Why do so few movies have goofy scenes with gratuitous tits and ass these days? Seems like most movies from the 1970s-1990s had one or more T&A scenes of some sort or at least zoomed in or commented on boobs and butts. Now movies are all modest and many down right prudish. What went so wrong?
T&A Movie Scenes
Other urls found in this thread:
Women in charge of anything is what happened
Women are fatter now and focus groups report from test screenings that showing pretty naked women on the screen makes around half the audience mad and showing fat naked women on screen just makes you no money.
Free porn. Why bother with nudity in regular movies?
Porn exists. Watch it
Because porn is poorly shot and not tasteful. What I really want is well-shot, high quality mostly softcore nudity that is nonetheless more revealing for more extended periods of time than you'd see in any reasonable movie. I don't know where to find it.
For zoomers that may not know, there was not always a 24/7 depot of nudes at your fingertips of every screencap, webm fappenong leak. I can’t even describe the near religious experience to be had seeing a beautiful woman in a film let alone baring a breast or butt.
Google "Mr. Skin"
>t. cumbrained zoomers
People just watch porn if they want that
It's not just about the nudity, it's the context of the nudity within the film. It's hard to explain but seeing tits and ass within an actual film can be a completely different experience from just watching a girl strip/get fucked on a webcam. I especially enjoy when it happens unexpectedly in a comedy.
I miss all the goofy shots for example the scene where everyone is panicking in the movie Airplane and there is a shot of shaking tits nearly busting out of a blouse. The titty shot of the German girl in National Lampoons European Vacation. Women used to take their shirt off any time in movies. Bush shots were fairly common too.
This is the movie that I busted my first nut to
But the fat girl in that scene gave me the biggest boner.
We need to bring back EXTREMELY gratuitous bush shots in order to heal America somehow
Instagram is full of beautiful women showing skin in a softcore manner and no one is complaining really. I can't believe audiences really get pissed seeing a nice rack or an ass shot on the big screen.
Well thanks to the internet making porno available on tap, gratuitous mainstream softcore nudity has kind of lost its purpose.
But sometimes they trick you. A perfect example would be the 1980 film "A change of Seasons".
It opens with a prime Bo Derek, naked in a hot tub, bouncing up and down in slow motion as the credits start.
"This is going to be a a good movie", you think. But no. After that opening, it's nothing but a talkfest for an hour and a half.
with u 100% friend. 70s erotica is pretty good too.
No it hasn't. Not everyone is a cumbrain. If you think T&A in movies has fallen off because everyone is watching porn instead you have no idea what is being discussed here.
I'm so horny and lonely
Great scenes and sometimes even the non nude stuff was so great it would stay with you forever
Kek yeah it was always a roll of the dice with those movies, and it’s not like you could just watch that stuff with impunity at least I had to wait til parents weren’t watching
Ya but you almost always knew what you were going to get with a Bo Derek movies. Take "Bolero", which couldn't be made today for SEVERAL reasons.
id love to know more
It takes place in the 20's. The plot is that Bo is a girl fresh out of high school whose goal is to go fuck a sheik (like a Valentino thing).
She spends 1/2 the movie naked, she's fucking her way around the world. Rumor has it (with reason to believe it) that real sex was going on as her husband was filming it. And to top it off they have a nude scene with a 14-year-old gypsy girl.
>tall blonde Police Academy titties
Now that was a movie.
sounds like kino to me
Zoomers need to bare in mind this wasn't a skin flick played in XXX theaters. It played in mainstream movie theaters, the same ones showing regular hollywood movies.
Yes, they even marketed the outrage in the trailers:
Passion of the Christ
they're mooning jesus
has a girl ever walked in on you Yea Forums? your mom doesn't count
Oh yeah man, even offered to help
These guys made a ton of movies like this.
I recommend the documentary about them that just came out - imdb.com
To get to the point, watch pic related.
because we are in the middle of a conservative wave where it's ok to watch a 50 caliber bullet turn a child's head into red mist but not ok to show a nipple
no, in real life.
>because we are in the middle of a conservative wave
You disingenuous commie faggot. The reasons are and .
what I really miss are the b-rate horror flicks that had okay special effects and at least a couple good titty scenes
by the by, rec me some
>liking bush
The ultimate T&A movie is Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Script by Roger Ebert.
