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Other urls found in this thread:


*mocked and berittred




Happened when I saw Spider-Man Far From Home when Peter knocked out Pajeet Flash. Based audience.


>Asian with white skin
>person of color
So if I may ask, what color exactly is that? Assuming POC is strictly for minorities, which it is, what color are Asians, Yea Forums? Say it ain’t so but, dare I say it, are Asians considered...yellow? But no...that’s racist, liberals aren’t racist, though, right, Yea Forums?

>Movies can't have only one or zero people of a certain race
>They must all be treated with respect
Well, it's been fun, Hollywood. You had a good run.

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bruce lee is like a god to millions of white people and his films have been a cash cow for decades, I think asians will cope

Based Quintus Tarantulas

I'm a whitoid and these progressives must think so much less of Asians than I do. A scene in a tarantino flick isn't going to make me think less of an entire race. How fragile do they think Asians are?

the whole yellow race meme actually comes from the chinese. Its not racist at all.
Chinese literally call themselves the yellow race.

I went to see this on saturday and everyone in the theater did indeed laugh, they really laughed when he made those gay little karate noises.
based normies

I think everyone is forgetting that Tarantino is a Bruce Lee geek. Dude just made a tongue-in-cheek reference. I don't think there was any malice. If you made a Spiderman movie in which he kicks Stan Lee's ass, I don't think there'd be a problem

POC is a social construct affecting everyone that differs from the 'norm' of being 'white' . Note that white people are actually not white but pinkish.


anyone else getting annoyed at people getting annoyed at this scene?
There really isn't anything to be upset about and all the seething is frankly, annoying.
Might be the actual sign that outrage sjw culture is collapsing,


This is the actual clip. I realise most people getting outraged probably haven't watched it.

braud pittu- sneed
bruce ree- bane
circa 2019

Of course it didn't have malice. These people are just insane

Most people posting here actually haven't saw the scene and are unironically basing it off some screenshots of OP

Post the full comic lad

Sure thing fren

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its barely even a fight scene. Its just an absurdist flashback scene.

people literally just want something to be mad at this day and age. what a bunch of faggots

whoever it was that convinced everyone to label any non-white as "POC" is a goddamn genius

hmmm I sense this profile pic isn't being 100% honest with us what say you?

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Or did you mean this one

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This redeems Tarantino for all the cuck anti-white propaganda he made for the last ten years.

>guy has a jewfro
very nice meme

haha so funny im glad i came to /tv for repetitions of this great unforced meme

I wonder how the movie would've been with Harvey Weinstein producing

Cliff would have actually fucked Pussy.


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i like the style

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>you can't mock POC, they're inferior!
sounds pretty based to me tbqh

Kung fu masters get embarrassed in real fights all the time. Besides muay Thai and judo eastern martial arts are more like dancing than combat training


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>tarantino loves blacksploitation films so he can say nigger
this is actually some pretty big brain logic desu

interesting... maybe she needs a taste of the BWC

Smdh I can't believe her avatar is conforming to fat shaming standards what a BIGOT

>those fucking comments

Reparations for asian surgeons when???????????

stay triggered

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wow haha so creative its so much more intellectually clever than vinceposting or visually comical than lechiffreposting

bravo i love these literal copies of the same photos and all caps screeching over and over

Did all the people accusing Tarantino of making Asians look like pussies forget that Pai Mei was a thing? He didn't fuck around except for that one time he did

Attached: PAI-MEI-CORECODILE-KILL-BILL-2.jpg (1162x654, 299K)

how do these virgins keep the staceys from raping them on site?



yeah because this guy isn't some kind of comical stereotype at all lol

but he wasn't a pussy like Bruce

This, but unironically and without the strong gay overtones.

uno loves japs hates chinese


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Pai Mei is my favorite character in the duology. Extremely based.

I saw the movie the Thursday it came out.

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Stereotype of what? The harsh ass asian teachers? You ever deal with kendo or judo classes? Those old asian fucks IRL show no goddamn mercy. Especially if you're an out of shape white boy.

>deal with old angry japanese fuck at a decently rated school
>first week he's stretching the shit out of me compared to others
>don't continue the classes because I run out of money
>on the last class, ask him why he kept stretching me
>think he really just hated me because I was the only white boy
>user you're not a fucking bitch spic, that's why
Damn shame, that old jap could go too.

