Tom Holland Confirmed For "Completely Different" SPIDER-MAN 3

>"It’s not the end of me playing Spider-Man. There’s definitely more to come. We sat down with some of our creatives and pitched SPIDER-MAN 3, which is going to be something very special and something very different. The ideas we have for how we can expand the world, bring new characters into it and crossover with other people are really exciting. And it’s only going to get bigger and better from here, which is great. I’m just so grateful that Marvel changed my life and allowed my dreams to come true and Sony allowing me to continue living my dream."

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I hope they do a 21 Jump Street crossover.

Venom vs. Men in Black

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Bring back Raimi or it's just going to be another Sony flop.

Fuck, twitter fags forced their way for his retarded "dream". I thought Sony was going to based this time.

Everyone knowing about Peter’s identity plus Venom (Hardy) showing up will be based

Fuck that fucking midget and his Iron Boy character.

Fuck, twitter fags forced their way for his retarded "dream". I thought Sony was going to be based this time.

retard OP
we are boycotting this

i won't watch it. fuck sony's greed

He’s 23, let’s see a more serious take on Spider-Man with Tom Holland in the role and maybe Venom. Doesent Sony own all the villains really

I don't like this faggot, I want a relatable Spider-Man, not a gay icon. Bring Tobey back.

>no more Holland

R-rated Carnage movie when?

Now that's a billion dollar movie
I'd watch that shit 3 times day one

I'm stuck on who'd be good to play Cletus Kassady though

Call me when they cast Sean Connery as Spider-Man.

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Huh, that's actually not bad at all

>and crossover with other people

fuck off

I find him far more relatable than Tobey because I have huge daddy issues and I can't talk to chicks

Divorcing from the MCU might be the best thing to happen to Spiderman in a long time

He's street-level anyway, and has more than enough of his own villains and storylines and shit going on. He doesn't need to be hanging out with Captain Marvel and Dr. Strange - they really don't need him. They're not his element.

It even kind of makes sense from the MCU's point of view. He was Tony's pet project - the rest of them didn't even think he needed to be there. Now that Tony's dead, he really has no reason to keep hanging around all of those people since they thought he was a kid way out of his element to start with.

The only thing that sort of sucks from the split with Marvel is we probably wont see Kingpin as a potential villain at least the Kingpin from the Daredevil netflix series.

Yeah that kind of sucks, but thankfully spidey has such a huge assortment of villains that he won't be missed too terribly

implying kevin faggy didn't outright hate the netflix shows

The MCU is lowest common denominator trash and Sony is unironically based, but I won't watch it because Tom Holland is a faggot and the worst Spider-Man yet.
I'll go see Venom 2 five times though, the first one was incredibly based. Top bantz.

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>Hardy > self confessed bisexual
>Holland > closeted homosexual
Wonder what could happen between them

more like fuck disney's(a company already richer than pretty much other in the world) greed

Sony were the ones fronting almost the entire bill for those movies. THAT is why they wanted and deserved most of the money. They financed them as an investment. Usually when people put money into something they expect a proportional amount of return.

But I realize this is a concept lost on most MCUcks



>Sony lets Disney borrow Spiderman
>generate Spidey hype with Spiderverse and Venom movie
>take it all back after Sony made normalfags think it's all MCU

Fucking scummy and genius.

Spider-Man 3: One More Day

Peter Parker(Tom Holland) finds out he wasn't the first Spider-Man. Years ago, the real Spider-Man (Toby McGuire) faced off against some foe, during which May was killed. In a moment of desperation, he makes a deal with the devil to save his beloved Aunt, in exchange for his powers, and memory of Spider-Man wiped from earth (except for Peter himself))). Knowing the world needs a spider-man, Peter manufactures the accident that will create a new Spider-Man (Tom Holland). Now a new threat faces earth, and nu-Peter must learn about his origins and of his predecessor, and team up to save the world

UGH why can't Disney own everything! Anything they make is GOOD!

Woody Harrelson is playing him already

Holland vs Hardy vs Harrelson confirmed?

Spiderverse did Kingpin pretty well, we'll always have that at least.

Time to play the game

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Throw Miles in there when he gets teleported out of the animated universe. If Sony plays this right they're going to buttfuck Disney for a few years.

I agree with this guy.
I was getting tired of Spiderman having the rest of the MCU as a crutch; it's impeding him from having a well-developed stand-alone Spiderman story.
And maybe now we can have a fucking Spiderman villain that isn't simply a guy that Tony Stark pissed off

venom deserves his own fucking universe to be explored but NO HES A SPIDERMAN VILLIAN. Also Venom was kino

>MCU symbiote
>some alien Tony pissed off while floating around in space

You’re an npc if you don’t prefer Sony spider-man to MCUck spiderman

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Excuse me?

He would have been vastly superior to Woody Harrelson and the guy from Shameless who wanted to play the role. He knows how to ham it up (see his performance in Jupiter Ascending).

>FFH has a scene of him becoming the new leader and taking Stark’s place


That probably would never have happened anyway even if a deal was made.
Fiege hates the Netflix shows and the head of the TV division.
Don’t be surprised if they get scrubbed from the canon or if they do revive them they’ll still be kept at an even bigger arms length than fucking Agents of Shield

>hi eddie
fuck my dickkkkk

I personally enjoyed the Spider-Man Friend 2bh.