>t. low iq mouth breather
Based ladies, showing incels what's what
I enjoy the early 1970s occult and witch movies. Pretty much all of them have nudity. There is this one I can't think of the name of. Its about these two girls that model. They end up at some mansion. Some weird shit goes down. Anyone remember this film?
I'd also like to know what it is
it just moved to premium cable series. Do you think GOT would have all that fans without nudity?
Twins of Evil?
Just watched it, movie is ok but the tits are glorious.
I found the one I was thinking of. Its called Virgin Witch. It came out in 1972. Pic related. Definitely some fine T&A in the movie.
sweet thanks. its on youtube
cool title, will watch this one as well
They were adults playing teens, so it's cool.
agree, miss the old porky movies era
just watch HBO productions
I cant believe there's still people with a fine taste in this board
sometimes you get way better looking women naked in movies that arent porn but have softcore, than in a porn movie that only has nasty looking thots
>a super sweet blu-ray version of a T&A movie exists
>25-35 bucks, fuck that
>rent it digitally instead
>super shitty, looks like a fucking VHS rip
I think I'll just be a pirate instead of a buy fag.
there is some magic in the shitty resolution for those movies
or maybe is just a boomer taste
>tfw older brother rented Porkys on VHS and let me and my friends sleeping over watch it after our parents went to bed
Good times.
Based, I've been looking for the same thing
Its not the same when its a known adult oriented movie with serious adult themes. Its the cheesy titty and ass scenes popping up in run of the mill movies that's missing these days.
what a bizarre poster
i would never see softcore or any type of porn with friends tho, that shit's either gay or awkward
Because you want simple films made for children and yet with adult content. Actually good arthouse/indie dramas are generally erotic as fuck.
The Palme d'Or winner this year, Parasite, for example, very erotic.
Or good tv shows like HBO dramas, erotic.
Whereas hollywood trash has to be made for as wide an audience as possible and to pass Chinese censorship laws.
This is the same issue as always on Yea Forums. You're only prepared to watch big budget hollywood trash and then you cry when it sucks for whatever reason as if everything bad about that shit is universal for all films.
>why is shit shitty? waaa bloobloobloo
any movie with tits or ass popping will be rendered as adult oriented movie
>watch modern horror movie
>scene that involves sex or changing clothes, or some other fanservice bait thing
>no tits
>no ass
I am very angry.
>as fuck
Hello r/eddit
what i hate the most tho, is that in today's comedies, people see fine to watch a dick pop out, but godforbid a pussy go around or else is considered porn
if you gonna wave dicks at my face in a non-sexual movie, might as well put pussies too, fucking fags
Plenty of feature films have nudity. This thread is dumb and full of clueless manchildren who don't watch movies anymore and only come here to shitpost their retarded opinions.
name them then
Preach user. I'd watch shitty B movies on late night cable praying for a tit. Some titles would lead you to believe there were tits but blueball you. Even when they started telling you the content beforehand nudity could just mean a guy's ass. Thankfully you could count on certain actresses to always deliver. A Shannon Tweed or Whirry movie never disappointed.
it's actually clever because i'm talking about fuck its a pun, are puns 'redit'?
Nu-uh I've watched like 3 new movies this year dummy.
every thing is reddit related here, since most posters come from there, so they know best
Of course it will have a rating for adults. That doesn't mean it has to be a film with heavy adult themes. Plenty of funny light hearted movies where sex was not a main theme or story line used to have tits and ass. Many were PG movies even. Watch something like Canonball Run, Police Academy or Revenge of the Nerds. Pick pretty much any movie from the 1980s with a PG or R rating and it will have some tits, ass or both. They may be clothed but the shots will be obvious that T&A are a focal point.
>t. zoomer who has no idea what movies used to be like nor even what is being discussed itt
>I'd watch shitty B movies on late night cable praying for a tit
I remember watching USA Up All Night at my buddies house who had cable. That and whatever Elvira's show was called. With Elvira you could always stare at her tits if the movie didn't have any that night.
while sucking your friends dicks i bet
Nah. Boys weren't gender fluid homos in the 1980s like today's Zoomer generation.
Both were hot broads no doubt, but basic cable meant you'd never see a nipple so I rarely bothered with it. I was fortunate enough to have a few premium channels. Full Body Massage was a favorite of mine I'd watch whenever it was on. Mimi Rogers getting her massive tits kneaded like dough still does it for me.
