Fucking seriously?

Fucking seriously?

Attached: 1566680794678.jpg (1280x720, 133K)

Other urls found in this thread:

tsowell.com/images/Hoover Proof.pdf

cast them

Triggered dumpftard?

The Squad is cute. CUTE!

Attached: 1563916379499.png (567x610, 442K)


Fucking sneriously?

All farmer #2

conservatives hate THIS?

Donald Trump is a total moron
the only reason he was voted in is because he's too stupid to be an evil genius

I thought the one on the left was Anita Sarkeesian, too bad they are all hideous irl


Is this Sneed thread?


What do you mean?

What's your guys' favorite joke in that sketch?

For me, I thought the joke about President Trump being stupid was hilarious.

How many wishes can u get from the genie

Hasn't been good since the 90's and only brainlets watch Zombie Simpsons, so who cares.

This shit is beyond embarrassing, regardless of your political affiliation

The hatred for this video just proves that the right cant handle bants. Admit that you'd find this hilarious if you didn't have political bias.

What was funny about it?

It's just more mindless "wahh orange man bad! drumpf is a bully!"

Attached: 1566684652872.png (980x551, 539K)

I think it's just kinda played out, and a little too transparent in it's propaganda. Like, zero thought went into it, and it's not like it's the first time they've been doing this shit about Trump. It would be one thing to mock him, but they are literally just shilling for democratic candidates.

No one likes trump but incels

If Jhon McCain won it wouldn't be this way. This stupid fucking country thinks every person in office should be a person of color now just because of obamas presidency

This is what happens when you let women write

hilarious, i too believe that orange man bad

Attached: 1549043025783.png (772x198, 60K)

Are these the four women that held a press conference over a tweet?

Checkmate lefttards.

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seethe more

Attached: optics.png (1690x1218, 1.77M)

Imagine being lectured by some skank that used to be a bartender lmao

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I found it really weird that they made a joke about Trump being less physically fit and healthy than the democratic candidates. Like, what? Trump is fat but he otherwise is pretty fit for his age. Meanwhile the democratic candidates aren't exactly spring chickens themselves. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would probably collapse faster trying to do a can-can than trump did in that cartoon

I don't know who any of these women are

Shit, I'm center left and even I didn't find it funny.

Case and point lol

>Conveniently removing Goebells and Himmler

Sneed's Cope and Seethe (Formerly dilate)

Is it me or has AOC kinda been quiet since that Indian guy got busted?

Dude, they're the Squad! Anyone who knows anything knows the Squad!

The second I saw his hair was actually a dog I laughed so hard I sneed in my pants and donated to the clinton foundation

What's really funny is the average American is a fatfuck too. Seems weird to cast stones when none of them are in particularly good shape, either trump or the color crew

some of the simpson's republican hate jokes were actually funny, the ones from 20 years ago, but then it was just republican hate, without a punchline. lazy joke writing brought to you by a man who gets his feet massaged by children next to epstein.

don't diss Ben or the ghost of his foreskin will haunt you forever

Attached: ben shapiro2.jpg (640x480, 37K)

Huh, you were actually being serious and not baiting? Jesus fucking Christ you're pathetic

Would it change that much?


Attached: lolisa express.jpg (1500x1322, 331K)

The fact that the animation did the same “Trump’s hair is actually a shihtzu dog” joke that they’ve done in literally EVERY animated short is a damning statement on just how devoid of ideas the Simpsons writers are.


how they think they loom

I mean yeah. It's pretty obviously cherrypicked when we get shit like pic related. Acting as if because you hate Jews you'll suddenly develop a solid jawline and clear skin is dumb.

Attached: young_Stalin_1.jpg (1174x1600, 263K)

now post modern american neo nazis contrasted with 1950's russian communists and tell me which is more degenerate

You can say whatever the fuck you want but no one is obliged to listen to you or give you a platform and they have the right to call you a dumbass who turns to lazy jokes instead of coming up with clever material. Freedom of speech goes both ways. This isn't like the ayotollah issuing a death sentence against Rushdie or France persecuting Voltaire. It's a bartender telling a loud obnoxious drunk to fuck off.

Saying nigger and faggot is such low hanging fruit. It's the comedic equivalent of breathing. It's like making jokes about trump being a dumbass. Any low iq dumbass can do it. How about some clever jokes instead?

I was honestly disappointed at The Simpsons. It was all just boomer jokes about how society is changing too fast for his feeble boomer mind to keep up. The rules of this society are simple, don't be an asshole and if you are an asshole people will call you out. Don't snivel and cry about it like a spineless slug.

I watch comedy to be entertained, not because I'm some buttmad faggot who wants my asspain at other races and gays to be validated. I want to see clever and creative jokes with multiple punchlines. Comedy has devolved to becoming about narcissists complaining about their lives. If I hear one more comedian complaining about how big bad social media has made it so hard for new comics, I'll fucking shoot myself. Tell good jokes and there is nothing to worry about!!

body shaming bad i mean good i mean stop being so fucking hateful you piece of shit what are you TRIGGERED? Haha remember when right wingers called college kids triggered snowflakes for melting down and demanding safe spaces for being exposed to ideas they don't agree? Well who's triggered now republishit? You for not finding The Simpsons funny.

Attached: tell me what to feel.png (425x496, 80K)

ahem sneed

>Case and point lol
Lol retards like you are a diamond dozen

fuck this might be the first time a sneed madr me kek

How do commies have psycho eyes from such a young age?

Did you miss the fact I called the color crew out of shape because you were having a heart attack making sure you could post your sòyjack memes, fatboy?

>Saying nigger and faggot is such low hanging fruit. It's the comedic equivalent of breathing. It's like making jokes about trump being a dumbass
Except libtards put actual effort into their garbage jokes. We make garbage jokes ironically.

Yeah wow there's one handsome commie, amazing. He wasn't a real communist though so that doesn't count, or was he? I can't keep track.


god this thread is full of butthurt incels lmao. Just face it, you voted for a guy who can't even spell.

No I didn't, you just misread my post as arguing with you in a snarky sarcastic fashion.

Include Jose Antonio Primo De Rivera for peak handsome

calm down bro, want a pail of water to satiate your thirst?

I seriously wish these four and anyone that agrees with them should get the fuck out the country if they hate it so much.

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chucking sneedily?

