Is this really what london is like now?
Is this really what london is like now?
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I’m fine with that if it has qts like this running around.
whoa damn scary
>african butchers
what did they mean by this
Like what?
Do I spy a cute girl?
I don't think she's safe tho
That's a dude.
She's a violent individual, known for curb stomping pakis
I think you do well spotted user
That's a very cute dude.
Afraid so. Driving in from Heathrow is like touring a middle eastern city until you get into the heart of London. But even then parts of London are overun, like Herrod’s.
With a very feminine penis, no doubt.
>Driving in from Heathrow is like touring a middle eastern city until you get into the heart of London
Are they already at Paris level?
Wow 20 year old women look like this?
Guess we’ll have to move out to the English countryside, then.
God I wish shed do this to my balls barefoot
>12 years old
>Driving down the m4 or m40/a40 is like touring the middle east
Globalism has successfully redefined and in some cases entirely erased our national identities. It's like this in pretty much every major/capital city in Europe; packed full of increasing amounts of third world riff raff, which forces the locals to evacuate/white flight to surrounding areas until they to get 'diversified'. The dance will continue until we run out of land to escape to and every city, town and suburb is 'diverse'.
At least they're bringing the food over. The Turks were based enough to bless Germany with the Doner kebab before being forcibly assimilated by ex-Stasi who weren't going to tolerate sharia enclaves in a united Germany. That's a hint, by the by: take what you want of them, then make them bend the knee or face exile.
>b-but the food
such a brainlet take
He probably went through the centre of Hounslow which is a depressing Muslim dump
She hit the wall and come back. Dare i say based?
How can she reverse age
Budget Holly Earl
>hit the wall
Well, she was literally at the brink of death
Scuffed Emilia Clarke
>no trash
it's either a nice area or a picture from a few years ago
Yes. You can, in fact, buy delicious meat in London.
>He probably went through the centre of Hounslow
Serves him right. Also thought Hounslow is full of Polish now
Souless Emilia
She has Benjamin Button disease, best get to her before she reverts back to a toddler state,
>visible dragons tattoo
I was just in London, it's like an Islamic caliphate. At least 15-20% of the women I saw were wearing burqas or hijabs.
Kate is DAMAGED so of course she has tattoos
Will jannies stop being fucking assblasted already
If you go south of the Thames in suburbs like Brixton and Deptford you will see a lot of africans.
You can eat giant snails at these places. True stories
>best role is ...uhhhh
>better version
i second this... why do i need to know that they are from africa
I think you are exaggerating
>tattoos means damaged
boomer please return to your nap
I know you can't comprehend this, because it didn't come out of a microwave, but there is literally nothing better than a Doner and a beer at 0300 when the club closes. I pray you're able to afford to travel someday and experience it for yourself, so as to dispel the woeful ignorance in which your skull currently floats. If I may resort to metaphor, I would happily stranglefuck your sister to death for a Doner kebab cart where I'm living now.
I was born in 2000 and i know tattoos are for degenerates
Not Emilia's tho
Are you The Mask?
99% of tattoos are degenerate
Very cute
She has a special meaning behind each one, though. And they’re small and tasteful. It’s not like she just decided to get randomly tatted up.
Extremely cute
Her father
>white ink tattoo on her finger
You know she's cute when she looks 10x better tired with messy hair after getting off a plane compared to having professional makeup artsts spending hours doing her makeup
so you have a better idea on what they might sell
Didn't she get a brain oopsie? So she's like half retarded now.
The white ink one is probably her father too, she got it about 6 months before he died
I think Kate's more autistic than retarded
I think the white tat is a love knot that also honors her father. She hasn’t revealed what it means, so it must be deeply personal to her.
She looks cute even in death bed
no bully
Yeah, it even looks like a true love knot
It seems to have only effected her fashion sense and levels of cuteness
She only has a little brain damage. It makes her even more cute.
>no friends
>poor social skills
>doesn't take care of herself
Yeah I'm thinking she's autismo
She hasn't revealed about the goat one either, we just found out because of pic related
>no friends
>poor social skills
>doesn't take care of herself
So there's a chance that she posts here?
She's a bloomer
from her deathbed
Did all the Christians get raptured or something? Is that why there are so many Muz?