>Seems like most movies from the 1970s-1990s had one or more T&A scenes
Feminism is the reason for both. 1970s was the start of the sexual revolution where we glorified thots.
2000s is the start of third wave feminism, where showing tits is sexist now. Except if you're fat, in which case you're just owning your sexuality.
That's absolute nonsense. Films that are actually made by progressive people with feminist ideas in them are far more erotic now than they have ever been. Sexual empowerment never stopped and prudishness hasn't taken over feminism.
You think hollywood blockbusters are progressive? Because that's what you're talking about right? What a fucking joke you are.
dude what happened to panties?
I remember when I was a kid and I'd see a hot girl in a movie I'd always hope you'd get to see her in her underwear at least and more often than not that wish was granted, or if it wasn't the lead another hot girl would ditch her pants.
now? you're lucky if you get to see undies in even a raunchy comedy
Holy fucking shit, HOW do you have the audacity to say that this is because of conservatives
Whole fucking Hollywood is the hands of leftist, it's a literal shithole of sin
And there's plenty fucking nudity, just not the same way.
No longer ENF style
No longer accidental
No longer stripped by circumstances
Now it's only "empowered" "independent" women walking around naked, not giving a shit, and having sex left and right with everybody, men, women, fish, everybody.
We're talking about mainstream actress, big names, having sex with other actress, and it is all shown in quite a detail.
Movies nowadays are not at all prudish or modest.
Old, conservative style nudity can only be found in anime nowadays.
Remember when Cinemax had skin flix on Friday nights? I can't remember what they called those. My grandma had the big cable package with Cinemax. I caught the show a few times at her place as she always went to bed early and let me stay up watching tv.
You zoomers really do need to catch up on movie history and this conversation. You're embarasing yourselves with these uninformed posts.
Hollywood only cares about making money. That is a conservative value. They only masquerade liberal values as part of a business strategy.
Hollywood is deeply conservative.
And you see it plain as day in all their tentpole films. Not only are they censored so they can be sold into the strict totalitarian Chinese market, but in say, Endgame, you have
>unironic fluttery shots of an American flag.
>not one, but two, white nuclear rural families as the things to be protected
>simple good vs evil morality
>villain executed 'justly'
You're blind and you get triggered by superficial representation. The irony is that the things that trigger you, like diversity representation, or this prudishness you're currently crying about, aren't actually issues in actual progressive liberal films, which aren't just made to make money.
Or take the example of HBO which has the most gratuitous sex and nudify on tv ever and is also the most liberal and progressive network which constantly promotes feminism and fags.
conservatism is now the conterculture, by any practical standard.
It was called After Dark. Cinemax got rid of it several years ago I think.
define conservatism
because progressive ideas which are mainstream and widely accepted as cultural norms, aren't progressive any longer and eventually become 'conservative' values.
Like equal rights for black people for example, or gays, those aren't progressive values.
It constantly shifts.
Progressiveness is by definition counter culture.
I'm imagining your shark
maybe by 'conservatism' you mean regressive reactionaries ?
Equal rights for blacks and gays was counterculture when it took off. That was only 50 years ago or so.
This. The 70s were the best decade in cinema, followed by the 80s. Once the counterculture movement ran out of steam, the boring white people took over everything and the fox news mentality has dictated television morality.
>Or take the example of HBO which has the most gratuitous sex and nudify on tv ever
HBO has never been that explicit, even in it's documentary series on brothels.
Modern conservatism is basically synonymous with internet trolling.
>strategically ignoring the rest of his post to drag things out
Remove yourself to /pol/, cuck.
why don't they show 8K footage of girls shitting in cinema?
Literal closet case.
I'm not from /pol/ you fucking mouthbreather. Shut the fuck up and don't reply to me.
>don't @ me bro
XXX theaters have that fetish I'm sure.
Betsy was my 80s titfu
>ITT: literal retards don't understand how nudity works
The male gaze. It's all about the male gaze and how tailoring nudity to it is offensive to women.
>is your nude scene organic, tasteful, and done strictly in the name of character development and/or advancing the plot?
>is your nude scene gratuitous, pointless, or generally only done to appeal to base sexual appetites?