Attached: feminist frequency radio.jpg (514x960, 112K)

>body shaming bad i mean good i mean stop being so fucking hateful you piece of shit what are you TRIGGERED? Haha remember when right wingers called college kids triggered snowflakes for melting down and demanding safe spaces for being exposed to ideas they don't agree? Well who's triggered now republishit? You for not finding The Simpsons funny.
My apologies for misinterpreting this autistic spiel of buzzwords.

I like how AOC still looks crazy with the Simpsons stylization.

you sure are mad

we can't all be stable geniuses like trump and his nuclear uncle

But I ain't.

>Young Stalin was handso---
That mugshot is airbrushed to shit for propaganda purposes. This is what young Stalin really looked like.

Attached: Mugshot of Joseph Stalin held by Okharna the Tsarist Secret Police, 1911.jpg (1600x1130, 246K)

she's lucky everyone in the show has an overbite like her real self

Attached: alexandria ocasio-cortez.jpg (480x300, 28K)

Haha dude look how triggered you are

>Implying any of the photos posted in the fascism side weren't airbrushed to shit either

That's still not bad. But he looks a lot more like a narcissistic tyrant than a bonafide idealist. He would have climbed up whatever political system was available

I'm still voting for him so I don't care.


>no mussolini
what fucking kind of shit list is this


Attached: Screenshot_20190827-223134.png (1080x2160, 257K)

wow nice photoshop, retard

>From a phonepost
>In under 3 minutes
How must it feel to live everyday like a retard?

Enjoy voting for a loser.
At this point, Democrats could nominate a pedophile tranny, and Donald Trump would come in 2nd

im not the one photoshopping images to make myself look better because I voted for a guy who can't spell

this is how leftists argue because they can't make actual arguments. just ignore the retard, he's trying to drag you into some 6 year old style debate

Ironically musicals are the most cringily white thing ever, and every single person that got the joke has a skin tone of #ffffff.

>Implying I'm some Photoshop speed god who can transfer files from my phone, Photoshop them to the point they have no traces or marks, then bring it back to my phone, then post it in under 3 minutes.
Well you guessed right, for I am the Russian hacker anonymous on the 4chans.

Hitler and Mussolini couldn't hope to effect the same grand illusion Stalin maintained. Stalin's face was covered in pox scars, he had a deformed left arm usable only for limply holding objects and clapping, his hips were horribly injured in a childhood accident so as an adult he had to use an awkward swinging gait when moving anywhere, he had very marked Georgian facial features. There are almost no un-doctored photos of Stalin.

Only Omar and AOC are

>that like/dislike ratio

Attached: file.png (1322x940, 1.58M)

>next week
>"Why YouTube is infested with alt-right and neo-nazi bigots - from Vox"

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>got the joke
What was the joke?



I don't even like Zion Don and i thought it was trash


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more like the squeed lmao

What happened?

the irony of this scene is that having MORE candidates is kind of a bad thing, because it shows that there are no strong contenders viable enough to make the others drop out. If there was even one really good candidate there wouldn't be so many literally whos

Too much politics not enough sneed.

I thought Anthony Jeselnik's new special was a great shining light in the world of whining comedy. I don't know why more of Yea Forums doesn't enjoy him.



Reminder that the in the burka got COLONIZED by a big white cock (who was also married)

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The Democratic Party gave up their original platform centered around the middle class for socialism and identity politics. Their best bet is sleepy creepy joe biden. Marinate on that for a second.

Dey took her

I'm voting for Trump in 2020 and literally nothing is going to stop me

Same bro. Fuck em.

>constantly cry about how sensitive "da leftists" are
>spend literal hours every day making bait threads and complaining when literally anyone says something about Trump or makes a fictional character black
I literally can't wait for this entire era to end...it will be nice to have real political discourse again.

Attached: literally obsessed.png (788x1084, 733K)


This. When are we, the enlightened centrists, going to have our turn in the spotlight?

It will never end, it will only get worse.

I'm not a centrist, I'm just sick of political extremism disguised as "political thought". There are normal conservatives and liberals in the world with good ideas, none of you are those people.

Anyone else deradicalizing? I can't help but to thank Contrapoints and Shaun Jen for showing me the winning side. Now all of my fellow ex-/pol/cel chuds should follow my lead

I can't tell what your argument actually is, are you defending /pol/?

Weak bait or low effort shilling, I only grow more racist and angry by the day.

>I'm low IQ
okay, thanks for sharing.

The ride never ends, memes control reality now, whomever has the dankest memes controls the world

Anyone else deradicalizing and realizing that /pol/ only turns you into a bigger incel while Contrapoints and Destiny showed me how to truly win and have sex?

you already posted this, shill. Hope you get paid.

>umm if you don’t find ORANGE MAN BAD funny for the umpteenth time that means you can’t handle bants mm sorry sweaty

>he who controls the memes controls the universe!

Attached: 1557952152956.png (850x400, 147K)

Former /pol/chud here. It was fun to be an incel for a while. But then when I took personal responsibility and left my basement Contrapoints and other people showed me what it's like to win.

>ayo whiteboi
>you better be coming here to apologize for years of oppression by sucking our dicks

Former /pol/chud here. It was fun to be an incel for a while. But then when I took personal responsibility and left my basement Contrapoints and other people showed me what it's like to win

>getting radicalized by the other side

Attached: 472E74E4-4D46-48BA-877F-AA08D88F52F4.jpg (225x225, 8K)

people switching from being antifa to being nazis or vice versa is surprisingly common

How is trump an extremist? He's just an isolationist nationalist. Radical leftists hate him because he's Hitler, and neo-nazis hate him because he isn't.

I've deradicalized in the sense that I just don't care anymore, but I still know that most of the things that /pol/ talks about is truth.

I never called Trump an extremist but that is telling of how defensive you are.

Was there ever a time in history where an american president relieved such hate they have to make cartoons out of him? I remember Lil Bush on comedy central but that show was based.

Not him but I'm with you. Can't unsee certain things.

I've never seen that nor does it make sense to me. Taking the red pill is a chemical change. You don't really see the truth about jewish control and then just forget it exists. Once you enter the rabbit hole there's no coming out.

>having moderately critical opinions of Trump since he is a bad President is being "radicalized by the other side"
You know that his policies hurt the middle class, right? Or are we still in pretend land?

I misunderstood you, relax sport.

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>jewish control

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I'm middle class and I'm thriving. Even got a hefty raise after the corporate tax cuts.

you misunderstood because you're part of the problem
>leftists leftists leftists wahh wahh wahh

>someone does something stupid
>someone else laughs at them

>pandering to angry retards is comedy

You seem upset.