To be fair the goat one is under her armpit, so it can rarely be seen. The white tat is on her finger, and she’s quick to point it out, but not the meaning behind it.
i wish i could relentless kiss those tasteful nigger lips
>nigger lips
Wrong and rude, tasteful pajeeta lips
The goat one is hidden, the only reason we know about it is because she recently wore a sheer dress and we're just assuming what the meaning is
Yes, we’re the reason she’s so insecure about herself. Way to go, assholes.
woah slow down you don't want to take it too far
The bench has literally a goat in memory of her father, it's 100% the meaning
How can they even Fucking afford it? Shouldn't London be all Hipster bankers and shit?
I like the way they curl up
They probably get something from the government
Would you not leave if you had to live next to niggers
reexamine youre perthatic existance pleb
>Targ sigil on phone
She loved Dany so much, and they fucking ruined her.
She's living with her sister or friend and probably doesn't pay rent since she gets kicked out at the start of the movie
Is that...
My queen...?
Gib cute pajeeta gf
They look very soft tbqhwyfamilia
She walked around London alone for hours after first reading the script
fuck D&D
Yes Kit. Shouldn't you been memorizing your lines for Eternals?
>god i wish that were me
Not to me
absolutely seething implying you waifu faggots care about roles
"bush meat"
Scuffed Emilia is cute but she's absolutely soulless dude
she became what she was heavily foreshadowed to become...
Me Before You is legitimately good you fag
We care. But i love them both, Holy Earl is a good actress.
>heavily foreshadowed
Maybe in the books of you cherrypick enough, but not in the show
The foreshadowing is hardly there in the series and it was still a rushed mess
but with less white people paris too isn't multi culti the best
hell I'm gonna invite all the coloreds from the local homeless shelter to come live in my house it's gonna be great. They will fix up my house and take care of me when I'm too old to take care of myself ,fuck having children.
Thats how the government says its going to work anyway and they are always right and never lie am i right
For me its Sally
You guys have unironically no idea how much pictures like this make me so happy. The Anglos, hand in hand with the Jews, have been responsible for so much war, misery, suffering, and devastation across the planet for the past hundreds of years than any other race. Seeing them being gradually made a minority in their own country makes me so happy. They fucking deserve every last second of it.
God I wish I had a Verena (forma de Emilia)
>unironically being this salty
From which vanquished nation do you hail sir?
look at this retarded nigger
the sun is responsible for the sins of the father
you know whites ended slaver we can start it up again anytime we feel like it nigger
Seething. Enjoy being a minority in your own country you pathetic sacks of shit.
eat shit darkie
>The time machine is ready, sir.
>Any time, any location in the world. Where is it, sir?
>London, 2007.
>Really? Access to all of history, and you're sure that's where you want to go?
>I have to warn you sir, it's a one way trip. You can't come back.
>I don't intend to come back.
no u
My ancestors didn't capture me and sell me to strangers for beads like yours did don't get mad at whites,your own people sold you like trash be mad at them.
Seethe more, my ugly buck-toothed friend. If the holocaust ever happens again but for real, you're going inside the ovens right alongside your hebraic friends.
If only you knew how bad things are.
>don’t get accepted into drama school
>never get a chance to meet her
>stuck in the past with no way to get back
>live the same shit gf-less decade all over again
Atleast i would be a rich fuck with Bitcoin money
jokes on you shitskin I hate jews and the white mans world ended in 1965 I welcome death
why 1965
Drama school was in 2009, user is smart and is going to a Emilia that just gratuated
This looks like Sally
no shit
>I hate jews
yet the anglos and americans are their most willing slaves on earth and are willing to destroy entire continents just to please their jew masters. You get what you deserve.
thats when they opened americas borders to shitskins before that you had to be white to get in and america was over 90%white now we're doomed to be replaced by the invaders no matter what short of hilter 2.0 that wins this time,fingers crossed.
What you really mean is brain washed christ cucks
who believe in a kike god so of course they will do what the kikes say duhh
>time travel to hook up with this ugly bitch
>the first time you try to talk to her she calls security and has a retraining order put on you
fuck off varg. Christianity is literally and unironically the only true bastion of morality.
True Catholics and Orthdox Christians hate the kikes, the vatican was the most anti-israel entity in Europe. It's dumbshit protestards and evangelicals that worship the zionists.
>hilter 2.0 that wins this time,fingers crossed.
She will
America and Britain are cancers to humanity; them getting replaced is a good thing.
>the only true bastion of morality
ok,I'll give you 10 dollars to bash in this puppies head with a hammer
you telling me the only thing thats stopping you from getting the money for your next hit of crack is the kike book????
and that I that absolutely do not believe in any man mad religion would jump at the same offer to make 10 bucks?????