It doesn't. Historically, they saw themselves as white, and so did the first Europeans who made contact with them. However, as they proved resistant to westernization and rejected Christianity, Europeans began referring to them as yellow. This infuriated the Japanese, who insisted they were white, whereas the Chinese embraced it due to yellow being associated with divinity in their culture. They adopted a mentality of "if we're yellow and you're white, that means we're gold and you're silver i.e. second best." A Japanese person will still be offended as fuck if you call them yellow.

Wrong absolutely bullshit and you are lying through your teeth chink.
Fact the chinese refer to THEMSELVES as the yellow race.
Descended from the yellow Emperor.
Yellow being an auspicious colour and compliment.

Is this even a fight scene considering how short it is?

Also I find it funny that people are complaining that Brad pitt grabbed Bruce Lee's arm for half a second is unrealistic but Bruce Lee denting a freakin car and getting up without much issue isn't.

Also, nothing you said contradicts anything in my post. I literally said the Chinese embraced the idea of being yellow.

No one calls japanese yellow you dumb ass fuck. The japanese even ridicule the chinese as yellow. So where the fuck you are pulling this shit out of is nowhere.

People seriously need to fuck off with this idea that anyone who isn't a straight white male is somehow a protected class. Also, can we drop the "PoC" nonsense, and just say "non-white"?

I'm a history major and can literally find you cited articles on this, but alright.

That's it? That's what they were mad about? Everyone knew Bruce couldn't be a prizefighter, besides dumbass gen xers and millenials who worshiped him.
>no sells getting thrown into a car and denting it
>has a short little exhibition, both clearly just fucking around and light sparring
Goddamn SJW need to die.

No idiot. Read carefully.
The chinese INVENTED the entire concept. Blaming whites is a lie and blatant revisionism.
The chinese were calling themselves the yellow race thousands of years before Europeans even met them.

Yeah no you are a liar. The japs literally draw chinese caricatures as yellow goblins.

the entire term comes from the chinese.

Oh boy here comes the SEETHING PARTIES

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No shit the Japanese hate the Chinese. I never claimed otherwise. Claiming the Asians have always been referred to as the yellow race is fucking wrong, though, and clearly you're not actually interested in facts so this will be my last post in this thread.

>mutli replying
Don't >> his posts, he's just looking for (you)s

ok, Aemerican racism has peaked autism level

>Don't >> his posts, he's just looking for (you)s

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I want people to understand how deceitful and two faced asians can actually be.

When you call a chinese person "yellow" they may act really offended right?
Heres the thing its actually a compliment and they know that.

Imagine actually being so twofaced you would squeal racism at a compliment!
Being called yellow is the HIGHEST compliment to chinese the self named yellow race,.

I do not envy Asian guys' dating situation.

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Literally, how could anyone in their right mind think that his films are racist? youtu.be/RBg-1WPRtQs

>yfw you're not an asian guy

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If you are a white guy and a virgin, I have only one question for you: why haven't you cashed in your "one free asian gf for any white guy" coupon yet?

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I doubt he even realised the backlash that would happen. He's been inoculated from it by making epic "fuck nazis guys!!" and "black people are so cool!" stuff that he didn't have any clue how unacceptable it is for a movie not to shit on white men constantly.

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>Holy shit I launched my own podcast
>plugged a mic into a laptop
ahhhh yes incredible.. I've always heard asians where so technologically advanced

>every pindick gibmegrant beta can make a [my race] business

>Whites do it and the fbi investigates them

lol and people act like there isnt some double standard on race.
More to the point that fags that do this are always awful losers.

China has next gen Elevator That Slices You In Half™ technology

ahaha what a great post
please post more original things like this

>Whites do it and the fbi investigates them
What are you babbling about you schizo

when you see someones profile pic/art like this you just know

what about hungry escalators?


Yeah, those poor girls who wanted to commit murder. Funny this bitch hates Cliff for (maybe) killing his wife, but then celebrates women--and the man the author conveniently left out--who murdered a pregnant woman. Nice narrative.

They're working on a new build that swallows up to 10 customers a minute, but they had to nerf the grinder as not even the teeth could survive it making identification difficult. Hopefully we'll see it in action by 2020.

the retarded autist chink incel is posting porn all over the site in respose to this meme so funny

I thought the common sjw consensus was that asians aren't people of color because they're too privileged?

