Stop watching movies

Go to church.
Find a nice girl.
Start a family.

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stop smoking

I got off of Yea Forums and the internet in general for one day yesterday. It felt so surreal, even though all my negative feelings came back about having no social life and being a KHV, I felt free and kind of happy. I came back today, and my mood went down the shitter. Thinking of leaving the internet altogether permanently.

I don't even watch movies.I just shitpost here.

Went to church, didn't find a girl

I already do, just browse tv when I have some free time.

>Go to church.
>Find a nice girl.
sorry, dont want a born again whore

Only a good and honorable man should and does do these things. If I finally man up one day, I'll just shoot myself.

>nice girl

You mean an ex-slut?


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Fuck off, /pol/.

Why not both?

Is this how it's done?



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>Go to church.

Same dude. I’m just getting all the quality porn, music, movies, tv shows I can right now so once I’ve accumulated enough, I’ll leave.


more like organize a movement to help things fall apart even more. i don't give one fuck about whores or niggers or fags. gas em all.

Why.... How..... Wut....

>having the internet without actually having to go on it
We have to leave cleanly. Enough is enough
No more jacking off, no more mind numbing internet, just cut it all out. Besides work/education, I feel the need to cut down IMMENSELY on my internet time

>being so addicted to the internet that not using it for one day felt surreal
reminder that optimal patrician chad internet use is 1-3 hours a week maximum, any more than that and you're reddit and onions

worry about your own shitty life

>go to church
You lost me

Why do Yea Forums and /pol/ posters constantly demand other people to do things they don’t even themselves? Is it narcissism?