>the rabbi hole

I'm sorry you're retarded.


>I make thousands of these threads and engage in hours of "discussion" because I'm really just laughing you know?

Comedy is based on the unexpected happening. Trump hate is predictable and boring

Woah solid rebuttal. I guess that raise was all in my head.

hearing people call him names and make fun of him for being a dumb dumb makes me laugh and feel good

Nancy Pelosi told her to distance herself from the crazy muzzies that were scaring away the jewbucks if she wanted a future in the democrat party

the corporate tax breaks did nothing for the middle class, most middle class earners saw a boon because we always see a fucking slight boon every couple of years...the corporate tax cuts literally do not target what is considered by the Bureau of Labor, the middle class. It just didn't. Only cuck webzines in Goldman Sachs's pocket believe that. Median rate of wages is still stagnant.

Gee, wonder why?

fucking sneed?


He went to the Summit and suggested that world leaders should spend the next Summit at his golf course...

That isn't dumb to you?

orange man bad as well

*tips fedora*

>if one marks duplicate jews with yellow...
holy crap /pol/ btfo!

A lot of people who join these radical groups (and I mean IRL, not just shotposting on twitter or 4channel) are actually just lonely people or people with no identity that one some group to belong to. They don't actually have strong beliefs and will just take on their groups beliefs as their own. Both far left and far right offer the same kind of group bond and "us vs them mentality" so it's easy to switch from one to the other

This better be bait.

/pol/ is easily btfo, the immediate red flag is how the chart literally invents Jews. Any normal person would see that as a tactic to propagandize you and dismiss the entire thing.

Jews don't control media. Sorry.

melted him


>Jews don't control media
I don't have a problem with Jews as a whole, but come the fuck on. You can't be that willfully ignorant.

Shocking for how low Simpsons can get, after FOX was bought by Disney?


Attached: 1373583301485.gif (500x500, 206K)

>Jews don't control media


This board in general does a really good job putting chud conspiracies to rest. I wish other boards like Yea Forums were like this too.

>like psh, come on...like, you know, right?
fuck off, it's easily disproved with a basic google search if you aren't an absolute retard. Most parent companies aren't even owned by Jewish persons.

Wtf is this? Did I say the owners of the media companies are all Jewish? That would be pretty retarded of them to be quite so blatant. What about the writers though, and the producers? What about the legal system and the global financial system? But no this one little infograph sure disproved your strawman argument.

Stop replying to chuds who don't know any better.

He has rudimentary understanding of economics at best. Don't suck his dick too hard.

Because Jews don't own all the media companies. The 1% corporate elites do. There are Jews and there are gentiles. Get that chud conspiracy out of your ass.

it's a basic tax cut, that benefits everyone BUT you at least 600 percent more. It's like a freed slave thanking his massa that he got a chicken dinner once before going back to the cotton field.

You're a drone. You could have had a real tax break but you have a Bush-lite President run by GOP goons.

chucking sneediously?

But he's right and explained it so before, stop sucking Jeff Bezos' cock you stupid faggot.


You need to delete this right now. These facts don't align with my political bias.

Your comment is both funnier and more offensive than anything the current Simpsons staff can come up with.

Ha that irony was lost on the Simpsons (((creators)))

I never said they owned every company you retard. But even in those gentile companies, who do you think the writers are?


This is why I will never understand MIGAcels. NATIONAL SOCIALISM is what we need, not cuckpitalist kikery.

There are better latinas, man

they all look fucking nuts lamo

>yes it did, look.

no, I believe in actual capitalism. People should pay their fair share of taxes, regulation should be basic and we should encourage competition. What the GOP has always wanted is a rigged system where the mom and pop gets anally raped by the corporation.

I'm sorry that you're so cucked in the head, that you think a next to nothing percentile increase is somehow a redeeming Trumptard talking point when even conservative economists think you're a fucking retard.



Look at the last three Republican presidents. They literally just pick the stupidest person they can think of.

>I didn't read my only source
You know what's funny about the New York Times? They aren't actual economists.

>Jews don't control media
They control every mainstream news outlet as well as Hollywood and the music industry, and readily admit to that. What other media is there that they don't have a massive, disproportionate hold on?

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Clueless, out of touch skit that portrays Trump as being afraid of "The Squad", when the reality is that he's doing everything in his power to make them the face of the Democratic party because everyone hates them, and they're torpedoing any chances the Democrats have of winning anything in 2020.

I'm not sure what your problem is. Trump has been great to me.

Attached: 1539432917940.png (629x468, 25K)

It amuses me how "unrealistic depictions of women in videogames are harmful" boils down to "I view any attractive woman, be she real or drawn or computer generated, as a threat and a reminder of my own inadequacies, so I do not wish for them to exist." Any other explanation is a lie.

OMG he’s such a literal retard for saying that! Who says that? OMG how embarrassing he’s not cool like Obama

as usual family guy does it better


if you don't laugh at this, you have no soul

You said the middle class didn't get a tax cut when they clearly did. Stop moving goalposts. I also got a raise because corporations and owners are more incentivized to invest in business development since they have more retained earnings and are subsequent less adverse to risk. Stop being jealous of the rich, it won't make you any better off.

Not to mention the media is only one small aspect of their control. Look at the judges, lawyers, congressman, senators, bankers, all positions of power except military


>muh black unemployment
the cry of the struggling trumptard


Nope, they don't. You keep falling for literal propaganda. This has been debunked. Literally almost 80 percent of the people listed aren't Jews.

any AoC nudes yet? the only thing i'm interested in actually. i'd support her with anything if she'd let out those babaloons (and let me suck them dry)

The source literally says the middle class got a raise overall. Are you blind? Also, attaching the writer instead of the argument - a classic libby maneuver. They didn't put the data together - the Tax Policy Center did.

Nigga, you even see your own chart? The S&P 500 has done NOTHING since January 2018.

This year's YTD only looks good because the market crashed in late December 2018.

>muh trickle down meme

shhhh, the people who write this stupid cartoon haven’t figured that out yet

>muh economy

Attached: 1543072643237.png (1106x497, 71K)

White unemployment too. Probably all races honestly.

Again, mere speculation at best. The corporate elite 1% which is run by people like Jeff Bezos, a gentile is not entirely Jewish. Take your tin foil hat off, chudlet.