What happened to the Emilia posting
Yeah we've all been there.
Catholics aren't even Christian, and your peasant ass wouldn't be literate if not for Luther.
Puppies are cute though and looking at cute things causes happiness sensations. What trash point are you trying to make with this? Add three or more zeros to that and I'd do it.
Sorry, I don't have much Emelia. Got too hopped collecting Moner in recent months.
I’ll bash your head in instead. You obviously have money to spend and you have more than 10 dollars in your wallet.
Pretty much every major English city is like this, London being the worst.
cursed image
Most kebab shops get shutdown due to hygiene, sometimes you get mystery meat that may or may not contain school girls. They are also a front for illegal activities like sex trafficking and drugs.
So you enjoy that lovely kebab that's probably swimming in shit particles.
>only a 1 day ban
Damn I'm jealous, all mine are 3 day
Central London yes, but it's surrounded by greater London which is various London boroughs and although still expensive it's cheaper than central London.
Greater London is where all the third world trash live but are slowly infecting central London.
Sometimes they're alright
What went wrong?
I'm hoping they're waiting to see how last christmas does then try to give it a proper release
>Catholics aren't even Christian
Ironic from a literal heretic
production hell like VtfS and Solo
Emilia is cursed
Would be a shame if she cursed me lol
Last Christmas will be a success.
30m budget and 70m box office
7,5 on IMDb and 70% on RT
trust me
>Catholics aren't even Christian
No True Scottsman faggotry. Imagine being anally retentive about an imaginary being and his imaginary rules.
Netflix could buy AS cheap right now
I was raped by muslims and I nearly died. I don't tell people because they get weird, but I don't think you'll get weird. I'm just scared all the time...
I'm surprised they haven't bought it already, some streaming service will pick it up after Last Christmas for sure
I hope so. Probably is not a good movie but i want to see Emilia's accent
You have to be a Christian to be a heretic, dumb-dumb. Don't you have some priest dick to suck in confession? The only worthwhile Catholic thinker was Augustine, Aquinas set western philosophy back centuries.
I don't give a shit about Abrahamic mythology, I give a shit about retard peasants who are elitist about worshiping a shitty globalist state organization that cannibalized both the religion it claims to be the "true authority" of, plus all the little religions and cults in the regions it had political domain over. And before you project, no I'm not a Vargfag either. Just hate elitist Catholic scum who act like hot shit on the internet. (And the fact that a minor comment in my post got all the backlash by insecure zealot faggots despite the fact their retarded modernist off-topic bullshit was what I was criticising in the first place.)
>that eyebrow game
I really need to start getting watching more with her.
>he doesn't know
Back in the day I suggested that The Rock's Eyebrow should've gotten a Best Supporting Actor Nomination, but she's far and away surpassed the master.
heyzeus cree-stow, if there was only someway that whites could recreate a chicken wrap without giving their country away.
kys faggot
>it's okay when a guy has expressive eyebrows but not a woman
the absolute state of Yea Forums from 2012 to 2019
i have expressive eyebrows you fag
>he doesn't know about the undisputed queen of eyebrows
Sweet ignorance
Eyebrows unlocked.
it's worse
I'm just critiquing the general Yea Forums consensus
I never projected any such thing, and these recent Emelia threads (plus finally getting around to Solo and finding it underrated) has got me to consider I need to check out more of her filmography.
Also I was on Yea Forums when it was a probationary board.
Me Before You is required viewing
Apart Solo, GoT and Me Before You she only made some indie movies. You can love or hate, it's a 50/50 chance
Also Terminator: Genesys, which is a bad movie unfortunately
>report all illegal immigrants
it's secret code meaning they serve human flesh
cutest eyebrows
It's happening all over Europe
Kate needs protecting.
I supply ingredients to restaurants as a job, even 5 star restaurants have a shit covered area that no one bothers cleaning until the end of the day
Imagine thinking a hapa could protect her. Most immersion breaking part of the film
If 12.5% asian Emilia and the hapa ghost had a baby, what percentage asian would it be?
1/16 + 1/4
what part of africa is that?
Birmingham probably
Mate it's 1/8 + 1/2 which is 62.5%
Now halve that because your kid only gets half your genes
I think it's 31.25%.
Emilia plus Hapa is 62.5%
How are you getting anything else it's 0.5+0.125
If Emilia had a kid with a white guy her kid would be 1/16th Inidan, hopefully you can deduce the rest
madrid I'm so glad hitler lost...
