Lads I began to teach my first real semester in college ( the other times have been summer courses) in film theory...

Lads I began to teach my first real semester in college ( the other times have been summer courses) in film theory. As a way to gauge their knowledge of films I ask everyone to name their favorite film here’s what I got out of my three classes.

40 Avengers Endgame

17 infinity war

4 Aladdin (2019 )

3 toy story 4

2 citizen Kane

2 Sorcerer

2 The Turin Horse

1 The Shining

1 2001 a space odyssey

1 2010 the year we make contact

1 A clockwork orange

1 obvious child

1 lady bird

1 Finding Nemo

1 tiny furniture

1 midnight express

What’s scarier than their picks is the fact that they think those are the greatest films ever made. Over half of them want to be film directors and are not just taking my class for a easy a like the kids in summer do. Is this future of film discussion and filmmaking? Has Disney ruined a generation of cinephiles? Am I just being a pretentious faggot?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dubs and you kill yourself right fucking now.

No, its probably cause you teach at a joke college in a joke course.

The real filmmakers know what is good and they succeed, everyone else flips patties.

whats your favorite movie fgt?

LARP. In my film classes 5 years ago everyone said their favorite films were the IMDB top 10, and then a couple guys who picked obvious pretension

I truly hope you get found out to be the problem that is our education system.

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Give the ni ggers who said Turin Horse and Sorcerer passes or I'll kill you

>film teacher
You deserve this dipshit

It’s a decent university but not top 15.


F is for fake

>That guy in class who thinks The Dark Knight is the greatest film of all time

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For which community college do you teach?

Isn't that to be expected? Why else would they go to film school/class if they already have good knowledge about it?

I’m pretty sure they’ll do fine

Do you expect us to believe two random people said Sorcerer was their favorite movie? Ya right

Like I’ll say

Yeah but my other classes weren’t dead set on working in the industry. After I voice how hard it was me just to do a couple of shitty commercials I’m pretty sure they’ll change their majors.

>2 Sorcerer
Find these kids and give them an A immediately

This is fake right?

You should have failed them all right there and then, done a 360 and walked away.

Surprised you weren’t more shocked by The Turin Horse. I haven’t heard anyone even talk about that film In public since it’s release. They probably bandwagon on the resurgence of it.

>I’m pretty sure they’ll change their majors.
You're probably right. Good luck in teaching your students and fucking some 'filmbuff' stacy

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Thanks. But after a recent incident with a colleague I don’t even want to be in the same room alone with a student male or female.

Maybe you could teach them?

That is your job after all. Or you could show them A Single Man and fuck them all or you could show them pic related and be a boss.

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Take the two kids who said Turin House aside and read them this quote from Orson Welles:
>"I know that directors find serious and sensitive audiences for films where people sit around peeling potatoes in the peasant houses—but I can't read that kind of novel either. Somebody has to be knocking at the door—I figure that is the way Shakespeare thought, so I can’t be in bad company!"
And then fail everyone in that class.

I took a film studies class once just for fun and my impression is that film majors are the biggest retards on the planet.

Film major students were unable to articulate any of their opinions. They were also unable to understand any basic terminology. One lesson was about cinematography and I was the only student who could tell the difference between a shot with a telephoto lens or a wide angle lens, everyone else just made random comments about editing or set design with the teacher constantly saying "okay, that's not cinematography... that's an editing technique..." Saw some nice films out of it though, like My Best Fiend.

Lying faggot.

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>4 Aladdin (2019)
gave your bait away

I plan on teaching them. Would love to show them that but I can only show a certain amount of films in my class now. A lot of students went on rate my professor and said that the class in mostly just watching movies. I do plan on giving extra credit if they write a paper on a film prior to the 80s. So I guess I’ll add that to the list of recommendations.

Sorcerer for real?

I have to buy this. The library has the other name this goes under, Death to Wagie Cagers but it is not the same. It;s from the 40s.

I see a lot of guys succeeding without that.

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>1 midnight express

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Pretty sure you are supposed to encourage, not discourage.

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I will but I want them to know that it’s a steep as fuck mountain to climb. Those will the will and talent will disregard my warning. I don’t want them to waste 17 years of their life like I did pursuing a dream that was perpetually out of their reach.

Film majors are typically people who like watching entertaining movies and think it would be a blast to work on them, not people seriously interested in film as an artform. I remember one kid in a class was asked by the instructor what he wanted to be when he grew up and he said a director. So the instructor asked him

Do you own a video camera?
I think you should consider other options

I don't know what you expected in this day and age of pop culture.

>1 tiny furniture
actually based

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why the fuck are so many Yea Forums users teachers? is it a third world thing or is it just to get close to kids?

Recency bias

The whole thing is obviously fake. College film classes don't involve listing your favorite film, no teacher or professor gives the slightest shit. Any greentext you see on Yea Forums talking about people listing their favorite films on the first day of a class is bullshit from anons who have never actually taken film courses.

No one said Lethal Weapon? Is your school entirely women?

>Is this future of film discussion and filmmaking?
Political Correctness extinguishes original thought.