>libs libs libs libs libs libs
I"m sorry you think that scraps is some sort of "major incentive" while Trump rolls back regulations on offshore accounts and gets rid of the death tax. I don't know why you people want to live in some dystopian corporate hellscape where companies write laws...

have sex

Having a degree in economics I can tell you trickle down is a pejorative used by Economic illiterates.

muh economy

Attached: 1547672128593.jpg (1024x855, 158K)

Moving the goalposts again. You're pathetic.

Link to debunking?

any black person who benefits from
Crump’s presidency isn’t a real black

Facts are facts, deal with it, Chudlet

Attached: 1547850263169.png (1203x699, 63K)

>I have a degree in economics
you have an AS in basic economics and then got memed to shit by right-wing horseshit, right? That's what you really mean.

Again I'll remind them: that deregulating markets has never directly correlated to increased median wages of the labor force. At all..ever. In the history of this country.

Get fucked retard.

You didn't answer his question. What was funny about it?

Attached: 1547766326875.png (1734x580, 69K)

how about how most of the people at CNN for instance, aren't actually Jewish? I really don't understand this meme in the age of the internet. Do you just refuse to google it to not look like a colossal fucking faggot?

This is why we truly need National Socialism. All people get the lion's share of the regulation and total removal of offshore business.

I actually don't care about the death tax. I'm not a commie and I realize how volatile the upper class really is, less than 10% of the last names on the Forbes 500 from the 90s are still on that list. And his point was that the middle class didn't benefit, and he was wrong. Stop moving goalposts. I also mentioned I got a raise and we even hired 3 new ppl after the corporate tax cuts. Trump is killin it.

It may have like 1 or 2 Jews but all of the 1% corporate elites for the most part, aren't Jews, but just people who want you unemployed for their own good. Religion means nothing.

Because you work for a corporation and not a small business. Can't wait for the economy to crash so you're poor and don't have any MIGA cock to suck on, kike slave.

Still doing great overall.

It'll shoot back up again after Trump's reelection.

Attached: 1544437956385.png (628x501, 27K)

>Like, what? Trump is fat but he otherwise is pretty fit for his age. Meanwhile the democratic candidates aren't exactly spring chickens themselves. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren would probably collapse faster trying to do a can-can than trump did in that cartoon

Trump's obese and by all accounts his diet is garbage.

His suits are specially cut to de-emphasize his gut. Look at this picture. His body shape is more akin to Merkel's than Macron's or Trudeau's.

Bernie Sanders is an ancient old man.

Warren actually looks pretty healthy for a 70 year old.


>The White House on Thursday released results of his annual physical, revealing that his Body Mass Index is now 30.4. That’s based on the fact that he’s now carrying 243 pounds on his 6-foot, 3-inch frame.

Attached: 11447046-3x2-700x467.jpg (700x467, 43K)

>everyone who disagrees with crony capitalism is a commie
I want competition, you support faggots who don't. I just want you to be honest. You don't want a free market society, since then it doesn't benefit you. Just be honest.
>the upper class is volatile
they don't have even a fraction of the financial insecurity that most of the world deals with everyday. Sure is odd..golly gee?

Wages remain stagnant because inflation occurs from oversubsidizded and overregualted socialist intervention in healthcare, education, and food stamps which reduces real income and PPP.


>ummm most of the goys at CNN aren't under (((Jeff Zucker's))) control. Conspiratards btfo by facts and logic

I don't know who she is but there's something about the one in the glasses that pisses me off. I don't care about the other ones.

>/fee.org faggot comes back
>it's actually socialists and other boogeymen
I'm done here, retard.

There is no such thing as capitalism that isn't crony capitalism, you know.

>can't wait for the economy to crash
>the sky is falling the sky is falling!
Every company gets a cut, whether it's Fortune 500 or a mom and pop shop. Back to /r/ latestagecapitalism for you.

Okay, let's start with CNN
>Jeffrey Adam Zucker[2] (born April 9, 1965) is an American media executive.
> Zucker oversees CNN, CNN International, HLN, and CNN Digital
>Zucker was born into a Jewish family[7][8] in Homestead, Florida, near Miami

That Jeff Bezos owns Amazon? Nobody said he didn't.

AOC looks nothing like that in real life.
The most recognizable part about her is her ugly nose and in both of the depictions here they give her a generic beautiful one.
dont even know who the other 3 whore are and dont wanna find out desu.

Jeff Zucker isn't even Jewish. I looked it up. You're just a goober looking at more straws to grasp.

If you're illiterate I'll repeat: almost everyone on that meme picture you didn't bother to look up, aren't Jews.

Do you not have google? I'm sincerely asking. Can you not fact check your own propaganda you fell for or do you just not try?

Crony capitalists get the bullet first and you know it, MAGAt

Thanks for playing, I can tell you tried your hardest.

>What the GOP has always wanted is a rigged system where the mom and pop gets anally raped by the corporation.

That's capitalism though. It's always been in capitalism's interests to have low wages.

The period in which the middle class had the most growth was also a point in time where the economy was the most regulated by the federal government, 1945 to 1979.

Attached: wages.jpg (689x557, 93K)


Attached: 1481918709317.png (1440x2560, 1.37M)

Quit lying, this is pathetic


Ignore MIGAchuds. They're the most illiterate people in this country. Even undocumented immigrants have more common sense and logical understanding than they do.

I'm not a fan of crony capitalism and neither was trump, which is why he didn't remove any antitrust laws despite all his other deregulations.

>this one guy is partially Jewish...don't you know that they run literally everything?
This is how silly you sound to a regular person with a brain and who isn't insane.

The one good thing about WW3 is, should we survive, the only political sin worth accusing someone of will be they're secretly Chinese.

well you suck at looking shit up then

>Jeff Zucker isn't even Jewish. I looked it up
Why lie about something that is so easy to check? Just stay in whatever chapocel discord/subreddit you crawled out of.

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Melted him

now look everyone else up and redpill yourself on the fact that you are dumb enough to fall for /pol/shit.

dude, who gives a shit? really


>This guy's not jewish I looked it up, your whole pic is a lie!
Look he's jewish

fee.org is a blog.

nobody said every employee is a jew. you're seriously one of the dumbest people i've talked to in a while

Jewish president of CNN. Again, disproportionately represented in the highest positions of power. When in power, they use their influence to propagandize.