Actually it's just water
if Hitler hadn't waged war on Europe then the post WW2 migrations would never have happened
brits are all disgusting chavs
cutest girl in London
The one pajeet who won't be deported on the day of reckoning
because africans secretly sell contraband bush meat to eachother, true story
I think I'll wait ;)
Haha imagine her waking up super bloated and waddling into the bathroom to take an explosive shit lol
Degens out
I nearly got robbed and beaten up by a black guy in london on my first visit
That's just part and parcel of being in a big city
>ugly bitch
Sadly, yes. Unless you're in a gentrified area, you're basically in a foreign city. Commuting is hellish and too expensive, but it's still tough to get local work. I can't wait to get out of here.
Cutest catholic
>tfw 3 day ban
Where would you take Emilia out on your first date?
London is a shithole but at least it isn't this bad.
Hasn't she worn that earring to multiple events? Were they all close together?
I think so
The Emmy voting was yesterday btw
So who actually votes, I saw Maisie did so is it all the nominees plus some "journalists"
London is like 40-50% white, so yes.
It's 60% white if you include poles and irish
London is a very multicultural city like most major ones.
Also has the issues of ridiculous property values and large gaps in class
its no different to Manhattan. Maybe bit nicer tbqh
>tfw forcing myself to go to the Beyonce concert with her just cause I know it'll make her happy
And 100% rotten if you include brits only.
Have you even been to Germany? It's so turkified there's hardly any Europeans left
>then make them bend the knee or face exile.
You wish lol.
There's something wrong with your Emilia
Members of the Academy, basically industry professionals.
He's not. Tourists thinks he can randomly tour the city. Take a wrong turn somewhere and meet one of the enriched places where 80% of the population are either pakis or niggs.
If you do this, and only visit a few neighborhoods in a one or two day stay, there is nothing out of possibility with 15% trash bag women. It's doable to avoid nearly all of them but you need to know the city beforehand.
>banned for Emiliaposting
you are like a little child
watch this
lmao, some janny is a jew
>muh Döner
Emilia Clarke is the only one good thing to come out of bongland
>Call me fat one more time, I dare you
Hey, she's the one that thinks she's fat.
Good incel racists outta know their place: the garbage bin
A while ago someone said her BaT play got it's run cut short because she's shit, is that true?
If it was cut short there's a good possibility it was because of the brain surgery
I think It got cut short because of the brain stuff, she was suddenly MIA after BaT ended
She looks ripped here
snu snu
Yeah, according to her public appearance timeline, she disappeared at the beginning of May and didn’t reappear until Comic Con in July. Even then she was carrying around a bottle of morphine to manage the pain.
Should i believe this guy?
328. ENTERTAINMENT LAWYER 08/27 **#8**
This foreign born A- list mostly television actress who starred in a now-defunct hit pay cable show is currently in talks to play this black hat magical magician which will be a leading part in this super squad of villains in the second installment of this franchise which is being directed by the pedophilia supporter. Emilia Clarke ("Game of Thrones")/"Zatanna"/"Suicide Squad 2"/James Gunn (Zatanna Movie Was Reportedly Discussed By Warner Bros. & DC Films) (James Gunn Makes It Clear His Suicide Squad Movie Is Not Called Suicide Squad 2)
No. And fuck DC.
>Even then she was carrying around a bottle of morphine to manage the pain.
>It will take 3 to 6 weeks to fully recover from a brain aneurysm. If you had bleeding from your aneurysm this may take longer. You may feel tired for up to 12 or more weeks.
Poor little thing
He said Last Christmas was a straight to netflix film so nah
Also said she was casting couching in LA when she was actually in Glastonbury
you don't need to know, the africans living there want to know
You mean tuff little thing. She’s faced a lot of shit in her life, and just came out stronger.
I'm thinking she's based, just look at this power stance
Kek, I was the user you replied to. They got me too for using an avatar even though it was just a reaction image of Emilia. Someone in that thread was either a janny or reported us
I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Emilia in that outfit but don't trust blind items. They just throw anything out there hoping people only remember that shit everyone knew already anyway like Spacey and Weinstein
>mfw pakis haven't discovered liverpool yet
it might be a shithole, but it's our shithole
As a long time Zatanna fan, I don't think she fits the role. Zatanna is more flirty and Emilia is too pure to play her
I'm in awe of the size of this lass
That seems such an odd thing for a Scouser to say. I'll have to think it over.
>Emilia isnt flirty
Absolute unit
what a fat bastard
What you call fat i call thic
>photoshopping perfection
Emilia disapproves of this
that's a healthy ass!