Manson and his cult are loved by progressive liberal democrats

That's right, i can't think less of them because i already think they are weak effeminate men. And their women are only good for a weekend fun.


only newfriends aren't desensitized to blacked at this point

paco pls


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he sounds pretty based desu

Holy shit asian women

Sure, the Asian redditors who flock here are losers, but why do you generally hate Asians IRL? I get along with them very well.

Oh she is getting some already, taught to her by her parents, her white father and her gook mother.

>because they're too privileged
Kek this never made sense to me how libcucks thought asians had more privilege than whites

I wonder if she secretly longs for Cliff's plump delicious cock

Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach* WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr *tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart* Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady... *heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt* ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum *milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets* BABY WANTS TO FUCK *inhales from the gas tank* honka honka honka honka *masturabtes furiously* ohhhh my gooooodd~

Euh guys, you need to make 220.000 extra to get with a black woman? What the fuck is this uppity shit?

progs use the idea of "privilege" to explain why whites on average have higher IQs, make more money, perform better academically than non-whites and commit less crime than non-whites. It only makes sense that they'd use the same idea to explain why Asians are even better than whites in these areas. In reality it's probably largely genetic.
t. wh*te boi

this is why the media is getting BLACKED

these disguised as progressive bigots are way too loud to hollywood ears

do actual chinks from china even know who bruce lee is? i feel like this is a controversy mostly for americanized chinks like

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I too actually, haven't met a single asian i didn't like. But i also know they are two faced liars, and on the internet they prolly go around telling stories of the devil white man. It's like niggers, i know several black people i like, but as a whole i despise them.

is tarantino confirmed a feetfag?

It's a black male thing

I agree with the two-faced part. They pose as SJWs, bitch about white supremacy and white racism, but criticize them even a little bit and they instantly lash out and reveal their own racism. Then again, these might just be the Asian redditors I mentioned. Most Asians I meet in real life at least seem to be pretty chill.



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For all whites except Jews

it's so crazy that this is how men use dating apps

what do you mean

Everyone in my theater laughed. Why is this scene so funny?

swiping on every person

They immediately swipe them all right, they don't even check all their pictures, hobbies, job etc? Don't you wanna know these things in your partner?

Incels: The Photo

because you look at that shit for the ones who accepted you, that video is meant to be pointing out that all the asian chicks went for him

Does that mean I have a chance?

They should get a shirt that says "Been eating only McDonald's every day since childbirth".

Why, do you cook your own food, like a woman?

Well, Asian women are good for little more than fucking. Their hobbies are always shopping and eating.

how is that different than other women?

>Implying that men who cook their own food or any male that's a chef for that matter is feminine or has feminine qualities
This alt-right autism is too much.

SJWs hate Asians because their very existence blows the fuck out of their "white privilege/supremacy" argument. If the only reason other minorities suck is because "the white man holding them down", Asians shouldn't be more successful on average than white people, yet they are when it comes to education, income, not chimping out, etc.

i feel like the people outraged from this meme haven't even seen the film or the scene

what are you gay?

Actually one of the things that makes asian women so appealling is they usually have geeky or intellectual hobbies.
Thats why they get with white men so much not only are they sexual attractive to white men they hangout in the same scenes.

This guy looks like a twig

Most of the hate for asians comes from feminists.

>they usually have geeky or intellectual hobbies

This is yellow fever speaking, there's autists in every race

they built a statue to the guy user

What the fuck, no
The appeal of asian women is that they don't talk back, treat you like a man, and at worst only fucked one digit number of guys
I could not care less what my gf was into

How tiny is this guy that phone looks fucking huge

im not even joking its a real thing. Asian women love things like anime and video games, book and music that white men usually like.
For example i made a clan in an online game most of the clans female members are asian women.

And blacks
And jews
And other asians

What self respecting human gives themselves a derogatory term like POC?

Only literal jews use the term

Manufactured outrage, is my guess, to make people talk about the film more.

Asians complaining about their racial status and representation is like white people pretending to be niggers; embarrassing. You can immediately tell they're the bottom rung of their entire race due to feeling inferior to people they statistically do far better at in society. Asian superiority faggots usually due to out of some threatened feeling too, so I can't ever really get behind their messages since they stem from fallacy, envy, or some desperate drive to a sense of superiority. The biggest cucks.

99% of Asian women are only interested in shopping and eating. Stop watching anime.

