Explain 2001 to me at a grade seven level

Explain 2001 to me at a grade seven level.

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so just explain 2001 to you?

That alien obelisk shows up at every leap in mankind's evolution.

Overrated reddit movie by a hack director. Watch Snyder if you want real symbolism.

“So kids you know how the Bible explains how humans got here? Well this movie is sorta like that.”

stick to memes

monolith change important things, that's all

this movie is so fucking boring

Big bad terrorists boom two big towers

Get much big bomb back

thats literally it at the simplest level. plus a nutty computer trying to kill everyone.

1. aliens make monkeys smart
2. a million years later smart monkeys discover something aliens buried on the moon
3. thing on moon sends radio signal to Jupiter when smart monkeys expose it to sunlight
4. smart monkeys send ship to Jupiter to discover what aliens meant by all this
I'm done this is giving me a headache

Ancient Aliens seeded the universe with self-replicating, artificially intelligent monoliths to detect the possibility of intelligent life and give it a push when needed. The ancient aliens evolve to the point of existing beyond matter and essentially program themselves into the fabric of space and time. The monoliths are still all over the universe doing their thing.

One of these monoliths encounters early proto-humans and gives them a little nudge towards sentience. Millions of years later you have us.

Another monolith is buried on the moon. It's programmed to react to sunlight as an indication that humanity has advanced to the point where we're now capable of interstellar travel. Humans dig it up and it broadcasts to another monolith in orbit around Jupiter.

The Jupiter monolith serves as a gateway. It pulls Bowman through space and time and modifies him to be like the omnipotent ancient aliens. He's depicted as a space fetus to symbolize that he's the first of humanity to reach this new stage of evolution.

evolution is not a forward moving process

The transfiguration of life and death

Some people think that God created the universe. Others think that people evolved from apes, without any god or outside intervention. 2001 is a science fiction story which explores a third idea: humans evolved from apes BECAUSE they were given a little "push" from super-advanced aliens.

In the story, we never actually see the aliens themselves, but we see their "avatars", or "representatives": simple, smooth black slabs, or "monoliths". When the dying apes touch a monolith, they suddenly become smart enough to use tools. Once they are given this little "push", they evolve into humans over millions of years.

Around 2000, humans start exploring space. They find another monolith buried on the moon, which was waiting for them the whole time. The humans realize that the monolith proves the existence of aliens, so they keep it top-secret to prevent a panic in society. Once the lunar monolith is exposed to sunlight, it sends a powerful signal toward Jupiter. This is a clue for the humans to explore Jupiter. They send a new spaceship, the "Discovery", out to Jupiter. The ship's computer is an artificial intelligence, "HAL".

HAL was ordered to keep the true purpose of the mission secret-the crew don't know it. This drives HAL crazy because HAL's basic design is to always tell the truth and accurately report information. HAL kills the entire crew except for Dave Bowman, the captain, who shuts HAL down for good. This isn't explained very well in the movie-if you read the book, it explains it better.

Then Dave learns the real mission through emergency recordings, and takes a space pod to check out a much bigger monolith in Jupiter space. He enters some crazy trippy Stargate, and this is like a religious experience. Dave seems to hallucinate, but just like the apes, he too "evolves" into a new being-a Star Child.

The point of the science fiction story might be to blend the two what-started-the-universe ideas a little bit, the science stuff and the God stuff.

5. Smart monkey overcomes his own creation, a test he must pass before he can ascend to the next level of evolution
6. Aliens put smart monkey in a “4th dimension cage” where the smart monkey experiences his life, old age and death all in an instant
7. Smart monkey is ‘reborn’ as the giant baby. The next level of human evolution. Hes probably a 4D being now. He goes back to earth to bring his new wisdom to mankind

put your fucking phone down faggot

Jack molested his son

The monolith is a theater screen

It was based on true events but switch the adults during the orgy with kids

The mental conditioning on Alex didn't actually work he was just pretending

Something about homosexuality

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lol think you’re reading a little too much into that


Contemporary life is populated with at least two standard forms of our own monoliths: flat screen TVs, smartphones...

By his own creation i was referring to HAL**
This is my own interpretation but I think HAL’s significance was a sort of ‘trial’ that David needed to pass before he could recieve the knowledge from the monolith and evolve into the Starchild

The progress and forward leaps enabled by scientific discovery has helped us in so many ways- better medicine, better technology, and a better understanding of our world- but we have to be careful. We have to think about WHY we are doing something- is it important to help others or could it make more troubles.

>get much big bomb back

What are you, a Gungan?

leap in complexity you pop-sci tard

it's basically a Juul

the obelisk represents religion. it serves as the inspiration for all of mankind's achievements. man believes that they, not god are responsible for their achievements, so god punishes them with their own creation (hal) for their hubris and not obeying god's command to stay away from Europa, Jupiter's moon. The ending is David (King David) Bowman (bows down to god) reflecting on serving god. The baby at the end is Jesus. Pretty simple, actually.

fuck off rob

Aliens did 9/11

Was it Rob who said there were two Jacks or was that someone else

honestly they explained what happened to HAL better in the 2010 novel because Dr. Chandra was a key character in the book

>Explain 2001 to me at a grade seven level

Aliens left us text messages so we can meet up later.

¯\_ (ツ) _/¯

Kek, perfect summary.

No the monolith is evolution. The monolith gives man tools, tools that help man create and grow. But then the tools also have the power to destroy man (such as nuclear warfare or in the case of HAL, AI) so in order to become the starchild, David had to overcome this. Tools are sort of like a boat that helps man cross a river. Once you cross, you dont need the boat anymore. It instead becomes a hinderance for you to continue to carry it once its purpose is done. But also you can also interpret this ‘tool’ to be the human ego, so actually I agree with you.


have fun in hell, user.

Alien controlled monoliths make monkeys into star beings

How about HAL is the jewish golem that turns on his master. Like that analogy, kike?

mind explaining or even showing a scene from 2001 with a fucking obelisk?


hal represents goliath, goy. completely outmatched, david manages to defeat hal, just like in the torah.

>man bows down to god

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Nope HAL is the golem, just like the muslims you brought to USA to subvert the nation that will inevitably destroy you

based schizo

It's like a space movie but it's got all this stuff about evolution in the beginning. Then there's this super smart computer thing that keeps fucking up and it's all mysterious what's going on. It's long as fuck so don't get impatient but it gets super crazy in the end. Good luck little dude, and also hey, thanks for sucking my cock earlier. Peace god bless

Spaceman Sam goes on an adventure to defeat the evil robot
Then the space baby attacks