I didn't knew It was shopped
still thic
very close to some cheeks
should emilia play Zatanna?
I'm pretty sure she wants to avoid overtly sexual roles that are sexy just for the sake of being sexy
They could give her a less sexy outfit, i can kinda see it desu
>0:54 - 1:08
fucking hell lads I'd never looked up a video of her walking in heels before
Still can't find a video of the twirl though
that's a fucking lewd dress and i love it
Best post yet
im way off baseline bros
Here's your typical African Butcher in London.
I will never understand why Europeans are so obsessed with kebabs
Just make your own salad at home
What's it like to hold the hand of someone you love? Interlinked.
She said she always takes the more challenging roles so i think she would accept it. Almost certain that is not true, but she would accept it if it was.
Looking into the eyes of someone you love. Cells
She also probably wants to stay away from capeshit (especially DC if she's smart) because of the hate she got from other franchise films (Genisys and Solo)
Lol when happened this? 2014? I remember that this was in somehow the start of terrorists attack along with Charlie Hebdo
What's it like to hold your child in your arms? Interlinked.
Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked. Within cells interlinked.
>be me
>fly to UK for a job interview
>kicking around airport for a while until my AirBnB opens, looking around at the signs and things
>arrivals over there
>security office over there
>bureau de change in that direction
>bathrooms over there
>wudu over there
>what's a wudu
Have the original
They can give her a more appropriate outfit like they did Captain Marvel
It's a redpilled warning. There are African Butchers (murderers) all over London.
Not from the UK but I've seen Muslims standing in public washroom sinks washing their feet before. It's fucking nasty, you'd think for a cult that tells you to wash your body so often they wouldn't fucking stink so bad
wtf does this have to do with Yea Forums?
Absolutely nothing but it survived longer than the average thread about one of Emilia's roles lmao
Fuck jannies
that's the dream to be perfectly honest
>it survived longer than the average thread about one of Emilia's roles lmao
And said threads actually had discussion about the movie
guess who's that cute in the OP's pic
around 2013/2014, it's been a long time.
For the same reason you see "Chinese restaurant Long Wang" when you go to a chinese restaurant, duh
But a butcher is always.. a butcher
audible laughter
It's political
So are Halal and Kosher butchers. They may have different ways of sacrificing their livestock following ancient ooga booga traditions, or serve rhino steak or something.
The name normally gives that one away
>I will die never knowing what that feels like
Brixton has always been predominantly black since windrush. Go to west London where you have to wear sunnies 24/7 because of all the porcelain skin
It's BSU's competition.
>it’s another mutts think they know what other cities are like episode
But they still add it
hick faggot
imagine the smooches
Lou is the cutest character ever
Me on the right
bold statement
Me on the left
Perfect thighs
I am slowly falling away from Emilia I need something to really bring me back to the dedication I had before
nice bait brother
its not really I had a solid drive for the last 3 months and its going away, that was my first post in 48hours
See you in a week lol
30 minutes*
>"This job can be so alienating,” she says. “You’re in a trailer by yourself. You’re in a car by yourself. You’re in a plane. You’re in a plane. You’re in a plane. That’s what success looks like if you’re an actor. Success looks like being alone.”
Incels interlinked.
at least someone is breaking free from this curse
She cant keep getting away with it
smol and cold
I live in Deptford. It's a fun place. Walk down the high street any time there's always some mad fuckers about.
so europe is ok with all the issues migrants bring because they also bring greasy food and mystery meat that can only be enjoyed while drunk at 3 am? Is that the gist of it?
or is that just germany
Sorry, but what does this have to do with Yea Forums?
it's been like this for more than a decade
Was Dany her worst role?
fuck this spamming cunt
I bet he'd kill himself if he knew there was a thread up all day that he didn't find
No way, Dany got her through her aneurysms
I'm not saying it was bad for her. I'm saying that she played it terribly compared to her other roles.
half due to D&D's directing
Not really, they told her to act all stoic and she did, I never thought it was terrible anyway
>20 seconds of a 3-minute video
Nice clickbait, uploader
I read somewhere she was considered for the part of the Empress in the first movie. Maybe this is their way of making it up to her?
Quotes like is is what convinces me she’s going to transition to theater acting. In a MBY interview, she was ecstatic that she could go home every night after filming. I’m thinking she’ll want to stay closer to her friends and family, and as far away from Hollywood as possible.
She's already sold her LA house so she'll probably stick to smaller UK productions
and that's a good thing because she's cutest in them