That was a demonstration of how easy it is for white guys to date women in China. But yeah most men aren't picky. Getting matches on Tinder as a woman isn't an accomplishment, more a measure of how easy and fuckable you look.

That was in Hong Kong dipshit, not the mainland

>tfw there's no jewish psy-ops for turning black women into weebs/koreaboos to pair them up with chinks and have the cuck triangle come full circle

yeah the asian women that date asian paypigs

The future is Castizo and Blasian. Just look at America and Africa

I actually think the issue with asian masculinity is asian culture really hates actual masculine asian men.
Notice how asian fags are always promoting skinny metrosexual fags as the ideal of asia masculinity.
All the actual masculine men in asia get completely ignored even shunned.

But chinks already fuck lots of girls in Africa

The problem is its impossible for them to go against the grain, thats why they always act the most in accordance with mainstream culture.

Just imagine being the dominant class on earth and having this much of a victim complex. Absolutely pathetic.


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White guys cucking asians isn't really just a meme tho lets be honest

He's not that big in the mainland but most overseas chinese are from Hong Kong


One frame is actually based

The Manson girls were not villains, they are heroes

How are asians the dominant class on earth? Not yet anyway


It's reality.

Attached: asianroastie3.jpg (540x415, 180K)

many people swipe right on everyone and if they don't like the bio when they've matched they don't say anything

>famous for being unbeaten
Easy to do when you spend your whole life running away from competition. This is what Bruce's Wing Chun looks like in a real fight: youtube.com/watch?v=M8Oe1vmkcn8

>Asian "man" saves his shoes
>White chad picks up the cuckolds wife, forever branding her as his breeding stock for his virile white sperm as well as what used to be the Asian "man"s offspring, to be raised in the proud, strong, white way

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Of course reddit would sperg the fuck out about an innocuous post and revert to political shitflinging.

Tinder is about hooking up and fucking, if you meet a 'partner' on tinder just fucking lol enjoy that life.

Women and fags of every ethnicity wanting to get BLACKED isn't a meme either


Asian """"""""""men""""""""""

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I follow some alpha asian men and women and they are basically outcasts.
They are geuninely ostracised and sidelined by asian society.
It feels if you are an actual manly man in asia you are the equivalent of the village idiot or a comical character.

blacked is aimed at white men

Attached: yikes.webm (1280x720, 2M)

>I follow some alpha asian men

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oh he's person of color alright
just not the one he thinks.

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im serious the reason why you dont see alpha asian men is they are shunned.

If your woman does this, you have to slap her real hard and drag her home by her hair

Originally yeah but Asians are coming for us now as well. Worked out really well for my black weeb brothers out there


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What kind of faggot "follows" other people? Are you Asian?


mods dont make me get political

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White man's burden

yes so what?

Whito man pleazu givu me whaito baby!

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Why are asians so cucked and how did it happen? Are they the most cucked race in the planet?

No wonder lmao

White men happened.

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A good half of them look really cute.
Also notice how they are not wearing makeup

They're not, but white men just happen to be statistically the tallest race, the largest race, the most succesful race, the strongest race as well as having a phenotype that is seen as attractive + light hair eyes and skin. Asians haven't done anything wrong.

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And this is how white women react to black men as well
It's a circle


The 2020 Olympics in Tokyo is going to have a fuckton of mixed babies.


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I'm not jewish.



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How the fuck did Maddox reach that high? He's like 5'3.

Is that it?

>larping this hard as a KARA BOGA nigger
Is anyone in this thread who they say are? I’m OP btw

It's mostly an immigrant problem the US. 2nd generation chink girls in these countries are always trashy and have huge inferiority complexes, leading them to hate their own ethnicity and favor the men of the dominant one, which in most cases means white men although some go after black men or hispanic men if they're REALLY self-hating. It's an affirmation to their self-hatred: "I'm good enough for a white guy!" The worst offenders are Filipinos and 2/3rd generations Chinese and Koreans. Japanese girls are the least self-hating Asians in the US but mostly because they're more educated, although ironically they're the ones most likely to marry white men.

>tfw I'm a nationalist but hate my nation's women

one of the curious things about the azncel fags is how they often attack asians just to get at whites.
If you are a rational normal asian id be worried about them.


Holy shit. has this braddu pittu onslaught been a cia psy-op to trigger an Asian incel to commit a shooting?

