you say. You have no idea what Patrice in 2016 would say or do.

Sadder than someone that swalows the pc mentality is someone that only applies it to his group when its convenient

>me enjoying this special

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Honestly a funny bit, it really is like the crack 'epidemic'

Based empathyposter. This man has had sex.

Dave is more consistently funny, imo. But Louis CK is definitely up there. When Louis finally does a comeback special, it’s going to be one of the GOATs. Roasties will be seething for a generation.

When that one guy's phone started ringing, all I could think was - What happened to that celebrated phone-locking tech that would lock people's phones during his shows?

>who is Pryor
>who is Carlin
>who is O'Neal
>who is Dangerfield


dilate, Tee

What did he say that right wingers say? Name one thing.

Terrible "Jokes". He is just rambling.. If i were to do a stand up with the same "jokes" and delivery no one would laugh and i would be heckled.

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>No amount of propaganda
exposure is how stereo types and "muh racism" is born.
it just is.


Bill Burr pre-cuck phase was still better imo his sets during that time are hard to top. Chappelle was better before too but even at his prime wasn't what I would consider the "best".