Not OK, literally go watch porn.
>dude don't look at a nice set of tits busting from a blouse go watch BLACKED instead
I have no idea how this makes any sense.
Are you fucking retarded? honest question
It's basic fucking values, all the things you listed
"Let's not let innocent families/people die, aka things to protect"
Since fucking when is this a conservative opinion, are you lefties gone so satanic that you even defy the worth of life?
"only cares about making money. That is a conservative value." ..., are you fucking serious right now?
"villain executed 'justly' " you're a disingenuous moron, they are not fucking executed, they are killed in battles they start, and refuse to give up until the very fucking end, it's not like they get jailed and then the sentence is death.
Simple good and vs morality is a conservative way??, pfahahahaha, it's fucking liberals who scream all day how conservatives are evil because they don't adhere to open borders and shit
Cuz clearly borders = discrimination, and discrimination = bad. That's what simple morality is. Discrimination is not inherently a bad thing, family is a discrimination, country is a discrimination, love is a discrimination, some of the best things in this world are build upon discrimination.
Conservatives are republicans, republicanism is a system of balance and checks.
I didn't mention gratuitous sex and nudify. That's not what my post was about.
I pointed out that there is still plenty of nudity, it's the style that has changed a lot, how it's done.
HBO does a lot of nudity, but women are always sluts who are "walking around naked, not giving a shit" and have "sex left and right with everybody, men, women, fish, everybody", even if it's the heroine.
It's never a modest girl who just gets in embarrassing situation
Conservative vs liberal difference is not whether there is nudity or not, it is HOW it's done.
unreadable post
Currently, society's default is generally liberal. However you define progressive or conservative, the sort of 'default' of our current society that you're pretty safe agreeing with if you just want to be accepted is generally liberal. Conservative ideas are the ones welling up in response to the dominant liberal culture currently, the ones with so much blowback when expressed publicly.
You're wrong about it.
Homosexuality, female promiscuity and etc are all still stigmatized in right wing corners, liberal ideas have become the cultural norm for the unaffiliated, who just follow the trend.
For all it's worth, conservatives right now are more than ever convinced in their righteousness. Considering how much damage progressive/liberal ideas have done.
Fuck I need a gf so bad bros
>Conservative vs liberal difference is not whether there is nudity or not, it is HOW it's done.
Great rebuttal.
If you want to have a discussion, rather than shitpost, try finding a single point of agreement in your long winded rant
>what i hate the most tho, is that in today's comedies, people see fine to watch a dick pop out, but godforbid a pussy go around
that reminds me of the andy samberg movie Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping. it has a scene were a guy has his dick out and rubs it all over a car window but the movie doesnt have any female nudity.
Ultra based
No you.
I generally do. But that ship has sailed now. In future give it a go.
>guy has his dick out and rubs it all over a car window but the movie doesnt have any female nudity
My kind of movie.
>gets BTFO
>acts like an annoying cunt in responce
Condolences on your loss. Better luck next time.
There's this Polish Leon the Professional rip off from the late 90's I recently watched, where the hitman character and the girl actually have a sexual relationship. A lot of nude scenes in that.
no more comedy nudity these days like in that webm.
>Implying kikes aren't behind gratuitous violence and sexual content in Hollywood
It's almost as if they removed violent content it would discourage one of the largest if not the largest demographic to stop watching movies
suck my dick faggot
It wasn't me who said "Great rebuttal".
And i don't agree with anything that you said, with exception of HBO doing a lot gratuitous sex and nudity, something that i didn't even ever argue against. So sorry. Keep thinking that Hollywood is deeply conservative.
eat my pussy incel
Do you think an unironic shot of an american flag fluttering proudly in the breeze is pandering to conservatives?
Do you think a liberal film, about the entirity of America, would choose as the symbols of families to protect, two white rural families?
You don't have to disagree with everything someone says, to disagree with their larger argument. Utter inability to accept a single thing that they do say however, and a need to contradict all of it, establishes you as an irrational person driven solely towards your opinion, in the face of reasoning.
It's called cognitive dissonance.
That, or, one of you is not even vaguely rational, but has totally fucked ideas about everything. In which case, what is even the point of talking to each other?
