As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain

>As I walk through the valley where I harvest my grain,
I take a look at my wife and realize she's very plain

Attached: weirdal.png (1914x1440, 828K)

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But that's just perfect for an Amish like me,
You know I shun fancy things like electricity

gtfo zoomer

At 4:30 in the morning I’m milking cows
Lurk moar, faggot

zoomer detected

Jebadiah feeds the chickens and jacob plows, fool

all my life I always thought that "like Robinson Crusoe, it's as primitive as can be" line was odd and weak. Then I saw the opening for Giligan's Island on MeTV and I was like "ohhhhh"

weird al is peak autistic dadcore

most kino shot

forgot to crop it

But we aint really quaint
so please don't point and stare
we're just technologically impaired

Jesus this really as kino

I don't understand this post.

A long, long time ago

Attached: Capture.jpg (1001x711, 32K)

He wasn't aware that the line from the song was actually a reference to the Giligan's Island Theme

Oh. I was going to say how could he fucking not, but frankly, I was like 7 when I first heard Amish Paradise and had no idea what song it was a parody of. Obviously his songs only got better and better as I got older.


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>millennials ITT posting post-1992 Weird Al, or what Gen Xers call the "fallen era"

and I've been milkin' and plowin' so long that even Ezekiel thinks that my mind is gone
I'm a man of the land, I'm into discipline, got a bible in my hand and a beard on my chin
and if it's time to finish my chores, and you finish thine, then tonight we're gonna party like it's 1699

This is his best one honestly

>a song that is a parody of a cover

Take the AmishPill

>guaranteed a virgin waifu
>religion reinforces your authority as head of the family
>physically demanding work makes you incredibly strong
>fucking all the time, have a huge family to help you on the farm

Thinking of taking it myself bros, but I'd have a secret room with a laptop, mobile phone and solar power cell in my barn for when I want to shitpost and fap to trannies.

That is weak.

Weird Al got bullied IRL by Coolio for making this song and apologized on air like a bitch.

by Coolio's lawyers. I think Coolio and his record label sued him or threatened to sue him because Coolio's a bitch.

He bitched and moan how the song was personal and about his experience in the hood... felt angry white guy was profiting from his ghetto angst.

Weird Al and his lawyers settled out of court.

Aren't they really inbred, or am I thinking of hasidic jews?
Coolio apologized sweetie

OP, i really appreciate you


How the fuck did they get all those animals to walk backwards in that reverse shot?


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They went forward he went backwards

It's just played backwards you idiot

The kino of this shot is him mouthing all the words backwards

>Not hearing the joy of Dr. Demento in the 80’s

You missed out

Both really. Also lots of meth

Yeah that's pretty good

It's not even an original song:

I'm sure as part of their settlement he was required to "not disparage" Mr. Yankovichlesteinberg, which he probably misconstrued in his ape brain to mean "ima spose to 'pologize" when the subject comes up. He's clearly very uncomfortable in that clip for no reason other than he doesnt want the wrong thing to be said, which is why he wouldnt let the faggot finish his question.

Looking it up, the original Amish community was only about 200 people. Those old stock ones have issues, but since then there has been a massive influx of converts bringing new blood into the religion.

>While the Amish are at an increased risk for some genetic disorders, researchers at The Ohio State University Comprehensive Cancer Center—Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Richard J. Solove Research Institute (OSUCCC-James) have found their tendency for clean living can lead to better health. Overall cancer rates in the Amish are 60 percent of the age-adjusted rate for Ohio and 56 percent of the national rate. Tobacco-related cancers in Amish adults are 37 percent and non-tobacco-related cancers are 72 percent of the rate for Ohio adults. The Amish are protected against many types of cancer both through their lifestyle—there is very little tobacco or alcohol use and limited sexual partners—and through genes that may reduce their susceptibility to cancer. Dr. Judith Westman, director of human genetics at OSUCCC-James, conducted the study. The findings were reported in a recent issue of the journal Cancer Causes & Control. Even skin cancer rates are lower for Amish, despite the fact many Amish make their living working outdoors where they are exposed to sunlight and UV rays. They are typically covered and dressed to work in the sun by wearing wide-brimmed hats and long sleeves which protect their skin.[6]

minimum viable population is much smaller than you'ld think and despite the way "hybrid vigor" is memed by retards, the ideal genetic match is generally considered by scientists to be 3rd cousins in humans. It's just that breeding closer than that basically results in immediate risks, whereas breeding further is much less directly problematic.


Ooonce there was this kiiiid who
took a trip to Singapore and brought along his spray paint.

I don't know why the stupid Kipper Kids from UHF makes me laugh so much.

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Anybody ever buy those Amish heaters they show on TV every once in a while?

this is a genuinely great song, and I used to watch this video every time I got drunk for like ten years
seeing Mark Mothersbaugh seem to be genuinely annoyed that fucking Weird Al did everything he was attempting to do with Devo perfectly with just one song made me respect Al a lot more

only thing more cringe than a weird al fag is a capeshit fag