Skanko edition


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The Carla Esparza?

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Tony champ

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>that grammar
how many brain cells left?

Why does Chandler get to weigh 156lbs and Charles is considered "over" the weight limit at 155.5lbs in the very same division. This seems pretty arbitrary, no?

Championship weight dumbo

Carla moves like a middleweight but Rose only needs one

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Yeah, but why are championship fights within the same divisions fought with a different weight allowance. What's the basis for the distinction?

If a fight is going to be contested with no special provisions like a title, a pound allowance sounds fine. If a title is on the line, which has higher promotional and competing implications, wouldn't you want to be able to say that you've competed and won while meeting every stringent condition imposed on you? That everything was as fair and even as possible?

Give me one good reason the weigh ins are done a day before the fight and not 5 minutes.

>If a title is on the line, which has higher promotional and competing implications, wouldn't you want to be able to say that you've competed and won while meeting every stringent condition imposed on you? That everything was as fair and even as possible?

This goes out the window when you put it into the context of how the UFC bent over backwards for its projects like GSP, DC and Khabib when they weren't making weight or Jon when he had issues with PEDs. I guess Charles just doesn't qualify for that Dana White privilege.

Charles after being "taken down" by opponents

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I have an interview in 2 hours and I'm shitting my pants

nates final flushing? will hap be their with a plunger?

So fighters can suffer for our enjoyment

That doesn't really address what I was saying. All of those fighters ended up making weight for their title bouts.

Imagine how shithouse the fights would be.

Let's go Rakic

>All of those fighters ended up making weight for their title bouts

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>"Listen to me, user. I need you to sloooow down. Get control of your breathing. You're doing fine. I want you to take 10% off of your answers. You've got this."

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Gf just sent me this lads

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If you have the athletic ability to make it to the UFC, why the fuck would you? Other sports pay ten times better, you won't get fired overnight and you won't get punch drunk within a couple of years. Why not play baseball or some shit instead

What are some FACTS that make you happy just remembering?
>Aljo is 2-0 against Yan

Kay Brapsen got cut.

roy nelson was a real specimen bro, these cans attempt to get a shit ufc contract strictly because they cant play other sports.

because nobody cares about money they care about glory

Based trinitarian corner giving sound advice

>Yan blatantly break the rules of the sport in a major way which, according to the rules, leads to disqualification
>gets disqualified
>people blame Aljo for this
explain the logic here

I guess the question is why can people make so much more money playing apehoop, then you work backwards from there to improve MMA so it pays fighters better. You can’t tell me Dana is the one greedy promoter in all of organises sport and that’s the only reason people can’t earn more, also how much are people really worth when they go 2-2 against unranked fighters and haven’t got any serious popularity behind them? You’d drop them

probably because athleticism is at least partially sport-specific, ever see jon jones try to dunk?

Envision the stanko

Best Lightweight on the planet, baby.

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Hot take: Pisslam isn’t retarded

>I guess the question is why can people make so much more money playing apehoop
money laundering

do you think a woman has ever posted in /heem/

for me its dan bobish

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i'd root for him if he fights islam. olives is an allrounder. islam is literally wrestling only.

something needs to be changed tho. it will turn out to wrestle fests ffs.
YES i know this sounds dumb. fighters own fault if he cant wrestle. dunno but it is at a point to decide what to watch....mma or bareknuckle faggotry or freakshows like fight circus and such

No but effeminate men regularly do


You mean Welterweight

>Islam is literally wrestling only
why are you saying this with authority when you clearly haven't watched his fights

Do you know how weight classes work, b? 155.5 is still Lightweight, it's just not championship weight.

he is a good wrestler tho. i watched him vs hooker. the takedown was insane fast. i.impressive. i admit i havent watched all his fights and i really got not that background knowledge like you or brazil b and the most here. i'm a newfag coming from soccer

>it's not lightweight bro he was le hecking 200grams over, STOP THE FIGHT

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Bros, which old schooler do you miss? For me is Silva

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royce and tank abbot

The reason why khabib and chandler have such a dramatic difference in how easy their weight cuts are, is outdated methods/nutrition.

young shogun

No. Exact same conditions must be met for every single fight.
Otherwise, the whole thing seems a bit of a joke.

Imagine if he knocks out ferg and diaz back to back the crazy midget

>orc feet
no thanks!

cazzies don't know what shogun was about when they see him nowadays

Is Rose’s ground game so bad that she froze the entire fight afraid of the takedown?

If they were weighed 5 minutes before, cutbabbys like McGregor would barely win any fights; maybe none.

Makes the fights more likely to be size mismatches, therefore more entertaining.

>rape victim is traumatized by the thought of being pinned down on the ground

Why is this so difficult for you chuds to get through your thick skulls?

heeminder that robbie lawler robbed hendricks in their second fight to win the title and then robbed condit in his 2nd defense

Rose has always made me cringe, and still does

Robbie Lawler would be the main protagonist if there was ever a "UFC movie".

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so pat barry took the role of roses protector or some shit and swore shed never get raped again under his watch except by him

Because he has plot armor?

Yeah, people like JJ and GSP would probs do well in other sports —
BUT in hockey, for example, coaches of 15-yr-old s can tell which players started playing at 5-yrs-old and which started at 6-yrs-old.

Sports like hockey and skiing are very high-skill so if you don’t start early, you’re fucked.
Somewhat less so for basketball, and linemen in football could probably start in their teens.

Depends on the sport, but MMA is always a dumb choice unless it’s your only way out of the favela.

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The best is blessed baby - Rose 'El Cucuy' Namajunas