What's wrong with corporations as long as they're not in bed with each other? Please keep your seething to a minimum.

lol seething

And you go back to r/The_Donald yourself, MAGAt. No one fucking wants you here. Get lost.
Melted him

can’t have a porker for Prez. gotta have a svelte effete faggot like Trudeau — that’s what makes a country proud (to be a fuckboi)

Trump can't be an extremist because he has no ideology. You're assigning a name to his political swerve tactics. The truth is that Trump is self-centered as any other politician but chooses 24/7 bombast over subtlety. That's it.


Attached: D.jpg (640x854, 93K)

Dead meme

Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

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i unironically laughed at how ridiculous the whole video is. it’s trump derangement syndrome at it’s most insane

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Everything you completely dense MAGAt as this website AS A FUCKING WHOLE STANDS AGAINST ALL FORMS OF CAPITALISM AND THE VAST MAJORITY OF US ARE PROUD NEETS. I seriously hope a wild pack of Antifa Gigachads track you down on your way home to work and straggle you in broad daylight. You know what fuck that. Where are you fucking faggot? Let me do the strangling myself, fucking MAGAt

do you think CNN is a parent company? Do you want racial quotas for media and entertainment companies?

Again, this isn't containment...you aren't going to find solace here. You do understand that the image you posted is mostly a lie,right? Almost everyone mentioned isn't even Jewish. Why is this hard for your shit brain?

>I'm not a fan of crony capitalism and neither was trump

His entire cabinent is full of Goldman Sachs executives.

Mnuchin's father ran their ENTIRE equity arm. And guess where Mnuchin got hired after college?

>After Mnuchin graduated from Yale in 1985, he started working for Goldman Sachs, where his father was still working, since 1957

It's an elite club and you're not in it.

why am i arguing with literal trannies right now? these guys are stupid as fuck

>Trump is fat but he otherwise is pretty fit for his age.
Only in America could this be a completely logical statement.

The guy is 6 ft 2 in and 73 years old, he's in awesome shape for his age.

No idea about Merkel as I've never seen her being active like I have Trump with his golfing.

>It's been debunked
>"ok prove it"
>What do you mean prove it? Look it up yourself.

Just go back to circlejerking with your chapocel buddies on r*ddit. You can even compile posts for a screenshot to show your internet buddies how you owned 4channers epic style.

you're implying that it's some sort of majority when it's not. I really want you to seek help and realize that this has always been a Naziboo meme from the 90s.

>hes not jewish!
>yes he is, look at this source
>And you go back to r/The_Donald yourself, MAGAt. No one fucking wants you here. Get lost.
DAMN you got btfo hard tranny boy

>humpfty drumpfty fall down (cause he's fat and old but body shaming is bad)
>Joe Biden so cool

That's a really powerful cringe, damn

>Trumptard MAGAt thinks Foundation for Economic Education isn't a real entity

>he's in awesome shape for his age.
kek, he absolutely isn't.

How does that prove he's an advocate of crony capitalism? Give me actual examples of post 2016 occurrences that prove that instead of assumptions.

Anderson Cooper isn't Jewish. Why can't you admit that you're falling for disinfo? Is it difficult because of Dunning Kruger?

Trudeau is just a DYEL white boi.

He's not particulary strong but he is not obese either.

He is more effeminate because of his ideology and actions than his body.

Attached: justin-trudeau.jpg (410x230, 22K)

what do you mean from the 90s? why do you think the nazis came into power in the first place? henry ford was trying to warn people of this a century ago

it's vast over-representation in key positions of power, not just news but hollywood, law, finance, government, lobbyists, etc.,

Just go back to circlejerking with your goober chud friends on r/The_Donald. I'm arguing with a literal 55 year old. Pathetic.
>everyone I don't like is a tranny
Trumptard MAGAt projection at its finest

He's the most mentally sharp president we've had in recent years while also being the oldest.

Here you go champ
tsowell.com/images/Hoover Proof.pdf

Actually seething

again, literally the majority of the people mentioned in that /pol/cel image aren't Jews...

Anderson copper is cia and comes from elite satanic family. Saxlers or something


you said Zucker wasnt jewish

>moves goalpost
Okay, CNN is run by Turner Broadcasting System.
President, David Levy (Jewish)

Naziboos, is a reference to neonazis, who adopted Goebbels talking points and made these memes in the first place, that got replicated by millennial /pol/tards.

Read a book faggot.

>Anderson Cooper isn't Jewish
no but he is CIA. and the mouthpieces are irrelevant

kek, this is good comedy. He is basically an alzheimers patient. Unless you believe that American revolutionaries actually stormed the british airports back in the 18th century.

>thomas sowell
The right's favourite uncle tom.


>okay, so he's not Jewish...
lol yeah? Look everyone else up retard.

>>everyone I don't like is a tranny
awww you changed the subject
you just can win, kid

It's amazing how Trumptard MAGAts worship any black person that has their cucked worldviews. Under National Socialism we send them all back to Africa for their own good.

i've never heard the term naziboos and your books sound like the things that trannies would read. and you act like nazis were the only ones that were calling out the jews back then or since then

he literally suck penis until there’s nigger jizz in his mouth

Attached: 8E542F7E-3731-4CE1-B93D-F2551E3180BA.gif (430x242, 1.97M)

>still butthurt over him misreading a teleprompter
Watch one of his rallies. Or him talking to press in front of the white house. He's as quick witted as they come.

Get a better buzzword, goober.

but you said Zucker wasnt jewish, you lied, why?

>. and you act like nazis were the only ones that were calling out the jews back then or since then
...yes? I really don't get how stupid you people are.

(((Groening))) got outed as a pedo frequent-flyer and you're surprised by this?

I found a better version of the CNN pic so I could see names better (most right off the bat are obvious Jewish surnames). So far, all the ones I've checked are in fact Jewish. What's even one lie?

Attached: TEXdsPG[1].jpg (1880x2880, 978K)

>Get a better buzzword, goober.

Attached: 1558881133477.jpg (577x1024, 49K)

Am i the only leftist who thought that was crap? Maybe i'm spoiled because my country's president is a hilarious dumbfuck nutjob which makes it's so easy making fun of him, but that skech was pretty boring.

Literally research the rest of EVERY LAST CNN EMPLOYEE and tell me how many of them are Jewish
Protip: It's most likely less than 50%

lol no, their parent company is WarnerMedia.

>mfw this man gets to breed and knock women up and still be emotionally sensitive while you neckbeards will never spread your seed and will die of thromboses and diabetes in your basements

Attached: eden.gif (480x360, 3.83M)

wolf blitzer?


Don't move the goalposts on me you fucker.

