What's the best kino for a recent convertee?
What's the best kino for a recent convertee?
>converting to christianity
lmao islam is the future
Calvary or Silence.
Jesus of Nazareth 1977. 6 hours of kino take some breaks. But well worth it and it will teach you of the disciples.
Young Pope
I didn't like Silence (formerly Loudness)
Silence isn't the type of thing you should show a recent convert. It's a beautiful and harrowing picture, but as a work of faith it falters.
the book of eli
The Mission is cool and fairly historically accurate. Pretty heavyhanded symbolism though
>Recent brain impaired manchild that believes his imaginary friends are real.
>White skinned
>Blue eyed
>Living in the middle east
>Speaks English
Makes perfect logical sense.
Some of the greatest minds in history have been Christian. Religious belief does not predict level of intelligence, regardless of your personal beliefs. Please let this shitty r/athiesm meme die.
The Flowers of St Francis. Pure saintkino
The soundtrack is really good, from Ennio Morricone
It has nothing to do with him being 'Christian' it applies to Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Pagans/Wiccans. and Hindus as well.
>It has nothing to do with him being 'Christian' it applies to Buddhists, Muslims, Jews, Pagans/Wiccans. and Hindus as well.
>in this moment i am euphoric...
cringe. why are you aggressively confrontational against christianity? you come off like the fedora meme and it's not a good look.
Make sure you're truly saved
cringe and heresypilled
Thin Red Line for sure
movies for this feel? hard mode: no jesus camp
Any kind of cuckold porn.
Top ten favorite movies atheists will never understand.
The Passion, unironically
where is the heresy?
once saved always saved
sola scriptura
sola fide
reprobates cant repent
no eucharist
mary not the mother of god
I can go on
Thanks for the reddit-style reply. You're literally an NPC
Jesus Christ Superstar
>I'm inbred and can't read.
Did I not mention that it has nothing to do with Christianity and that it applies to other religions as well? You might want to wipe your dad's cum off your eyes or get hooked on phonics.
Unironically Star Wars A New Hope.
Seethe and cope. lol
>Seethe and cope. lol
i was referring to comment, dipshit.
>You might want to wipe your dad's cum off your eyes or get hooked on phonics.
also you write like a literal retard from some tiny 1,000 person town in the middle of some flyover state. i bet you think you're special because you were the "smart" one in your graduating class of 50.
>speaks English
this has to be bait
lel i love how protestants are living in the heads of catholics rent free
>reddit actor
>reddit memes
>reddit religion
yeah, i'm thinking he's based
>reddit, reddit, reddit
ok, guy
1 & 4 contradict each other m. I guess I’m a Calvinist for not agreeing with the once saved always saved doctrine.
also you write like a literal retard from some tiny 1,000 person town in the middle of some flyover state. i bet you think you're special because you were the "smart" one in your graduating class of 50
This sounds like quite the projection, especially from someone who's grammar is way off.
The Perfect Wave. Based on a true story and I got choked up. Has a strong Christian message.
If you're a Calvinist then thanks for helping me doubt my faith for 10+ years, asshole
I was referring to the movie you absolute retard where Jesus does speak English and why the movie is historically laughable and complete dumpster fire like most religious films.
The Mission
The Flowers of St. Francis
Diary of a Country Priest
Andrei Rublev
Quo Vadis
A Man for All Seasons
Cecil B DeMille's biblical epics are also quite good.
This. In general, I'd be wary of recommending Endo's works to a new convert.
Seethe and cope. lol
I disagree with OSAS because how do u explain professed Christians who become atheist? If reprobates can’t repent, were they really saved to begin with? I’d like to think salvation is simple but there’s so many questions me and other believers have.
Any movies for an exmormon who wants to believe in god again?
>Seethe and cope. lol
>first CinemaScope film ever
non reply to your non reply. i gave you a list of heresies and you give me cope. i dont care how "based" vitamink is, hes still a blaspheming heretic
he had a minister in his "church" who was supposedly saved but later was revealed to be non trinitarian. makes you think huh...
What even is being saved? Is heaven all you stive for? Can't salvation be manifested while we're on this planet? I want rest, sure, but rituals and theology won't get you anywhere peaceful.