Bam Margera reportedly returned to a rehabilitation facility to seek treatment for dependency for substance abuse...

>Bam Margera reportedly returned to a rehabilitation facility to seek treatment for dependency for substance abuse issues, which was the third such check-in in less than a month.

>TMZ claimed that the former Jackass and Viva La Bam star entered a new treatment center on August 22, one day after being seen drinking at a bar at Los Angeles.

>Margera's previous attempts were the result of a meeting with television personality and psychologist Dr. Phil that was part of an intervention by his wife and mother. Margera entered a treatment facility as part of the conversation, but left soon after, and was arrested on trespassing charges at the Luxe Hotel in Los Angeles. He then checked into a second facility, but reportedly left over cell phone restrictions.

Bam is truly the most based out of the whole Jackass cast, ps fuck brandon novak you thief ass mother fucker

Attached: EARTH ROCKING.png (796x793, 651K)

Other urls found in this thread:

At least Novak got clean, faggot. He's a brainwashed retard now, but at least he's not an addict.

Who cares. Hes been to rehab a million times and he always bails after a few days. I've seen addicts like him. Hes past the point of recovery. He just wants to wallow and die


>just remember bros. you dont have to be a musician to be an earth rocker, andrew stramberg is an earth rocker. sick of the bull shit. sick of all the shit. idont go out anymore cause i hate every mother fucker out there. now is stay at home like a fucking hermit. i'm not gonna take shit from anyone. i got set up. I got jumped.
holy kino

Don Vito ;_;

>Uses his own friends as rungs on a ladder to reach a better position in life
What a hero!

>steals your car
>trashes it
>steals $5000 worth of chicken sandwiches
>makes you lose your sponsorship
>makes you lose your Bamboards
>wont admit to being your life partner
>refuses to earth rock
yeah, novak is based

>ps fuck brandon novak you thief ass mother fucker
gets me everytime

Bam stop sunkin my dink I got work in the mornin

>steals $5000 worth of chicken sandwiches
wasn't that Jimmy Pop?

He's having a full blown manic episode. Nigga made up his own gay alphabet.

Still in a better position in life than Bam.

>new language is written on a heavily scribbled on half crumbled piece of paper
>nobody saying anything as he tries to explain his new language
>new language is just him grunting in various tones

Attached: bam-margera-cc6a.png (480x589, 151K)

he is onto something

who would've thought that Bam would be in this position and not Steve-O or Knoxville

Why did Bam have $5000 worth of chicken sandwiches all at once?

If he ever solves it we're in deep deep trouble.

This shit is actually sad. He's very unwell and it isn't alcohol or drugs.

How can he take tons of amphetamines yet still remain fat?

not really that surprising, bam is the exact type of guy who goes the distance with addiction

Why would he do this I don't get it

Attached: 1095570267.jpg (300x225, 10K)

This doesn't even seem crazy, he's clearly doing this one for attention. What drug could possibly cause this?

Just do like Jim Jones. Gorge yourself on food.


>be bam
>literally a cringe remember who
>still act like a child
pretty rad

That's really more of a font than a language...

Johnny always seemed like the "smartest" of them

>you'll never be 14 watching wholesome Viva La Bam ever again
Give me one reason why I shouldn't it all

>star of david in the top left corner

Attached: HMMM.png (194x159, 6K)

Attached: Ardie.jpg (800x450, 89K)

If only Beer League had got that full release...what could have been...

Are you actually retarded or just pretending
Either way you should kill yourself

that's the HIM logo you troglodyte

Easily, with Tremaine being an extra level above him.

Now post the one where he has no nose. It's a front and side mugshot

>a heartigram. why?
>because I LOVE IT

This is what the average pol user looks like trying to prove everything wrong with the world is apart of some Jewish conspiracy



Attached: 1556122555320.png (1054x526, 653K)

Deflated like Tom Brady's balls

Attached: ardie3.jpg (735x490, 65K)

that is very clearly a Heartagram™


Still a spoiled brat. Dude should just leave LA. That did wonders for me.

Attached: artie.jpg (600x586, 78K)

don't make me break my foot off in yo ass

literally can't recognize him

Post your BMI you fat nigger

don't make me break my nose off in yo face

seethe for me more

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*blocks your path*

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 56K)

Honestly if you told me he was killed and switched out for someone else I'd consider believing it.

I still don't know who andrew stranberg is

>Bam creates Wingdings 4
>thinks it's a new language

Who is this I don't get it

Attached: 1520288042063.jpg (445x571, 53K)

it's only funny because i don't have to be in that car

artie lang

jesus christ these threads make me glad I stopped doing drugs

Anthony Cumia


What purpose did WingDings originally serve? Was it inspired by one of Bill Gates' DMT trips at Zorro Ranch?