I'll give you the beniefit of the doubt though and assume this is cognitive dissonance and lack of understanding of how to discuss things with people rather than you being actually a fucking moron who is literally wrong about everything you say.
>Why do so few movies have goofy scenes with gratuitous tits and ass these days?
Because of PC/Feminism/SJW outrage culture and that we can't have nice things anymore!!!FACT!!!
not who you were replying to but hollywood is mostly made up of leftwing actors, writers and directors. even if a couple of movies have a fluttering american flag which is more likely to give a conservative an erection it doesnt change the fact that hollywood and most movies are decidedly leftwing.
If you're going to buy Electric Boogaloo: The Wild, Untold Story of Cannon Films (2014), get the bluray that's a double bill with another doc called Machete Maidens about filmmaking in the Philippines in the 60's and 70's. Both are fantastic docs and well worth your time and money!!!FACT!!!
>The ultimate T&A movie is Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Script by Roger Ebert.
It's a masterpiece!!!FACT!!!
I think liberals can be patriotic too, and many are. I do not think being proud of your country is an intrinsically conservative value, like i very much said in my rant, it's a basic value. It's only recently that liberals became so openly anti-American, and it's a small subgroup even now, so called progressives, that have very much hijacked the left.
Listen, white Americans make up 60% of the population, so yes it makes sense why they would choose that group. It's simple centrism, now including a black family could be considered pandering towards the progressives. Because Black Americans make up only the 12%, meaning they cannot possibly be considered typical American, they are a minority.
And i hate bringing identity politics into this shit. But just so you know, while i do kinda look white, I'm Armenian living in Armenia. I have no dog in this fight at all. Mine is a complete 3rd party perspective.
oh and remember, Conservatives/Republicans LOVE violence but hate sex/nudity while Liberals/Democrats hate both and were the ones who brought about political correctness!!!FACT!!!
>what i hate the most tho, is that in today's comedies, people see fine to watch a dick pop out, but godforbid a pussy go around or else is considered porn
>that reminds me of the andy samberg movie Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping. it has a scene were a guy has his dick out and rubs it all over a car window but the movie doesnt have any female
Same thing with that Baywatch movie. FUCKING BAYWATCH!!!FACT!!!
patriotism and nationalism are different things which share the same symbols and representing one often dog whistles to the other.
There is nothing wrong with the american flag but flying one at your house says more than just 'I love my country'.
Um, are you literally begging me to agree with him/you at least on something?
I'm not even sure you understand what cognitive dissonance is. But this is very fucking simple, it is actually possible to completely disagree with someone on something, it does not have to be attributed at all to the desire of countering every single point.
Had i found a point of agreement, i would agree. Sadly, i didn't.
Again, the only thing he/you said which was true was about HBO, but i didn't argue against it to begin with.
>Same thing with that Baywatch movie.
it should be a criminal offense to make a baywatch movie without any decent fan service.
read my next post
> flying one at your house says more than just 'I love my country'.
really? what more does it say?
They go for feet scenes these days because those aren't considered indecent. And it's great.
>It's simple centrism
yes also known as conservatism
imagine unironically thinking that the fucking avengers is a progressive liberal movie
It says you hate and fear other countries and don't care about the well being of people who aren't your countrymen. That your country is the best in the world, and that other countries are either to be exploited, or ignored.
Or, that you're an immigrant who is scared of the people who think above.
based thanos is going to snap away the degenerates in the 2nd coming.
I want to make a movie about nudist girls with their feet out of frame in every shot, would be kino.
Um, all i see is Hollywood, an American film industry, pandering to Americans. And all i see when there's an American flag in American house is patriotism, yes.
You might be too far gone if you have problems with this honestly.
It seems like we really won't find any point of agreement.
Oh wait. Killing innocent people is wrong!, you agree?, cool. All's well that ends well.
fuck off chaim
It's not 'America'
It's 'America, fuck yeah, and fuck you'
I don't even have a problem with that, it's just not something you'd generally see in a liberal film, without any other meaning.
It's not like Marvel films are made by singular people, and they are made for the widest audience possible. So in this case, it doesn't mean that the film is 'liberal' or 'conservative', it's designed to appeal to everyone. But that shot? It's not for everyone.
>says you hate and fear other countries and don't care about the well being of people who aren't your countrymen.
must be an american thing because it would not be the case in my country. you can appreciate your own country without hating all others.
