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I dont get it



>we must get guns away from white people


>le 20% meme

Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread
Gay Shill Thread
>Gay Shill Thread

Homos and other sexual deviants who should be gassed.

>imagine being this retarded

This is a gay friendly board, /pol/scum.

Fuck you, kike. The 50 gay Netflix threads on the board are completely organic and the low energy threads trying to meme this nigger are completely real.

yea bro it's all a psyop

bump for this seething incel

Based desu

If only he wasn’t such a faggot over guns he’d be the most based black man currently alive

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>if only he 100% agreed with my views he'd be the most based le black man
is this really how your feeble zoomer mind operates?

he's right you know

it's a retarded way to view people.
zoomers were a mistake

he's right you know

He doesn’t have to agree with all of my views, but his particular opinion on guns is retarded. Do you understand yet dumb boomer?

He's 100% right about guns though.

>I like a person when he agrees with me
>I like a person less when he disagrees with me
Not really that strange, I think you are just overreacting.

this dude is not funny in the slightest but at least hes not a pussy

except he's not and that's fine, its not an all or nothing issue except when faggots like yourself make it one

if you don't like Dave Chappelle you are a racist bigot, ITS FUCKING 2019 PEOPLE

how would you even go about making fun of an asexual?

Care to extrapolate?

This but unironically. We MUST stand with the black man if it means hating on LGBT.

My money, my choice

>I like a person less when he disagrees with me
Yes that's a retarded way to view people. I have friends whose views vary wildly from mine and I don't think any less or like them any less for it. This is honestly SJW tier logic on your end.

call them an incel

CIA niggers
FBI niggers
DOJ niggers
CNN niggers
MSNBC niggers
FOX niggers

go back to Yea Forums bitch

I diagree immensely, but I checked and based regardless.

ya seethin' mark?

That's definitively true, if you don't choose to have a sex drive then you are celibate involuntarily.

ya boilin little man?

>watch the special
>all the black people are laughing
>all the wypipo arent
why is this?

rethink what you typed

Dave Shillpelle

>I am so enlightened everyone is right in their own way
no one actually thinks like this and if they do they are just an aloof faggot. No one is talking about disowning someone over anything in here but if you don't think you aren't judging people even minutely you are lying to yourself.

Whites are butthurt that they're on the chopping block for once.

If you've got a point to make, better wrap it up quickly.

At first, I was confused. Was he talking about alphabet agencies or the faggot community? Then I realized there was little difference between the two

Oh nevermind its fags and trannys

it was the summer of 92

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>I am so enlightened everyone is right in their own way
Didn't say that or even imply it ya jabroni. All I said was I could get along with people despite their views and not like them any less for it. I know it's hard for your zoomer mind to comprehend.

Exactly, Dave’s still hilarious, I liked the special, it’s when he goes on his “dude they don’t want us to have guns lmao!” soap box it’s a slight turn off, that’s not

>hurr you don’t like Dave!!!


He literally says he owns several guns in this special?

and that person never said he couldn't get along with someone over it either. Get over yourself fucking drama queen.

>and that person never said he couldn't get along with someone over it either.
He said he likes people less when they disagree with them retard. Read the chain

20% of the alphabet is only 5 letters.

just how many letters does this nigger think are in the alphabet?

that isn't him retard
this is him:

>being a mark for flippy midgets

>anytime a new, interesting show or movie comes out, Yea Forums is not allowed to talk about it
Imagine being this retarded, tranny.

>being this autistic

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>if you own guns you can’t have a shitty opinion on them

Oh how simple a life you live

Asexual people don't have some condition that prevents them from having sex, dear retard. Sex is a non-issue for an asexual. t. an asexual

That's like calling a white dude nigger. Sure someone might take offense for whatever reason but it doesn't really apply.

Unfunny nigger who will be forgotten again in 2 years

being this niggerly he thinks the alphabet is huge. 26 is too many to count for niggers.

gotta love it when leftists start shouting nigher when he calls faggots out for doing faggot shit

So you're upset that Chappelle was off by 1 letter in a fucking joke in a comedy set?

Seethe more, tranny.

LGBTQ is 5 letters, retard

Who gave the faggots so much power?

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Are you fucking serious?

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How could someone make fun of a fucking retard?
have we really fallen this far?


Hmmm looks like 20% to me.

He disappeared for 1½ decades and no one forgot him


also checks out

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look at this seething mental case

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