But why? Other races rarely intermarry like Blacks and Indians who overwhelmingly stay with their own race or marriage rates are equal, like latinos and whose marriage rates are almost equal for both genders. It's only asians whose women marry others races (mostly white) at a way higher rate.

Can relate, was self-hating Filipino for a bit during adolescence due to shitty Filipino parents (also because my dad is super insecure of his masculinity and my mom is a raging narcissist). One of my friends is a wmaf hapa though and has like 0 self-confidence so I have no idea. Either way I've only dated white girls and one Indian and I absolutely refuse to date a Filipina so white incels can feel free to get their share, it's not that hard lmao

wasn't it obvious?


lol you're a loser

What are you some fucking american? There is no such thing as "asian", they are chinese, vietnamese, japanese etc.
I'd like to see one of you Ben Shapiro watching troglodytes see a medieval battle, you'd probably say "Wow they are both conservative nationalists, why are they fighting, aren't they on the same side?"


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>please white man care about my [imaginary issue]
>no no you are a loser though
typical brown clown.

Flips are the chaddest asians imo. They can usually escape the ricel curse unless they're just really short, like below 5'7", which can happen. I think it's because they often get associated with spics, so they're not thought of as that beta, but since they're still asian they're a lot smarter than spics, so a better choice by default.

>flip claims to date white women
you are such a virgun rice cel lel.
flips get no pussy certainly not white women they are out of your 4 ft league.

LOL flips are the most beta asians. Why so you asiancels lie so much?

false flag

i swear minorities are delusional. White people are just laughing at you morons all day.

Lmao thanks I guess, a lot of people in America confuse me for Chinese or some other Asian sounding ethnicity though since I bear almost no resemblance to the average Filipino (6'1 and light skin). I
have a super Mexican/black name though so it throws them off haha

you tlanny stop dereting my thlead

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Can we all just get along?

Dude seems based. I'd like to hear what he has to say about things.

>ashkully i'm a 6'1 flip that looks white


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hold this L, virgin.

Meanwhile, in reality...

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the fact that I can make some kissless virgin here cope in a cold sweat at night gives me life haha, kneel


I don't know, tripsfren. Donnie's looking pretty good right there.

>i swear asians are delusional
Fixed that for you

I'm not laughing at them all day.

keep telling yourself that

The reason for that is mostly demographic: Asians make up around 4% of the US population meaning that they're usually surrounded by whites, unlike Blacks and Hispanics which mostly live around other Blacks and Hispanics. Although there are some Asian enclaves ( Chinatown, Koreatown etc), most Asians are thrown in to majority white neighborhoods which means they're more likely to intermarry as they don't have any other Asians around. Indians are demographically in the same boat as most Asians but their marriage customs usually prevent any intermarrying.
This doesn't occur only in the US, you can see it in France with Algerian women and in Germany with Turkish women. 2nd and 3rd generation immigrants are often culturally shamed by the dominant culture and thus try to make themselves "culturally invisible" by dating/marrying into the dominant culture.

So... this is the power of white boomer humour...

you ain't makin anyone cope you faggot monkey you are a 4 ft brown troglodyte liar.

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seethe,cope,dilate in that order

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based chapelle dabbing on chinks

>posting your picture of Yea Forums to prove a "point"
not even those faggots you responded to but goodness you are incredibly insecure. no wonder you date wh*te women

more like r/azninsecurity

I bet she would leave him for someone better. Race doesn't matter

Wasn't Dave Chappelle cancelled by #metoo recently for saying that Michael Jackson didn't diddle kids?

>being proud of posting for a photo with le orange bankruptcy man
Flips are genuinely the scum of the earth

>make a claim only an insane or paranoid schozophronic would make
>an user calls you out for being a paranoid schizo
>"Dude you're gaslighting me"

There's a kernel of truth to what you're saying but your grandiose claims make you seem retarded. And lead one to immediately discount everything you said

based most powerful race in the world

You mean Trump bankrupting a nation with a billion people back to the stone age with the plummet of the yuan, right?

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despite being literal neo-nazis

they werent neo nazis you retarded low iq idiot,

Says the guy posting in example #123908123 of a forced meme white fragility thread.
This whole thing probably started because a white incel got upped by an Asian, leaving him to sperg out on Yea Forums of all places.