Getting a job at a firm straight out of college isn't crony capitalism. Cool.

If you have no idea what Goldman Sachs does, none of what I'm saying makes any sense.

Mnuchin is Goldman's man on the inside after they bet big on Hilary winning in 2016.

Trump was talking about penalizing finance capital during the 2016 campaign. I suppose you forgot about that entirely.

have sex & get a job if people being successful bothers you so much

there is literally nothing wrong with being jewish

I'm a National Socialist and I found this hilarious. As most likely did other NatSocs if we ever were watching Zombie Sneedsons.

Anderson Cooper...

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the infamous nazi of the 90s


Attached: 1554561146254.png (1232x678, 1.28M)

real talk
why are anti-trump fags so easy to bait?
its honestly amazing,

>Uncle Tom
Why are libbys so racist. Tell me how he's wrong.

Anderson Cooper is part of the Vanderbuilt dynasty IIRC.

Again, it's a club and you're not part of it.

was henry ford a nazi? are muslims nazis? is everyone you disagree with a nazi?

I'm National Socialist you fucking goober.

Attached: neckbeardtriggermedia.jpg (766x1962, 694K)

thats why they came here and made it reddit

daamn thats a big number
name 20 (from the pic) ill wait

do you not see the tactic you are using?
>if some of the hundreds of people I research are Jews, than it is a conspiracy.

>tfw /pol/cels are literally niggers

Still waiting on definitive proof

>He's as quick witted as they come.
kek, president sundowner indeed.

The entire point of MAGAtards is to look as non-threatening, anti-racist and intersectional as possible.

Oh, not quite.

I don't see Anderson Cooper listed in the pic

You must jest. Trump will call out someone as an enemy of the state one day, and then say that they are a great leader the next.

He simultaneously talks out both sides of his mouth.

Post every last Wikipedia article to back up your claims, goober
>thinking electioncucks are Yea Forums
How I know you're a blatant newfag.

don't you know? most internet racists are actually self-hating niggers that wish they were born white

Attached: nazi-nigger-59e1465d2a4db.jpg (360x480, 24K)

Oh, have fun with that pipe dream.

>goys working and spreading jewish narrative

the jewish cabal and their agents infest many boards on this site, Yea Forums not insignificant among them

the fuck are you saying. throwing buzzwords together doesn't make a coherent sentence reddit

i picked 5 names at random and they all checked out

It will happen in less than one year when Andrew Yang is our President.

Why doesn't this chart go back to the Roaring 20s?

That Trumptard MAGAts have most likely started posting here 3 years ago. I've been here since 2012, longer than three quarters of the Yea Forums userbase today.

I agree, this place is infested with Jewish pro-Trump posters.

>the janitors are CNN aren't Jewish, so ignore that the top 10% of of the company are almost entirely Jews
First fact-checking of this image's fact-checking shows that Kate Bouldan is Jewish
>Kate Bouldan -- CNN

>most internet racists are actually self-hating niggers

nigger is a racist term, i guess you are a "nigger" by your own logic
damn you just cant win, at this point turn off your pc and go to sleep lol

Attached: 1558902882304.png (700x1007, 801K)

>I'm #Kony2012 I'm an oldfag guys listen
sure thing fag

Because goy, we're the zombified clown world of once great America. You think the roaring 20s were great? Embrace the inevitable depression then goober.

>this kills the /pol/shill.

yup peak reddit cancer era

>3rd row, 1st from right Kate "Bouldan" (it's Bolduan) is not a Jew
>three seconds into wikipedia find pic
>also appears under en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Jewish_American_journalists
I'm not even gonna go further into that pic since it was wrong right off the bat.

Attached: 1562050390335.png (1658x111, 16K)


This. Outside /pol/ everyone, including this board was vehemently anti-Trump and for good reasons.

>In 2009, a group led by Mnuchin bought California-based residential lender IndyMac, which had been in receivership by the FDIC and owned $23.5 billion in commercial loans, mortgages, and mortgage-backed securities. The purchase price was a $4.7 billion discount to its book value.[34][12] Mnuchin's investment group included George Soros, hedge-fund manager John Paulson, former Goldman Sachs executive J. Christopher Flowers, and Dell Computer founder Michael Dell.

Snapping up mortgages based on insider knowledge that the Fed was going to bail out the industry.

>I've been here since 2012,
lol what a loser

can you please just admit that you're trying to spread disinfo for a specific narrative? I'd respect you more if you came clean with it, instead of acting like a faggot and pretending that it was factually true.

>we've always been at war with Oceania

Indeed. Yang Gang or GTFO my Yea Forums.
Been here longer than you, electioncuck

no, you can check the archive newfag

Question: Is it working?

Answer: Yes

nope been here since 07

The fuck does that mean you obtuse MAGAt?

you lied about Zucker
you are a liar
sorry bro i cant take you seriously,

All you need to see is Hillary's leaked emails to the Rothschild's asking for instructions during the election and how deferential she was to them.

1929 was actually the previous peak (before our current time) of income disparity.

See, stock market booms only directly enrich those that hold stocks. Similar to our time since 2009 when wages have remained flat but stocks have gone up many hundreds of percent.

>Kate Bouldan
Maybe y'all shoulda done more than 10 minutes of "fact-checking".

First you would have to be correct about what you're stating. You haven't made a strong case against those images. Each time you lie and get called out on it, your response is just to get mad that your lies were found out.

You legitimately sound like Trump, i.e. an Alzheimer's patient. I'm willing to bet you're over 50 years old too. GET THE FUCK OFF Yea Forums BOOMER MAGAT TRASH.

TRUMP 2020
>b-b-but biden

so anyone who even remotely is related to Jewish persons or traditions, is part of the elaborate cabal?

He was the realist of communists, he even wrote "Dialectical Materialism For Dummies"

nothing wrong with sacrificing chickens to moloch

Indeed. Yea Forums had Bernie Sanders threads when he was running. None for The Zognald.

Why are you posting lies about someone's religion? It's very easy to check.

you're the one making a claim, you stupid /pol/cel nigger. Jews do not "muh over-represent" media companies. Even if they did, the question is: is that something that should be illegal? If so, do you want quotas?

Get out of here with your basic /pol/shit that everyone is used to. You're a cancer.

I'd be more comfortable with an actual source. The Great Depression happened because so many average people were getting into debt over buying shit thanks to consumer confidence.

