No, henri "just" cavil is not a chad, you fucking boomer

no, henri "just" cavil is not a chad, you fucking boomer.
he's a balding old man who's days are counted.

this is a man all women and teenage girls alike drool over,
notice his full head of hair? notice his perfect hairline? notice his youthful skin?
you can spam that cringy henri cavil webm all you want, you'll die single and alone just like him

Attached: 24e3d61bd9631e55ccbf854a10aef8b1.jpg (943x1200, 163K)

Other urls found in this thread:

an extra brutal mog to make boomers cry in their sleep tonight

Attached: large.jpg (750x750, 48K)

Post his nudes

looks like a faggot this what a man looks like.

Attached: 6f378c46ae5f161c0f8d8f432b52d8c1.jpg (666x1000, 75K)

l-looks like a f-faggot, look at this based ultrachad that we incels try to live through in our anonymous school shooter board

just saying this is what I would consider top tier man to look like not the twink you posted you subhuman low iq mongrel.

Attached: 95785-david_gandy_fotos_modelos_1.jpg (580x871, 70K)

He looks weird in motion, though. Just watch his mouth in videos. It's a shame.

when you look like this you can't try to talk smart to anybody
dumb failure of a boomer incel freak

Attached: 153244654589.jpg (633x640, 51K)

keep coping,I am 18.

Ugly as sin, with a little touch of down syndrome in his facial expression. Were it not for all the money and fame he'd be an old man living his late 30s in his mother's basement just like you waiting for the day he finally musters the courage to shoot his brains kek

sure thing,retard

Attached: 10-102755-david_gandy_my_style.jpg (1080x540, 119K)

>18 trying to vouch for old men that are the perfect instrument of cope of all the boomers of this board (common knowledge)
uhum honey, you were 18 when Henry Just still had hair in his head

dilate you dumb whore.

uh oh, he has no argument anymore
looks like I hit too close to home (or basement)
boomers should be out of this website by 25, you're pathetic

How does Karl Urban rank?

>still has a hairline
better than henri cavill by a gigantic margin

you will never be a women.

cope and seethe

Attached: this kills the boomer.jpg (564x705, 74K)

Attached: 1511789225348.jpg (800x1382, 229K)

I can only assume you're a homosexual projecting his feelings on to others

based Froy poster

he gets mogged by actual chads

Attached: aristomenis-kapak-resmi.jpg (540x716, 100K)

Not just a fag, an ugly fag as well



imagine seething this hard against a chad that you use another twink's picture

are you sure youre not a faggot?

this thread is gayer than a faggot

you will never be young again :(


Attached: libby.gif (500x280, 892K)

nice onions boy
do you happen to have the same beard?

>he can't grow facial hair

Attached: laughing girls.png (449x401, 490K)

>"What a fool you are. I'm a god, how can you kill a god?

Attached: 7bc5ac930b4376acccb0b582fd501d28.png (492x642, 650K)

stop posting arabs

Attached: 19050265_257142018095070_3758446763137040384_n.jpg (852x1065, 123K)

better looking version of him

Who the hell is this child?

people should really learn the difference between a chad, twink and fuckboi

Chad is what Yea Forums faggots are dreaming about, twinks like OP is what women crave for.

True, this poster fooled me once with Froy, in pictures he looks great, but he's ruined in motion. He's Mexican and speaks decent Spanish but he has gay voice and laughs like a little girl.

Me, a centrist: Please let me eat Chad and twink's assholes

I guess you can judge someone's attractiveness by how many "good" angles they have

yikes people think this queen mogs henry? LOL

How do I learn the science of angles, guys? This cheat code is incredible.

Isn't this the Chad that became a tranny?

Thread theme.

Orb is more plastic now, than man, and most likely dead.

Orb never had surgery. Just mewing and puberty

Who is that guy? For me, this is what a true Chad would look like.

haha ok i'm not sure but i think someone itt might be a little insecure not gonna say who though

what the fuck is this



Attached: 1564613770266.png (225x225, 4K)

what an effeminate faggot LOL

If you weren't a mouth breather as a child and didn't have shit-tier genetics, you naturally mew.

All orb did was clear his skin and go through puberty