Artie DeVanza

lol, bam is a manchild faggot who made a killing acting like a buffoon while corrupting a generation of youths, now the world has turned on him and I am supposed to feel bad? Fuck him, I hope he commits suicide

I always hated him, but still shocked he crashed this hard. I thought he was gonna be all preachy how Steve O is now.

At least he will never be accused of being a jew


Artie Lange, he was famous for being on the radio show “The Howard Stern Show”, and he was a drug addict while on it, he gets fired, spirals out of control on his drug addiction and his nose collapsed in 2019 because he snorted so much cocaine the septum complete disintegrated

>t. jew
go suck a bloody baby foreskin you stupid kike

i didn't even know that could happen. gross

Slightly based to be honest

>personality of a teenage goth girl cutter
>did the lamest stunts on jackass
>most of said stunts involved stuffing something up is ass
>only member of jackass to start crying because the other members pranked him
Bam always sucked, his dad is way more based.

>tfw I used to do this when I was bored just so see what the symbols looked like spelling out words and also sometimes write different sounds for each letter to make up words.
Guess I'm an Earth Rocker.

I ain’t shocked. People like that always crash hard, at least steve-o was humble on the show, Bam was just a holier-than-thou fag who thought he was best, despite having the worst stunts and the worst personality. No shit, he was the worst part of Jackass and Viva La Bam, he was the worst character on his own fucking show. I hope he gets eaten by wild dogs

probably staying up for days on speed without sleep but thats just my guess

Pontius>Dunn>Knoxville>England>Steve-O>Preston>Wee Man>Bam>Danger Ehren

This is classic mania. Doesn't seem like drugs are involved.

>Pontius #1

Attached: 1366955419117.gif (337x254, 1.49M)

Posers and fuckin' nobodies keep moving, this is now /earthrocker/ general

Attached: 4938B1ED00000578-0-image-a-340_1518648305509.jpg (1908x1146, 371K)

>Doesn't seem like drugs are involved.
He did mention in one of his insta videos that he has a big addiction problem with adderall(mini-meth)
Long times awake with stimulants can educe a Manic state that carries on even when the drug is no longer in the persons body

Bam is definitely a junkie

pretty sure thats the HIM band logo. they were on viva la bam a couple times if im remembering correctly.

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what's the difference between this guy and hunter s thompson? Why is one cool one isn't?

Bam does nonsensical drawings on paper, hunter did nonsensical words on paper.

is he a ferengi?

what a nigger you are

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>What purpose did WingDings originally serve?
to hide satanic kabbalistic messages in plain sight

Kek your schizo ass is OBSESSED

everything started when nicki cheating on with a black guy

>Thank God Nicki wasn't there to watch me get my fucking ass kicked. She would have wound up with a black guy and probably went to jail. She has a big mouth

he fucking lost it after that.

agree for the most part but i'll move dunn a bit under and have ehren above bam.

Dude ive been watching a lot of prison related youtube channels like Wes Watson and Big Herc, and i see Bam on a one way ride to prison for something and his ass is gonna get smashed and checked so hard

you should probably just start a tumblr about your weird prison fantasies

he's an earthrocker

did anybody else think Haggard was kind of kino?

Why would i do that?
Bam is a drug addict and engages in reckless behavior. Its only a matter of time before he gets arrested for something serious

What kind of a little sheltered retard do you have to be to like Bam?
He's a self-centered crybaby pussy who loves to laugh at everyone else, but the second a joke is turned on him he acts like a little bitch.
I cannot understand how anyone would like this guy.

Attached: EMO.jpg (499x502, 39K)

I know a couple of girls who liked it because they wanted tuck Bam.
Any guy liking it just seems bizarre to me, unless you're a gay dude who wants to fuck him.


kys autocorrect phoneposter

what the FUCK did he mean by this

Attached: b.png (765x596, 649K)

Are they mother's big codes?

Imagine being this petty and insecure.

Imagine being a fucking phoneposter

we just don't know

Attached: jemwallbang.gif (500x374, 1.99M)

god damn this is sad as fuck


Steve-O, yeah but I never got the feeling Knoxville would have any sort of breakdown. He always seemed the most well-adjusted.

It's "poseur" you fucking poseur.

Only reason to watch Viva La Bam was for the Fatboy Faceoff episode or you were waiting for Wild Boyz to star.

>no Dico
Shit list desu famalam

Hunter would get into casual gunfights with his neighbor. Tell me something more based than that.

Attached: just a casual gunfight among neighbors.jpg (660x461, 40K)

his nose collapsed like 3 years ago, not in 2019