Imagine Unironically thinking that conservatives, meaning the right, are the centrists.
Like how the fuck conservatives ever lose elections.
Nice slander. I didn't at all think fucking avengers is a progressive movie. But hey, centrism is conservatism too right, everything to the right of Progressivism is right wing, i get you.
It's like the kind of people who get triggered when they hear spanish or other languages being spoken around them and say
>Speak American motherfucker!
>Or get out of my country!
this is not an insignificant sector of society.
This is just turning into semantics now
But if we're going to say things are relative, then almost all films that aren't hollywood blockbusters are to the left ideologically of hollywood blockbusters.
I'm not American, and when i see the flag i don't ever perceive it as a fuck you to me.
Again, it's a movie from an American film industry appealing to Americans.
Holy fucking shit, dude. You're totally delusional on that flag thing.
This isn't some strange obscure concept. Macron made his speech at the WW1 Centenery at the Arc d Triumph in front of all of the world leaders about this idea that patriotism is in opposition to nationalism because nationalistic values contradict those of western nations.
A flag represents patriotism and is appropriate in many circumstances but it also often represents nationalism and thus liberals are wary of it.
Are you really unfamiliar with flag waving gun toting racist shitheads in america?
And sure, you're Armenian, no one in America gives a shit about you. No one would even be able to pick out your country on a map or say one thing about it except maybe that you got genocided or something and baklava
I'm an Armenian, our language is Armenian, and if you want to live in Armenia, then you must speak Armenian.
Does that mean i hate you?
If you got angry when you heard someone speaking spanish around you, then yes.
its JJ's fault with into darkness
>if you want to live in Armenia, then you must speak Armenian.
Do you mean like, to function in society, or 'or else' and it's not ok to speak other languages?
Macron is a retarded moron.
Patriotism and nationalism cannot ever exist in separation.
Everything can be used by shitheads, it doesn't make it a hate symbol.
And, also, before answering to it i want some clarification, define "nationalistic values" please.
i think you may be reading too much into someone flying an american flag. not american but i got the impression that after 9/11 having a flag became more bipartisan but i guess it depends what state you live in or whether youre in an urban or rural area.
I don't get angry when people speak other languages. But Armenian is the language of Armenia, hence if you want to be part of Armenia, then you gotta speak Armenian.
It's a simple logic.
If you don't want to learn and speak Armenian, don't come to my country. Simple.
Or else is nuanced, if it's just few people, i'm not going to give a shit, but if some people thought that Armenia is some kind of whore to come into and have your way with, then yeah well no. you're out.
american leftists consider it perfectly fine when non-WASP people do that. like they consider black nationalists decent, upstanding human beings but white nationalists are literally hitler.
>t. white nationalist snowflake
she was 15 yo and appeared fully nude. That's quite a good movie btw.
>wouldnt have posted that if i was a black nationalist
Because we actually prefer specific actresses we enjoy the acting of to be sexy then interchangeable generic porn babes.
I'm very well aware of American leftists, whole world is. Trump turned it all into a reality tv, and everyone all over the world are following and know quite well what is happening.
And, many of those who follow it see leftists as useful idiots to use and destroy your country.
I myself regard them even worse, an existential threat to humanity. The only logical conclusion to their ideology is singularity. I'm quite sure they will try to end humanity as an individualistic type. Eventually.
After all having a body of your own for yourself is also a discrimination.
If you don't like bush you're a pedo, sorry you had to find out this way user
how about if you can speak armenian, but walk down the street and speak your own language with your family?
I never said he was right. Only that it is a common idea.
> Hayley Atwell (never nude before, probably our only hope is for more leaks)
> Antje Traue (potential in Dark S3, Dead End S2, Resonance or King of the Ravens)
> Deborah Ann Woll (unlikely, she has said as long as her blind husband can't see her body, we won't get to either)
> Jessica Chastain (done plenty before but no good nude ass shots besides pic related. Also a leak list from a few months back that accurately predicted Maggie Q & Olsen's leaks listed her)
> Katee Sackhoff (strongly appreciated the ass shot in Another Life but I am greedy and want more)
> Anna Torv
> Jennifer Garner (I recall she recently said she wasn't against doing nudity in some interview)
> Cobie Smulders
> Rebecca Mader (currently pregnant)
Sure. No problem.