YANG 2020
>b-but muh israel

ffs dude its been what ? 3 years? stop crying about trump online.
act like a man godammit

Attached: mfw tranny suicide statistics.gif (190x200, 1.16M)

(((white))) people good

white people bad

>we need to make sure everyone is represented equally :^)
>w-wait, jews are OVER represented? SHUT IT DOWN, THEY'RE LYING, WE NEVER SAID THAT

It's keeping stocks buoyed for now, because the algorithms that pump the market are feeding off every tweet and word that he speaks.

Classic example Sunday: Trump said that China called up his administration twice to ask for trade talks to continue. Futures pumped like 400 points on the DOW.

China says no such thing happened but the Algos don't care.

I asked you a question, is everyone who is even remotely related to a Jewish person, complicit in the elaborate conspiracy you still can't prove is real?

Jesus, at least Goebbels knew how to properly make propaganda that was effective. You people just screech and cry, with a third of the decorum of a seasoned propagandist, oh btw...this is propaganda.

Stalin certainly believed in Communism beating out capitalism in the end, he just cared more about making the USSR his personal empire.

I've got all fucking day to tell you why the Zionist in Chief is an Alzheimer's patient because it makes you boomers SEETHE

And you can prove that trump supports that behavior?

>YANG 2020

Just tell me why you need to lie about someone's religion and deny they're jewish. It seems strange to an outsider. Borderline psychotic.

nobody is saying either of those things?

>China says no such thing happened but the Algos don't care.
To be fair, there's not much reason to take them at their word on anything. They denied those concentration camps until we shoved the satellite photos in their collective faces.

Not necessarily, but it's very sketchy when a minority is so disproportionately represented in positions of power, especially in media companies that influence American politics and social trends
>you're the one making a claim
And you've been unable to discredit the claim, instead getting mad that you're attempts were poorly researched.
> Even if they did, the question is: is that something that should be illegal?
No, but it's something that we should be allowed to talk about and something to keep an eye on, particularly when the content they produce can be harmful to non-Jews

based, real talk though, Chinese are the Chads of all Asians.

>is literally doing that because he fell for baby's first propaganda
imagine being that low IQ that you think Jews run literally anything important?


Chinese are the insectoid subclass of asian. Farthest from chad

>And you've been unable to discredit the claim
Are you having a stroke? Most people in media are not Jews. Do you need this written out to you fifty times?

Media is something important

Is it more or less than 2%? Is that percentage concentrated in the most powerful areas? All signs point to yes.

what does this actually mean? A quota? I've asked you this maybe five times /pol/nigger.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>I've got all fucking day to tell you...
thats your problem, too much free time damn....get a job dude, a gf a dog i dont know man just dont be a weirdo, trump isnt the cause of your suffering bro

Indians and Vietnamese are closest to real Chads t.b.h.

Why are chapocels suddenly in favor of extreme nepotism when it benefits jews?

>media is important
>jews can literally only be 2 percent of anything media related
you're a fucking stupid shit and I hope you shoot up a walmart then kill yourself.

>Chinese are the Chads of all Asians.
you mean mongols

Trump is the cause of this country's suffering. Get out of your fucking white middle class bubble and go to an industrial city for once.

Why, have you thought about it yourself?

>chapo chapo chapo
I don't even know what chapohouse is.

They're hardline Palestine supporters. This one puzzles me too.

Nobody argued "most people in media are Jews," just that most media outlets are run by Jews, meaning the most powerful people are, by and large, Jewish. The best you've been able to do to discredit that so far is an image that mistakenly called a handful of Jews non-Jews while ignoring the majority of those in power, including presidents and CEOs, are jews, and then saying that "CEO employs 3000 people" as if the fact that the janitors and coffee fetchers aren't Jews debunks the idea of Jews in power

because weak men love nepotism
they need extra help

a self respecting man wouldnt take a dishonest job

Do you want me to wipe your arse for you too?


As for the reasons behind the Great Depression, your explanation is why people were vulnerable to a market downturn and that's absolutely true. But it isn't the cause itself.

The speculation is cause and the crash is caused by the exact same set of people, who then buy up stocks for pennies on the dollar.

Herbert Hoover was an aloof laissez faire businessman himself, he believed in the invisible hand. That's why he made no attempts to stop it. All of his Wall Street contacts told him that everything was fine.

Attached: 5-15-18pov-f5.png (580x447, 171K)

nope. But since your kind is the most likely to shoot something up, I'm encouraging you to let them know ahead of time.

Jews don't run the media, they aren't "MUH DISPROPORTIONATE AHHH REE" because that's a stupid argument and it's always been an aspie argument

>just that most media outlets are run by Jews
funny how they aren't, nazinigger.

Sounds like your projecting your own violent thoughts onto me. You should see a psych before you do anything you regret!

America needed its own Hitler t.b.h. This way the market could be nationalized from the getgo and all Americans would have their fair share of income.

Why can't you admit that Jews are not the most powerful people? Can you tell me why this bothers you? Do you have a cogent reason?

So we care about the fate of Muslims now, despite our meddling in the Middle East?

Don't make me laugh m8. It's all a cynical play to weaken an enemy. You can even be in favour of doing that and still admit it.

It's obvious that CIA glow in the dark niggers are behind the Hong Kong stuff too. They are trying to provoke China.

>what does this actually mean?
It means it's unusual how many Jews are in positions of power in the media relative to their population size. I don't want quotas, I just want the right to acknowledge that Jews are frequently at the head of media corporations who may push content that isn't favorable to most Americans

Dude, the graphs been posted in this thread multiple times and despite your best screeching you can't debunk it.

Words for all of the white MAGAt cuckpitalist incels ITT to see.

Haji is not part of the Squad

Meant for

Because so far, the evidence has showed that they are. You keep saying you can debunk it but you haven't been able to.

the blue collar sector loves trump
now, faggy 25yo liberals?thats another story

>Most people in media are not Jews.

Correct. But Jews have a disproportionate amount of influence in the media.

they get debunked every hour, every day, every year for over a decade you stupid zoomer shitlord. /pol/ is the most laughed at board. Most media companies aren't run or operated by Jews, if they were, the question becomes: why explicitly is this something we need to limit?

Why is this something you're trying to hide?

>b-b-but the majority of cameramen arent jewish!

It means ethnic nepotism. Jews are a certain percentage of the population, and their numbers in the higher end of media organizations doesn't represent this number.

so you want race quotas in media? You want affirmative action?

Go to Memphis, Youngstown, or Stockton. All white working class cities who Trump has failed.

Don't you?