They're trying to make their own MCU lol

absolutely based
disney zoomers btfo

Hardy isn't gay fuck off

He experimented with drugs and sexuality when he was younger according to an old interview. That’s where the poster got the bisexual part from. If anything, Hardy is an ex bisexual.

If he took anything up the ass and liked it, he will permanently be a faggot in some way, and will burn in Hell for his sins.

does OC shit from that last 2 movies like “michelle jones” belong to sony or marvel? also it’s going to be interesting to see how marvel writes spidey out of the films

You Tobeyfags are insufferable.

Unfortunately. I’d like to add onto ur point but this is a Yea Forums thread and u must stay on topic.

that was a great scene
someone got a raise for writing that

>implying the movie will ever sell

Even with Tom Holland, MCU fans won't see the movie and they sadly make up the the tickets for this. I honestly expect it to flop, even if it has a good story.

who ever decided to get spider man the fuck out of venom-verse deserves a fucking promotion. having venom not just being a morally vague alien attached to spider man is kino, having vemon befriend 2 humans and admit to being a loser is kino, everything about it was kino

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It’s a very fucking dicey situation
Apparently they both have stakes in the characters if they’re sufficiently updated but Sony still 100% has the original rights to the “classic”variations of the characters.
It also shows why Disney made all of Spider-mans side characters massively different from their comic counterparts and why OC characters exist like Ned

I hope they do the clone saga and do Hobogoblin

If they do a Venom+Carnage+Spidey film and somehow throw in some Tobey/Andrew/Spiderverse bullshit, Marvel will be forever cucked.

How can they work with the fact that he is basically Iron Man lite at this point? We will never get to see a homemade classic suit or jury rigged gadgets like in TASM or SM PS4.

>conveniently missing out bmwf that Yea Forums complained and isis actor in venom

lmao Yea Forums is really peak contrarian.

I think Marvel will try to keep it as ambiguous as they're allowed to just in case they can rework a new deal later.
They most likely just wont mention Spiderman at all. Shouldn't be hard, the only character he was really important to is dead now.

>isis actor in venom

>I don't like this faggot, I want an inaccurate Spider-Man, not a gay icon. Bring the gayest one back.

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>It also shows why Disney made all of Spider-mans side characters massively different from their comic counterparts and why OC characters exist like Ned
it makes so much sense now
why didnt i see that

I liked the cute shut-in MJ though

Ned Leeds is still an actual spiderman character though. it’s just that the character is different but him having the same name is probably enough to make him sony’s unless they change the name. any lawfags correct me if i’m wrong though

>implying Tobey is gayer than this

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he's on about Riz Ahmed, the English actor.
obviously the user cant have his brain compute that arab actors are not all representing ISIS

He's hotter in his normal clothes desu.

Is that really Holland?

>100+ replies

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>Venom (Hardy) showing up will be based
Why? He has absolutely no connection to Spider-man in this verison.

siding with one corporation over another is somehow a virtuous trait? What's wrong with you?

It wouldn't be so hard to throw together a different excuse to have spiderman briefly become the host. There's a lot to work with, like with spiderman losing his source for iron man style suits etc. It would serve as a reason for him to cave into temptation for the symbiote's abilities, and it could tie into brock becoming frustrated or resentful somehow, off the top of my head.

Nothing gay about it, confident in himself enough to pull that off and he still manages to get swarmed by pussy. I'd like to see if you're confident enough to don a dress in front of millions of people world wide without crying about muh gayness

>dancing like a queer isn't gay

t. closted faggot who's insecure about his masculinity

>Nothing gay about it

payment's on its way

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what's the point of leaving mcu if you're still using that little iron basedboi

>very different
wow good, because it cant get any worse

I think they'll just have a bit of throwaway dialogue calling Spiderman "that kid"

>Loved Far From Home
>Hated the Venom film
I don't even know how they're going to adress the fact that Spider-Man was a thing the entire time while Venom was fucking around with his evil doppelganger. Man. I really would have liked to see more off based Mysterio in the third movie. I'm sure he had survived and wanted to screw over Peter one last time.

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fuck this. I hoped they would try to retail all the classic stories animated style without sjw none sense this time

Of course the is gonna be a crossover.
Sony is going all in to make as much cash until the destroy Spidey once again

>Tobey shows up in the final battle with the last stand costume.

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Why he does talk like he has any influence on the story or script?

*dub-steps behind you*

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I admit i never liked Tobey Spidey at First.I was used to chill Spidey that makes Jokes of the 90s cartoon and comics not the Tobey Spidey...but He his movies are still Miles better than the corporate garbage that Tom Holland movies are....not because of the actor but because of the Disney decision to make hin a Sidekick.
Sony Just need to make a sort of timeskip and make Holland a more mature Spidey

Yeah it'll flop like Spiderverse

Jackie Earle Haley

You mean PG-13 Carnage, right?

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>Loved Far From Home
Genuine question here: Why? I only watched the first movie, and it felt like an episode of a tv series. Bland characters, no motivations. Things "just happen".

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Stop the show!
you may now finish watching your movie