Okay. But please do define "nationalistic values".
and yes, of course there are positive itterations of nationalism. But there are also some very culturally significant negative ones. Or atleast, ones which many people believe to be negative, so we don't get into an arguement over whether they are or not. And I have already said ITT what those might constitute. Including getting triggered by someone speaking another language near you.
>reading too much into the most blatant symbol imaginable
>Sure. No problem.
Alright so why the fuck have you been pedantically dragging this example out into something else?
>Okay. But please do define "nationalistic values".
I already have described how nationalism often manifests in a deeply negative way. Read the thread. And you cannot play innocent and pretend that this form of nationalism is alien to you and that you browse here.
I don't care about instances, best ideas can go horribly wrong when executed by worst people.
I want to know what do you mean by nationalistic values.
I'm sorry to inform you bit this is wrong. Both enjoy or abhor violence and sex depending on the material and how it is presented. See same for violence.
you hate and fear other countries and don't care about the well being of people who aren't your countrymen. That your country is the best in the world, and that other countries are either to be exploited, ignored, or have your superior values imposed on them for their benefit. And that within your country, your own values and culture are the only acceptable ones.
That is what it means to many, many, people in America.
Cool, now back to the original post
"I'm an Armenian, our language is Armenian, and if you want to live in Armenia, then you must speak Armenian.
Does that mean i hate you?"
Yes or no?
Everything can have bad manifestations. That's not a definition.
I don't even know what do you mean by saying playing innocent. I have never had any kind of negative attitude towards an individual just because he's not Armenian.
That's not the original post. That's YOUR original post, replying to me, after I gave an example of what i meant. Which is
It's like the kind of people who get triggered when they hear spanish or other languages being spoken around them and say
>Speak American motherfucker!
>Or get out of my country!
So if you don't do that, which you have said you don't, you're not what i'm talking about, and all you said was irrelevant and pedantic.
If you want examples of this, go look it up on youtube, there are thousands.
I mean that you seem unaware of how racist people who label themselves as 'nationalists' tend to be, considering that you frequent a site full of racist nationalists.
I think you massively misunderstand American right wing people, or right wing people in general.
I don't hate or fear anybody. I have my home for myself and you have yours, that is all.
I care about humanity in general, but i don't care about the Spanish as much as i care about Armenians, just like if there were aliens, i wouldn't care about them as much as i would care humanity.
Isn't this common sense?
I have brought that example to show that you may not understand the reason why some people do scream like that.
After all if the Chinese came and became 20% of my country, and growing, i would be the same. And consider it an invasion.
I don't care as long as it's few people, who are respectful. But Armenia is for Armenians. That doesn't mean i fucking hate the Chinese.
Which is again, a common sense that is lost on you.
I am aware, and i completely understand, considering they are being conquered. I would be mad too.
i wanted to see mia wasikowska and emily browning nude the most and then they both started doing nude scenes which was good. like to see more of imogen poots, emma roberts, kaya scodelario and karen gillan.
the simple answer is instagram and streamable pornography. Studios/Directors no longer need to slip one of these scenes in to get you into the chair. Theres also seemingly a push not to have any woman on screen to make hambeasts feel threatened
I am giving an example of someone being a racist cunt.
So any person who is not a racist cunt you might give as a counter-example is a different thing, it's not relevant.
If you think that there aren't any racist assholes and that all racism is justified and that lol america is being invaded then you're playing coy with all this 'good nationalist' shit and there ARE good nationalists but you're one of the racist shitcunt ones.
> kaya scodelario
Have you seen her leaks? Go through the whole thread. Some fantastic stuff in there.
>racist people who label themselves as 'nationalists'
so does 'nationalist' just mean 'racist' now. i try to judge individuals on their character rather than ethnic origin but there are ethic groups i in general prefer to others. i dont hate all coloured people but think my culture is better than some other cultures. is that nationalist?
>Jennifer Garner
Just go to the gym and look at some shirtless dude.
thanks. i cant keep up with all these leaks.
We can believe that massive amounts of Illegal Immigration qualifies as a invasion without caring about the race of the illegals.
The great irony is you not minding your own business despite being a nationalist
As if your form of nationalism is a global issue.