So in your drug-addled brain, do you want the government to add racial quotas for Jews because you can't hack it in entertainment media like they can? You want a handout? You fucking faggot.

i think he drink my milkshake

you've been btfo 3 times in this thread. Call it a day.

Anything else would be voting against my own interests

>racial quotas
jews love pushing that shit n white countries

media and private companies isn't a democracy. You aren't owed anything.

Income inequality doesn't matter if the lower class is making significant gains as well.


Trump supporters are retards who vote against their own economic interests.

Now how hard is that for you to get it, chudlet?

The trannies have now gone from 'Jews don't control the media', to 'even if they do, so what?'

These "people" have no self-respect at all.

Your anger speaks volumes.
>if they were, the question becomes: why explicitly is this something we need to limit?
I keep telling you, it's not necessarily something we need to limit, it's just something people should have the right to talk about. When you have a Jewish-run network running news stories that attack white Americans, it shouldn't be anti-Semitic and taboo to say "the Jewish media is attacking white people with this segment/article." To even try to defend yourself from racism is considered a form of racism somehow.

can I break through your shitty propaganda and tell you that you're using "jews" as a catch all for your problems? Will you admit that maybe you're wrong?

So then what would be wrong with voting for quotas that help me? You're saying I should do it.

I want media organizations to represent the people that they are propagandizing.

Jews have always been self conscious about being seperate from the wider population. It's why they anglicize their birth names to fly under the radar.

Jon Stewart's name really isn't Jon Stewart. It's Jonathan Stuart Leibowitz.

His brother is an investment banker.

These people are your elites.

Working class whites love him because he brought jobs back to manufacturing.


>wahh wahh everyone is attacking muh white Americans wahh wahh
this isn't happening though. Again, most networks aren't even run by Jews. How exactly do you cope with that fact?

>having a job is against my own interest
>having tax cuts is against my own interest

That's incredible that he brought that many jobs back.

See their retardness (and yours especially) on full display: nytimes.com/2019/05/20/us/politics/trump-voters-job-layoffs.html

ok, so you want affirmative action to settle your obvious feefees because you're a politically zombied faggot? Gotcha.

Jews aren't the problem, you are.

can I break through your shitty propaganda and tell you that you're using "TRUMP" as a catch all for your problems? Will you admit that maybe you're wrong?

jews ARE pushing narratives involving racial quotas.

It's not about who can't hack it or who can't. It's about nepotism and ideological conformity regardless of IQ levels.

Jews are happy to push racial quotas everywhere else except for when it hurts them.

Woah one town

You haven't learned a thing in this entire argument we've had did you? The economy crashing will be a day I personally will celebrate just because of how retarded you are. I WILL LITERALLY CELEBRATE IT, MAGAT

I haven't mentioned Trump once in the entire time I've been mocking you. Maybe, just maybe...your entire ideology is based on absolutely nothing?

You'll celebrate because you are society's lowest and have nothing to lose in a crash.

>the sky is falling the sky is falling!
Take your meds.

>Maybe, just maybe...

Attached: 1560604696778.png (760x792, 59K)

So if it's about nepotism, how come it's mostly non Jews? That really breaks your programming, huh? You underage faggot. Why is everyone in power, not Jewish?

I sometimes wish people like you kill themselves.

I want the world to know what it's like to be me and many others here. And in less than a year, so will you.
Fuck off boomer

>The economy crashing will be a day I personally will celebrate just because of how retarded you are. I WILL LITERALLY CELEBRATE IT, MAGAT

lol hes talking like newman

that isn't an argument though. What will it honestly take for you to understand that you fell for "muh Jews" as a meme?

This zoomer edge doesn't cut deep enough

It happens blatantly, and it's accepted as normal to call white people evil because enough media outlets do it. Coincidentally, those media outlets are run by Jews.

Attached: DueGJFyX4AEAFJE[1].jpg (1200x675, 113K)

Who the fuck is Newman? Some boomer trope?

Pretty funny how nothing you said is accurate or true.

It's the zeitgeist of this website. Deal with it, boomer.

Kek, Jerry!

You have less breath to speak with in each new post.

>Do you want me to wipe your arse for you too?
You're the one who made the claim, so I expect you to back it up. Don't be a bitch about putting your money where your mouth is. My point was that the Great Depression was so catestrophic for America because basic financial solvency at the consumer level was wiped out. It didn't just crash the economy, it wiped out savings completely. Further, all you're showing now is the income gain/share of wealth by the top 1% and so on, when we were talking about wage stagnation for the average American.

We are all laughing at you. Just remember that.

>Income inequality doesn't matter if the lower class is making significant gains as well.

It's true that having large income inequality doesn't mean that the living standards of the poor are necessarily going down. They could still be going up marginally, but not at the same levels seen in previous times.

Also, elites having a higher percentage of the wealth in a society necessarily means that power is drifting up in society, rather than down. It's being centralized.

I'll see if I can find the chart showing price inflation since "the end of history" in 1999 vs now. Keep in mind real wages have done fuck all.

>your typical /pol/cel goes out to proselytize other boards, thinking nobody has heard their poor arguments before
I've been on here for almost 20 years now, holy shit.

Attached: 1562255590618.jpg (1420x1188, 169K)

me: jews are pushing for racial quotas
your argument: muh jews

Listen boomernigger, do you realize that Redditors from r/The_Donald weren't always this website's core userbase and we would be laughing harder at you in any year prior to the electioncuck invasion?

how can they push that..when they don't even run a substantial amount of anything?

You also were on SomethingAwful?

that isn't an argument?

>unironically using the word incel

lol 20 years a redditor

SomethingAwful ---> Yea Forums, electioncuck

>when they don't even run a substantial amount of anything?

yeah jews dont have influence or money
poor people

>I haven't been mocked for more than a decade, Yea Forums loves /pol/cels, the board never gets deleted, we are so le based you know?




Attached: 1557843003851.jpg (800x450, 85K)

ebin randumb humor and lolcats XD

...damn imagine being proud of that shit

they don't? Do you realize that all of Israel's money is from the US? I honestly don't get this Naziboo meme...they only have funds because we give them money, so how do you think they are in control of anything?

The argument was already won. Now you're just getting mad and doubling down on your discredited claims.

A website older than you? Of fucking course, electioncuck. KILL YOURSELF

I'm not sure anything can be more cucked than Neo10bux.

Jews don't run the media, they get literally all their money form the US so they aren't influential. Sorry, faggot.