The Bunker Hill Community College scene in "Good Will Hunting" when Robin William's character asks why trust is so important and the student says "Trust is life" is my experience of the average student.

It’s not part of the curriculum just a first day get to know each other type of thing. It also tells me how much terms that I need to explain.

>not one person says Fellowship of the Ring

Jesus Christ this world is doomed

amazing, not one of them chose a good movie

>be me
>first day of film school
>teacher asks us to go around and name our favorite film
>people saying shit like citizen kane, marvel endgame, 2001, chinatown, shit like that
>get to me
>say "Fat Boy Breaks Ankle on Skateboard (2016)"
>pull out my iphone and show the class
>they love it. everyone enamered by the kino
>cuck teacher tries to regain their attention.
>interrupt him in the middle of the sentence, he doesn't even do anything, just passively submits to me
>tell the class i've got a whole kino playlist
>they want to see more. everyone's attention is on me. class is in a trance.
>stacy's panties are soaking wet at this point.
>"now this one is called a chavs leg gets stuck in a wall !!!! (MUST WATCH) (2009)"
>class fucking loves this shit. people literally clapping for me at this point.
>teacher furious by now
>stands up starts yelling
>pause in a moment of silence, give the teach a cold look
>slowly stand up
>"well, teach. i don't want study film..."
>put on sunglasses even though i'm indoors
>"i want to run a seed and feed store"

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If a teacher browsed Yea Forums they probably wouldn't be allowed to teach.
forgot link for anyone interested

no joke a teacher at my high school got fired for shitposting to Yea Forums on the school's network.

Both the first and second movies made more money than the other ones combined. Your students know where their priorities are. Putting food on the table. Maybe if you did, you would've been a successful director and not teaching college. Lol.

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Based, great playlist user

Absolutely based

I'm sorry to break it to you, but almost any class having to do with film is treated as a complete joke by the students.
Here's a blogpost. I really enjoy film music; I'm very excited by all the different ways a scene can be interpreted just by changing the music, and how the music twists your perception one way or another. I went to college and was over the moon to discover they had a class for film music. I get there and it's a bunch of jocks and retards who just want to watch movies in class. One day we watched "Star Wars" since it's a quintessential Hollywood score, and our only responsibility was to tally how often each musical theme played. The dumbass next to me leans over and in full seriousness says, "Damn! This guy is tough." That was what the whole semester was like. Complete morons who had no interest in film, music, or any combination. They just didn't want to take a class which required thinking. One girl just played Lego videogames on her laptop the whole time.
Don't expect much from your students, OP. Especially considering the list you've given.

Someone even remembers 2010, much less likes it?

Maybe someone got confused over the exact date in the title and wrote "2010" instead of "2001". Barely anyone knows that movie exists.

You don’t know much professors huh? As long as your not a dumbass and try to browse on a work computer or use the campus WiFi you’ll be fine.

Mine is lotr two towers

This was my experience in my film genres class. Roasties and normalfags all dumber than shit. Many of them had never seen a black and white movie before.

Story time

My favorite movie is the terror within 2

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great blog faggot

Nothing you haven’t heard. She came on to him (probably to raise her grade to a passing one) he rejected her and told her that he was going to report the incident. She also reported the next day but had a friend in the class said the professor was the aggressor and that he hit her. She had a bruise probably from her friend. Investigation happened and she picked a dude that was volunteering and a blood drive at the time of the alleged incident. He still has to go to sensitivity training and isn’t aloud to be alone with any students. The female student transferred to another school she didn’t even receive any disciplinary action.

I took Cinema Appreciation in college as an arts elective (yay state schools) and he asked.

Mfw it was a one day a week class (3hrs) and first night he showed "City Lights" and made sure to emphasize attendance happened after the movie and it was too uncomfortable in the class to sleep

It was hilarious watching normies take the red-pill of seeing movies made before 2005.

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You’ll probably have to try to teach a more advanced film course if you want to filter out the plebs. Entry film courses are treated as a joke and are known to be piss easy filler for GE requirements. From experience, most college students are capeshitting Disney drones or weebs who only watch cartoons

>isn't aloud to be alone with any-
so, you're an instructor?

he's a fucking poseur haha

Implying that I (or anyone)care about grammar or word structure outside of my job. Based Autist. Most people on this site don’t proofread their word vomit me included.

Did you finish high school (yet)?


I don’t know about high school but I definitely finished in your mom and dad last night.


>Lads I began to teach my first real semester in college

What kind of person would have the Aladdin remake as their favourite movie? Are you sure they meant the new one and not the animated one, as a childhood classic?

I told my film teacher that my favorite movie of all time was Scott Pilgrim vs the World and was very shocked when the response he gave was positive

Tonight on Shit That Never Happened...

this and 0 Godfather/Vertigo votes

>F is for fake
it's "F For Fake" you larping fraud faggo

The Sting is on Starz MPlex right now.

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I didn't even realize they made a fourth Toy Story. Also
>1 2010 the year we make contact
Give this lad an A.

Those who can’t do, teach
t. Have taught before