>I believe only people who look like me belong in what I consider to be """my""" country
i think you will like this. leslie eastbrook did other films where she showed her assets
>t. zoomer with no understanding of what is being discussed
Um, i asked million times to clarify what nationalist is in your opinion, and the way you defined it has nothing to do with what it really is
And it is, and i quote
Nationalism is an ideology and movement characterized by the promotion of the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty (self-governance) over its homeland. Nationalism holds that each nation should govern itself, free from outside interference"
Now there is civic nationalism and ethnic nationalism, but that's another conversation.
In other words, America first is nationalism. Hating others tho, is not at all a component of that.
Nationalism inevitably has positive and negative attributes, i didn't play at all about anything.
I was simply trying to figure out if you even have any idea what you're talking about.
I'm racist for what exactly, considering you're kind of slow, i will clarify, i do not claim to be a racist, and i do not claim i'm not a racist. i'm just curious what you think makes person a racist.
I have in-group preference, am i racist?
I only like Caucasian girls, and being Caucasian myself, am i racist?
What are you talking about?
When they put our citizens lives in danger by entering illegally they are making it our business.
I didn't say you're racist, that was someone else.
>i do not claim to be a racist, and i do not claim i'm not a racist.
God you're all such tedious disingenuous cunts to talk to.
Your ideology wasn't even under attack here. You've gone off on a massive tangent from the point I originally made, which I don't think you even understood.
You replied to me and I was not looking for a 'is nationalism good or not' argument, I was talking about the use of symbols in films and as far as nationalism was only referring to bad nationalism, so any 'good nationalism' you might hold is not what we're talking about.
>I believe only people who look like me belong in what I consider to be """my""" country
thats not what i said or believe at all. or is that what you consider as 'nationalism'. i do think certain cultures clash and are bad for the country. maybe its just xenophobia but not necessarily nationalism.
Are we talking about Armenia? No. You're talking about what you think Americans should and shouldn't do and what you think about my country.
You really don't like answering to the point, do you
It seems there are few things confused in your head.
You did say
"If you think that there aren't any racist assholes and that all racism is justified and that lol america is being invaded then you're playing coy with all this 'good nationalist' shit and there ARE good nationalists but you're one of the racist shitcunt ones."
And i do think that USA, like Europe, is being invaded, which i said in the post you quoted. Meaning you did call me a racist, a "racist shitcunt" to be precise
No reason to shun away from it, after all maybe i am racist.
It all depends on your definition of racist, which is what i'm trying to figure out right now.
But well, getting anything out of you is complete hell.
And i simply like being precise, you can call me pedantic, but the devil is in the detail.
I like discussing ideas separate from people, but i understand some people are incapable of it.
That guy you're quoting isn't me. I'm the Armenian guy.
as a kid I remember watching a horror(I think) movie, where a women was about to get raped in parking lot and she jumps off it and falls with her legs open on a fence with sharp pins that go right through her vagina. I think the title had something with deathwish in it. does any know what I'm talking about?
Why do i need to see boobs in movies anymore?
this is made up
what a freak
iphones came out in 2006
so its not a zoomer thing
if you were male and straight seeing beautiful actresses boobs would be enjoyable.
It is because of porn. I don’t mind see tits or a sex scene in porn. But id rather not. Im watching a movie because i dont want to jerk off
especially to BBC porn
yeah i like discussing film and television
and you are a shitcunt
Death Wish 2. She got raped, and then jumped out of a window. She was impaled, just not through the pussy, you freak
I am a straight male. Seeing boobs in a movie is cool i guess. But not even close to mandatory. I wanna see boobs i whip out my iphone for a fap session.
actually im about to leave have one right now.
u gonna jerk off to BBC?
70s erotic movies
I should have guessed that the conversation with you wasn't going to go anywhere when you said that "Hollywood is deeply conservative".
But well i still thought to give it a chance. Worthless.
Keep living in your delusions.
we haven't even been talking about that you've just been jacking off about being a nationalist
>But not even close to mandatory.
its not mandatory but its a bonus to see cute actresses nude and you dont necessarily have to fap to it. can just enjoy it aesthetically.
You fucking tool. You can have a tourist or first gen immigrant speak both.
>Dark nipples
Not white, therefore dropped
Fucking retard
Need more shower scenes like in OP !!
they should shoot the hole movie in the girls shower room.