>horror comedy
Horror comedy
my future biopic
Yeah Shaun of the Dead is pretty good
ha ha, autismo hates humor. classic.
>horror musical
I dont know if it strictly meets those labels, but John Dies At The End was surprisingly kino
>watch John Dies At The End
>really enjoy it
>get to last 25 minutes or so
>it feels like they just gave up and stopped caring
It was actually really good, but the last few minutes are just terrible
Not suprising considering the author of the book worked for cracked.com
This desu
"That's my Mother you're pissing on"
Comedies with horror settings are acceptable, but otherwise I agree. If a movie tries to be both funny and scary it inevitably will fail at both
I thought Krampus was pretty good
The book was the same way. Wong wrote a pretty funny horror comedy until the last like 40 pages and then it crapped the bed. This book is full of spiders (the sequel) was pretty trash. He caught lightning in a bottle
>Shaun of the Dead
>Evil Dead II
>Army of Darkness
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2
>Dead Alive
>Young Frankenstein
All enjoyable Horror Comedies.
>Modern comedy is sooooo funny. Why aren't you laughing? You must have autism.
Cabin in the woods was fun
Holy fuck I actually completely erased the ending from my memory, I just remembered it ending after they defeat the bugs. Completely forgot about the whole travelling to another dimension thing to fight a computer. God that did suck.
The latest IT movie was a horror movie with a lot of humor in it which worked.
I know it's not considered a comedy but I found the movie funnier than scary.
the best kind of movie. only japan makes good ones unfortunately
I'll give you a worse one
>Intentionally bad, self aware b-movie
*peaks your hybrid genre*
That's not a hybrid genre. It's just a comedy. Hybrid genre would be a genuinely scary or disturbing movie that's also funny. Scary Movie is neither
stuff like the kids joking around with each other isn't what i'm talking about (that's completely acceptable and was the only decent part of the new It movie). what i'm referring to is like when pennywise does a fucking dance during what is supposed to be the most tense part of the film. completely ruins immersion when something so stupid happens, particularly when it is actively played for laughs
this movie isn't trying to be scary though
it recreates horror movie beats and adds humor. just because you don't find something funny or scary doesn't mean that wasn't its intention.
>just because you don't find something funny or scary doesn't mean that wasn't its intention.
No, it means it failed at said intention.
for you
>Evil Dead II
>Shaun of the Dead
the only good horror comedies
>Pennywise dancing is played for laughs
Jesus fuck why am I forced to share a board with you people? His dancing was supposed to tap into the general fear of clowns shit, something that's supposed to be amusing having the opposite affect.
I don't think their intention ever was to scare anyone. It really does not play by any horror rules.
>That infantile cocksucker calling a serious horror movie a black comedy
those aren't very good examples. you should've said Lair of the White Worm, Gozu, and Re-Animator.