Like you? lmaoooo

This is what the asian boy fears. The White man.

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Pei Mei is a character from Chinese legend that’s exactly how he has been portrayed in chink films for decades

I watched this film with my girlfriend and she was visibly aroused during that scene
We are both chinese
Should I be worried?

most western kpop fans are black chicks

This is Fedor Emiliano.
He is the toughest white fighter in HISTORY. He is the source of great prides for whites. Whenever Lee, Ali, Tyson etc are bought up all you hear from the screeching whites is 'BUT FEDOR WOULD BEAT THEM'. They are STRONGLY proud of him.

Now I have a movie idea. The movie idea doesn't matter just that the cast is 99.9% asian males. What matters is one scene in the movie.

We're gonna have Fedor Emiliano go into a Chinese restaurant and order some asian food (cos whites aint go spice). The waiter will say 'OK you can have it WHITE BOY SPICY'. Fedor flips out in a comical russian accent 'WHO ARE U CALL BOY COMRADE'. He grabs the waiter by his kung fu master moustache and pulls him over the counter. A man in the restaurant notices the fight and hits the gong and everyone gathers round. The waiter leaps up. 'I am trained in serve you. I am also trained in GIVE WHITEY WHAT HE DESERVES-FU'. He karate chops Fedor who falls to the ground and scrambles up only to be hit by a karate kick and a flying geisha fan with a knife inside. The calendar falls off the wall revealing it is the year of the monkey ..... the YELLOW monkey, not the fucking white one, who had their chance when they enslaved chinese labourers for years and are now trailing china in all metrics.

How'd you like that?

Attached: Fedor-Emelianenko.jpg (395x594, 28K)

He should've fucked her right then and there

embrace it. Tape her being plowed by white bulls and post it for all the world to see.

Meanwhile, in reality...

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yeah about that "reality"

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they literally wanted to start a race war, the whole point of the Tate murders was so the media would blame it on the blacks

Attached: charles-manson-0.jpg (968x681, 38K)

>they literally wanted to start a race war, t
>the whole point of the Tate murders was so the media would blame it on the blacks
Also true but they also murdered blacks to blame it on whites.
None of this is evidence hey were neonazis you retard.

Who cares about who's strong or who's not? Those two people in OPs pic are different weight classes I think ( I have ignorance knowledge in MMA fighting). Of course a taller more bigger muscular man would beat a slim muscular man.

And besides we humans have created a powerful tool that made everyone equal, the gun. No matter if you are big, fat, slim you can BTFO a muscular opponent who is trying to kill you with a bullet in the head.

Fedor Emilianenko*.

Holy shit I knew her at University of Portsmouth.


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Dam, maybe Tarantula is aight after all even if he probably does have the mind of a child

Why did you post two latinos fighting?

The use of the swaztika was popular in punk culture as a means of being offensive.
See the sex pistols

You underage woke niggers have no fucking clue what you are talking about.


Spoken like a retard who wasnt a part of said culture. No one in the punk scene gives a shit what sex pistols did

Does the Pope shit in the woods ?

If she's on a dating app she's likely mentally ill anyway

Who's being two-faced right now?
You sound like a piece of shit bro

Black women love prettyboy K-pop types more than anyone


The point of it is that both fighters are immature like kids.

This, you sound like a fucking antnigger

>everything is a nazi
Not an argument. The Mansons were a christian hippie cult.
You are stupid.

Truly the most powerful race

He is a contrarian.

Slavs are literally yellow and Asian though

Why do the feet have two lines through them?

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Shameless slut.

This, the cinema howled at the bitch slap knocking him out.

>I’m a feminist
>women can’t be villains!!! That’s sexist!!!

How can these people be so utterly lacking in introspection?
I might go watch the movie now even though I already read the plot and think it sounds boring just to see violence against a young female character and to make sjws butthurt

What did Jefferson do to maritime power.

Really makes you think

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Wait for the torrent.

>famous for being unbeaten

Who the fuck has a poster of Bruce Lee because he has a perfect fight record? He was a PERFORMER and martial artist not a professional fighter.

A really GOOD performer too, it's almost like the people who are upset barely even know who Bruce was.


Fedore Emiliano, the renowned Russo-Italian chef

So logically?

You aren't investing anything by swiping but you CAN get a payout. There's no logical reason to sort through "Don't knows" when you can just swipe through everything and then sort through the yeses.