6 million TB /f1/ - Relentless Formula 1 General - Where's Mike Krack? Edition


>Countdown to the sPAIN GP:

>Previous thread:
>/f1/ Essentials:

>WDC Standings:
LEC: 104 (+18)
VER : 85 (+26)
PER: 66 (+12)
RUS: 59 (+10)
SAI: 53 (+15)

>WCC Standings:
Ferrari: 157 (+33)
Red Bull: 151 +38
Mercedes: 95 (+18)
McLaren: 46 (+0)
Alfa Romeo: 31 (+6)

>WEC Standings
HAM: 339.22 (+76.08)
RIC: 255.13 (+46.86)
MSC: 222.45(+63.53)

>Mick Schumacher races without scoring a single point:
27 (26 starts)

Alonso figured out the outside line into T1 had grip on parade lap
Liberty Media has secured a $240m Las Vegas land purchase, basically the entire strip
Apparently the reason why Bottas got over taken by both Mercedes is because he was distracted by the two mercedes battling between each other
Bobby Rahal wants to give Vetlel a chance at a indycar test

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Other urls found in this thread:


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sorry for twitter tranny shit, but wtf are they talking about? trannies no longer fans of chadwick? for what reason? hazel says she's "keep pointing it out", but I didn't find anything on her delusional mess of a twitter feed.

again, sorry for posting this embarrassing shit. just curious.

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Al-Hamil WEC WDC 2022

Lepajeets, what are we redeeming?

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You're both terrible, nonces and Germans both deserve the rope

I dont give a shit what cunts on twitter are saying

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Bpd self harm sluts gp when?

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saw a lad with a red bull f1 team shirt in my lecture yesterday. guess his bodytype

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who gives a shit what Harry thinks?

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Does he have a beard and ponytail

Isn't this "Hazel Southwell" also a tranny? Sure looks like one, that's for sure.

mental fatigue

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Six million Terabytes of Based Iron Sheik

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Mike Krack, real name no gimmicks
/f1/? posting in it ever since it was invented
that's 'cause a Kracka live it
my posts wield (you)'s and digits, Kracka you be the witness

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Future Script WDC

2021 = Max
2022 = Max
2023 = Leclerc
2024 = Alonso
2025 = Ocon
2026 = Leclerc
2027 = Russell
2028 = Piastri
2029 = Max
2030 = Max
2031 = Max
2032 = Piastri
2033 = David Schumacher
2034 = David Schumacher
2035 = David Schumacher
2036 = David Schumacher
2037 = David Schumacher
2038 = Max
2039 = Robin Raikkonen
2040 = Robin Raikkonen
2041 = Max
2042 = Robin Raikkonen
2043 = Max

Future Script WCC

2021 = Mercedes
2022 = Redbull RBPT
2023 = Ferrari
2024 = Alpine Renault
2025 = Alpine Renault
2026 = Ferrari
2027 = Mercedes
2028 = Alpine Renault
2029 = Redbull Porsche
2030 = Redbull Porsche
2031 = Mclaren Honda
2032 = Alpine Renault
2033 = Audi
2034 = Audi
2035 = Audi
2036 = Audi
2037 = Audi
2038 = Mclaren Honda
2039 = Sauber Toyota
2040 = Sauber Toyota
2041 = Ferrari
2042 = Ferrari
2043 = Ferrari
2044 = Andretti Chevrolet
2045 = Andretti Chevrolet
2046 = Haas Ford
2047 = Haas Ford

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After talking to Caitlyn Jenner, she was heard to remark "That's definitely a bloke"

>twitter posting
Fuck off.

how is babby formed?


how is carbabby formed?

I just watched a 20 minutes documentary about it


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I'm starting to believe that there's an A.I. out there drawing gay fanart of Formula 1 drivers. The amount of this shit is staggering.

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Robin Raikkonen will never win anything

Wouldn’t you like to know

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Holy shit that difference on the slow section.

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who kll thier babbys, becuse these babby can't fright back? it was on the news this mroing

I think I figured it out is shitposting
She's racing for Jenner racing and Jenner is seen as the "house nigger" tranny for saying stuff like trannies shouldn't compete against women.

part and parcel of catering to American market

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More importantly, how girl get pragnent?

Leclercs monaco dreams in shambles?

because of the dirty air

Oh cool, late noughties memes.


>antagonize chadders because she races for a "bad" trans
I have no words, the woke retardation is beyond any saving, I hope Elon just deletes twitter at that point

Just stick it in right here

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Sharl was toasting his tires to gain time in the fast part and then had to go easy on the throttle in the slow section

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Why are you sexualising an underage goblina

>mind explaining these posts?

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That belly button looks like a child's....

Mom taking the pic is a washed out, single fat fuck, how surprising

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I went back and read them fren
Here they are for the delectation of others:

can't wait for the inevitable seethe after a tranny mogs the wahmen and wins W Series, hopefully they will also create the MTF Series as a containment championship

>13 already look like 25
La goblina genes.....

These people make me sick. They're never attractive either; they're always stereotypical nintendo sois.

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He's got more biceps than me, so that sucks for me

>Even der Wilhelms
>...der Wilhelms...

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I do not respect Red Bull as a Formula 1 team or as a beverage.

/f1/: Relentlessly rehashed memes

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nigga like literally do 4 push ups

but surely as a tv studio?

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Nah he's probably the french cripple user so it's really a shot against the soi.

Mon ami is wheelchair-bound

that's the point, they do this as a way to get attention and to show their worth as an ultra tolerant person. the main goal of every individual is to survive. people constantly try to prove their worth to the group, by being physically strong, by being funny, by being rich, by having a good looking partner. If you don't have anything going for you there is now the "i am a good and tolerant person trick"

Very based

Also fuck their TV channel

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thx for reminding me of this youtu.be/EShUeudtaFg
many keks

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>TV channel
whats on their channel? abu dab 2021 on loop?

About to drop a huge steamy Hamilton at work lads

/fit/ manlet with a magnum dong

15 yo

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"""Extreme""" sports.

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ServusTV (latin for SlaveTV)

poor parenting 101

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That's a double, the french user is a quad.

good thing max won miami,
i dont think i'd want to watch a season where max isnt in the running
my favorite team is ferrari but still,
i dont want them to just run away with it, you know?

I'm not the quad, I'm just unable to gain weight/muscle, I've always been skinny as fuck since I'm a child. I'm really trying my best to do so but every now and then I realize that even a board gamer cuck could heem me


>ver gains 0.5s in the slow corners
lefaggots... not like this...


am I right in assuming:
>fast corners = more physical distance between cars thus better dowforce for following car and thus the car with a higher load will be faster
>slow corners = less physical distance, thus following car has garbage air so the leading car can be faster while objectively having less downforce


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>These stupid garage/container auctions series
>Right-leaning populistic bullshit
>The shittiest F1 coverage on this earth

I'm so glad that the next two upcoming races will be broadcasted by the ORF instead.

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