It's fucking amazing. Only retarded dislike this film.
It's fucking amazing. Only retarded dislike this film
This film is incredibly gay, and only whiny incel, insecure cuckservatives think it's kino.
big cringe
>whoa old man rivers was based when he said spook lololol
please go back to larping as a nazi on discord or whatever you do
The Mule is better.
My mom fav film
Its literally a film about an old white guy giving up his life to get justice for his Asian neighbors. If somebody likes this movie, it's not because they're a nazi.
shut up, spook
>a white people saving people that can't save themselves
literally the most WASP thing there is second to kissing your dog
Yes, still not nazi.
Clint kino. Fucking over his family in his will is my favorite part
Damn WASPs and their *checks notes* self-sacrifice
The problem with the movie is that it's saying the only cure for their non-whiteness is the death of a white person. It's shitty, one dimensional writing.
For me it's a Netflix Original El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie.
I really think you're reading too much into it and generalizing what happened in the movie to the only thing that will help nonwhites is whites dying for them. It's a film about a particular situation, not what will help nonwhites generally.
You’re a faggot and probably a nigger too
pinche whitey hella racist can't wait for him to die!
Movie is a pretty based portrayal of the few old white boomers that didn't fuck up the country.
boomers didn't fight in Korea
Shit I mixed my slants up. He fought in Korea not Vietnam. Well that explains why he's so based if he's the greatest generation.
Triggered lmao
it was good but none of the chinks could act for shit and it kinda hurt the film
>Only retarded dislike this film.
Seems to be the other way around OP.
the song is good too
No, sir, it is you who are wrong!
Does Eastwood still have another good movie left them him?
If he doesn't direct then yes.
Perfect is the word
yeah he's going to play a sympathetic slave driver in his next movie.
Not at all. I'm just stating facts which OP and any cuck that likes this movie hate hearing.
Mule was mediocre.
Classic white man savior complex
your argument has no validity because if you changed the races of the characters in any combination it would still be a based movie
I liked it but felt a bit condescending to racial minorities
>a white people saving
How? He fuckind died. You're fucking retarded
Said literally no one ever.
>Gran Torino
Hmm, I think nope:
Tranny and commies. And they even watched/get the fucking film. Holy shit.